Sim Companies 商业模拟游戏【小助理问题全中文攻略】 您所在的位置:网站首页 第一次上夜班怎么办 Sim Companies 商业模拟游戏【小助理问题全中文攻略】

Sim Companies 商业模拟游戏【小助理问题全中文攻略】

2024-07-14 22:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1) Sir, the local general contractor introduced himself and is offering 3 Construction units for free, no strings attached.

1) 先生,当地总承包商自我介绍,并免费提供 3 个施工单位,无任何附加条件。

That's perfect, that would cover half of the plantation build up or upgrade cost


You got 3 construction units

你有 3 个建筑单位

2) There's a trader by the door wanting to sell 4,000 units of water for $0.13 a unit, do you want it? Boss, even if we can't use it, we can sell it on the market for a lot more.

2) 门口有一个商人想要以每单位 0.13 美元的价格出售 4,000 单位的水,你想要吗?老大,就算用不到,我们也可以在市场上卖很多钱。

Of course, please write him a check


You got 4,000 units of water

你有 4,000 单位的水

3) There's a vineyard owner short on his harvest this year, offering to pay $3,000 for 200 units of grapes. It looks like he needs them badly.

3) 一位葡萄园主今年收成不足,愿意出价 3,000 美元购买 200 单位葡萄。看来他非常需要他们。

It's his lucky day! Get the grapes from warehouse


You sold 200 grapes 你卖了 200 颗葡萄

4) Sir, my sister-in-law started working for the FPA. I thought you would be pleased we have someone on the inside.

4) 先生,我的嫂子开始为 FPA 工作。我以为你会很高兴我们有内部人员。

Good to know, but I do not plan to control multiple accounts, it's against the rules.


5) Boss, a close relative of yours came by down on their luck and looking for a job.

5) 老板,你的一个近亲来找工作,运气不好。

Great! Make them a Manager and give them an office near mine. Some of your other employees felt injustice and did not work very hard.

Offer them a position in the mail room so they can prove themselves. Your relative appreciates the chance and works hard.

I don't believe in nepotism. Have them submit a resume to HR like everyone else. Your employees applaud your sense of fairness.


6) There's a bum by the door offering to sell 3 brand new tablets for $100 each, it's very obvious he has stolen them. Do you want them?

Get the tablets and tell him to never to come back here again

You got 3 tablets

7) You have a visitor, he claims to be a refugee scientist offering to sell research he has stolen from his country. It's 20 units at $10 a piece. Boss, that's way below the value, you should buy it and sell it on the market right away.

7) 您有一位访客,他自称是一名难民科学家,愿意出售他从自己国家偷来的研究成果。 20 件,每件 10 美元。老板,这价格太低了,你赶紧买进市场去卖吧。

Great idea, tell him we buy it


You got 20 [random] research

你有 20 个[随机]研究

8) Boss, local farmers are sourcing more seeds for this season. They will pay $0.3 per unit

8) 老板,当地农民正在为这个季节采购更多的种子。他们将为每单位支付 0.3 美元

We cannot deal with seeds right now. (Buy from the exchange then sell to the farmers to make a profit)


9) A charity called, asking for $1,000 donation towards a hurricane relief in caribbean. What do you think?

You have donated $1000 to the charity. (No effect)

您已向慈善机构捐赠了 1000 美元。 (没有效果)

Em... maybe later, you see I already gave money to cancer something yesterday.

嗯……也许稍后,你看我昨天已经给癌症捐了钱了。 (No effect, but you don't have to donate $1000)

10) There's a group of immigrant construction workers bad on their luck, claiming they will increase one level of one of your buildings for just food. Boss, let's get them 200 sausages, this is an amazing deal for us.

10) 有一群运气不好的移民建筑工人,声称他们会为了食物而增加你的一栋建筑的一层。老板,我们给他们买200根香肠吧,这对我们来说太划算了。

When can they start? 他们什么时候可以开始?

Your [random building] was upgraded to level [+1] (Read kolmarbnh's post in this thread for a more detailed analysis and explanation of this quest!)


11) Boss, your employees want to have a Christmas party, will you pay for it? It's gonna cost $500 or maybe $1,500.

11) 老板,你的员工想要举办一个圣诞晚会,你愿意付钱吗?价格大概是 500 美元或者 1,500 美元。

Answer: Sure, they have been working hard whole year, spare no expense


The party cost you $2,000. It was a success: everybody was very drunk

这场聚会花费了你 2,000 美元。很成功:每个人都喝醉了

Answer: Tell them to get back to work!


No penalty 没有惩罚

12) Boss, the school in the block is preparing for easter, they need eggs.

12) 老板,街区的学校正在准备复活节,他们需要鸡蛋。

We can send them 5,000 for $1.10 each.

我们可以向他们发送 5,000 份,每份 1.10 美元。

Answer: depending on the market price and/or if you produce your own eggs this could be a great deal instead of the other answer.  



Made $57^  赚了 57 美元^

Made $595^ 赚了 595 美元^

Please donate 2,500 eggs. My kids go to that school


Boss, the kids were very happy with the eggs we gave them. As a thanks, they gave us their nicest decorated egg. (You get a q7 egg.  EDIT: December 9, 2021.  This is NOT a Collectible)

老板,孩子们对我们送的鸡蛋非常满意。作为感谢,他们给了我们他们装饰得最好的鸡蛋。 (您将获得一个 q7 鸡蛋。编辑:2021 年 12 月 9 日。这不是收藏品)

13) A man who is believed to be the local mafia boss is asking for our help with transporting "stuff" out of the country. He stressed that it's all "perfectly legal". This will cost us 2,000 transportation units and he promissed to pay us $4,500.

