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2024-05-22 06:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

MJH image design art school based on a strong sense of corporate social responsibility as the fashion industry benchmark, attaches great importance to cooperation and promotion of the industry. The MJH Image Design Art School perennial invited to the Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, many colleges and universities to carry out the fashion knowledge lecture and provide related technical exchange. Wuhan University invited to carry out promotional activities of the charity fashion knowledge - MJH "beautiful classroom college lecture tour, aimed at popularization of the concept of image management to the University, further the overall image quality of Chinese college students to start by 2007. Has been invited to organize fashion knowledge large lecture at Wuhan University, Central University for Nationalities, Hubei University of knowing College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, Hubei University of Economics, Hubei Vocational Technical College, including colleges and universities. 自2007年始受武汉大学邀请开展公益时尚知识推广活动——满江红"美丽课堂"高校巡回演讲,旨在将形象管理的概念普及到大学,进一步提供中国大学生整体形象素质。目前已受邀在包括武汉大学、中南民族大学、湖北大学知行学院、华中科技大学、武汉理工大学、湖北经济学院、湖北电力职业技术学院等在内的大学院校举办时尚知识讲座活动。 满江红形象设计艺术学校常年赞助有关公益活动,携手中央电视台及丝宝集团等企业赞助两届"全国大学生职场精英挑战赛",并全程为选手提供形象设计培训。满江红形象设计艺术学校积极参与包括由CCTV主办的各项赛事,如中国新丝路模特大赛、美国NBA全国啦啦队选拔赛、2012\2013\2014全球比基尼小姐大赛、2014德邦物流百对新人婚礼、全国时尚精英挑战赛选手、湖北COSPLAY大赛、全国舞蹈精英挑战赛等时尚赛事并提供相关技术支持,并被中国新丝路模特大赛组委会评为"年度时尚企业"。






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