Release Notes for Docker 您所在的位置:网站首页 群晖docker是干什么的 Release Notes for Docker

Release Notes for Docker

2023-06-09 13:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Version: 20.10.3-1308 (2022-08-10)


修正其他问题。 Version: 20.10.3-1306 (2022-04-06)




修正了用户变更容器一般设置后,容器的内存限制可能设为最大值的问题。 修正了当通过 IPv6 连接至 DSM 时,容器 > 详细资讯 > 终端机页面可能无法正常开启的问题。 修正了在端口设置页面中,用户可能无法将不同类型的协议设置为相同端口的问题。 Version: 20.10.3-1305 (2022-02-17)


更新套件以支持 DSM 7.1 Beta。


新增支持将容器迁移至不同文件系统的 Synology NAS。 新增支持通过 Web Station 建立容器的网页服务门户。


修正了当部署 Docker Hub 以外的仓库服务器的映像文件时,默认容器名称会被误判为无效名称的问题。 修正了容器日志的时间与 DSM 控制台中所设置的时区不一致的问题。 Version: 20.10.3-1239 (2021-08-31)




新增了对容器能力的精细控制。 Version: 20.10.3-1233 (2021-06-29)


修正了重置容器设定的描述不清楚的问题。 Version: 20.10.3-1231 (2021-06-01)


更新套件以支持 DSM 7.0。


升级 Docker Daemon 至 20.10.3 版本。 Version: 20.10.3-0554 (2021-06-29)


修正了重置容器设定的描述不清楚的问题。 Version: 20.10.3-0552 (2021-06-01)




升级 Docker Daemon 至 20.10.3 版本。


修正在 Docker 18.09.0 中运行 CentOS 容器导致无法运行其他容器的问题。 Version: 18.09.0-0519 (2021-03-22)




修正以下机种在容器执行 sudo 指令时无法发送审核消息的问题: FS 系列:FS3017 XS+ / XS 系列:RS18016xs+、RS3614xs+、RS3413xs+、RS10613xs+、RS3617xs、RS3614xs、RS3614RPxs、RS3412xs、RS3412RPxs、RS3411xs、RS3411RPxs、RC18015xs+、DS3615xs、DS3612xs、DS3611xs Plus 系列:RS1219+、RS818+、RS818RP+、RS2416+、RS2416RP+、RS815+、RS815RP+、RS2414+、RS2414RP+、RS814+、RS814RP+、RS2212+、RS2212RP+、RS812+、RS812RP+、DS1817+、DS1517+、DS916+、DS716+II、DS716+、DS216+II、DS216+、DS2415+、DS1815+、DS1515+、DS415+、DS2413+、DS1813+、DS1513+、DS713+、DS1812+、DS1512+、DS412+ 修正创建镜像时,Dockerfile 中的 ARG 指令可能无法通过环境变量正确执行的问题。 修正安全性问题 (Synology-SA-21:08)。 修正了 Redmine 无法在 Docker 18.09.0-0515 中运行的问题。 修正了用户更改环境变量后,Redmine 3.4.13-0054 及 PACS 5.11.0-0154 无法运行的问题。 修正其他问题。 Version: 18.09.0-0515 (2021-02-23)


因 Redmine 无法在此版本中运行,此更新于 3 月 17 日下架。


修正以下机种在容器执行 sudo 指令时无法发送审核消息的问题: FS 系列:FS3017 XS+ / XS 系列:RS18016xs+、RS3614xs+、RS3413xs+、RS10613xs+、RS3617xs、RS3614xs、RS3614RPxs、RS3412xs、RS3412RPxs、RS3411xs、RS3411RPxs、RC18015xs+、DS3615xs、DS3612xs、DS3611xs Plus 系列:RS1219+、RS818+、RS818RP+、RS2416+、RS2416RP+、RS815+、RS815RP+、RS2414+、RS2414RP+、RS814+、RS814RP+、RS2212+、RS2212RP+、RS812+、RS812RP+、DS1817+、DS1517+、DS916+、DS716+II、DS716+、DS216+II、DS216+、DS2415+、DS1815+、DS1515+、DS415+、DS2413+、DS1813+、DS1513+、DS713+、DS1812+、DS1512+、DS412+ 修正创建镜像时,Dockerfile 中的 ARG 指令可能无法通过环境变量正确执行的问题。 修正安全性问题 (Synology-SA-21:08)。 修正其他问题。 Version: 18.09.0-0513 (2020-04-28)


升级 Docker Daemon 至 18.09.8 版本。


更新 Docker Hub 映像档连结。 修复当使用者删除执行中 / 停止容器的映像档时,Docker 会停滞在载入中状态的问题。 修复在 Denverton 平台机种上,Docker 无法安装于 ext4 储存空间的问题。 Version: 18.09.0-0506 (2019-09-11)

Important Note

Revised Docker version 18.09.0-0505 originally released on August 20. Docker DSM will reach End-Of-Life on December 31, 2019. This will not affect activated Docker DSM licenses, and you can check their expiration date in the package. DDSM tab is removed and no longer supported if there is no running Docker DSM in Docker.