13) 一名据信是当地黑手党老大的男子请求我们帮助将“东西”运出国。他强调这一切“完全合法”。这将花费我们 2,000 个运输单位,他承诺支付 4,500 美元。

For that kind of money, I will drive the truck myself


Your truck did not get caught but mafia paid you just $1,700 (No idea if there's a better outcome)

你的卡车没有被抓住,但黑手党只付给你 1,700 美元(不知道是否有更好的结果)

14) Boss, for the yearly fair they are looking for fruits and sausages. Are we able to supply them?

14) 老板,他们正在为一年一度的集市寻找水果和香肠。我们能够供应他们吗?

Yes, send 2,500 apples @$2.20 a unit (you should supply them with sausages as long as you profit from the transaction)

是的,发送 2,500 个苹果,每单位 2.20 美元(只要您能从交易中获利,您就应该向他们提供香肠)

15) There's a politician on the phone: "I will make a lot of people happy, it's gonna be huge. I just need your money to make billions and billions of dollars for this country."

15) 电话里有一位政客:“我会让很多人开心,这将是巨大的。我只需要你的钱为这个国家赚取数十亿美元。”

Answer: I support honest people, my personal assistant will write you a cheque for $1,000


You have donated $1,000 to the politician party.

您已向政治党捐赠了 1,000 美元。

Answer: Are you for real? (Hang up)

回答:你是真的吗? (挂断)

No penalty 没有惩罚

16) You have a visitor, he looks like the wall street type, he said: "I have a once in a lifetime investment opportunity for you. I deal in new equity derivative instrument, it's very similar to a call option on a basket of ETFs, but has fluctuating strike price dependent on settlement price of unrelated commodity futures."

16) 你有一个访客,他看起来像华尔街类型,他说:“我给你一个千载难逢的投资机会。我经营新的股票衍生工具,它非常类似于一篮子股票的看涨期权ETF,但执行价格波动取决于不相关商品期货的结算价格。”

Well .. what? Em.. that's sounds like a great idea. I am in! Here's $2,000

嗯..什么?嗯..这听起来是个好主意。我在!这是 2,000 美元

The investment plummeted but then it picked up again. You made $2,080. The investment guy made a fortune.

投资大幅下降,但随后又回升。您赚了 2,080 美元。投资人发财了。

Wait, what? I am not interested.


(No effect)

17) Boss, business is going good. The sales department wants to celebrate. Maybe we could organize something for them?

17) 老板,生意兴隆。销售部门想要庆祝一下。也许我们可以为他们安排一些事情?

Answer: Yes, budget $3,000 for a party.

答:是的,举办一场聚会的预算为 3,000 美元。

Sales department was happy with the party. I am sure new good orders will come in soon.


Answer: No time for parties at this moment, we should all focus on the business.


No penalty 没有惩罚

18) Boss, SimConstruction called to ask for a favor. They urgently need 2000 bricks to avoid breaking a contract and paying a penalty. They will pay, of course.

18) 老板,SimConstruction 打电话来请求帮忙。他们急需 2000 块砖块,以避免违约并支付违约金。当然,他们会付钱。

Sure, I can help out, send the bricks.


Boss, SimConstruction is grateful for our help. In appreciation, they will send construction workers to help us during our next renovation. Our next upgrade will complete in half the time!


19) Boss, there will be an event in our city, my brother-in-law is one of the organizers. They could really use a sponsor donation of $5,000.

19) 老板,我们城市要举办一个活动,我姐夫是组织者之一。他们确实可以使用 5,000 美元的赞助商捐款。

Your family is my family, of course, maybe we can even get good advertisement out of it


The event was a success, the positive exposure got you +1% production/sales speed bonus


NOTE: If, for some reason, you didn't give the $5000 needed for this quest to get the 1% production/sales speed bonus, you will get another chance with another PA quest once you reach level 23, only this time it will cost $150,000.

注意:如果由于某种原因,您没有提供此任务所需的 5000 美元来获得 1% 的生产/销售速度奖励,那么一旦您达到 23 级,您将获得另一个 PA 任务的机会,只是这一次它会花费15万美元。

"You get another chance at level 23, don't screw it up though, it costs $150k at level 23" - The Center

“你在 23 级还有一次机会,不过别搞砸了,23 级要花 15 万美元”——The Center

20) Sir, an employee found this envelope full of cash. It's $2,300.

20) 先生,一名员工发现这个信封里装满了现金。价格是 2,300 美元。

Please take the money to the police, otherwise it's technically a "theft by finding".


The police was not able to find the owner. As the envelope was found on the company property, you get to keep it. (Keeping the money will give you $2300 as well, there's no penalty)

警方未能找到失主。由于信封是在公司财产上发现的,因此您可以保留它。 (保留这笔钱还会给你 2300 美元,没有罚款)

21) I just heard, our workers are voting to form a Union. I'm not sure if we want to do anything.

21) 我刚刚听说,我们的工人正在投票组建工会。我不确定我们是否想做点什么。

If they want to Unionize I'm OK with that, we'll stay out of it and negotiate with them fairly.


