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2024-07-11 09:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265







以下单词以及原文均来自GEE网站,网址如下 数据和案例 主要是介绍各大地理空间数据,包括整个 EROS(USGS / NASA)Landsat 目录,大量的 MODIS 数据集,Sentinel-1数据,NAIP 数据,降水量数据,海面温度数据,CHIRPS 气候数据和海拔数据。

![请添加图片描述](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/6ac10d5ee32e481f964acc925bedef56.png?x-oss-process=image/watermark,type_d3F5LXplbmhlaQ,shadow_50,text_Q1NETiBA6YWS6YWS6YWSNzA1,size_20,color_FFFFFF,t_70,g_se,x_16) 二、A planetary-scale platform for Earth science data & analysis

Planetary:adj.行星的;地球的;流浪的;漂泊不定的; Scale:n.(相对的)大小,规模,范围;尺度;标度;等级表;级别表;比例;比例尺; Platform:n.(进行某种活动的)平台,台; 原句:A planetary-scale for Earth science data & analysis 译文:一个行星尺度的地球科学数据和分析平台

Archive:n.档案;案卷;档案馆;档案室; Imagery:n.(文学作品中的)形象化描述,意象描写;(这里我理解为图像或是影像) Datasets:n.数据集 原句:Earth Engine’s public data archive includes more than forty years of historical imagery and scientific datasets, updated and expanded daily. 译文:地球引擎的公共数据档案包括超过四十年的历史图像和科学数据集,每日更新和扩大。

Catalog:n.目录 原句:Earth Engine Data Catalog 译文:地球引擎数据目录

2.Climate and Weather

Thermal satellite:热成像卫星 Sensors:传感器 Emissivity:发射率 Derived:派生 Spacecraft:航天器 Raw:生的 原句:Thermal satellite sensors can provide surface temperature and emissivity information. The Earth Engine data catalog includes both land and sea surface temperature products derived from several spacecraft sensors, including MODIS, ASTER, and AVHRR, in addition to raw Landsat thermal data. 译文:热卫星传感器可以提供地表温度和发射率的信息。地球引擎数据目录包括来自几个航天器传感器的陆地和海洋表面温度产品,包括 MODIS, ASTER, and AVHRR,以及原始陆地卫星热数据。

Generate:vt.发;产生;造成;引起;产生;生成; Predictions:vt.预测 Interpolations:n.插值 Variables:变量 Reanalysis:再分析 Gridded:网格的 Meteorological:adj.气象的 Downscaled:缩小规模 原文:Climate models generate both long-term climate predictions and historical interpolations of surface variables. The Earth Engine catalog includes historical reanalysis data from NCEP/NCAR, gridded meteorological datasets like NLDAS-2, and GridMET, and climate model outputs like the University of Idaho MACAv2-METDATA and the NASA Earth Exchange’s Downscaled Climate Projections. 译文:气候模型生成长期气候预测和地表变量的历史插值。 Earth Engine 目录包括来自 NCEP/NCAR 的历史再分析数据、网格化气象数据集(如 NLDAS-2 和 GridMET)以及气候模型输出(如爱达荷大学 MACAv2-METDATA 和 NASA Earth Exchange 的缩减气候预测)。

Atmospheric:adj.大气的;大气层的;气氛的;氛围的; Instruments:仪器 原文:You can use atmospheric data to help correct image data from other sensors, or you can study it in its own right. The Earth Engine catalog includes atmospheric datasets such as ozone data from NASA’s TOMS and OMI instruments and the MODIS Monthly Gridded Atmospheric Product. 译文:您可以使用大气数据来帮助纠正来自其他传感器的图像数据,或者您可以自行研究它。Earth Engine 目录包括大气数据集,例如来自 NASA 的 TOMS 和 OMI 仪器的臭氧数据以及 MODIS 月度网格化大气产品。

Forecasted:n.预测;预报v.预测 Precipitation:n.降水;降水;降水量;沉淀; Humidity:n.潮湿;湿润;湿度; Variables:变量 Sources:来源 Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission:热带降雨测量任务 原文:Weather datasets describe forecasted and measured conditions over short periods of time, including precipitation, temperature, humidity, and wind, and other variables. Earth Engine includes forecast data from NOAA’s Global Forecast System (GFS) and the NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFSv2), as well as sensor data from sources like the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). 译文:天气数据集描述了短期内的预测和测量条件,包括降水、温度、湿度和风以及其他变量。 Earth Engine 包括来自 NOAA 全球预报系统 (GFS) 和 NCEP 气候预报系统 (CFSv2) 的预报数据,以及来自热带降雨测量任务 (TRMM) 等来源的传感器数据。


joint program:联合计划 observing:观察 continuously:连续地 present:现在的 resolution: n.决议;决定;决心;坚定;坚决;解决;分辨率;清晰度;判决;(这里是分辨率的意思) multispectra:多光谱 原文:Landsat, a joint program of the USGS and NASA, has been observing the Earth continuously from 1972 through the present day. Today the Landsat satellites image the entire Earth’s surface at a 30-meter resolution about once every two weeks, including multispectral and thermal data. 译文:Landsat 是 USGS 和 NASA 的联合计划,从 1972 年至今一直在持续观测地球。 今天,Landsat 卫星大约每两周一次以 30 米的分辨率对整个地球表面进行成像,包括多光谱和热数据。

