(完整版)美国社会与文化课后练习题 您所在的位置:网站首页 美国文化概况题库大全图片 (完整版)美国社会与文化课后练习题


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I. 单选

1.Which of the following statement is CORRECT about the geographic location of

the United States of America?

A.South of North America, southern temperate zone;

B.South of North America, northern temperate zone;

C.North of North America, northern temperate zone;

D.North of South America, southern temperate zone.

2.The boundary line between America and Mexico, starts from the mouth of the Rio

Grande River and finally ends at the ___________ seashore.

A. Atlantic

B. Pacific

C. Indian

D. Oceanic

3. _________, known as the Eastern Coastal Plain, is a wide strip between the Atlantic and the Appalachians.

A. Mexico seacoast

B. Caribbean seacoast

C. Bering seacoast

D. Atlantic seacoast

4. Rocky Mountains stretch all the way from ________ to _________.

A. Mexico, the Arctic

B. Mexico, the Atlantic

C. Alaska, the Atlantic

D. Alaska, Mexico

5.The Yellow Stone National Park is located in __________.

A. the Grand Canyon

B. the Rocky Mountains

C. the Death Valley

D. the Willamette Valley

6.According to functionalist perspective, which one is not mentioned as the function

of education?

A.Providing custodial care

B.Promoting national unity

C.Reducing unemployment

D.Teaching knowledge and skills

7.“Head Start” movement was conducted to __________.

A.Give every child equal opportunity to receive education.

B.Bring those who were at disadvantage to have equal opportunity to receive


C.Initiate an optional course in school.

D.Improve the academic performance of students.

8.Regarding the education reforms, _________.

A.New paradigm supporters are confident in markets.

B.Systemic reformers believe in consumers.

C.The new paradigm and the old one are totally different.

D.Both the reforms reached good result.

9.Which of the following is related closely to religion?

A.public schools

B.Private schools

C.Community schools

D.Parochial schools

10.For the schools at local level, _____________.

A.the central government assigns the president.

B.V oted governing board is responsible for the governance of the local school.

C.The education quality is not very high-standard.

D.Teachers are less-paid than the state-run schools.

11.The sources of American Folk Music are _________.

A.the British Isles and Africa

B.the British Isles and Asia

C.European countries

D.All of the above

12.American Folk Music represents ________.

A.the American Indians

B.the tribal music of primitive peoples

C.American culture

D.The western American lives

13.The foremost form of Anglo-Celtic folk music is ________.

A.church music


C.Tribal music

D.Harmonic music

14.Bob Dylan is ____________.

A.American folk singer

B.US folksinger, banjo player

C.American singer and composer

D.American folksinger and song writer

15.A disc jockey is supposed to ___________.

A.Design the programs for radio stations.

B.Mix different kinds of music together

C.Organize the dancing tune

D.Blend only certain types of music together to create new ones.

16.Donkey stands for________.

A. Democratic Party

B. Republican Party

C. Labor Party

D. Federalist Party

17. The president of the United States must be at least ________.

A. 40 years old

B. 35 years old

C. 45 years old

D. 37 years old

18. Which of the following is not considered as the cornerstone of traditional

American belief?

A. Individual Freedom

B. Equality of Opportunity

C. Material Wealth

D. Racial Diversity

19. _____ is responsible for the relation of the United States with foreign countries.

A. congress

B. president

C. ambassador

D. chief judge

20. The president can veto any bills passed by congress, unless ______ in each house

vote to override the veto.

A. 2/3

B. 3/4

C. 4/5

D. 1/2

21.Juvenile Crime, in law, term denoting various offenses committed by children or

youths under the age of _______.

A. 16

B. 14

C. 18

D. 20

22.Which country remains the only Western democracy that imposed the death

penalty on some of those convicted of murder?_______

A. Canada

B. the United States

C. England

D. Germany

23.The largest and best organized association standing for firearm users in America

states, “ Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, which is _________.


B. Gun Club



24.Series of studies clearly show that ______ and violence are interrelated.

A. Race

B. Sex

C. Age

D. Drugs

25.The unlawful killing of a human being by a person who had an intent to kill is the

definition of the crime of ______.

A. Murder

B. Manslaughter

C. Assault

D. Battery

26.What is the scientific definition of family given by sociologists?

A.We are born into a family, mature in a family, form new families, and leave

them at our death. Family life is a universal human experience.

B.The family is a fundamental God given institution built into the very nature

of the universe.

C.The family is an arbitrary cultural structure. It is a group of people held

together by bonds of love and affection.

D.The family is a group of people who are related to one another by bonds of

blood, marriage, or adoption and who live together, form an economic unit,

and bear and raise children.

27.What is the basis for traditional family structure?

A.Extended family

B.Nuclear family


D.Immediate family

28.What are the diverse patterns of contemporary families?

A.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,

Two-Parent and One-Parent Households, Stepfamilies, Gay and Lesbian


B.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,

Two-Parent and One-Parent Households

C.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,

Stepfamilies, Gay and Lesbian Marriages

D.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Two-Parent and One-Parent

Households, Gay and Lesbian Marriages

29. What are the major family problems?




iv.Work and Family Inequality

A. (1) (2) (3)

B. (1) (3) (4)

C. (1) (2) (4)

D. (1) (2) (3) (4)

30. What are the causes for an aging American society?

(1) A continued low fertility rate

(2)Ever-greater life expectancy rate due to advances in medicine

(3)The baby boom generation reaching old age.

(4)Improved social services and more favorable public policies

A. (1) (2) (4)

B. (1) (2)(3)

C. (1)(2)(3)(4)

D. (2)(3)(4)

31.There occurred three times of immigration waves since 1620. The third wave took

place ___________, and the number of immigrants rose to 23,500,000, most of whom came from such South-eastern European countries as Italy and Russia.

A. between 1820 and 1850

B. between 1851 and 1870

C. between 1871 and 1920

D. between 1881 and 1920

32.In 1886, _________ gave the United States the Statue of Liberty as a gesture of

friendship, and since then the Statue, which is standing on an island near Ellis Island, has become a symbol of hope, lighting the way for new arrivals.