What's New

Upgraded Docker Daemon to version 18.09.6. Upgraded Docker Compose to version 1.24.0.

Fixed issues

Fix an issue regarding the environment variable of Docker Compose. Version: 18.09.0-0505 (2019-08-20)

Important Note

DDSM will reach End-Of-Life on December 31, 2019. This will not affect activated DDSM licenses, and you can check their expiration date in the package.

What's New

Upgraded Docker Daemon to version 18.09.6. Upgraded Docker Compose to version 1.24.0. Version: 17.05.0-0401 (2019-05-14)

Fixed issues

Fixed an issue where Docker commands might hang when an error occurs upon closing the container logs. Version: 17.05.0-0400 (2019-03-12)

Fixed issues

Integrated the time format of the logs and DSM. Fixed an issue regarding searching image tags of private repositories via URLs. Fixed the nil pointer dereference caused by SQLite database logging driver's synchronization problem. Fixed a vulnerability regarding Docker (CVE-2019-5736). Minor bug fixes. Version: 17.05.0-0395 (2018-10-16)

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 17.05.0-0394 (2018-08-29) Added a reminder for circular dependency between containers to prevent Docker daemon from entering an abnormal status. Fixed an issue where downloading images might fail due to a session timeout. Fixed an issue where container logs are shown abnormally. Minor bug fixes. Version: 17.05.0-0379 (2018-05-23)

Thai user interface is now available.

Version: 17.05.0-0370 (2018-03-20) Fixed an issue where DDSM cannot be connected via QuickConnect. Minor bug fixes. Version: 17.05.0-0367 (2017-12-19)

Fixed an issue where GitLab and Redmine may fail to start with Docker 17.05.0-0366.

Version: 17.05.0-0349 (2017-11-15)

What's New

Upgraded Docker daemon to 17.05.0-ce. Upgraded Docker-compose to 1.14.0. Added support for exporting images. Added support for v2 registries. Supports using overlay network with command lines (DSM 6.2 required). DDSM now supports memory limit configurations.

Fixed issues.

Fixed an issue where container auto-start settings might be invalid. Fixed display issues with logs. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.11.2-0329 (2017-06-15) Supports Aliyun Docker registry. Supports Docker Hub registry mirror. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.11.2-0325 (2017-04-13)

What's new

Upgraded Golang to version 1.8. Supports IPv6 configuration. Enhanced the stability of Docker daemon.

Fixed issues

Fixed an issue where DDSM licenses might be lost under certain circumstances. Fixed an issue where the settings of containers might be invalid. Fixed an issue where some DDSM cannot be repaired after upgrade failure. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.11.2-0316 (2017-02-21) Upgraded to be compatible with DSM 6.1. Docker DSM supports VLAN. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.11.2-0270 (2017-01-19) Fixed an issue regarding memory usage display. Fixed an issue where some images on Docker Hub cannot be downloaded. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.11.2-0313 (2017-01-04) Docker DSM supports VLAN. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.11.2-0308 (2016-11-02) Upgraded to be compatible with DSM 6.1. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.11.2-0268 (2016-06-22) Fixed an issue where port forwarding cannot function correctly after editing the container. Fixed an issue where some images on Docker Hub cannot be downloaded. Added IP Masquerade option in Docker Network. Upgraded Docker to 1.11.2. Docker package now supports auto upgrade in Package Center. Version: 1.11.1-0265 (2016-06-07) Fixed an issue where containers created in DSM 5.2 could not be displayed after upgrading to DSM 6.0. Version: 1.11.1-0264 (2016-06-06) Fixed an issue where port forwarding cannot function correctly after editing the container. Fixed an issue where some images on Docker Hub cannot be downloaded. Added IP Masquerade option in Docker Network. Upgraded Docker to 1.11.1. Docker package now supports auto upgrade in Package Center. Version: 1.9.1-0185 (2016-03-24) Upgraded to Docker 1.9. Minor bug fixes. Version: 20.10.3-1308 (2022-08-10)