There's a union now, this resulted in an increase in salaries and one time fee of $4,000. Workers are happy. (You will only lose 4000 total, the "increase in salaries" part is just flavor text)

现在有了工会,这导致工资增加,一次性费用增加了 4,000 美元。工人们很高兴。 (总共只会损失4000,“加薪”部分只是调味文字)

Promoting the employee would also cost you $4000, same thing.

晋升员工也会花费你 4000 美元,同样的事情。

8th of January - union PA quest updated

1 月 8 日 - Union PA 任务更新

Third Option: 第三种选择:

5% decrease in current production and retail speeds.

当前生产和零售速度降低 5%。

Trying to prevent the union from forming will stop the construction, upgrade or production of a random building, you lose the materials as well, you've been warned!


Another possibility is to stop all map activity then choose "This is ridiculous, I will not tolerate unions in my company!", the outcome will be "there is a union now" but with no negative effect

另一种可能性是停止所有地图活动,然后选择“这太荒谬了,我不会容忍我公司有工会!”,结果将是“现在有工会”,但没有负面影响, and you won't have to pay out $4000.

,您无需支付 4000 美元。

22) Hi sir, your son is here. He wants to buy a brand new eye-phone which costs almost $1,600 what would you like to do?

22) 嗨先生,您的儿子在这里。他想买一部价值近 1,600 美元的全新手机,你想做什么?

Of course, only the best for my family. I am sure he needs it.

当然,只有给家人最好的。我确信他需要它。 Success. Your son has a new expensive toy. Let's see if it lasts more than a month until he drops it.


(Choosing to either give him a cheaper phone or not giving him a phone is the better choice, there's no downside)


23) Boss, our transport company is asking if we can help with a new truck? They can pay just $5,000.

23) 老板,我们的运输公司问我们是否可以帮忙买一辆新卡车?他们只需支付 5,000 美元。

Ok, I think we can do that. Send them 1 truck.

好的,我想我们可以做到。给他们派 1 辆卡车。

Sir, the transport company threw in 20,000 transporation units extra as a big thank you.


24) We are facing a patent lawsuit and have received an offer to settle for $10,000.

24) 我们正面临一场专利诉讼,并收到了 10,000 美元的和解要约。

I won't settle. It's a frivolous lawsuit. Let's fight it no matter what it costs!


You won, but it costs $25,000 in legal fees! Fortunately, other companies formed a fund to help end ridiculous patent suits so you come out even!

你赢了,但要花费 25,000 美元的律师费!幸运的是,其他公司成立了一个基金来帮助结束荒谬的专利诉讼,这样你就可以平局了!

25) Hey boss, there's a salesman from a mobile network company. They are offering us a business package which includes a very low rate and 6 Smartphones for $2,000.

25) 嘿,老板,有一位来自移动网络公司的业务员。他们为我们提供了一个商务套餐,其中包括非常低的价格和 6 部智能手机,价格为 2,000 美元。

Yes, sounds great, accept it.


You got 6 phones 你有 6 部手机

26) Sir, I need the 100 steaks for the company barbecue. You remember right?

26) 先生,我需要 100 块牛排用于公司烧烤。你记得对吗?

Sure, take steaks from our warehouse!


Everyone had a great time at the barbecue (Random building instantly finishes what it was doing; production or selling)


Note from SimTimes issue #49: "The Steak Quest will automatically pick on a building to complete construction or complete whatever it is producing/retailing."  EDIT: Strikethrough is on complete construction because this is no longer true. (June 21, 2021)

SimTimes 第 49 期的注释:“Steak Quest 将自动选择一座建筑物来完成建造或完成其生产/零售的任何内容。”编辑:删除线是完整的构造,因为这不再是真的。 (2021 年 6 月 21 日)

27) Boss, sales department sees opportunities in selling at the millionaires fair this week. What do you think?

27) 老板,销售部门在本周的百万富翁博览会上看到了销售机会。你怎么认为?

Great idea! send them with 10 watches and 10 necklaces

好想法!送他们 10 块手表和 10 条项链

They sold it for $40,000!

他们以 40,000 美元的价格出售了它!


NEW PA QUESTS (Released 2/18/20)

新 PA 任务(2020 年 2 月 18 日发布)

If you haven't gotten the new quests yet, here's Patrik's explanation:

Few conditions need to match


as you said, you need to have answered the previous one


there also need to be some time lapsed since you answered it


and lastly, some PA quests have extra conditions

最后,一些 PA 任务有额外条件

Like I if you stand to lose $$$ it is only served if you have the cash

就像我一样,如果你会损失 $$$,那么只有当你有现金时才会提供服务

Or if the quests is about executives, your company needs to employ executives


28) Boss, the workers are asking for a "Bring Your Pet To Work Day" but the facilities people are concerned about the mess and it might reduce production that day.

28) 老板,工人们要求设立一个“带宠物上班日”,但设施人员担心混乱,这可能会减少当天的产量。

I love animals. Let's give the workers a day to share their pets, but no reptiles.


Sir, the workers had an amazing day. But the clean up took longer than expected and production was impacted. I also found a "special delivery" under your desk this morning - It is already cleaned up. (current production yield reduced by 5.0%, current retail revenue reduced by 2.5%)

先生,工人们度过了美好的一天。但清理时间比预期要长,生产受到影响。今天早上我还在你的办公桌下发现了一份“特快专递”——已经清理干净了。 (当期产量减少5.0%,当期零售收入减少2.5%)

Let's allow it, but all pets will be kept in one central area and we'll give them extra breaks to visit them.