B. Britain


D. Spain

33.In recent decades, some important legislative documents have remapped the order

of American immigration policies. Among them, ___________ gave the priority to the applicants for family reunification, and since then the number of Asian immigrants has increased rapidly.

A. the Immigration Act of 1965

B. the Illegal Immigration Act

C. the USA Patriot Act of 2001

D. the Exclusion Act of 1882

34.Americans make active use of their legal system and take great pride in being a

litigious people. The underlined part means that ___________.

A.Americans are fully aware of their legal rights

B.Americans are protective towards their legal rights

C.Americans are jealous of others’ legal rights

D.Americans are fond of taking matters to a court of law

35.Like al other judges, ___________ are appointed by the president with the

approval and consent of the senate.

A. the district judges B the Attorney General

C. Chief of Justice

D. justice of the peace

36.The most important element in US economy against inflation was____________.

A. the federal Reserve Board

B. the International Monetary Fund

C. the World Bank

D. big corporations

37.The following are the strengths of the US economy except __________.

A. the highest standard of living

B. the lowest unemployment rate

C. low rate of savings

D. high productivity of US industries

38.Which of the following is not included as essential elements in American

economic system?

A. Productivity.

B. Income equality.

C. Creativity.

D. Stability.

39.Which combination is right?

A.Passing of the Social Security Act---- post-1960

B.President Nixon---- the Great Society

C.President Carter---- the Great Society

D.President Reagan---- the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

40.Which of the following is not the major role that the US media is playing?

A. Watchdog

B. Speech Rectifier

C. Signaler

D. Common Carrier


1)Gold Rush

2) Martin Luther King Jr.

3) The New Deal

4) The Great Depression

5) Laissez-Faire

6) Affirmative Action Program

7) The Baby Boom

8) The Great Society

9) Racism

10) Ku Klux Klan

11) Original Sin (Inherent Sinfulness)

12) Welfare State

13) Westward Expansion

14) WASP

15) Rating Code

16) McCarthyism

17) American Dream

18) the Iron Curtain

19) the Marshall Plan

20) Watergate Scandal

21) extended family

22) nuclear family

23) Hispanic Americans

24) Manifest Destiny

25) Separation of Powers

III. Essay Questions

1) How would you describe the relationship between President and Congress in the

United States?

2) Do you think economic affluence will inevitably lead to consumerism and

excessive individualism? Why or why not?

3) What are the major American values? What are the changes in the American values?

What are the factors that contribute to these changes?

4) What is the origin of the myth of Asian Superiority? Why do you think the myth of

Asian Superiority is harmful?

5) What are some of the characteristics of American education? How do Americans

view the role of education in American society and in their individual life?

6) America is widely accepted as the engine of the world economy. In what way do

you think the American economy has influenced and will influence the world?

7) Immigration takes place with, at least, two forces at work, namely the pull force

and the push force. Pick any one ethnic group in the United States as an example and illustrate its experience in the “pull and push” framework.

8) Throughout the U.S. history, the two major parties, the Republican and the

Democratic, have been holding powers alternatively in the country. What key functions have they played in American politics? Why is it that minor parties in the U.S. have never been able to challenge the two-party system in the power struggle of American politics?

9) The death penalty and gun control have been issues of bitter controversy in national

and state politics of the United States. Discuss the reasons why Americans are so divided over these two issues, and explain how values and principles clash with each other in these two controversial issues.

10) Sports, particularly football, have traditionally played a significant role in

American colleges and universities. What are their social, cultural, and economic implications for universities and students?

Basic American values:

Individual freedom --- the freedom of individuals to fulfill their own individual needs

and do as they wish

Self-reliance --- being able to take care of themselves and not depend on others for support

Equality of opportunity --- having an equal chance to succeed, regardless of whether

sex, race, or age

Competition --- having to compete with others for success, rather than expecting to be given something for free

Material wealth --- viewing possessions as the mark of having status in the society

and as the natural reward for hard work

Hard work --- the belief that everyone should work hard, sometimes for very long hours, to be successful


试题答案列表系统解剖学题库(一) 题号:1/1033 答题指南:题下选项可能多个正确,只能选择其中最佳的一项有关骨的构造的正确的说法是 A.骨干由松质构成 B.骨骺由密质构成 C.骨膜有血管无神经 D.骨髓有神经无血管 E.以上全不对 答案:E 题号:2/1033 有关红骨髓正确的是 A.成人存在于髓腔内 B.不存在于板障内 C.胎儿期造血,成年期不造血 D.髂骨、胸骨、椎骨内终生保存红骨髓 E.以上全不对 答案:D 题号:3/1033 有关骨髓腔正确的是 A.位于骨骺内 B.位于长骨的骨干内 C.成人骨髓腔内含红骨髓 D.小儿骨髓腔内含黄骨髓 E.以上全不对 答案:B 题号:4/1033 黄骨髓存在于

A.所有骨的内部 B.幼儿长骨骨干内部 C.成人长骨骨干内部 D.幼儿长骨骨骺内部 E.成人扁骨内部 答案:C 题号:5/1033 颈椎正确的是 A.均有椎体及椎弓 B.1~2颈椎无横突孔 C.棘突末端都分叉 D.第6颈椎棘突末端膨大成颈动脉结节 E.第7颈椎又名隆椎 答案:E 题号:6/1033 椎骨正确的是 A.是短骨 B.椎体之间有椎间关节相连 C.相邻椎弓之间构成椎间孔 D.椎体与椎弓共同围成椎孔 E.无以上情况 答案:D 题号:7/1033 椎骨正确的是 A.所有颈椎棘突分叉 B.第6颈椎称隆椎 C.腰椎关节呈冠状位 D.腰椎棘突宽而短呈板状

