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#小学英语六年级作文训练范文三篇名言警句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


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简介:小学英语六年级作文训练、范文三篇、名言警句 中山市辅导教师 万来和 本复习资料由本人辛苦创作,文中插入的图片在网上下载,因不知来历,对原作者和照片本人表示感谢! 一、 小学英语时态复习 1、 将来时态 中文:我准备下星期与爸爸一起去看电影。 英文:I ____  ____  ____  see a film with my father next week. 答案:am going to 或者一个空用shall,美语也用will. 2、 第三人称一般时态 中文:我的妈妈经常早上7点钟去上班。 英文:My mother often ____  ____  ____  at seven in the morning. 答案:goes to work . 3、 现在进行时态 中文:我妈妈与我爸爸正在房间里看电视。 英文:My mother ____ ____ TV with my father in the room. 答案:is wathing . 4、 过去时态 中文:上个星期天,我去了我的奶奶家里吃晚餐。 英文:I ____ ____ my grandmother’s home____  ____  a dinner last  Sunday. 答案:went to to have. 一、 常见英语表达错误 修改病句: 1、中文:托尼昨天坐出租车到学校。 英文:Tony takes a taxi to school yesterday.  答案:Tony took a taxi to school yesterday. 2、中文:我的兴趣是打羽毛球、读书、看电视。 英文:My hobbies are play badminton,read books and watch TV. 答案:My hobbies are playing badminton,reading books and watching TV. 3、中文:她正在广场上骑自行车。 英文:She is ride a bike on the ground. 答案:She is riding a bike on the ground . 4、中文:树上的小猫很聪明。 英文:The cat on the tree is very clever. 答案:The cat in the tree is very clever. 5、中文:你的书包里有多少支笔? 英文:How much pens are there in your bag? 答案:How many pens are there in your bag?  6、中文:不要告诉老师,这是我和你之间的事情。 英文:Don’t tell the teacher, it’s between you and I. 答案:Don’t tell the teacher, it’s between you and me. 7、中文:我有好消息告诉你。 英文:I have a good news for you. 答案:I have good news for you. (或a piece of ) 8、中文:我非常喜欢我的朋友杰克。 英文:I very much like my friend Jaky. 答案:I like my friend Jaky very much. 一、 英语范文三篇 1、 一封信 请用英语写一封信给你的笔友Jenny,告诉她你的上学时间,以及兴趣爱好等。参考词汇:morning, hobbies,go swimming--- Dear Jenny, Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about my morning and hobbies? Well, I usually get up at around six thirty, and about seven o’clock, I go to school by car with my father. My hobbies are playing badminton, reading books and playing chess. I  play badminton twice a week with my coach. I read all kinds of books, learn much from the books. I often play chess with my father, and he ofen teaches me. Please write and tell me about your morning and hobbies. Best wishes, Jackey 1、 我的老师 我的英语老师是何老师。她很漂亮,对我们非常好,我们班的英语成绩提高很大。我都很喜欢何老师。 My English teacher Miss He is my English teacher. She is very beautiful. She has a round face, two small bright eyes with thick glasses. Miss He is kind to me, so she is my good friend. At first in the term, my English is not very good. She often helps me in her free free time. She often tells me: Everything will b... 更多>>


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