Everyone enjoys visiting the "Pet Office". The workers appreciate you allowing this and work harder to make up time.


No way. Pets don't belong here.


Boss, the morale is impacted. Several employees call in sick citing "pet care" issues. (current production yield reduced by 5.0%, current retail revenue reduced by 2.5%)

老板,士气受到影响。几名员工以“宠物护理”问题为由请病假。 (当期产量减少5.0%,当期零售收入减少2.5%)

29) I just learned that the company we pay to haul off our trash is having a strike and won't be around for awhile. Their competitors are trying to gouge us to take on the work temporarily demanding an extra $5,000. (Player must have at least 2 executives employed for this quest to appear)

29) 我刚刚得知我们付钱拖运垃圾的公司正在罢工,并且暂时不会营业。他们的竞争对手试图敲诈我们临时承担这项工作,并要求额外支付 5,000 美元。 (玩家必须至少雇用 2 名高管才能出现此任务)

Let's ride it out and let the trash pile up. It'll serve them right to have to do all that extra work when they are done striking.


Sir, the trash situation got so bad I was forced to call for help. We were charged $10,000

先生,垃圾情况变得如此严重,我不得不打电话寻求帮助。我们被收取了 10,000 美元

Just pay the other company to keep things clean.


Done! We have covered the period of strike (Pay 5k to get rid of the quest)

完毕!我们已经涵盖了罢工期间(支付 5k 即可摆脱任务)

This is ridiculous - the other Executives and I will handle the trash personally! Be sure they know about this and are shamed into going back to work.


Sir, it was sort of fun for the first day, but then it got really difficult. We were all so distracted we missed out on an important deal. We lost $25,000.

先生,第一天还挺有趣,但后来就变得非常困难了。我们都心烦意乱,错过了一项重要的交易。我们损失了 25,000 美元。

30) The employees at our oldest work site are claiming it is haunted and refuse to work night shifts. Also a reality show "Spectral Binge" wants to spend a couple of days filming an episode at the plant. They will pay us $15,000

30) 我们最古老的工作地点的员工声称那里闹鬼,并且拒绝上夜班。真人秀节目“Spectral Binge”也想花几天时间在工厂拍摄一集。他们将支付我们 15,000 美元

Never say no to television! Let the workers skip the night shifts and give it to the film crew.


The plant output suffered, but we still ended up being $5,000 NET positive.

工厂产出受到影响,但我们最终仍获得 5,000 美元的净收益。

Ghosts? No way - get the place fixed up and add new lighting and I'm sure the "spookiness" will go away.

Boss, you were totally right. Once we modernized the place the rumors of spirits were put to rest. The renovations cost us $15,000.

老板,你说得完全正确。一旦我们对这个地方进行了现代化改造,鬼魂的谣言就平息了。整修费用为 15,000 美元。

Let them do the show and make sure our employees are in it promoting the company. Let's also make sure the place is "extra spooky" if you know what I mean...


Sir, the show's stars defrauded our company's attempt to create fake ghosts while being self-promoting. The show got their most watched episode ever and we didn't even get paid because of the breach of contract dispute.

先生,该剧的明星在自我推销的同时,欺骗了我们公司试图制造假鬼的行为。该节目获得了有史以来收视率最高的一集,但由于违约纠纷,我们甚至没有得到报酬。Note from SimTimes issue #49: "The Steak Quest will automatically pick on a building to complete construction or complete whatever it is producing/retailing."  EDIT: Strikethrough is on complete construction because this is no longer true. (June 21, 2021)

SimTimes 第 49 期的注释:“Steak Quest 将自动选择一座建筑物来完成建造或完成其生产/零售的任何内容。”编辑:删除线是完整的构造,因为这不再是真的。 (2021 年 6 月 21 日)

27) Boss, sales department sees opportunities in selling at the millionaires fair this week. What do you think?

27) 老板,销售部门在本周的百万富翁博览会上看到了销售机会。你怎么认为?

Great idea! send them with 10 watches and 10 necklaces

好想法!送他们 10 块手表和 10 条项链

They sold it for $40,000!

他们以 40,000 美元的价格出售了它!


NEW PA QUESTS (Released 2/18/20)

新 PA 任务(2020 年 2 月 18 日发布)

If you haven't gotten the new quests yet, here's Patrik's explanation:

Few conditions need to match


as you said, you need to have answered the previous one


there also need to be some time lapsed since you answered it


and lastly, some PA quests have extra conditions

最后,一些 PA 任务有额外条件

Like I if you stand to lose $$$ it is only served if you have the cash

就像我一样,如果你会损失 $$$,那么只有当你有现金时才会提供服务

Or if the quests is about executives, your company needs to employ executives


28) Boss, the workers are asking for a "Bring Your Pet To Work Day" but the facilities people are concerned about the mess and it might reduce production that day.

28) 老板,工人们要求设立一个“带宠物上班日”,但设施人员担心混乱,这可能会减少当天的产量。

I love animals. Let's give the workers a day to share their pets, but no reptiles.