E.胸椎椎体都有一完整肋凹 答案:D 题号:8/1033 关于椎体的说法,错误的是 A.呈短圆柱状 B.位于椎骨前部 C.主要由松质构成 D.表面有一层密质 E.椎体中央有椎孔 答案:E 题号:9/1033 关于椎弓的说法,错误的是 A.位于椎体的后方 B.呈半环状 C.与椎体共同围成椎孔 D.由一对椎弓板构成 E.相邻椎弓间有黄韧带 答案:D 题号:10/1033 关于胸椎的特点是 A.横突上有横突孔 B.棘突分叉 C.上、下关节突不明显 D.棘突水平伸向后方 E.椎体侧面后部有肋凹 答案:E


大学英语拓展课《美国社会与文化》教学大纲课程名称:美国社会与文化 课程代码: 学分/总学时:3.5/72 开课单位:外国语学院 授课对象:非英语专业大二本科生 一、课程的性质、任务和特色 美国社会与文化是大学英语拓展课程,本课程面向二年级已经通过四级或六级的学生开设,旨在满足学生更高的学习需求。已经过了四、六级的大学生,原有的教材和教学模式已经不能满足他们的需求。大学英语拓展课程的开设已经成为必然,拓展课程包括英语国家社会与文化、奥斯卡影视欣赏、外贸口语、翻译、写作等等,美国社会与文化课程是整个拓展课程群的重要组成部分。本课程的主要内容涵盖美国地理、历史、政治、经济、文化、教育等多层面内容,既有表面现象的了解,又有内在原因的分析。本课程以教师自制教材为主,补充电影报刊及网络资源等多媒体材料,旨在通过阅读英语文字材料和观看英文影像资料,然后讨论并解决问题的方式让学生对美国的社会历史、生活习俗和风土人情有一个直观的印象。使学生在欣赏了解的同时,联系社会历史原因进行分析,培养兴趣,开拓视野,提高英语和跨文化学习水平。 本课程教学任务为:了解美国社会与文化的基本特点;掌握美国概况的基础知识;理解中美文化差异和不同的文化价值观念;掌握相关社会历史背景知识;提高英语语言技能;培养跨文化言语交际和非言语交际意识。 本课程的特色:(1)拓展学生的英语知识。本课程配合全新版大学英语三、四册使用,基于整个大学英语教学大纲和课程要求。学生阅读英语文字书面及网络材料和观看英文影像资料,是一个资源输入的过程,通过讨论来解决问题,和中间及最后的考查和考试就是资源输出的过程。前一个过程重点培养学生的英语阅读能力,而后一过程可帮助学生提高说、听、写和译的能力,这与大学英语整个课程要求不谋而合。(2)拓展学生思维,培养学生跨文化交际意识,帮助学生更好适应全球一体化这一大形势。文化是语言的来源和基础,没有文化背景的语言是没有生命的。美国是全球最有影响力的国家之一,同时也是英语语言的主要载体国家。所以了解一定的美国社会与文化知识,不但可以激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提供更多的英语学习背景资料,更重要的是可以培养学生的跨文化交际能力,帮助学生更好地适应新形势下社会对复合型英语人才的需求。 二、学习本课程学生应掌握的前设课程知识 因为涉及到英文授课及各种课堂讨论,要求学生有一定的英语听说能力;授课过程中会有相关文献阅读,要求学生有一定的英语读写能力。要求学生最低通过英语四级,或具有英语四级相当水平。 三、学时分配


《系统解剖学》问答题及参考答案 1、列表说明鼻旁窦的名称、位置及开口部位。 2、列表说明口腔的三对大唾液腺的名称、位置和开口部位。 3、胃由哪些动脉供血?这些动脉来源于何处? 4、肝细胞分泌的胆汁依次经哪些途径最后排入十二指肠腔? 肝细胞分泌的胆汁入毛细胆管经肝内的各级胆管流入肝左、右管,出肝门后流入肝总管,未进食时则经胆囊管流入胆囊储存浓缩,当进食时,Oddi's括约肌舒张,胆囊平滑肌收缩,胆汁从胆囊经胆囊管流入胆总管,经肝胰壶腹、十二指肠大乳头流入十二指肠腔。 5、试述各心腔的出入口名称、心内瓣膜的名称及附着部位。 右心房的入口为上、下腔静脉口和冠状窦口;出口为右房室口。右心室的入口为右房室口;出口为肺动脉口。左心房的入口为左肺上、下静脉口,右肺上、下静脉口;出口为左房室口。左心室的入口为左房室口;出口为主动脉口。三尖瓣附于右房室口;二尖瓣附于左房室口;肺动脉瓣附于肺动脉口;主动脉瓣附于主动脉口。(下腔静脉瓣附于下腔静脉口;冠状窦瓣附于冠状窦口) 6、在哪些部位可摸到动脉的博动?摸到的分别是哪些动脉?外耳门前方可摸到颞浅动脉;下颌底、咬肌前缘可摸到面动脉;环状软骨弓后外侧、胸锁乳突肌前缘或摸到颈总动脉;锁骨上大窝可摸到锁骨下动脉;股二头肌内侧沟或摸到肱动脉;肘窝内、股二头肌腱内侧可摸到肱动脉;肱桡肌腱与桡侧腕屈肌腱之间可摸到桡动脉;腹股沟韧带中点稍下方可摸到股动脉;内、外踝经足背连线的中点处可摸到足背动脉。 7、试说明胸导管的起止、主要走行、收纳的淋巴干和收纳淋巴液的范围。 通常起于第一腰椎前主的乳糜池经主动脉裂孔入胸腔,在食管后方沿脊柱右前方上行,至第5胸椎附近向左侧偏斜,向上出胸廓上口达颈根部注入左静脉角,它收纳左右腰干、肠干、左支气管纵隔干、左颈干、左锁骨下干,它收纳下半身和上半身左侧部的淋巴。 8、房水由何处产生?依次经哪些途径回流至静脉? 由睫状体产生,从后房经瞳孔至前房,由虹膜角膜角入巩膜静脉窦,经睫前静脉回流至眼静脉。 9、试述躯干、上、下肢的意识性本体感觉和精细触觉传导路(三级神经元的胞体位置、三级纤维的名称和大致的走行、交叉的名称和位置、投射的部位) 第1级神经元胞体在脊神经节内,第1级纤维经脊神经后根入脊髓后索内上行称薄、楔束;第2级神经元胞体在薄、楔束核内,第2级纤维在延髓的中央管腹侧


