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2024-07-13 00:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


参考例句:A stand for holding the notes of a public speaker;a lectern.讲台供演说者放笔记的台子;讲台The twins followed California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to the stage. 这对双胞胎跟随加州州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格走上讲台。Take the rostrum登坛,上讲台hovering around the speaker's podium.在演讲台边徘徊The speaker descended from the platform amidst applause演讲者在掌声中走下讲台。She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. 介绍完毕后她就登上讲台。 He mounted the podium, to stare into 10000 faces.他登上讲台,注视着1万张面孔。The President took his place on the plat form,and the band struck up the national anthem.总统走上讲台,乐队开始演奏国歌。Jane walked boldly up to the platform without faltering.简沉著大胆地走上讲台A lectern and platform were set up on the east side, facing an array of seats arranged in a semicircle厅的东侧设置了主席台和讲台,面对讲台排列着呈半圆形的一排排座位。dais是什么意思:n. 台,讲台Things go on day by day. 事情逐日进行着。 Day by day the situation is improving. 情况在一天天地好转。 Like this, day after day.就这样,日复一日。platform是什么意思:n. 平台;讲台,舞台;月台,站台;纲领,政纲Beyond the platform there was more enchantment.在平台外面还有更迷人的东西呢。The platform swayed and then foundered.月台晃动着塌陷了。A train plowed into the barrier at the end of the platform.火车撞上了月台尽头的栅栏。 stand是什么意思:n. 站立;架,台;售货摊;看台;态度,立场;停止;抵抗;证人席;停车候客处v. 位于;维持原状;竖放;经得起;起立;持…态度;参选;站立;处于;高度为Stand for governor做州长候选人 The business is at a stand.业务陷入停顿状态。 a standing army常备军,5. 固定的,不能移动的,6. 【印】(版面)排好后保留的,n.1. 站立[U]2. 站立处[C]3. 身份;地位;名望[U]4. 名次表[P]5. 持续时间[U]








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