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2024-07-07 19:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

 《Winner is King 3 Cantonese》 introduce

Hong Kong's gambling industry is fiercely contested, with beacon smoke rising everywhere. Gambling villain Cheng Yifeng (played by Ren Dahua) was originally recognized as the world's number one expert in gambling, but it aroused deep resentment from Jiang Quan (played by Kaohsiung), who coveted the world's number one position. With his superb gambling skills and the assistance of his subordinates Fang Jun (played by Jiang Hua) and his younger brother Jiang Wei (played by Zhen Zhiqiang), Jiang Quan is invincible and vows to compete with Cheng Yifeng. Jiang Quan, in order to force Cheng Yifeng to take action, intends to start with his friend Yi Tianyang (played by Tang Zhenye). Unexpectedly, Yi Tianyang learned that his wife Guo Jingrong (played by Wan Qiwen) had always been deeply in love with Cheng Yifeng, and was motivated by jealousy. Therefore, he conspired with Jiang Quan to frame Cheng Yifeng. Unfortunately, Cheng Yifeng fell into the trap and was kicked out of the gambling industry by breaking his wrist. However, as the road twists and turns, a thrilling comeback unfolds.Hong Kong Asia Television produced the casino drama"The Winner of Kings III: The Battle of Kings" in 1993, starring Ren Dahua, Tang Zhenye, Kaohsiung, Jiang Hua, and others. As the third episode of the"The Winner is the King" series, this drama, with the high ratings and good reputation already achieved in the first two episodes, took advantage of the victory and spent HKD 30 million to shoot on-site in casinos in France and Monaco.

 《勝者為王3粵語》 繁體簡介

香港賭壇群雄逐鹿,烽烟四起。 賭邪程逸風(任達華飾)本為賭壇公認的世界第一高手,卻招來覬覦世界第一之比特的蔣權(高雄飾)深深不忿。 蔣權憑高超卓越的賭術,及手下方俊(江華飾)與其弟蔣偉(甄志强飾)的協助,戰無不勝,誓要與程逸風一决高下。 蔣權為逼程逸風出手,欲從其好友易天揚(湯鎮業飾)入手。 無意中,易天揚得知其妻郭靜蓉(萬綺雯飾)一直深愛著程逸風,又因妒恨作祟,遂與蔣權合謀陷害程逸風。 程逸風不幸中計,被挑斷手筋踢出賭壇。 然而峰迴路轉,一場驚心動魄的絕處逢生由此展開。香港亞洲電視於1993年製作的賭場風雲大戲《勝者為王Ⅲ王者之戰》,由任達華、湯鎮業、高雄、江華等領銜主演。 作為《勝者為王》系列的第三部劇集,本劇在前兩部已創下的高收視率和良好口碑下,乘勝追擊,耗資三千萬港元,遠赴法國及摩納哥賭場實地拍攝。

 《胜者为王3粤语》剧集播出信息公元 1993年,由 郑忠泰,刘枝华,唐敏明,刘小群,李绮华,曾嘉明,张伟雄,叶世康 等老师负责剧本编写,龙绍基导演负责制作,任达华,江华,万绮雯,高雄,汤镇业,欧锦棠,伍咏薇,刘锦玲,黄韵材,方刚,张铮,罗烈,甘山 等明星实力参演的 香港剧《胜者为王3粤语》,此影片于1993-11-15上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!奈飞中文祝您观影愉快!奈飞中文于 2022-07-08 18:05:04整理收录此片,并在 2023-11-01 13:25:26再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《胜者为王3粤语》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:胜者为王3粤语,胜者为王3粤语在线观看,胜者为王3粤语免费观看,胜者为王3粤语百度云,胜者为王3粤语下载 等。






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