如何用英语表达各种“胖”和“瘦”?慎用哦! 您所在的位置:网站首页 英语胖的用英语怎么说 如何用英语表达各种“胖”和“瘦”?慎用哦!


2024-03-11 23:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Some of the patients were quite emaciated. (一些病人非常瘦弱。)

Some of the patients were quite emaciated. (一些病人非常瘦弱。)

6)The above adjectives are generally negative, but there are as many adjectives to describe people who are thin in a way that is positive. Probably the most common of these is slim. If someone is slim they are quite thin in a way that is attractive:

Charlotte was looking lovely and slim in the photos. (照片里的夏洛特看起来身材苗条,惹人喜爱。)

Charlotte was looking lovely and slim in the photos. (照片里的夏洛特看起来身材苗条,惹人喜爱。)

7)Other synonyms for ‘slim’ have an extra meaning in addition to ‘having little fat’. Slender, for example, means ‘slim and graceful’(苗条的;修长的):

She was small and slender, like a dancer. (她身材娇小苗条,像个舞者。)

She was small and slender, like a dancer. (她身材娇小苗条,像个舞者。)

8)Lean describes someone who is slim and strong(精瘦的;无脂肪的):

Long-distance runners are usually fairly lean. (长跑运动员往往很精瘦。)

Long-distance runners are usually fairly lean. (长跑运动员往往很精瘦。)

9)Petite, which is positive in tone,means ‘short and slim’ and is only used for women and girls(娇小的,只用于女性):

I vaguely remember her as being dark and petite. (我模模糊糊记得她皮肤浅黑,身材娇小。)

I vaguely remember her as being dark and petite. (我模模糊糊记得她皮肤浅黑,身材娇小。)

10)Slight, meanwhile, which is neither positive nor negative, means ‘thin and delicate’(纤细的;纤弱的):

We watched her slight figure cross the street. (我们看着她纤弱的身影穿过街道。)

We watched her slight figure cross the street. (我们看着她纤弱的身影穿过街道。)


1)Of course, there are just as many words to describe the opposite situation. Fat is probably the most commonly used adjective for describing someone who has too much flesh but, it is very direct(肥胖的;多脂肪的):

He was so fat that he had a double chin. (他胖得有双下巴了。)

He was so fat that he had a double chin. (他胖得有双下巴了。)

2)We sometimes use other, slightly less negative words to describe someone who is a little fat. Stocky, for example, means ‘strong and wide’(矮胖的;健壮结实的):

He’s got the stocky build of a rugby player. (他身材健壮得像个橄榄球运动员。)

He’s got the stocky build of a rugby player. (他身材健壮得像个橄榄球运动员。)

3)Solid too is often used in this way(结实的,与stocky意近):

As a child, James was always quite solid. (詹姆斯小时候一直很壮实。)

As a child, James was always quite solid. (詹姆斯小时候一直很壮实。)

4)Similarly, big is sometimes used as a less direct way of saying ‘fat’(大的,有时可用作fat的委婉语):

Sophie didn’t use to be so big, did she? (索菲娅过去块头没那么大,是吗?)

Sophie didn’t use to be so big, did she? (索菲娅过去块头没那么大,是吗?)

5)Plump and chubby mean ‘slightly fat’ but both sound almost pleasant and are often used of young children(丰满的、丰腴的,常用来修饰小孩):

She is plump without being fat. (她长得丰满,但并不肥胖。)

As a baby, he was chubby and had blonde curls. (他小的时候就一副圆胖的样子,有着金色的卷发。)

She is plump without being fat. (她长得丰满,但并不肥胖。)

As a baby, he was chubby and had blonde curls. (他小的时候就一副圆胖的样子,有着金色的卷发。)

6)Some ‘fat’ words, on the other hand, are very direct. Overweight is an adjective that a doctor might use to describe a fat patient. It is slightly clinical in tone.(超重的、过胖的,该词比较直接,多为医生用语,用来描述肥胖病人的临床状况):

Too many people in the States are overweight. (超重的美国人太多了。)

Too many people in the States are overweight. (超重的美国人太多了。)

7)A patient who is extremely overweight might well be described by the doctor as obese(极肥胖的):

Obese patients are advised to change their diet. (建议肥胖病人改变饮食。)

Obese patients are advised to change their diet. (建议肥胖病人改变饮食。)







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