修正其他问题。 Version: 20.10.3-1306 (2022-04-06)




修正了用户变更容器一般设置后,容器的内存限制可能设为最大值的问题。 修正了当通过 IPv6 连接至 DSM 时,容器 > 详细资讯 > 终端机页面可能无法正常开启的问题。 修正了在端口设置页面中,用户可能无法将不同类型的协议设置为相同端口的问题。 Version: 20.10.3-1305 (2022-02-17)


更新套件以支持 DSM 7.1 Beta。


新增支持将容器迁移至不同文件系统的 Synology NAS。 新增支持通过 Web Station 建立容器的网页服务门户。


修正了当部署 Docker Hub 以外的仓库服务器的映像文件时,默认容器名称会被误判为无效名称的问题。 修正了容器日志的时间与 DSM 控制台中所设置的时区不一致的问题。 Version: 20.10.3-1239 (2021-08-31)




新增了对容器能力的精细控制。 Version: 20.10.3-1233 (2021-06-29)


修正了重置容器设定的描述不清楚的问题。 Version: 20.10.3-0554 (2021-06-29)


修正了重置容器设定的描述不清楚的问题。 Version: 20.10.3-1231 (2021-06-01)


更新套件以支持 DSM 7.0。


升级 Docker Daemon 至 20.10.3 版本。 Version: 20.10.3-0552 (2021-06-01)




升级 Docker Daemon 至 20.10.3 版本。


修正在 Docker 18.09.0 中运行 CentOS 容器导致无法运行其他容器的问题。 Version: 18.09.0-0519 (2021-03-22)




修正以下机种在容器执行 sudo 指令时无法发送审核消息的问题: FS 系列:FS3017 XS+ / XS 系列:RS18016xs+、RS3614xs+、RS3413xs+、RS10613xs+、RS3617xs、RS3614xs、RS3614RPxs、RS3412xs、RS3412RPxs、RS3411xs、RS3411RPxs、RC18015xs+、DS3615xs、DS3612xs、DS3611xs Plus 系列:RS1219+、RS818+、RS818RP+、RS2416+、RS2416RP+、RS815+、RS815RP+、RS2414+、RS2414RP+、RS814+、RS814RP+、RS2212+、RS2212RP+、RS812+、RS812RP+、DS1817+、DS1517+、DS916+、DS716+II、DS716+、DS216+II、DS216+、DS2415+、DS1815+、DS1515+、DS415+、DS2413+、DS1813+、DS1513+、DS713+、DS1812+、DS1512+、DS412+ 修正创建镜像时,Dockerfile 中的 ARG 指令可能无法通过环境变量正确执行的问题。 修正安全性问题 (Synology-SA-21:08)。 修正了 Redmine 无法在 Docker 18.09.0-0515 中运行的问题。 修正了用户更改环境变量后,Redmine 3.4.13-0054 及 PACS 5.11.0-0154 无法运行的问题。 修正其他问题。 Version: 18.09.0-0515 (2021-02-23)


因 Redmine 无法在此版本中运行,此更新于 3 月 17 日下架。


修正以下机种在容器执行 sudo 指令时无法发送审核消息的问题: FS 系列:FS3017 XS+ / XS 系列:RS18016xs+、RS3614xs+、RS3413xs+、RS10613xs+、RS3617xs、RS3614xs、RS3614RPxs、RS3412xs、RS3412RPxs、RS3411xs、RS3411RPxs、RC18015xs+、DS3615xs、DS3612xs、DS3611xs Plus 系列:RS1219+、RS818+、RS818RP+、RS2416+、RS2416RP+、RS815+、RS815RP+、RS2414+、RS2414RP+、RS814+、RS814RP+、RS2212+、RS2212RP+、RS812+、RS812RP+、DS1817+、DS1517+、DS916+、DS716+II、DS716+、DS216+II、DS216+、DS2415+、DS1815+、DS1515+、DS415+、DS2413+、DS1813+、DS1513+、DS713+、DS1812+、DS1512+、DS412+ 修正创建镜像时,Dockerfile 中的 ARG 指令可能无法通过环境变量正确执行的问题。 修正安全性问题 (Synology-SA-21:08)。 修正其他问题。 Version: 18.09.0-0513 (2020-04-28)


升级 Docker Daemon 至 18.09.8 版本。


更新 Docker Hub 映像档连结。 修复当使用者删除执行中 / 停止容器的映像档时,Docker 会停滞在载入中状态的问题。 修复在 Denverton 平台机种上,Docker 无法安装于 ext4 储存空间的问题。 Version: 18.09.0-0506 (2019-09-11)

Important Note

Revised Docker version 18.09.0-0505 originally released on August 20. Docker DSM will reach End-Of-Life on December 31, 2019. This will not affect activated Docker DSM licenses, and you can check their expiration date in the package. DDSM tab is removed and no longer supported if there is no running Docker DSM in Docker.

