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2024-07-17 19:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

另类的英文:a. offbeat n. a different, special, completely new or fashionable type or trend

参考例句:They were unconventional parents who embraced the alternative lifestyle of the Sixties...他们是欣然接受60年代另类生活模式而不因循守旧的父母。If you like alternative comedy you'll love this book.如果你喜欢另类喜剧的话,你就会喜欢这本书。The spicy chocolates are with unique flavors; next time when you go to Korea, maybe you wanna buy some and have a bite. 韩国人果然是个嗜辣民族,连巧克力都不放过,非常另类的味道,有机会去韩国可买回来吃吃看。 The black twill button front vest is a great jacket alternative when worn with the pants or skirt.黑色斜纹有纽开襟背主是一件很好的上衣,若上裤子或裙子搭配穿,会给人一种另类的感觉。offbeat是什么意思:adj. 不寻常的,非传统的,不落俗套的 She adores old, offbeat antiques.她非常喜欢那些稀奇古怪的老古董。 His style is offbeat but highly creative.他的风格很不寻常但非常有创造力。That is what life is all about --learning to sway with the rhythm while finding your own, perhaps offbeat, accompaniment within, to nicely complement the melody of life.这就是生活--学会与生活的脉动同步摆动,同时找到你自己的伴奏,也许不太符合节拍,但却发自内心,然后试着尽可能和谐地融入到生活的旋律之中。 different是什么意思:adj. 不同的;个别的,与众不同的Different strokes for different folks.不同的人有不同的兴趣和爱好。The difference is 8532.差数为8532。Different countries have different national conditions.各国有各国的国情。 special是什么意思:adj. 特殊的,特别的;专门的,专用的;增加的,额外的n. 专车;特使;特刊;特别节目a special contributor特约撰稿人 Specialness is not the truth in you. 特殊性并不是你内在的真相。Rhineland dishes are a speciality of the restaurant.莱茵兰菜是这家饭店的特色菜。








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