【中英文演讲稿】邹韵专访前联合国秘书长潘基文 您所在的位置:网站首页 红米note7价格多少钱一台 【中英文演讲稿】邹韵专访前联合国秘书长潘基文


2023-04-05 11:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265









Let's talk a little bit about your decade of service at the helm of the UN. The very first secretary general at the UN,Mr. Trygve Lie, he said the secretary general is the most impossible job on earth, but when you work as the UN Chief your motto back then was to change the impossible mission into possible ones. Well, Mr. Ban, dealing with 193 member states is by no means an easy task. In transforming the impossible job to possible mission, what is the key?

让我们谈谈你在联合国担任秘书长的经历,联合国的第一任秘书长特里格夫.赖伊曾说,秘书长是世界上最不可能完成的工作,但是您担任联合国秘书长时,您当时的座右铭是“将不可能完成的任务变为可能”。那么,潘基文先生,与193 个成员国打交道绝不是一项容易的任务。在将不可能的工作转变为可能的过程中,关键是什么?

I think there is not such an impossible job if we have a strong commitment. So from the beginning of my mandate, I will try to make this impossible job into a possible job. 


So, I really try to look at the positive side. I have always been a positive mind. If you don't have any positive mind, positive attitude, you never achieve anything. If you are just disappointed and give up your hope, then nothing can happen. Whether you will be successful or not, you will have to continue to strive until you can achieve something. 


You may be successful, you may fail, but even so, if you repeat, then I think you will get support from other people and you'll be able to achieve something. This has been my philosophical belief.


Well, Mr. Ben, I know you love Chinese culture, especially the Chinese calligraphy, and you've written many traditional Chinese expressions. For instance, 'the highest good is like water' or ' harmonious peaceful family brings prosperity.' What is your favorite Chinese character in calligraphy?And if you're asked to present a calligraphy to describe the complex world we live in now, what would it be?


As a young boy, I learned a lot of Chinese wisdom and Chinese characters, even though I'm not able to speak. But I can write and read Chinese characters. I've been speaking about 上善若水 as one of my principles of a motto.


Mr. Ben. These are the questions. Do you mind signing our work? You can write it in Chinese or in English. Wow, thank you so much. Thank you, thank you.







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