系统解剖学期末试题 一、选择题(每题1分,共45分) A型题(每题备有5个答案,请选出一个最佳答案,在答题卡的相应部位涂黑。(每题1分,共36分) l、精索内不含有 A、睾丸动脉 B、蔓状静脉丛 C、射精管 D、神经 E、淋巴管 2、不参与脊柱构成的是() A、椎间盘 B、前纵韧带 C、后纵韧带 D、黄韧带 E 、齿状韧带 3、何者不是出入肝门的结构( ) A、肝静脉 B、门静脉 C、肝管 D、肝固有动脉 E、淋巴管 4.屈髋关节伸膝关节的肌是 A.缝匠肌 B.股直肌 C.股中间肌 D.股薄肌 E.股二头肌 5、掌深弓 A. 桡、尺两动脉终支构成 B.位于指浅、深屈肌腱之间 C. 弓顶位于掌浅弓近侧1~2cm处 D.发出三条指掌侧总动脉与掌浅弓吻合 E.以上都不对 6、腋淋巴结群中,直接引流乳房大部分淋巴液的是 A.外侧群 B.中央群 C.腋尖群 D.肩胛下群(后群) E.胸肌群(前群) 7、关于肘关节的叙述,哪一项是正确的 A.由肱骨下端和尺骨上端构成 B.由肱骨下端和桡骨上端构成 C.由桡骨上端和尺骨上端构成 D.由肱尺关节、肱桡关节和桡尺近侧关节构成

E.其下界为十二指肠球部 8、肝门静脉 A.是出肝的静脉 B.从肝脏面的横沟处出肝 C.经过肝十二指肠韧带内 D.借胃右静脉与下腔静脉汇合 E.以上都不是 9、关于阑尾,下列哪项叙述是错误的 A.阑尾的远端是盲端 B.其近端开口于回盲瓣下方2~3cm C.阑尾的位置可随盲肠位置的变异而变异 D.阑尾动脉为富有侧支吻合的动脉 E.阑尾根部是三条结肠带会聚处 10、下列哪项不是腹主动脉成对的脏支 A.肾动脉 B.腰动脉 C.睾丸动脉 D.肾上腺中动脉 E.卵巢动脉 11、下列骨中哪块属于脑颅骨 A.犁骨 B.下颌骨 C.腭骨 D.蝶骨 E.颧骨 12、股四头肌不包括 A.股二头肌 B.股直肌 C.股中间肌 D.股外侧肌 E.股内侧肌 13、肩胛骨下角平对 A.第2肋 B.第4肋 C.第5肋 D.第6肋 E.第 7肋 14、关于胆囊的描述不正确的是 A.有储存和浓缩胆汁的功能 B.胆囊结石多停留于底部 C.胆囊底稍突出于肝下缘 D.右锁骨中线与右肋弓的交点为底的体表投影点 E.其毗邻左为幽门,右为结肠右曲 15、肱三头肌 A.伸前臂 B.屈前臂 C.伸小腿 D.屈小腿 E.伸腕


学习了美国社会与文化后,我对美国的传统价值观有了更深更好的理解一般而言,美国的传统价值观共包括六个方面,即:individual freedom, equality of opportunity, material wealth 和self-reliance, competition, hard work. 其中,前三个方面集中代表了世界各地的人们移民到美国的原因,亦即我们通常所讲的“美国之梦”所包含的主要内容;而后三个方面则是为了实现这些梦想所应付出的代价。在美国人看来,individual freedom 和self-reliance, equality of opportunity 和competition, material wealth 和hard work 是一一对应的。你要想实现前一个梦想,就必须付出后边那个代价。 个性自由起源于美国祖先追求宗教信仰自由的传统。包括自主动机,自主抉择,自力更生,尊重他人,个性自由,尊重隐私等层面。美国的自由观"不仅指免除对肉体的约束,而且指个人有权签订契约;有权从事任何一种普通谋生职业;有权获取有用的知识;有权结婚、建立家庭和抚养孩子;受自己良心的支配崇拜上帝,以及普遍地享有历来被认为是自由和平等地追求幸福所必不可少的那些特权 自力更生每一个人生下来就是自由的,但要真正享受自由就必须要靠自己。这种观念体现在语言上就是在与美国人交谈时,他们很少通过炫耀自己的家庭或社会关系来抬高自己;如果你要那么做了只能让别人觉得你是个孩子,一个没有自己生活的人永远只能是个孩子。 机会平等美国人永远愿意倾听别人的意见,给别人机会;一个人在一方面犯了错误,并不剥夺他在其他方面出色的权利。美国人认为在大自然面前,人人有生存权利,只要有力气,有能力,谁都可以获得自然,谁都可以发财当富翁;在政治上,他们主张投票箱面前人人平等,也就是说,人人有选举权;在受教育上,资产阶级进步思想家提倡人人有受教育的机会,公立学校人人均可上学;运动场上,美国人也有他们的标准,只要有体育才能和技术的人,都可以参加竞争;在社交场合,美国人喜欢平等待人,也喜欢被别人平等相待,摆架子、高人一等的表现为人们所不取;在官兵关系方面,美国人认为,官兵之间应该是平等的,指挥官不能向士兵摆资格,不能把权威当宝杖使用;在宗教方面,美国人认为人人有信仰宗教的权利,只要是新教徒,不要经任何神职人员作中介,都可以与上帝相通。 竞争意识竞争是永恒的,也是一个人证明他在社会中地位的手段,但同时他也许要与同事的合作。但请注意,美国人所理解的“竞争”中的胜利并不是“惟我独尊”,而是得到别人的理解和认可;另外,美国人清楚的认识到依次的胜利只能说明过去,明天会有更多的挑战,要乐观的面对挑战,参加竞争。 追求财富美国人的祖先大多来自于贫民,追求财富,改善生活成为绝大多数移民的梦想。时至今日现在的美国人对于财富的理解远远超出了他们的祖先,时间、健康、能力、信息等都超出了纸币本身的价值,金钱成为了一种代表符号。总而言之,在美国人看来,一个人要有追求,这是你个人前进的动力。 敬业进取多数美国人都会把“敬业、进取”当作自己获得财富和保持财富的手段。在美国的各大商场里,有一种“DIY”的商品最为畅销。很多美国人已经把工作,当成一种人生的乐趣。在竞争面前,只有敬业并不断进取,才能保持自己在竞争中不败! 下面有一些列子可以帮组我们了解我在前面提到过的美国的传统价值观。 1、美国商业上强调“自由市场” ,这与美国一直以来的自由价值观有着密切联系。 美国人的价值体系是和经济的改革相联系的。准确地说,是和“自由市场”的产生联系在一起的,自由市场是美国人生活中各种基本矛盾的根源:经济为效率服务、政治为平等服务、文化为自我实现服务的三准则形成了美国社会中的三种最重要的相互制约的价值观。一个半世纪以来,这三种不同的价值定向之间常常会发生紧张和冲突。 2、美国公共教育以实现美国社会机会均等、社会流动和经济公平方面平等主义为目标。 美国教育中,自力更生和责任精神,是对子女教育的出发点。让孩子从小学会独立 历代美国总统认为道德教育在建立民主国家中将会起相当重要的作用。发展教育能够帮助同


