重磅报告出炉!这八个“全球第一”,美国“当之无愧” 您所在的位置:网站首页 美国第一英语 重磅报告出炉!这八个“全球第一”,美国“当之无愧”


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新华网 2021-08-10 10:08

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8月9日,中国人民大学重阳金融研究院、太和智库、海国图智研究院三家智库在北京发布《“美国第一”?!美国抗疫真相》('America Ranked First'?! The Truth about America's Fight against COVID-19)研究报告,这是全球首份揭露美国抗疫真相的智库报告。



According to the report, the United States is well deserved to be the world's No. 1 anti-pandemic failure, the world's No. 1 political-blaming country, the world's No. 1 pandemic spreader, the world's No. 1 politically-divisive country, the world's No. 1 currency-abusing country, the world's No. 1 turbulent country during the pandemic, the world's No. 1 disinforming country, and the world's No. 1 country advocating origin tracing terrorism.报告得出结论,美国是当之无愧的全球第一抗疫失败国、全球第一政治甩锅国、全球第一疫情扩散国、全球第一政治撕裂国、全球第一货币滥发国、全球第一疫期动荡国、全球第一虚假信息国、全球第一溯源恐怖主义国。



As of Aug 7, 2021, the United States had reported 35,530,951 cumulative confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 613,658 deaths. In terms of both numbers, the United States ranks first in the world.截至2021年8月7日,美国累计报告新冠肺炎确诊病例35530951例,死亡病例613658例,均为全球最高。

Behind the cold numbers lies the domestic politics of the United States -- particularly the highly politicized partisanship, which has claimed the lives of many Americans "who need not have died."冰冷的感染与死亡人数的数字背后是美国的国内政治斗争——尤其是党派斗争将疫情高度政治化,让“原本不必死去” 的美国人民失去了生命。

"It's a slaughter," said William Foege, an American epidemiologist.美国流行病学家威廉•福格认为,“这是一场屠杀!”



The US government's efforts in pandemic prevention and control, policy measures, and virus source investigation ran contrary to science and common sense, and are the direct reasons why the United States is a "failed country in fighting the pandemic."美国政府在疫情防控、政策措施、溯源调查等多方面反科学反常识,是美国成为“抗疫失败国”的直接原因。

Serious violation of common scientific knowledge: The US government spread false information on anti-intellectualism through various channels such as the White House press conference, mass media, and social media.严重违背科学常识:美国政府通过白宫新闻发布会、大众媒体和社交媒体等多个渠道发布反智主义虚假信息。

Covering up the truth: The first COVID-19 case in the United States was officially reported on January 21, 2020. However, increasing evidence suggests that the actual emergence of an outbreak in the country happened much earlier.掩盖真相:美国官方正式公布的第一例新冠肺炎病例出现于2020年1月21日,但是,越来越多的证据表明,美国实际出现疫情的时间远远早于这一时间点。

Presumption of guilt involving virus origin tracing: The US government repeatedly encouraged its allies and hijacked the World Health Organization to hype the so-called "evidence" and "convict" China. According to a US media report, senior White House officials pressured the intelligence community to link the COVID-19 virus to the Wuhan virology institute.在病毒溯源问题上搞有罪推定:美国政府鼓动盟友、绑架世卫组织,炒作所谓的“证据”,给中国“定罪”。据美国媒体报道,白宫高级官员向情报部门施压,要求其将新冠病毒与武汉病毒研究所联系起来。

Suppression of scientists: To advance political goals on the pretext of the pandemic, the US government has suppressed scientists and throttled professional opinions. Scientists who denied the "lab leak theory" have been subjected to online harassment. This has not only affected their normal work but also jeopardized their personal safety.打压科学家:为了借疫情达到政治目的,美国政府打压科学家,压制专业意见。否认“实验室泄漏论”的科学家遭到网络骚扰,不仅正常工作受到影响,甚至面临人身威胁。



"Disunited America" pattern of response to the pandemic: The federal system in the United States, plagued by excuse-making partisanship, led to a "disunited" response to the pandemic.“散装美国”抗疫格局:党争之下的联邦体制相互掣肘、层层推诿,构成了“散装美国”抗疫格局。

Power checks and balances become power games: During the pandemic, the horizontal separation of power evolved from a check and balance of power to a game of power under the manipulation of partisan disputes. The United States has so far had confusing data on the pandemic. On the one hand, it has not been treating confirmed cases with full capacity in a timely manner. On the other hand, it has wasted a lot of valuable medical resources due to the lack of unified and effective coordination.权力制衡变成权力游戏:疫情期间,“三权分立”在党政操弄下从权力的制衡演变成权力的游戏。美国至今疫情数据混乱,一方面未对确诊病例及时全面收治,另一方面缺乏统一有效协调而浪费大量宝贵医疗资源。