Sir, the workers had an amazing day. But the clean up took longer than expected and production was impacted. I also found a "special delivery" under your desk this morning - It is already cleaned up. (current production yield reduced by 5.0%, current retail revenue reduced by 2.5%)

先生,工人们度过了美好的一天。但清理时间比预期要长,生产受到影响。今天早上我还在你的办公桌下发现了一份“特快专递”——已经清理干净了。 (当期产量减少5.0%,当期零售收入减少2.5%)

Let's allow it, but all pets will be kept in one central area and we'll give them extra breaks to visit them.

Everyone enjoys visiting the "Pet Office". The workers appreciate you allowing this and work harder to make up time.


No way. Pets don't belong here.


Boss, the morale is impacted. Several employees call in sick citing "pet care" issues. (current production yield reduced by 5.0%, current retail revenue reduced by 2.5%)

老板,士气受到影响。几名员工以“宠物护理”问题为由请病假。 (当期产量减少5.0%,当期零售收入减少2.5%)

29) I just learned that the company we pay to haul off our trash is having a strike and won't be around for awhile. Their competitors are trying to gouge us to take on the work temporarily demanding an extra $5,000. (Player must have at least 2 executives employed for this quest to appear)

29) 我刚刚得知我们付钱拖运垃圾的公司正在罢工,并且暂时不会营业。他们的竞争对手试图敲诈我们临时承担这项工作,并要求额外支付 5,000 美元。 (玩家必须至少雇用 2 名高管才能出现此任务)

Let's ride it out and let the trash pile up. It'll serve them right to have to do all that extra work when they are done striking.


Sir, the trash situation got so bad I was forced to call for help. We were charged $10,000

先生,垃圾情况变得如此严重,我不得不打电话寻求帮助。我们被收取了 10,000 美元

Just pay the other company to keep things clean.


Done! We have covered the period of strike (Pay 5k to get rid of the quest)

完毕!我们已经涵盖了罢工期间(支付 5k 即可摆脱任务)

This is ridiculous - the other Executives and I will handle the trash personally! Be sure they know about this and are shamed into going back to work.


Sir, it was sort of fun for the first day, but then it got really difficult. We were all so distracted we missed out on an important deal. We lost $25,000.

先生,第一天还挺有趣,但后来就变得非常困难了。我们都心烦意乱,错过了一项重要的交易。我们损失了 25,000 美元。

30) The employees at our oldest work site are claiming it is haunted and refuse to work night shifts. Also a reality show "Spectral Binge" wants to spend a couple of days filming an episode at the plant. They will pay us $15,000

30) 我们最古老的工作地点的员工声称那里闹鬼,并且拒绝上夜班。真人秀节目“Spectral Binge”也想花几天时间在工厂拍摄一集。他们将支付我们 15,000 美元

Never say no to television! Let the workers skip the night shifts and give it to the film crew.


The plant output suffered, but we still ended up being $5,000 NET positive.

工厂产出受到影响,但我们最终仍获得 5,000 美元的净收益。

Ghosts? No way - get the place fixed up and add new lighting and I'm sure the "spookiness" will go away.

Boss, you were totally right. Once we modernized the place the rumors of spirits were put to rest. The renovations cost us $15,000.

老板,你说得完全正确。一旦我们对这个地方进行了现代化改造,鬼魂的谣言就平息了。整修费用为 15,000 美元。

Let them do the show and make sure our employees are in it promoting the company. Let's also make sure the place is "extra spooky" if you know what I mean...


Sir, the show's stars defrauded our company's attempt to create fake ghosts while being self-promoting. The show got their most watched episode ever and we didn't even get paid because of the breach of contract dispute.

先生,该剧的明星在自我推销的同时,欺骗了我们公司试图制造假鬼的行为。该节目获得了有史以来收视率最高的一集,但由于违约纠纷,我们甚至没有得到报酬。31) Boss, our policy against workplace romance is becoming a problem as more and more company couples are springing up. What should we do?

31) 老板,随着越来越多的公司情侣出现,我们反对职场恋情的政策已经成为一个问题。我们应该做什么?

Is there something in the water? I guess we have no choice but to ease up on the policy.


Boss, you are getting invited to a few "company" marriages (nothing happens)


Let's take a scientific approach. Hire a dating company to rate the compatibility of all the employees and then reorganize so that only non-compatible people work together.

Boos, looks like after paying $5,000 for or all that work it did not improve the situation at all!

嘘,看起来在支付了 5,000 美元或所有这些工作后,情况根本没有改善!

The policy is there for a reason! Make sure they know that any kissing on the premises will be a goodbye kiss!


Boos, there is a lot of tension in the workforce now production was impacted. (current production yield reduced by 5.0%, current retail revenue reduced by 2.5%)

嘘,现在生产受到了影响,劳动力非常紧张。 (当期产量减少5.0%,当期零售收入减少2.5%)

32) I have received this letter today and you have been invited to give a TED talk on the rapid success of your company and innovative management style!

32) 我今天收到这封信,并邀请您就贵公司的快速成功和创新的管理风格进行 TED 演讲!

Who's Ted, and why would I want to talk to him?


(Nothing happens)

I'm too busy being innovative. Can you go in my place?


I gave a brilliant talk and got many more invitations. I am now a regular on the lecture circuit.” (no effect)

我做了一次精彩的演讲并收到了更多的邀请。我现在是巡回演讲的常客了。” (没有效果)

This is an extreme honor. Help me prepare a stunning presentation.


Sir, you have delivered an excellent talk and it already created great interest for our firm. We have got business leads worth $50000.