当代美国社会与文化 细读王恩铭老师的《当代美国社会与文化》确实收获很多,惊叹于作者对全书系统有序且相当全面的介绍了美国的民族构成、政治制度、经济发展、教育体系、大众传媒、劳工组织、企业管理、社会保障、电影艺术和体育活动,并对美国的宗教信仰、区域文化、价值观念、家庭婚姻、妇女运动和社会矛盾等问题。 和其他书籍来比,譬如我以前读过的《纽约地标》、《裸视美国》等,该书作者的逻辑更加清晰,篇章安排也比较合理。比如说就整体结构而言,本书分为十九个篇章,分别从美国社会的各个层面出发板块式分别叙述了诸如地理、人口、区域划分,历史,民族构成,政治制度,经济概貌,教育概貌,宗教价值观,大众传播媒介,美国劳工及劳工运动,美国工业组织及企业管理,妇女与妇女运动,家庭与婚姻,美国社会保障制度,美国社会问题,以及美国人的娱乐活动,主要节日等。条理清晰,分类严谨,给人以清新,简单的印象。 而就每一个篇章来说,作者在一开始都会有一个概括性的引言。这样的引言简明扼要,提纲挈领性的告诉我们这一章将要讲的内容,使读者对作者的思路有了一个简明的了解。然后在下文的叙述中,不同于有些书籍的是作者分了好多小标题,又一次简明的作为提示性的关键词放在显著位置,使得读者读起来更加方便,也调动了读者的积极性。其实如此学术性的书籍常常会失于乏味,但是读这本书时,每每看完作者的引言和小标题,我常常会想象作者接下了会怎样写,如

果是我会怎样写,就这一方面我已经了解了哪些问题等等,这样就提高了我阅读的积极性。我想分类明了,思路严谨,行文脉络清晰是本书最大的特征之一。就是利用这种方法,作者很明白的把整个美国社会的组成以文化现象说的很清楚。这种行文方式,也是我们以后写作时应该效仿学习的。 给我印象最深的一节是关于美利坚民族构成的介绍,和以前看过的书相比,作者明了的分类方式,抓住纲领的行文可见一斑。该章开始,作者用简短不足一千字的六小段,简单的介绍了这个多民族的移民国家的形成,组成,文化特征勾勒出了美利坚民族的基本特色。然后作者又利用他的分类特长分别介绍了北美土著居民,来自欧洲的居民,来自亚洲的居民,来自非洲的居民,来自拉丁美洲的美国人,这样的分类系统简单明了,易于接受。然后作者又按同样的结构在每个小节分别叙述了这些居民主要来自这些大洲的哪些国家,这些国家的移民在当今美国所占的比例,以及他们的移民史,他们第一代移民的从事的职业,社会地位以及第二代,第三代……的移民的职业特征,社会地位,和与其他国家移民相比,各个国家的移民的不同点。比起以前所读过的《裸视美国》,这样的叙述更清晰,思路更简单,更易为读者所接受。 通观全书,我对美国社会有了更系统的了解。其实对于书上的有些知识我以前零星点点的略知皮毛,但是在作者引领下我有了更清楚的认识。还有一些知识是以前在别的书上很少读过的,比如说以前我只知道美国白人的奴隶制度和他们对黑人的残酷剥削,但是不明白白


