Break into MFC42d.dll in visual 6.0 您所在的位置:网站首页 缺少mfc42ddll Break into MFC42d.dll in visual 6.0

Break into MFC42d.dll in visual 6.0

2023-03-07 02:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

::Resolved::I have a new installation of visual studio 6.0, where I cannot break into MFC codes of see MFC symbol information in the call stack. I do not see any difference in the mfc42d.dll and mfc42d.pdb files in c:\windows\system32 from the other computers where this is not an issue. 


However, it does allow me to add break points into MFC source codes when my application is executing in debug mode indicating it’s aware of these files being used.


 Any suggestions?

This was due to some mismatch in the MFC4d.dll between various computers, and I am assuming the pdb did not match. Unfortunately this was impossible to guess from last modification date of the dll. 







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