先生,您的演讲非常精彩,已经引起了我们公司的极大兴趣。我们已经获得了价值 50000 美元的业务线索。

33) I heard that the workers want us to establish a gaming room they can use to decompress during breaks and before and after shifts. This would have board games, video games, and even tables set up for role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons.

33) 我听说工人们希望我们建立一个游戏室,让他们在休息时和轮班前后可以用来减压。这将有棋盘游戏、视频游戏,甚至为《龙与地下城》等角色扮演游戏设置桌子。

Games give me a headache. We make things, we sell things. There's no gaming in business!


Boss, I noticed whenever you pass a break room workers are sweeping things off the table and hiding them behind their backs. Morale suffered. (current production yield reduced by 5.0%, current retail revenue decreased by 2.5%)

Gaming on breaks is fine but we won't subsidize it.

I can hear rowdy games during breaks (nothing happens)

Great idea! Let's spend $20,000 on this and make sure there are devices running SimCompanies!

好想法!我们为此花费 20,000 美元并确保有设备运行 SimCompanies!

Boss, the new gaming area is a hit and production is up! (current production yield increased by 5.0%, current retail revenue increased by 2.5%)

老板,新游戏区很火爆,产量也上来了! (当期产量增长5.0%,当期零售收入增长2.5%)

34) A tax auditor is here and wants to go through the books to make sure we are paying our fair share.

34) 税务审计员来了,想要检查账簿,以确保我们支付了公平的份额。

Oh no! Well let's delay them as much as possible and make sure we only show them stuff we've already audited ourselves.


Sir, the auditor was not happy, but he found everything perfectly balanced since we made sure of it. (no effect)

先生,审计员很不高兴,但他发现一切都完美平衡,因为我们确定了这一点。 (没有效果)

Give them full and open cooperation. Let's hope they don't find anything too costly.


The auditor discovered that we overpaid the corporate taxes and we are owed $50,000!

审计员发现我们多缴了公司税,欠我们 50,000 美元!

35) It appears there is a sort of "civil war" breaking out in the management team. About half of them want to apply Six Sigma principles to improve our processes and the other half all want to go with Agile techniques. It's getting really heated. What do we do?

35) 管理团队中似乎爆发了一场“内战”。他们中大约一半希望应用六西格码原则来改进我们的流程,而另一半则希望采用敏捷技术。天气真的越来越热了。我们做什么?

Striving for perfection is good. Let's use Six Sigma.


We are now a Six Sigma certified company and with improved overall accuracy. As a result we landed few extra contracts worth $20,000

我们现在是一家六西格码认证公司,整体准确性有所提高。结果我们获得了一些价值 20,000 美元的额外合同

I like the idea of daily Scrum meetings. Let's go with Agile.

我喜欢每日 Scrum 会议的想法。让我们继续敏捷吧。

We are now an Agile company and launch into new projects is much quicker than ever before. Beating our competitors to new markets made us $20,000.

我们现在是一家敏捷公司,启动新项目的速度比以往任何时候都快得多。在新市场上击败我们的竞争对手赚了 20,000 美元。

So war you say? Set up a massive paintball tournament and let them fight it out.


Sir, sorry, I forgot which side won, but we profited $20,000 by implementing the process changes they suggested.

先生,抱歉,我忘了哪一方赢了,但我们通过实施他们建议的流程变更获利了 20,000 美元。

36) Hey boss, a representative of the military is here and they are offering a special "boot camp" for corporate executives. It costs $50,000, but is supposed to dramatically improve their ethics, attitude, and ability.

36) 嘿,老板,军方代表来了,他们正在为企业高管提供一个特殊的“新兵训练营”。它花费 50,000 美元,但应该可以极大地提高他们的道德、态度和能力。

Awesome! Military training tends to be the best in the world. Sign them up!


Sir, the staff had a rough time at boot camp but came back better for it. (+1 to all skills of all executives)

先生,工作人员在新兵训练营度过了一段艰难的时光,但回来后情况更好了。 (所有高管的所有技能+1)

It's a good idea but we can't afford it. Let's have our own boot camp.


Sir, the event did not go very well. One executive sprained his ankle. (no effect)

先生,这次活动进行得不太顺利。一位高管扭伤了脚踝。 (没有效果)

No way, there's no relationship between ethics, attitude, and ability in business!


NEWER PA QUESTS (Released 6/22/20)

较新的 PA 任务(2020 年 6 月 22 日发布)

37) Your business partner wants to upgrade her grocery store, and it will cost her $11,000. She doesn't have this kind of money, so she's considering borrowing it from her family with no interest. She estimates that she will earn 30 cents more on each purchase, and she has 100 purchases per hour and her store is open 24/7. She's asking you for advice on how long it will take her to pay off her loan.

37) 您的商业伙伴想要升级她的杂货店,这将花费她 11,000 美元。她没有这样的钱,所以她正在考虑向家里无息借。她估计每次购买她将多赚 30 美分,她每小时购买 100 次,而且她的商店 24/7 营业。她正在向您询问她需要多长时间才能还清贷款。

Less than 3 weeks, I am sure.


Your partner borrowed money and was able to repay the loan in 16 days. She was so happy that she gave you half the extra profit from the remaining 5 days of the 3 weeks period as a thank you. You earned $1,800.

您的伴侣借了钱,并在 16 天内偿还了贷款。她很高兴,把 3 周剩余 5 天的额外利润的一半给了你作为感谢。您赚了 1,800 美元。

Less than 2 months, I am sure.