American Family 1.The middle-aged people and elderly people generally live with their married children in America(F) 2.The nuclear family is the fundamental family pattern in the United States now(T) 3.In the post-civil war period,the African American family in the South was not only more nuclear,but also more male dominated(T) 4.In America,The pre-industrial family is a kind of Democratic family(F) 5.Mother and Father equally have the final say on family matters in most modern American families(T) 6.Upper-class families don’t aspire to be upwardly mobile because they are always there(T) 7.What does a nuclear family consist of (B) A.parents and family kin or other members of the community B.it consists of parents and their dependent or minor children only C.it consists of two parents and their children 8.Who takes care of the dependent children in a one-parent family in America?(C) A.The grandparents B.The government C.mother and father 9.Many American children must develop self-dependent to adjust themselves to (C) A.their parent’s unhappy marriage B.the new lifestyle of American family C.dramatic social and economic change in new century 10.Which of the following is not the effects of the Women’s Liberation movement in the 1960’s(B) A.women should have the same social and economic rights and priviledges as men B.women should go out to start their own business instead of staying at home to take care of their children C.women should obtained many political and legal rights previously open to men 11.Which of the following statements is not ture?(C) A.In America,individuals freely contracted marriage based on love in modern family pattern B.In 19th century,children were largely used as labor force, making children earn a living was seen not onl y as economically necessary but also morally sound C.In African American family,the slave can choose their husbands and wives by themselves American Education 1 The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by (D) A.Teachers B. Students C. headmasters D. boards of education 2 In the US school systems, which of the follow decision is true?(C) A.Elementary school, grammar school B.Elementary school, junior high school C.Elementary school, secondary school D.unior high school, senior high school 3 Three of the following universities have large endowments from wealthy benefactors . which is the exception?(B) A.Harvard university B.The state university of New Y ork C.Y ale university D.Princeton university 4 Both public and private universities depend on the following sources of income except(A) A.Investment B. student tuition C endowments D government funding 5 How many percent of American students go to public schools? (A) 85% B. 65% C 50% D 25% 6 American middle school system is consist if middle school and high school, the high school is divided into junior high scho ol and senior high school. (T) 7 The basic classes of middle school are math, English, PE, history, and health (T) 8 Children start school when they are six years old, in some states they must stay in school until they are fifteen.(F) 9.Parent do not have to pay for education of the public school, because the schools receive many from the government(T) 10. It’s false that most people stereotype the American middle school is easy to pass.(T) American labour 1.From what we know of the original African families from which many black Americans came.(T) 2.The Japanese worked hard for low pay and without complaining.(T) 3.In the nineteenth century in Mexican American families Husbands raised cattle and wives tended the housework!(T) 4.It was not until in the 1850s that working men's societies made a comeback.(T) Reason: Before 1860, union members never exceeded 1% of total labor force. From then on , labors has risen up 5.In the United States, the balance of power is different from other advanced industrial nations. It's true?(T) Reason: in the US, the power is clearly in favor of the employers. So, most of them l ook after business interests first, welfare of labor. 6.The AFL-CIO is especially connected with global trade issue.(T) 7.National Labor Relations Board isn't an independent federal agency.(F) 8.What did the workers want to gain in the labor movement? A: material status and social status 9.Which law became the first law to prohibit racial discrimination?(B) A. Taft-Hartley Act B. Fair Employment Act C. National Labor or Relations Act 10.Which one is not American national trade union organizations?(D) A. AFL-CIO B. IWW (Industrial Workers of the World C. Ctw (Change to Win Federation) D. ILD (International Labor Organization) American values and characteristics Question: true or false for American values and characteristics 1 In 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued the famous Emancipation Proclamation to ablish the slavery。(T) 2 Abraham Lincoln was the 15th president of the United States.(F)


系统解剖学试题 选择题 1.关于角膜的错误说法是: A.无色透明 B.有折光作用 C.无毛细血管及感觉神经末梢 D.外层为复层扁平上皮 E.表层损伤后,能很快再生恢复 2.位于视神经盘的正确描述是: A.位于眼球的后极 B.为感光的敏感区 C.含有视网膜中央动脉 D.位于黄斑的外侧 E.含视杆细胞 3.关于视神经盘: A.是视细胞的轴突集中处 B.此处感觉敏锐 C.中央略凹陷叫中央凹 D.视网膜中央动、静脉穿过其中心 E.以上都不对 4.关于晶状体的错误说法是: A.为双凸透镜状 B.无色透明 C.有弹性 D.不含血管,仅有神经 E.外包一层透明而有弹性的薄膜 5.可以主动调节晶状体曲度的是: A.睫状体 B.睫状肌 C.睫状突 D.睫状小带 E.瞳孔括约肌 6.无折光作用的是: A.房水 B.玻璃体 C.虹膜 D.角膜 E.晶状体 7.下列何肌收缩使瞳孔转向外上: A.外直肌 B.内直肌 C.上斜肌 D.下斜肌

E.上睑提肌 8.下列不属于骨骼肌的是: A.瞳孔括约肌 B.上睑提肌 C.内直肌 D.外直肌 E.上斜肌 9.上斜肌使瞳孔转向: A.下外方 B.上外方 C.上内方 D.下内方 E.以上都不是 10.关于眼动脉正确的描述是: A.起自颈总动脉 B.与眼神经伴行进入眶内 C.最重要的分支为视网膜中央动脉 D.眶下动脉是它的分支 E.以上都不是 11.关于外耳道正确的描述是: A.外1/3为骨部,内2/3为软骨部 B.外2/3为骨部,内1/3为软骨部 C.由外向内其方向是先向前上,次稍向后,再折向前下 D.由外向内其方向是先向后上,次稍向内,再折向前下 E.以上都不是 12.关于外耳道的正确描述是: A.为一弯曲的骨性管道 B.其骨性部分为颞骨所成 C.皮肤较厚且富有弹性 D.皮下组织丰富,腺体较多 E.与中耳相交通 13.关于鼓膜的说法正确的是: A.位于外耳道和中耳之间 B.是圆形的透明膜 C.呈深红色 D.大部分为松弛部 E.后下方有光锥 14.关于鼓膜的描述错误的是: A.位于鼓室和外耳道之间 B.在活体呈淡红色 C.其上方有鼓室上隐窝 D.下3/4为紧张部,薄而松弛


温州医学院_________学年第_________学期 年级_________专业《统解剖学》试卷() (卷面100分,占总成绩______%) 考试日期: 年 月 日 考试时间: 考试方式:闭卷 余试题的答案写在试卷上。 2.请在答题卡上填涂好姓名、班级、课程、考试日期、试卷类型和考 号。试卷类型划A ;考号为学号,请填涂在“考号”的后九个空格 并划线。 3.答题卡填涂不符合规范者,一切后果自负。 4.所有试卷不得带出考场之外,否则以作弊论处。 5.考试进行到70分钟时,监考老师先收答题卡;考试结束时,再收试卷,并以班级为单位,按学号顺序整理好。 一.名词解释(本大题共五题,每题2分,共10分) 1. 椎管(构成1分,内容1分) 2. 胆囊三角(部位,境界) 3. 局部淋巴结

