每日一词∣中国入世20周年 the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the WTO 您所在的位置:网站首页 第十一年英文 每日一词∣中国入世20周年 the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the WTO

每日一词∣中国入世20周年 the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the WTO

2023-04-29 16:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

每日一词∣中国入世20周年 the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the WTO

中国日报网 2021-12-10 17:00

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今年是中国加入世界贸易组织20周年。20年来,中国经济总量从世界第六位上升到第二位,货物贸易从世界第六位上升到第一位,服务贸易从世界第十一位上升到第二位,利用外资稳居发展中国家首位,对外直接投资从世界第二十六位上升到第一位。This year marks the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). During the past 20 years, China has grown from the world's sixth-largest economy to the second largest. Meanwhile, its trade in goods has grown from the sixth to the largest in the world and trade in services from the 11th to the second. China has led developing countries in utilized foreign investment, and its outbound direct investment (ODI) has risen from the 26th to the first.




【重要讲话】加入世界贸易组织以来,中国不断扩大开放,激活了中国发展的澎湃春潮,也激活了世界经济的一池春水。Since joining the WTO, China has kept opening wider to the world, thus generating a new wave of domestic development while injecting fresh impetus into the world economy.——2021年11月4日,习近平在第四届中国国际进口博览会开幕式上的主旨演讲


加入世界贸易组织20年来中国的发展进步,是中国人民在中国共产党坚强领导下埋头苦干、顽强奋斗取得的,也是中国主动加强国际合作、践行互利共赢的结果。China’s development and progress since its WTO accession 20 years ago is the result of much hard work and great tenacity of the Chinese people under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC). It is also the result of China’s proactive steps to strengthen international cooperation and pursue win-win cooperation.——2021年11月4日,习近平在第四届中国国际进口博览会开幕式上的主旨演讲



高水平开放high-standard opening-up

以世界贸易组织为核心的多边贸易体制multilateral trading regime with the WTO at its core

开放型世界经济open world economy







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