Everything for the capital: Save the stock market but not the people. The Federal Reserve took "extraordinary" measures to increase money supply. In fact, the United States in a year and a half printed nearly half of all the dollars for more than 200 years. Countries around the world had to bear the burden of inflation, instability, and "bubble" pressures that they should not have suffered.一切为了资本:救股市不救人命,美联储采取了“超常规”的货币增发措施,世界各国不得已因此“背锅”,承受本不应承受的通胀压力、动荡压力、“泡沫”压力。



Steep rise in unemployment and worsening disparity between the rich and the poor: The COVID-19 pandemic has seen US business closures and waves of unemployment occurring faster and on a larger scale than expected. The lower class and other vulnerable groups are facing higher risks of unemployment. The gap between rich and poor further widened as wealth flowed into the hands of a few more quickly.失业率陡升和贫富悬殊恶化:疫情暴发,美国企业倒闭和失业潮发生速度及规模超乎想象,底层民众及其他弱势群体面临更高的失业风险。财富加速向少数人手中聚集,贫富差距进一步扩大。

Intensification of racial conflicts: The conspiracy about the origins of COVID-19 has fueled bullying and hatred toward Asians. Asian-American discrimination cases nearly doubled in March 2021 alone.种族矛盾激化:关于新冠病毒起源的有毒阴谋论加剧了对亚裔的欺凌和仇恨。仅2021年3月一个月内,亚裔歧视案件就激增了近一倍。

Social unrest: Social unrest is a "chronic disease" in the United States. Sadly, the pandemic is acting as an "amplifier" to further exacerbate social tensions. This year, the US topped the list of crime rates in developed countries, much higher than countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, and Spain, as well as many developing countries. Social unrest manifests itself in three main ways: guns out of control, hate crimes and political chaos.社会动荡不安:社会动荡堪称美国的“沉疴宿疾”,而新冠肺炎疫情则充当了“放大器”。2021年,美国的犯罪率在发达国家中高居榜首,远高于英国、加拿大、西班牙等国家,也高于不少发展中国家。社会动荡主要表现在三个方面:枪支失控、仇恨犯罪、政治混乱。

The general public has a sense of anxiety and powerlessness: A report titled "Historic Shift in Americans' Happiness Amid Pandemic" by the National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago, released in June 2020, shows that Americans are at their lowest level of happiness ever.普通民众存在焦虑感和无力感:芝加哥大学美国国家调研中心2020年6月公布的《美国人的历史性转变:疫情中的幸福感》报告显示,美国人处于有史以来最不快乐的时期。



Letting the virus be exported to act as a "spreader country": In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, more than 20 million US citizens were still traveling abroad. The United States has continued to export the virus outside its borders, making it a veritable "proliferator." The country has an inescapable responsibility for the spread of infections globally.放任病毒输出充当“疫情扩散国”:美国对疫情在全球范围内的扩散具有不可推卸的责任。在新冠肺炎疫情暴发后,依然有2000多万美国公民出国。

Rejection of international vaccine cooperation: In the early stages of promoting COVID-19 vaccination, the United States engaged in "vaccine nationalism" and created an "immunization divide," politicizing vaccine cooperation and impeding global cooperation on vaccines, treatment, and joint prevention and control. Such actions made it difficult for poor countries to obtain vaccines, leading to an imbalance in the global vaccine supply.拒绝国际疫苗合作:在推广新冠疫苗接种的早期阶段,美国大搞“疫苗民族主义”,制造“免疫鸿沟”,将疫苗合作政治化,阻碍疫苗、诊疗、联防联控等方面的的全球合作,使得贫穷国家难以获取疫苗,导致全球疫苗供给不平衡。

The Wall Street Journal reported on May 17 that the United States had exported only 3 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, less than one percent of its vaccine production.据《华尔街日报》5月17日的报告,美国仅对外出口了300万剂新冠疫苗,占美国疫苗产量的不到百分之一。

Weaponizing the pandemic by blaming other countries: The United States has turned a global public health disaster into a major power tussle by politicizing scientific issues such as the anti-pandemic model, the origin tracing of the pandemic, and the effectiveness of the vaccine, shifting the blame to the outside world and misleading the international community.甩锅他国将疫情武器化:美国通过将抗议模式、疫情溯源、疫苗有效性等科学问题政治化的手段,对外推责甩锅,误导国际社会,将一场全球性的公共卫生灾难变成大国角力。

The terrorism of tracing the origin of the virus: A "virus" even deadlier than the COVID-19 is the growing "retroactive terrorism" led by the United States. Washington has strongly promoted the so-called virus tracing in other countries, coercing the World Health Organization and some scientists to give up their objective and impartial positions in an attempt to make them bow down in front of hegemony and bullying. 溯源恐怖主义:相比于新冠肺炎病毒,更为致命的“病毒”是在美国带领下不断滋生的“溯源恐怖主义”。美国极力推动在他国进行所谓的病毒溯源,胁迫世界卫生组织和部分科学家放弃客观公正的立场,妄图使其在霸权、霸凌面前低头。










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