4. 内侧丘系 5. 神经核 二、填空题(本大题共20个空格,每个空格0.5分,共10分) 1. 低头时,项部突出最明显的是第颈椎棘突;胸骨角两侧的肋切迹与肋软骨连接;肩胛骨下角约平对肋或肋间隙。 2. 腹外斜肌腱膜下缘增厚,张于髂前上棘与耻骨结节之间,称为;腹外斜肌腱膜在耻骨结节外上方的三角形裂口为。 3. 膈肌上的主动脉裂孔约在 椎水平、腔静脉裂孔约在、椎水平、 食管裂孔约在椎水平。 4. 咽峡由、、和共同围成。 5.输精管较长,根据其行程可分为:_____ 部,______ 部,______ 部和_______ 部。 6. 膝跳反射的感受器位于,传入神经是,传出神经是,效应器是。 。 三、问答题((本大题共四题,共20分) 1. 简述子宫的位置、形态(3分)和分部(3分)。


第一章美国地理、人口和区域划分 两种说法: America,还包括美洲的意思; the United states of America,使用第二种表述更为确切。历史变迁: 18世纪时期,独立前后的美国是政治上和宗教上受迫害的欧洲移民的庇护所,是清教 徒们的美国。“山巅之城”(the City upon the Hill)是寻求政治自由人士的向往之地。 19世纪时期,美国西部开发,西海岸金矿发现,使美国在欧亚两洲成为“发财”(make a fortune)的代名词,吸引无数人去体验“淘金梦”。 (旧金山-中国人取名,市政府建筑上镶嵌72吨黄金) 20世纪时期,美国的政治、经济、科技和军事力量跃居世界超级大国地位,国际形 象在“世界警察”、“金元帝国”、“西方盟主”和“世界领袖’等诨名间变幻。 在21世纪的当今,美国依然保持其超强地位。主张单极世界 地理变化: 1776年7月4日独立之初.美国只拥有北美洲沿大西洋一边的一块狭长地带。 经近二百年西扩、战争攫取和低价购买,现横跨北美大陆,延伸至北美洲西北角的阿拉斯加(Alaska)和地处北太平洋的夏威夷(Hawaii),国土总面积达936万平方公里,居世界第四。(俄罗斯、加拿大、中国) 首都、国旗、国歌、国玺: 首都是华盛顿,即华盛顿.哥伦比亚特区(Washington D.C.)。 国旗由红白相间条纹和蓝底白色的星星组成.1777.7.4国会通过,通常称“星条旗’(Stars and Stripes)。13道条纹代表最早独立13个州;1814年决定增加一州加1星,50颗星星表示美国现有50个州。。(贝特西·罗斯(1752—1836),美国民间女英雄,据说是星条旗的第一个制作者。) 1


美国社会与文化期末复习参考 1.How has Protestantism shaped basic American values? 2.What is the essence of the Protestant heritage? 3.What is the protestant heritage? Protestantism gives American people the value of self-improvement, the belief of gaining material success through hard work and self-discipline,and the idea of volunteerism and humanitarianism. 4.What are the three branches of the federal government and their responsibilities? 5.What are the three branches of the U.S. Government? What are the responsibilities of each branch? Congress is the legislativebranch and responsible for making laws.The president heads on the executive branch and carrying out the laws. The Supreme Court and lower national courts make up the judicial branch, which interpret the laws. 6.What is the Electoral College? How does it work? It is a system for indirectly electing the president. The winner of the highest number of each state’s popular votes gets all of that state’s electoral votes. A person getting the highest number of electoral votes will become president. 7.Why are Americans suspicious of a strong government? Because they think government is the natural enemy of individual freedom. 8.Why did the American Constitution adopt the policy of “separation of church and state”? Because the government was forbidden to establish a national church, in order that no denomination was to be favored over the others. 9.What are the two major political parties in the United States? What is the main difference in their beliefs? Republican Party believe in free enterprise system which favor little or no government regulation. Democratic Party believe in government regulatedbusinessesto protect consumers and workers. 10.What are interest groups? What do interest groups do? They are some groups of Americans with similar interests and often called lobbying groups. They demand new or protect existing government programs, regulationsand benefits for their members’ interests. 11.What are the three values that are traditionally associated with the frontier heritage? They are individualism, self-relianceand equality of opportunity. 12.How do you understand the saying “What’s above the ground is more important than what is beneath the ground?”


系统解剖学试题(A) 一单选题40分(每题0.5分)1.通过卵圆孔的结构是: A.三叉神经B.下颌神经C.眼神经D.下颌动脉E.上颌动脉 2.开口于中鼻道的鼻旁窦有:A.上颌窦和蝶窦 B.额窦和蝶窦 C.筛窦和蝶窦 D.筛窦前群、中群、额窦、上 颌窦 E.筛窦后群、中群、额窦、上 颌窦 3.卵圆孔位于: A.额骨B.颞骨C.蝶骨D.筛骨E.上颌骨 4.关节腔内有关节盘的关节是:A.肩关节B.胸锁关节C.肘关节D.髋关节E.踝关节 5.不属于肱骨的结构: A.肱骨大结节B.外科颈C.肱骨滑车D.冠突E.内上髁 6.不属于自由上肢骨的是:A.肱骨B.尺骨C.桡骨D.锁骨 E.掌骨 7.滑膜关节的辅助结构是:A.囊内韧带、囊外韧带、关节盘、关节唇 B.关节囊、关节软骨、关节盘C.关节囊、囊内韧带、囊外韧带 D.关节软骨、关节盘、关节唇E.无上述情况 8.关于前纵韧带正确的描述是:A.为连接相邻两椎弓间的韧带B.可防止椎间盘向后脱出C.可防止脊柱过伸 D.细长,上起自枢椎 E.下达第2腰椎水平 9.关于椎间盘正确的描述是:A.位于脊柱所有椎体之间B.由纤维环和髓核构成 C.属间接连接 D.髓核最易向后方脱出 E.在中胸部最厚 10.位于各椎体的后面,几乎纵贯脊柱全长的韧带是: A.黄韧带B.前纵韧带C.后纵韧带D.项韧带E.棘上韧带 11.关于胸锁乳突肌正确的描述是:A.起自胸骨锁骨端,止于乳突B.为颈部深层肌 C.由颈神经支配 D.双侧收缩时可使头后仰E.无上述情况 12.通过肩关节囊内的肌腱是:A.冈上肌腱 B.冈下肌腱 C.肱三头肌长头腱 D.肱二头肌长头腱 E.肱二头肌短头腱 13.构成膝关节的骨有: A.股骨和胫骨 B.股骨、胫骨、腓骨 C.腓骨、胫骨、股骨、髌骨


