妻字英语,老婆的英文怎么读? 您所在的位置:网站首页 老婆的拼音怎么读 妻字英语,老婆的英文怎么读?


2023-04-18 23:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,老婆的英文怎么读? 2,老婆用英语怎么说 3,老婆的英文缩写是什么 4,老婆英文怎么写 5,媳妇,用英语怎么写 6,男人 翻译成英文是什么 7,“老公”和“老婆”用英语的简称是什么? 1,老婆的英文怎么读?

老婆的英文翻译是wife,音标是英 [waɪf]或美 [waɪf],在句中作为名词使用。 词汇分析: wife 英 [waɪf] 美 [waɪf] n.妻子,太太;夫人,老婆;已婚妇女 相关短语: 1、afford one's wife 供养妻子 2、beat one's wife 殴打妻子 3、bring one's wife with him 带着夫人 4、get a wife 有妻子,娶妻 5、hate one's wife 恨自己的妻子 扩展资料wife的使用方法: 一、wife的意思是“妻子”,指相对于丈夫而言的女人,如: 1、She tried to be an affectionate wife. 她试图做个温柔体贴的妻子。 2、He first met his wife in Rome. 他最初是在罗马碰到他的妻子的。 3、She is a good wife and a devoted mother. 她是一位贤妻良母。 二、give sb. to wife表示“嫁给某人为妻”, take〔have〕 sb. to wife表示“娶某人为妻”“娶妻”也可用marry a wife,如: 1、To marry a wife is to cherish her, not using her! 妻子不是来用的是抱回家来疼的! 2、I don't need to marry a wife to have a baby. 又不用娶老婆,就有个孩子。



老婆的英文翻译是wife,wife作为名词是妻子老婆的意思,动词是成为妻子的意思。 wife 英 [waɪf] 美 [waɪf]     n. 妻子;夫人 相关短语: 1、afford one's wife 供养妻子 2、beat one's wife 殴打妻子 3、bring one's wife with him 带着夫人 4、get a wife 有妻子,娶妻 5、hate one's wife 恨自己的妻子 6、have a wife 已娶妻,有妻子 7、have one as a wife 娶某人为妻 8、kiss one's wife 吻自己的妻子 9、kill one's wife 杀死自己的妻子 10、leave one's wife 离开自己的妻子 扩展资料相关例句: 1、He kissed his wife and children good-bye. 他吻别他的妻子和孩子。 2、The cruel man abandoned his wife and child. 那个狠心的男人抛弃了他的妻儿。 3、She tried to be an affectionate wife. 她试图做个温柔体贴的妻子。 4、He first met his wife in Rome. 他最初是在罗马碰到他的妻子的。 5、He treats his wife like a slave. 他把妻子当作奴隶看待。


“老婆”一词用英文是:wife,没有缩写。 wife 英[waɪf] 美[waɪf] n. 妻子,太太; 夫人,老婆; 已婚妇女; [例句]He married his wife Jane 37 years ago 他37年前娶了妻子简。 [例句]The woman was the wife of a film director. 这个女人是一个电影导演的妻子。 [例句]Franklin shared the family's scorn for his wife's new friends 富兰克林和家里人一样,也对他夫人的新朋友们不屑一顾。 [其他] 复数:wives


Wife,百度翻译结果如图: 英 [waif] 美 [waɪf] n. 妻子,太太; 夫人,老婆; 已婚妇女; 扩展资料【例句】 1,刚才和你说话的人是我老婆。 That's my wife you were talking to 2,我帮老婆买了一点东西。 I do a bit of shopping for the missus. 3,3年前,我和老婆离了婚。我发现她和她老板有染。 Three years ago my wife and I divorced. I caught her with her boss. 4,如果我是你老婆,我会在你的咖啡里下毒。 If I was your wife I would poison your coffee. 5,花光了他有钱老婆的财产之后,这位少校最后被关进了债务人监狱。 Having spent his rich wife's fortune, the Major ended up in a debtors 'prison.


媳妇的英文翻译是wife。 词汇分析 wife英 [waɪf] 美 [waɪf] n.妻子,太太;夫人,老婆;已婚妇女 扩展例句1、I have a wife and two small children 我有一个妻子和两个年幼的孩子。 2、Soon afterwards he separated from his wife. 不久以后,他和妻子分居了。 3、My wife has just had a baby 我妻子刚生了孩子。 4、I now pronounce you man and wife. 我现在宣布你们结为夫妻。 5、He bade his wife farewell and set out on his journey. 他辞别了妻子便启程了。 6、His wife had cuckolded him. 妻子给他戴绿帽子了。

6,男人 翻译成英文是什么

男人翻译成英文是:man 读音:英 [mæn] 美 [mæn] n. 男人;人;男子汉;情人;强者;下属 v. 使...振奋;为...配备人手 词汇搭配 1、ask a man 问一个〔男〕人 2、help a man 帮助一个〔男〕人 3、marry a man 嫁给一个男人 4、leading man 男主角 常见句型 1、Ask the men to come in,but not the boys or women. 请男人们进来,不要请男孩或者女人们。 2、The actor in role of an old man wears false whiskers. 扮演老头的演员戴着假胡子。 3、This TV play is so interesting that men and women, boys and girls like to watch it. 这部电视剧非常有趣,男女老少都爱看。 扩展资料:词语用法 1、man用作可数名词可指“人,男人,男子汉”,表示“具有男子汉精神〔气概〕”时, man前常加不定冠词。 2、man在口语中还可表示“丈夫,恋人”。man有时还用作称呼语,含有戏谑、轻蔑的意味。 3、men and women是固定短语,词序不能颠倒,意为“男女”。 4、man用作动词表示“为…配备人员”“操纵,操作”,后面常接车、船等之类的名词作宾语。


“老公”和“老婆”没有英语简称; 可以用拼音的简称:“老公”简称LG,“老婆”简称LP 老公的英文:husband 老公 [词典] (丈夫) husband; [例句]她老公绝对不是个拈花惹草的人。 Her husband was not a womaniser by any stretch of the imagination 老婆的英文:wife 老婆 [词典] wife; [例句]刚才和你说话的人是我老婆。 That's my wife you were talking to。






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