然后的七种英文说法 您所在的位置:网站首页 自己来看看的英文 然后的七种英文说法


2024-06-02 01:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


and then / then (adv.) 那时;然后;那么

先来看然后系列的经典款!使用频率这么高的and then或者then,大家一定都会讲,但别觉得太简单就急著翻白眼,我们来看看ane then与then的使用时机差别:

AND THEN v.s. THEN正式来讲,then在一般然后的用法裡面是副词,不能直接用来连接上下句;而and then刚好相反,它不能放在句子的开头,只能放在中间、连接上下句的意思。如果化为公式就像下面这样: * S + V + …, and then S + V … * S + V + …; then S + V … * S + V + …. Then S + V …虽然and then跟then在平常对话时混用没有关係,因为误用久了其实native speakers也都很习惯,但是正式写作时可能就得当心了!下面的例句便是日常生活就可以用的:12345The rain stopped and then started again.雨停了又下。The weather was now hot, then cold.天气时冷时热

afterwards (adv.) 然后,后来地;以后;之后12345We plan to have a luncheon to celebrate this event, and take a group picture afterwards.我们计划举行特别午餐来庆祝,之后再拍团体照留念。Afterwards, line up for a tango show or drinks in nearby Cafe Tortoni.然后,到附近的东尼咖啡厅排队欣赏探戈或者喝杯饮料。after that 在那之后12I finished the final exam yesterday morning. After that, I rushed into my bedroom for a 12-hour sleep.昨天早上我考完了期末考,然后我就衝回房间、大睡12小时。next (adv.) 接下去;然后;居后地;依次地12Next, we can discuss a bit about the disadvantages of nuclear power.接下来,我们可以讨论一下核电的缺点。further (adj.) 更远的,较远的;更进一步的,深一层的;更多的;而且;再者12It’s pouring down outside so I don’t want to leave right now. Further, he should be here any minute.外面雨超大,我不想现在走,而且他应该快要到了。furthermore (adv.) 此外;而且;与此同时;再者12Furthermore, I’m angry with myself. Why am I so restrained and boring in my speech?此外,我对自己觉得很生气,为什麽我在演说时就这麽拘束又无聊呢?moreover (adv.) 再者;此外;而且;同时12345Divorce means that she has to pay a lot for compensation. Moreover, there were the children to carefully consider.离婚对她来说表示得付出一大笔赔偿费,再者,还有小朋友的情况必须好好考虑。Moreover, the views about the relationship between natural conservation and public recreation are put forward.同时,有关自然保护与公众游乐关係的论点也被提出。

further、furthermore、moreover有时候也可以表达然后的意思,但是它们的意义不光是叙述另一个概念或事件,它们往往更强调更深一层、更进一步的意思。在TOEFL的writing section很适合用来当不同论点的开头使用,让你的论述层次分明、一目瞭然。

另外再补充一个超级实用的问句:「然后呢?」,以后有什麽聊天的场合,想要表示疑问、或者催促人家继续说下去,就可以尽量使用啦:Then?And then?Then what?What’s next?

这句跟下一句问的比较偏向下个步骤要做什麽、或者接下来会发生什麽事。After that?12345678A: You know, Jordan told me that he had had a crush on me last night. So I...A: 你知道,Jordan昨晚跟我说他爱上我了,所以我...B: Oh my god, Really? Then what???B: 我的天,真的假的啦?然后怎样???A: I said, sorry I don’t go out with nerds.A: 我说:"对不起我不跟死宅约会"B: Ouch!B: 真伤人。






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