What's New

Upgraded Docker Daemon to version 18.09.6. Upgraded Docker Compose to version 1.24.0.

Fixed issues

Fix an issue regarding the environment variable of Docker Compose. Version: 18.09.0-0505 (2019-08-20)

Important Note

DDSM will reach End-Of-Life on December 31, 2019. This will not affect activated DDSM licenses, and you can check their expiration date in the package.

What's New

Upgraded Docker Daemon to version 18.09.6. Upgraded Docker Compose to version 1.24.0. Version: 17.05.0-0401 (2019-05-14)

Fixed issues

Fixed an issue where Docker commands might hang when an error occurs upon closing the container logs. Version: 17.05.0-0400 (2019-03-12)

Fixed issues

Integrated the time format of the logs and DSM. Fixed an issue regarding searching image tags of private repositories via URLs. Fixed the nil pointer dereference caused by SQLite database logging driver's synchronization problem. Fixed a vulnerability regarding Docker (CVE-2019-5736). Minor bug fixes. Version: 17.05.0-0395 (2018-10-16)

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 17.05.0-0394 (2018-08-29) Added a reminder for circular dependency between containers to prevent Docker daemon from entering an abnormal status. Fixed an issue where downloading images might fail due to a session timeout. Fixed an issue where container logs are shown abnormally. Minor bug fixes. Version: 17.05.0-0379 (2018-05-23)

Thai user interface is now available.

Version: 17.05.0-0370 (2018-03-20) Fixed an issue where DDSM cannot be connected via QuickConnect. Minor bug fixes. Version: 17.05.0-0367 (2017-12-19)

Fixed an issue where GitLab and Redmine may fail to start with Docker 17.05.0-0366.

Version: 17.05.0-0349 (2017-11-15)

What's New

Upgraded Docker daemon to 17.05.0-ce. Upgraded Docker-compose to 1.14.0. Added support for exporting images. Added support for v2 registries. Supports using overlay network with command lines (DSM 6.2 required). DDSM now supports memory limit configurations.

Fixed issues.

Fixed an issue where container auto-start settings might be invalid. Fixed display issues with logs. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.11.2-0329 (2017-06-15) Supports Aliyun Docker registry. Supports Docker Hub registry mirror. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.11.2-0325 (2017-04-13)

What's new

Upgraded Golang to version 1.8. Supports IPv6 configuration. Enhanced the stability of Docker daemon.

Fixed issues

Fixed an issue where DDSM licenses might be lost under certain circumstances. Fixed an issue where the settings of containers might be invalid. Fixed an issue where some DDSM cannot be repaired after upgrade failure. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.11.2-0316 (2017-02-21) Upgraded to be compatible with DSM 6.1. Docker DSM supports VLAN. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.11.2-0270 (2017-01-19) Fixed an issue regarding memory usage display. Fixed an issue where some images on Docker Hub cannot be downloaded. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.11.2-0313 (2017-01-04) Docker DSM supports VLAN. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.11.2-0308 (2016-11-02) Upgraded to be compatible with DSM 6.1. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.11.2-0268 (2016-06-22) Fixed an issue where port forwarding cannot function correctly after editing the container. Fixed an issue where some images on Docker Hub cannot be downloaded. Added IP Masquerade option in Docker Network. Upgraded Docker to 1.11.2. Docker package now supports auto upgrade in Package Center. Version: 1.11.1-0265 (2016-06-07) Fixed an issue where containers created in DSM 5.2 could not be displayed after upgrading to DSM 6.0. Version: 1.11.1-0264 (2016-06-06) Fixed an issue where port forwarding cannot function correctly after editing the container. Fixed an issue where some images on Docker Hub cannot be downloaded. Added IP Masquerade option in Docker Network. Upgraded Docker to 1.11.1. Docker package now supports auto upgrade in Package Center. Version: 1.9.1-0185 (2016-03-24) Upgraded to Docker 1.9. Minor bug fixes.






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