思考与言说作家杂志Writer Magazine2010No.10 一引言 工业革命的成功将西方资本主义社会导入了现代历史阶段。由美国革命和法国大革命所开创的现代社会具有“市民社会”(civil society)的性质,是一种基于个人自由民主和基本人权的法制社会,其基本特征和“现代性”在于:把社会视为由具有自由平等权的个人,依据其个人意愿和基本利益,而按照协商民主方式达到共识的途径所建构起来的。换言之,自然权利论和社会契约论,是现代社会和现代国家的建构基础,其政治意义在于牵制国家权力的膨胀。 20世纪60年代是美国社会转入后现代历史阶段的起点。在经历了两次世界大战的激烈动荡以及20世纪半个多世纪政治、经济和文化的激烈变革之后,在当代科技革命和信息技术的影响和推动下,美国率先步入了“后工业社会”或“信息社会”时代,从经典资本主义过渡到了晚期资本主义。当代美国的“后现代性”充满着矛盾性和吊诡性:一方面,社会政治、经济和文化都实现了高度的理性化、制度化和专业化,先进的知识和技术高速发展,精神财富和物质财富空前繁荣,带来了空前未有的“休闲式”或“消费式”的轻松惬意的日常生活结构;另一方面,社会政治、经济和文化的法制化、专业化和体系化以及科学技术的意识形态化,正在日渐脱离日常生活领域,开始走向与“生活世界”的尖锐对立,并对公民生活进行潜移默化的“殖民化”或“宰制”,这一切不仅直接破坏了美国社会本身现存的和谐关系,而且对美国社会与文化的未来走向产生着间接的负面影响。 二当代美国社会的后现代特征 “理性异化”和“科技专制”(technocracy),使当代美国的社会性质和结构发生了根本性的变化。首先,启蒙理性已经异化为科学理性、工具理性和极权理性,成为凭借权力控制一切、征服一切的基础和工具。理性的异化逐渐消解了人的主体性,并最终导致了人性的扭曲和社会的变异。 其次,技术专家同权力机构相互勾结,赋予当代科学技术和知识一种新的特权地位,形成对当代美国社会的“科技专制”,使效率和技术统治意识取代了自由、平等和社会进步意识,成为衡量一切的最高标准和控制人、奴役人的异己力量。于是,意识形态化了的科学技术作为一种强大的无形力量开始控制公众的思想和精神,从政治、经济、文化等各个方面大规模地侵蚀和占领人们的情感生活,给人类生存带来了与日俱增的惶惑和恐惧。当代美国社会的不确定性和不可预测性特征,正是源于当代科技的这种强大创造力 和控制力。 最后,美国文化的后现代主义的特征与传统美学、解释、文化和艺术背道而驰,它所要摒弃的正是那些在传统文化中被视为崇高特征和精英意识的审美标准,它所要反对的就是那些具有现代主义中心意识的观点,并对那些为少数精英分子所把持的主流文化进行坚决的拒斥。可以说,后现代主义的美国文化已不可能同其传统主义文化同日而语。 综上所述,自20世纪60年代以来,理性和科学的性质与作用在当代美国发生了异变,其工具性功能的日益强化必然弱化了它们对自身和对社会现实的批判性功能。“理性异化”和“科技专制”将美国导入了后现代社会,其基本特征是:信息技术日新月异,当代科技和信息产业膨胀泛滥,整个社会程式化、讯息化、符号化、复制化和商品化,从而导致了人的主体性日益消解,偶然性和机遇性取代了因果性和规律性,生活充满着不确定性和不可预测性,社会风险性不断加大。 三当代美国文化的后现代特征 理性异化和科技专制必然引发伦理结构、审美结构以及心态特征、思考方式和生活方式的连锁性嬗变,这些都使美国后现代社会的文化图式日益呈现出商品化、肤浅化和碎片化的特征。绝非耸人听闻,当代文化的概念已经巨变到了如此地步,生活在这种文化中的人们必然分享了它的变异了的、以物质为中心的生活方式。显然,当代美国社会的后现代文化已经变得过于破碎和无趣,甚至可以说,这种后现代意义上的文化特征无处不在。 首先,高度集约化、程序化和规范化的生产方式消解了人的个性,导致了人性的失落,或者说将人性异化为一种“市场人格”,使人成为受消费欲望驱动的经济动物,在消费、休闲、享乐和感官满足中得到了“延缓的满足”。经济主宰着社会生活,后现代消费主义文化彻底瓦解了资本主义新教伦理。可以说,机械化、标准化、过分专业化以及劳动的集约化等等,它们在过去只是决定实际工业部门中商品生产的领域,而到了如今,它们渗透到社会生活的方方面面。在所谓“后工业化”社会中,“自然”已一去不复返地消失。整个世界已不同以往,“文化”变成了实实在在的“第二自然”。 其次,社会商业化导致了文化商品化,使沦为商业行为的精神创造活动异化成了一种游戏、一种宣泄,最终丧失了传统的精神追求和价值意蕴,丧失了组合生活、排列生活、 摘要自20世纪60年代起,美国社会转入了充满着矛盾性和吊诡性的“后现代”历史阶段。理性异化和科技专制导致了美国社会、文化与人性的深刻异变,当代科技和信息产业的膨胀泛滥型构出一个碎片化的后现代社会结构,后现代信息文化现象的高度不确定性和高度感性化孕育着深刻的人文危机。后现代主义思潮的出现和流行,实质上正是晚期资本主义政治、经济和社会形态在文化上的必然反映,其试图彻底重建一切人类文化的努力使美国社会与文化的未来走向仍然值得世人的关注与期待。 关键词:后现代特征理性异化科技专制信息文化后现代主义 中图分类号:G02文献标识码:A 当代美国社会与文化的后现代特征探析李新博 189






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