2024届高中英语句子的基本结构课件(共22张PPT) 您所在的位置:网站首页 英语句子结构图文并茂图片高清 2024届高中英语句子的基本结构课件(共22张PPT)


2024-07-18 06:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共22张PPT)英语中的句子结构句子成分1.什么叫句子成分?组成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。根据各部分在句子中起的作用,可以把句子分为主语,谓语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,同位语,和补足语。我们可以简单记为 主谓宾表定状同位补足语。主语主语是句子的主体,是说明的对象,常用名词,代词,数词,动名词,动词不定式或者从句等充当。e.g.The students are listening to me carefully. They want to learn English well. Learning English well isn’t as hard as you think.主语e.g.To see is to believe.e.g.What I need is time.e.g.Getting up early is good for your health.谓语是说明主语的情况,由动词构成,分为简单谓语和复合谓语。简单谓语:由动词或者动词短语构成e.g. He runs every morning.e.g. The plane took off at ten o’clock.复合谓语:一种由情态动词/助动词+动词构成e.g.He doesn’t speak English.e.g.They are playing baketball on the playground.谓语一种由系动词+表语构成e.g.The film is interesting.e.g.We are students.表语是说明主语的性质,状态,身份。通常由名词,形容词,数词,副词,介词短语,动词不定式,动名词,分词和从句充当。e.g.She is in good health.e.g.They seem to know the truth.e.g.We are students.e.g.Three times five is fifteen.e.g.My first idea was that you should hide your feelings.e.g.The match became very exciting.宾语是表示动作的对象或行为的承受者。一般位于及物动词或者介词后面。通常由名词,代词,数词,动词不定式,动名词,和从句充当。e.g.She is going to buy a dictionary.e.g.We should learn from him.e.g.We elected him monitor.e.g.Lend me your book,please.e.g.We need to know what others are doing.e.g.Give me four,please.定语定语起修饰,限制名词或者代词的作用。可分前置定语和后置定语。通常由形容词,名词,代词,数词,名词所有格,介词短语,动词不定式,分词,和从句充当。e.g.It is a beautiful city.e.g.You haven’t kept your promise to write us often.e.g.This is her first trip to Europe.e.g.Those who want to go to Beijing are to sign their names here.状语状语修饰动词,形容词和副词或者整个句子。通常由副词,介词短语,动词不定式,分词,和从句充当,可表示时间,地点,原因,目的,结果,方式,伴随,条件,让步,程度等。e.g.I will be back in a while.e.g.I’m very pleased to see you.e.g.Please call me up if you need help.e.g.These products are selling quickly.补足语有些及物动词除了有宾语,还需要宾语补足语,才能使句子意义完整。通常由名词,形容词,副词,动词不定式短语,分词和介词短语来充当。e.g.We must keep it a secret.e.g.We saw her entering the room.e.g.I advise you not to miss the chance.同位语一个名词或者其它形式对另一个名词或者代词进行解释或者补充说明。同位语和它被限定的词格式要一致,并常常紧挨在一起e.g.Mr.Smith,our new teacher,is very kind to us.句子结构按结构划分有三种,分别是简单句,并列句和复合句。只包含一个主谓结构的叫做简单句,简单句又根据谓语动词(系动词,不及物动词,及物动词)分为7种基本句型。主语+谓语(S+V)此类型动词为不及物动词。不及物动词意思是后面不可以直接加宾语(没有承受者)。常见的有 arrive,come,work,jump等。(可以独立完成)e.g. The baby was sleeping.e.g. The bus is coming.主语+谓语+宾(S+V+O)此类型谓语动词具有实际意义,都是主语产生的动作,但不能表达完整的意思,后面需跟宾语(动作的承受者)才能使意思完整。e.g. Who knows the answer e.g. He enjoys reading.e.g. My sister is writing a letter .主语+谓语+间宾+直宾(S+V+IO+DO)此类型谓语动词必须跟两个宾语才能表达完整意思。(即有2动作的承受者)。常见的接双宾语的动词有give,lend,show,tell,buy,bring,send,make等。e.g. He gave me a book.e.g. He bought me a dictionary.e.g. She showed me how to run the machine .主语+谓语+宾+宾补(S+V+O+OC)此类型谓语动词虽然是及物动词,但是只是跟一个宾语不能表达完整意思,必须加上一个补充成分说明宾语才能使句子意思完整。e.g. He painted the door green.e.g. He found the house empty.e.g. She ased me to come back soon.主语+谓语+宾+状(S+V+O+A)此类型谓语动词虽然是及物动词,但是只是跟一个宾语不能表达完整意思,还需要加上一个状语。e.g. Unfortunately, I left my homework at home.e.g. He are going to attend the meeting at 3 o’clock.主语+谓语+状(S+V+A)此类型谓语动词是不及物动词,需要加上一个状语才能使句子意思完整。e.g. The pen writes smoothly,e.g. The sun rises in the east.e.g. The accident happened yeaterday afternoon.主语+系动词+表语(S+V+P)此类型侧重说明主语的特征,身份,谓语动词用系动词。e.g. This is an English book.e.g. The dinner smells good.e.g. His face turned red.常见系动词分类(6)1. be动词类2.感官类:feel,look,smell,sound,taste3.变化类:become,get,grow,turn4.保持类:keep,remain,stay5.好像类:appear,seem6.证明类:prove,turn out练习1.The bread tastes delicious.2.I will spend the summer holiday in the countryside.3.He bought me a birthday present.4.We must keep the classroom clean.5.I heard him singing a song.








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