英语祝贺信范文模板(6篇) 您所在的位置:网站首页 英语祝贺信模板及范文 英语祝贺信范文模板(6篇)


#英语祝贺信范文模板(6篇)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Dear Jack,

I have read, with great delight, your name published in today’s morning newspaper. You have won the George Washington Award for 2020, one of the most coveted prizes for men of Literature in our country. Your untiring industry (不懈努力), perseverance, devotion and immense service to English Literature have won you this honor.

My sincerest wishes to you. I join with your friends and admirers in offering you my heartiest congratulations. May your unremitting endeavor (不懈的努力)in the service of English Literature go on with undiminished vigor!

Yours sincerely,


Dear Jack,

Words really fail to express my joy at the news of your selection as Administration Officer at 公司名字. Your selection was however no surprise because a man of your caliber and intelligencewas bound to fare excellently sooner or later. (你的入选一点也不意外,因为像你这样有才干的人注定迟早会很成功)

An Administration Officer’s post in 公司名字 is one of the most highly prized posts in our country, both from the point of view of emoluments (薪酬) and the wide and quick opportunities for promotion. A person selected on this post at such a young age as yours, stands a chance of reaching the highest post in the officer’s cadre in 公司名字. It is an added pleasure for us all that the place of your posting is just at a distance of 15 miles from our city, and we can always expect to see you almost every week.

We all send you our heartiest congratulations and best wishes.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Jack,

The ‘NY Herald’ of today brought the good news of your excellent success in your Intermediate Examination. Your name figuring in the list of candidates passed with merit goes to add to the appreciation for your school teachers and parents.The way is now clear for you to join the best university anywhere in the nation.

What kind of university do you intend to join and which subjects do you propose to choose in your further studies? I would suggest that you should go in for commercial subjects as they would fit you for a managerial post in your family-run business. This way, it will be a double benefit for you and your family. Not only would you be getting an executive position suited to your abilities and capabilities, but it will also make it very convenient for your father to have his own son as the manager of his firm, thereby saving him a handsome amount of salary, which he will otherwise have to pay to an outsider, besides the trust aspect.

This is only a suggestion from my part. You are perfectly free in your choice in the end, and should be doing something of your own interest. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your well-deserved success.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Lucy and Jack,

Hearty congratulations on your marriage, I am writing to send you my best wishes for your married life and bright future. I know that you two are made for each other, and now you have tied the bond of love and can look forward to a lifetime of happiness together.

Charles Dickens (查尔斯·狄更斯) wrote “Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts”. My sincere wish is that your married life together will have this principle all through, and that your love for one other grows with each passing day. Thank you for inviting me to your wedding. It was such a wonderful occasion to be at. I was so pleased being there to be able to share your very special day and to celebrate your marriage.

Sending you m heartfelt best wishes for your future together.

Congrats again!

Your friend always,


Dear Jack,

I just wanted to congratulate you on successfully obtaining your 学位名字 degree. I am sure you are proud of yourself.

Attending college for four years continuously to obtain a degree is really a hard earned achievement. And, you have proved yourself efficiently. Now, you will have many opportunities your way ahead. I am confident of your abilities that you will make the most of your education and will achieve new heights of success in the future.

Enjoy your success and have fun.

Congratulations again!



Dear Jack,

I heartily congratulate you on completing your graduation in XXX from the prestigious 大学名字 with good grades.

I know you are an intelligent student and worked really hard to accomplish this great achievement. You made great efforts to get this outstanding result. Undoubtedly, the knowledge and information you have gained though this degree will definitely help you form a successful and prosperous career in the future.

Please inform me of future developments.

Best regards,




词汇的重要性不言而喻,老师帮你 挨个梳理考研重点词汇,针对难以程度,不断调整节奏,针对不同词汇讲解和分享相应的记忆方法,同义词、易混淆词汇、一词多义面面俱到,同时针对部分写作必用词汇顺便讲解其用法,布置课下词汇学习任务,听写单词












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