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桌球小知識 Interesting facts about table tennis 桌球術語 Table Tennis Glossary 對話:第一次上桌球課 Dialogue: The first table tennis lesson


桌球小知識 Interesting facts about table tennis

Table tennis, also known as ping pong, was invented in England in the late 19th century as an indoor version of lawn tennis. 桌球也就是乒乓球,在19世紀末時發明於英國,是網球運動的室內版。

Table tennis has been an Olympic sport since 1988. It features singles and doubles events for both men and women. 桌球在1988年成為奧運項目,比賽項目分為男女單打與雙打。

China is the most dominant country in the world of table tennis, with Japan and Germany ranking behind it. 世界桌球比賽中,中國是超大強權,排名於其後的是日本與德國。



Table tennis is a relatively inexpensive sport. You don't need a lot of equipment or a big playing area. That makes it accessible to a wide range of people. 桌球是一種費用相對低廉的運動,不需要很多設備或大型場地,這使得它非常親民。

Also, discipline and rigorous training are core elements of Asian culture. In countries like China, there's a strong focus on training from a young age, and table tennis is seen as a way to develop discipline and focus. 此外,紀律和嚴格的訓練是亞洲文化的核心元素。例如在中國人們很重視從小開始就訓練,因此桌球被視為一種培養紀律和專注力的好方法。

Table tennis is not as popular in the US as it is in Asian countries partly because it's not widely covered by the media. In Asia, it's a big deal, and almost all of the major tournaments are televised. 桌球在美國不如在亞洲那麼有人氣,部分原因是媒體並沒有廣泛報導。在亞洲,人們很認真看待桌球運動,重大賽事幾乎都有電視轉播。


桌球術語 Table Tennis Glossary

桌球術語 中英對照


singles 單打

One player plays at each end of the table. 球桌兩端各一位選手的比賽。

doubles 雙打

Two players play at each end of the table. 球桌兩端各兩位選手的比賽。

mixed doubles 混雙

A doubles match with a man and a woman on each side. 球賽雙方皆為一男一女組成的雙打比賽。

serve 發球

The initial shot that starts each point. 比賽時最初擊發的一球。

receive 接(發)球

The stroke to return the serve. 打回對方的發球。

penhold grip 直拍握法

Holding the racket with the thumb and index finger wrapped around the front side of the handle, and the remaining three fingers on the back of the blade. 以拇指和食指手指扣住球拍正面,其他手指在背面。

shakehand grip 橫拍握法

Holding the racket as if you are shaking hands with it. 有如握手般的握球拍法。

forehand stroke/shot 正手攻球

A shot played on the dominant side of the body. For a right-handed player, it's the right side. 從慣用手側擊出的球。對右手持拍者來說就是右側擊球。

backhand stroke/shot 反手攻球

A shot played on the non-dominant side of the body. 從非慣用手側擊出的球。

topspin 上旋球

A shot with forward rotation on the ball. 正向(向前)旋轉的擊球。 

backspin 下旋球

A shot with backward rotation on the ball. 反向旋轉的擊球。

sidespin 側旋

The rotational spin of a ball which is created by brushing its surface and causes it to move sideways. 透過摩擦球的表面使球產生側邊旋轉的旋轉球。

smash 殺球

A powerful, attacking shot usually made from a high point. 強而有力的進攻式擊球,通常由高處發出。

block 封球、封擋

A defensive stroke that allows a player to use the speed of their opponent's shot against them. 利用對手擊球速度加以反制的防守式擊球。

chop 搓球

A defensive shot with backspin. 回擊對手發過來的下旋球打法。

drop shot 擺短

A softly hit shot that barely clears the net and drops close to it. 接發球極短,球過網的落點不出球台的打法。

flick 點

A quick shot used to return a short, low ball that's close to the net. 快速回擊對手近網的小球的打法。

let 重發球 (該點不計分)

A point is replayed due to interruption during a rally. 在比賽回合中因為受到干擾而重新發球時。

lob 放高球

A defensive stroke where the player lifts the ball for a very high return, allowing the opponent to smash. 回擊對手的球時將球升得很高讓對手扣殺。

loop 弧圈球

A topspin shot with a significant arcing trajectory. 有著大迴旋弧度的上旋球。

deuce 平分

A tied score at 10-10, requiring a two-point that can win a match. 比數為10比10平手時,先多得兩分者贏得比賽。

dead ball 死球

A ball returned with little or no spin. 球回擊時只帶著極少甚至不帶任何旋轉。

footwork 步伐練習

The movement and positioning of a player's feet during a point. 球員在比賽中腳部的移動和定位。

out of bounds 出界

The ball is outside the playing boundaries of the field. 球超出比賽場地的邊界之外。



對話:第一次上桌球課 Dialogue: The first table tennis lesson

Coach: OK. Let's start with the basics. First, you'll need to understand how to hold the paddle. Hold it like this, with your fingers wrapped around the handle. And remember, it should feel comfortable in your hand. 教練:好,那我們從基本技巧開始吧。首先要了解如何握球拍。像這樣握住,手指環繞著握把。記住,應該要有舒適的手握感。 Beginner: Like this? 初學者:像這樣嗎? Coach: Perfect! Let's work on your footwork now. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. That's right. You're doing great. This gives you balance and helps you move quickly. 教練:非常好。現在來練習步伐站位。腳距保持和肩膀同寬,膝蓋稍微彎曲。就是這樣,你做得很好。這可以讓你保持平衡,幫助你快速移動。 Beginner: Got it. 初學者:了解。 Coach: Now, to hit the ball, you'll use a forehand and a backhand. Hold the paddle ready in front of you, and when the ball comes your way, use your wrist to swing the paddle. For a forehand shot, swing from the right side to the left, and for a backhand, swing from the left side to the right. 教練:接下來,你要用正手和反手擊球。先把球拍準備好在你面前,球過來的時候用手腕揮球拍。正手擊球的時候,由右向左擺動,反手擊球時,從左向右擺動。 Beginner: I hope I'm doing it right. 初學者:我希望我沒有做錯。 Coach: You're getting the hang of it! Now, let's try a little rally. I'll hit the ball gently to you, and you try to hit it back using your forehand or backhand. 教練:你掌握得很好!我們現在來試打一回看看。我會把球輕輕打給你,然後你試試用正手或反手打回去。 Beginner: Wow! This is fun, Coach! 初學者:哇!這好好玩喔,教練。 Coach: I'm glad you're enjoying it. One more thing for today: always keep your eye on the ball, and try to control the direction of your shots. You're off to a good start, and with practice, you'll improve your table tennis skills. 教練:很高興你喜歡。我們今天再學一件事:永遠要把注意力集中在球上,然後控制你擊球的方向。你有個好的開始,透過練習,你的桌球技巧一定可以愈來愈好。







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