Initiative: n.行动计划;措施;倡议;首创性;主动性; Commission: n.佣金;委员会;委托;委任;犯罪;vt.授予;使服役;委托(这里是委员会的意思) Radar:n.雷达;雷达设备; Monitoring:监测 high-resolution optical images:高分辨率光学影像 原文:The Copernicus Program is an ambitious initiative headed by the European Commission in partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA). The Sentinels include all-weather radar images from Sentinel-1A and -1B, high-resolution optical images from Sentinel 2A and 2B, as well as ocean and land data suitable for environmental and climate monitoring from Sentinel 3. 译文:哥白尼计划是一项雄心勃勃的计划,由欧盟委员会牵头,与欧洲航天局 (ESA) 合作。 Sentinel 包括来自 Sentinel-1A 和 -1B 的全天候雷达图像、来自 Sentinel 2A 和 2B 的高分辨率光学图像,以及来自 Sentinel 3 的适合环境和气候监测的海洋和陆地数据。

Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS):中分辨率成像光谱仪 Reflectance:反射率 Derived:派生 Indices:指数 原文:The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensors on NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites have been acquiring images of the Earth daily since 1999, including daily imagery, 16-day BRDF-adjusted surface reflectance, and derived products such as vegetation indices and snow cover. 译文:自 1999 年以来,NASA 的 Terra 和 Aqua 卫星上的中分辨率成像光谱仪 (MODIS) 传感器每天都在获取地球图像,包括每日图像、16 天 BRDF 调整的表面反射率以及植被指数和积雪等衍生产品。

Captures:捕获 finer:adj.好的;出色的 landscapes:风景 Agriculture:n.农业;农艺;农学;comp.农业的;农艺的;农学的 Aerial:n.天线;adj.空中的;(存在于)空中的; Coverage:覆盖 原文:High-resolution imagery captures the finer details of landscapes and urban environments. The US National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) offers aerial image data of the US at one-meter resolution, including nearly complete coverage every several years since 2003. 译文:高分辨率图像捕捉风景和城市环境的更精细细节。 美国国家农业影像计划 (NAIP) 以一米的分辨率提供美国的航空影像数据,包括自 2003 年以来每隔几年几乎完整的覆盖范围。


Digital Elevation:数字高程 Terrain:地形 Shuttle Radar:航天飞机雷达 Topography Mission:地形测绘任务 Regional:区域的 Hydrology:水文学 原文:Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) describe the shape of Earth’s terrain. The Earth Engine data catalog contains several global DEMs such as Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data at 30-meter resolution, regional DEMs at higher resolutions, and derived products such as the WWF’s HydroSHEDS hydrology database. 译文:数字高程模型 (DEM) 描述了地球地形的形状。 Earth Engine 数据目录包含多个全球 DEM,例如 30 米分辨率的航天飞机雷达地形任务 (SRTM) 数据、更高分辨率的区域 DEM,以及 WWF 的 HydroSHEDS 水文数据库等衍生产品。

physical landscape:自然景观 annual land cover maps:年度土地覆盖图 原文:Land cover maps describe the physical landscape in terms of land cover classes such as forest, grassland, and water. Earth Engine includes a wide variety land cover datasets, including global products such as NASA’s MODIS-derived annual land cover maps and ESA’s GlobCover, as well as higher-resolution national products such as the USGS National Land Cover Database. 译文:土地覆盖图以森林、草地和水域等土地覆盖类别来描述自然景观。 Earth Engine 包括种类繁多的土地覆盖数据集,包括全球产品,如 NASA 的 MODIS 衍生的年度土地覆盖图和 ESA 的 GlobCover,以及更高分辨率的国家产品,如 USGS 国家土地覆盖数据库。

Cropland:农田 water Consumption:用水量 Layers:图层 Global Food Security-Support Analysis Data:全球粮食安全——支助分析数据 Extent:n.范围;面积;程度; crop dominance:作物优势度 原文:Cropland data is key to understanding global water consumption and agricultural production. Earth Engine includes a number of cropland data products such as the USDA NASS Cropland Data Layers, as well as layers from the Global Food Security-Support Analysis Data (GFSAD) including cropland extent, crop dominance, and watering sources. 译文:农田数据是了解全球用水量和农业生产的关键。Earth Engine 包括许多农田数据产品,例如 USDA NASS 农田数据图层,以及来自全球粮食安全支持分析数据 (GFSAD) 的图层,包括农田范围、作物优势和水源。

Approximately:大约 Defense Meteorological Satellite Program’s:国防气象卫星计划 Operational Linescan System:操作线扫描系统 Continuously:连续地 原文:Data from other satellite image sensors is available in Earth Engine as well, including night-time imagery from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program’s Operational Linescan System (DMSP-OLS), which has collected imagery of night-time lights at approximately 1-kilometer resolution continuously since 1992. 译文:来自其他卫星图像传感器的数据也可在 Earth Engine 中获得,包括来自国防气象卫星计划的操作线扫描系统 (DMSP-OLS) 的夜间图像,该系统连续收集了大约 1 公里分辨率的夜间灯光图像 自 1992 年以来。



参考:@知乎“无形的风”等,环宇易研科技(第 五 届 “全国地球空间大数据与云计算研讨会”) and百度翻译






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