Express “more and more” with “越…越…” in Chinese – Chinlingo 您所在的位置:网站首页 英语的越来越句型 Express “more and more” with “越…越…” in Chinese – Chinlingo

Express “more and more” with “越…越…” in Chinese – Chinlingo

2024-07-17 19:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

"越 … 越… (yuè… yuè…)" is used frequently in Chinese to express that some quality or state is increasing with time, or in tune with another factor. There are two forms of this pattern, the "simple" one (using 来), and the more complex one (which uses two different adjectives/verbs).

中文里经常使用到"越 … 越… (yuè… yuè…)"这个结构,表达某种性质或状态随着时间持续增长,或与另外的要素互相制约的意思。这种规律有两种表现形式,简单的一种是与"来"搭配使用,而较复杂的一种是用到两个不同的形容词或动词。


Basic Structure with "越来越…"


This structure expresses that something is becoming more and more (adjective) over time, with the latter adjective changing with the verb. The most common structure is:



Subject + 越来越 + Adjective






汽油 越 来 越 贵。

Gasoline is getting more and more expensive.


北京 的 空气 质量越 来 越 差。

The air quality of Beijing is getting worse and more worse.


她 的 数学 成绩 越 来 越 好。

Her math grade is getting better and better.


Complex Structure with "越 … 越 …"


This structure can be expanded further by replacing 来 with another verb. This expresses that one change causes another change. To be exact, there are four structures to use:



Subject + 越 + Adj 1 + 越 + Adj 2





挑战 越 大,我 越 兴奋。

The bigger the challenge is, the more excited I am.


我 觉得 窗子 越 大 , 光线 越 好。

I think that the bigger the window is, the better the natural light is.


工作 越 复杂 越 有趣 。

The more complex the work is, the more interesting it is.


这 个 菜 越 甜 越 不 好吃 。

The sweeter this dish is, the worse it tastes.


Subject + 越 + Adjective, 越 + Verb





你 越 小气,别人 就 越 讨厌 你。

The meaner you are, the more other people will hate you.


她 越 不高兴,就 越 不说话。

The more upset , the less she talks.


Subject + 越 + Verb, 越 + Verb





我 越 学习 中文,越 觉得 中文 很 难。

The more I study Chinese, the more difficult I think it is.


越 批评 他,他 越 做 不 好。

The more he gets criticized, the worse he works.


Subject + 越 + Verb, 越 + Adjective





他 越 喝 碳酸饮料 越 胖。

The more he drinks soda, the fatter he gets.


她 越 说 越 生 气。

The more she talks, the angrier she gets.


Complex Structure with Complement


You can also use "越…越…" with a complement. In this case, "越" has to follow the "得". This construction usually uses "State complements" and "Result complements".



Subject + Verb 得 +越…, (Verb 得)越 …





你 买 得 越 多 越 便宜。

The more you buy, the cheaper it gets.


你 说 得 越 慢,可能 我们 听 得 越 清楚。

The slower you speak, the more we'll probably be able to hear clearly.


碳水化合物 吃 得 越 多 越 容易 胖。

The more carbs you eat, the easier it will be to get fat.

Share this 2016-06-22






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