Your partner tried to borrow money from her family, but they could only give her money for 3 weeks. She ended up not investing in her business. Later she has calculated that it would actually have taken about 16 days to repay her loan. Obviously, she's very disappointed with your advice.


Less than 4 months, I am sure.


Your partner tried to borrow money from her family, but they could only give her money for 3 weeks. She ended up not investing in her business. Later she has calculated that it would actually have taken about 16 days to repay her loan. Obviously, she's very disappointed with your advice.


38) A street magician walked in the office and offered you a gamble. You flip your coin 2 times. If it lands on tail all 2 times, you give him $500, otherwise you receive 100$. Will you accept the gamble?

38) 一位街头魔术师走进办公室,向你提出了一场赌博。你抛硬币两次。如果它两次都落在尾巴上,你就给他 500 美元,否则你会收到 100 美元。你会接受这个赌博吗?

Yes, I am pretty good at flipping coins. Watch me!


You won $100 on the first try, but then decided to play more and more. After 4 games, you have won 3 times $100 and lost $500. In total you lost $200.

您第一次尝试赢得了 100 美元,但后来决定玩得越来越多。 4 场比赛后,您赢了 3 次 100 美元,输了 500 美元。您总共损失了 200 美元。

Nope, those odds are not fair

The magician said you have a talent for business and produced a luxury watch out of nowhere. You got to keep it. (q5 Luxury Watch)

魔术师说你有商业天赋,凭空制作了一块名牌手表。你必须保留它。 (q5 豪华手表)

I am busy, send him away.

(No response)

39) A friend of yours just called. He offers you to set up the pricing model for his cinema for one evening in exchange for 50% of profits. He has 1000 sits, which price should he set up:

1$ each seat to make sure the cinema is full.

每个座位 1 美元,以确保电影院坐满。

(You lose $700)

4$ even if it means we only sell out 60% of the capacity.

(You get $1200)

2$ for over 60s year-old and 4$ for everyone else.


A local newspaper noticed the discount and made a free advertisement. The cinema was full. 50% of people paid $4, everyone else was over 60 and paid 2$. Your total earnings are: $3,000, you get $1,500.

当地一家报纸注意到了折扣并做了免费广告。电影院座无虚席。 50% 的人支付了 4 美元,其他人都超过 60 岁,支付了 2 美元。您的总收入为: 3,000 美元,您将获得 1,500 美元。

I know nothing about cinemas, sorry.

(No response) (没有反应)

40) One of your workers with a salary of $300/hour got into an accident and isn't able to work for the next 6 hours. We won't be able to find a replacement that soon, so we'll just have to wait for him to get back. But there is a drug that can make them recover in just 1 hour, it would cost you $900. The worker can't afford it and asks for your help.

40) 您的一名时薪为 300 美元的工人发生了事故,在接下来的 6 小时内无法工作。我们不可能这么快找到替代者,所以我们只能等待他回来。但有一种药物可以让他们在短短1小时内康复,需要花费900美元。工人无力承担,请求你的帮助。

That's not my problem, we are not a hospital. Let him deal with it himself.


Your worker wasn't able to work for 6 hours, so you lost $1,800.

您的工人无法工作 6 小时,因此您损失了 1,800 美元。

Sure, let's cover his treatment cost.


The worker recovered in 1 hour, you lost $300 in his wages and $900 was paid for the drug. The worker was very happy for how you treated him.

这名工人在 1 小时内康复,你损失了他 300 美元的工资,并支付了 900 美元的药品费用。这名工人对你对待他的方式感到非常高兴。41) A journalist from a local newspaper called and asked your opinion as an expert businessman. The government wants to launch a big infrastructure project (building a very expensive and beautiful bridge). The journalist is curious if that should be classified as a fiscal or monetary policy. What should we tell her?

41) 当地一家报纸的记者打电话来询问您作为专业商人的意见。政府想要启动一个大型基础设施项目(建造一座非常昂贵且美丽的桥梁)。记者很好奇这是否应该归类为财政政策或货币政策。我们应该告诉她什么?

Monetary policy, obviously.


The journalist has published an article, but later was fired. The use of government spending is a fiscal policy, not a monetary one. She's written a blog post blaming you for giving her the wrong information. That post went viral and our business has lost $2,000 in sales.

该记者发表了一篇文章,但后来被解雇了。政府支出的使用是一项财政政策,而不是货币政策。她写了一篇博客文章,指责您向她提供了错误的信息。该帖子迅速传播开来,我们的业务损失了 2,000 美元的销售额。

Fiscal policy, obviously.


The journalist was very happy with your help, she mentioned your company in the newspaper which boosted sales. You earned $2,000 as a result.

记者很高兴得到你的帮助,她在报纸上提到了你的公司,这促进了销售。结果您赚了 2,000 美元。

I can't see the difference.


(No response) (没有反应)


42) You are at a work party, your colleague made a $1,000 bet you won't be able to answer a tricky question. Imagine we find a water supplier that offers the water cheaper than we currently have by 10 cents. If we buy all our water from them, the sausages we will get (assuming we produce everything else by ourselves and all other factors being equal) will be:

42) 你在一个工作聚会上,你的同事打赌你无法回答一个棘手的问题,赌注是 1,000 美元。想象一下,我们发现一家供水商提供的水比我们目前便宜 10 美分。如果我们从他们那里购买所有的水,我们将得到的香肠(假设我们自己生产其他所有东西并且所有其他因素相同)将是:

Easy, 80 cents cheaper! 简单,便宜80美分!

Easy, 42 cents cheaper! 简单,便宜 42 美分!

Your colleague is very surprised, your answer is correct, so you get $1,000 and lots of respect from everyone around you.

你的同事非常惊讶,你的答案是正确的,所以你得到了 1,000 美元,并受到周围每个人的尊重。

Easy, 10 cents cheaper! 简单,便宜10美分!

Sorry, I'd rather enjoy the party


(No response) (没有反应)

Notice: Changed due to Food Expansion update (Oct 2021)

通知:因食物扩展更新而更改(2021 年 10 月)

You are at a work party, your colleague made a $1,000 bet you won't be able to answer a tricky question. Imagine we find a water supplier that offers the water cheaper than we currently have by 10 cents. If we buy all our water from them, the grapes we will get (assuming we produce everything else by ourselves and all other factors being equal) will be:

您在一个工作聚会上,您的同事打赌您将无法回答一个棘手的问题 1,000 美元。想象一下,我们发现一家供水商提供的水比我们目前便宜 10 美分。如果我们从他们那里购买所有的水,我们将得到的葡萄(假设我们自己生产其他所有东西并且所有其他因素相同)将是:

Easy, 50 cents cheaper! 简单,便宜50美分!

Easy, 41 cents cheaper! 简单,便宜41美分!

Your colleague is very surprised, your answer is correct, so you get $1,000 and lots of respect from everyone around you.

你的同事非常惊讶,你的答案是正确的,所以你得到了 1,000 美元,并受到周围每个人的尊重。

Easy, 40 cents cheaper! 简单,便宜40美分!43) Hooray! We have finally closed a deal on a perfect new office space. Most of the area is open-space, but there are a few offices to be distributed. As usual, there is more people wanting an office than there are offices. Also some offices are larger, and some have windows with nice views. Boss, how should we decide who gets which office?

Make an optional sealed-bid auction and donate the money to charity.

The highest bid was $250, the second one was only $50. The winner was the only one to complain. Everyone else is happy and thinks that the distribution was fair.

Based on seniority and roll the dice when there are too many people.

Many people are happy, but many are disappointed as well.

Based on seniority and at my discretion.

Everyone who did not get the office they wanted, so almost everyone, feels unappreciated by you and many even feel you do not like them. As a result they hate working here, current production yield reduced by 5.0%, current retail revenue reduced by 2.5%

每个没有得到他们想要的办公室的人,几乎每个人,都会觉得你不欣赏他们,很多人甚至觉得你不喜欢他们。结果他们讨厌在这里工作,当前产量减少了 5.0%,当前零售收入减少了 2.5%

44) Sir, one of your top managers complains that his salary is insufficient to cover his family's basic needs, but we already compensate him very well. It's the one who smokes all the time: $5 pack a day. He also coughs a lot... He's here to chat with you.

44) 先生,您的一位高级经理抱怨他的工资不足以满足家庭的基本需求,但我们已经给了他很好的补偿。就是那个一直抽烟的人:每天 5 美元一包。他还咳嗽得很厉害……他是来跟你聊天的。

Smoking is bad for your health. You should give up smoking. This will also save you money.

Your manager laughed and asked you "You think I don’t know that?!". I am pretty sure he's going to ignore your advice


You can save $1,825 each year. Would that help?

He seemed interested, right until you told him that he should give up smoking. He claims that it's the only pleasure in his life left. He doesn't want to give it up.


Would you like to have an equivalent of $36,500 in the bank generating you 5% interest?

He was very interested. He was also disappointed at first, when you said he has to give up smoking, but he considered it for the next few days, and gave up smoking. He's very grateful for your advice and gave you a new quadcopter as a gift.


45) A worker in one of your facilities made a mistake that has cost us $30,000. Boss, what should we do?

45) 你们工厂的一名工人犯了一个错误,导致我们损失了 30,000 美元。老板,我们该怎么办?

Fire her! Dammit, these people ...


Sir, the replacement hire required some training which cost us additional $5,000, but what's even worse is that everyone is now afraid to make mistakes and works slowly, current production yield reduced by 5.0%, current retail revenue reduced by 2.5%


Deduct that from her salary, that'll teach her.


Sir, everyone is now afraid to make mistakes and works slowly, current production yield reduced by 5.0%, current retail revenue reduced by 2.5%. **READ BELOW**

先生,现在大家都怕犯错,工作进度缓慢,目前的生产良率减少了5.0%,目前的零售收入减少了2.5%。 **参见下文**

Call her in, I will chat with her.


After talking to her, she have expressed how sorry she was, and suggested several improvements in the business process to avoid similar mistakes in the future. This story has spread, people are happy to work at your company and became more proactive about improving existing business processes. You lost $30,000, but we have 5% increase of the current production and 2.5% increase in retail.

与她交谈后,她表达了自己的歉意,并提出了业务流程中的一些改进建议,以避免今后再出现类似错误。这个故事已经传播开来,人们很高兴在您的公司工作,并且更加积极主动地改进现有业务流程。您损失了 30,000 美元,但我们当前的产量增加了 5%,零售量增加了 2.5%。

A note for this quest from AlexFromDubbelCo:

AlexFromDubbelCo 对此任务的注释:

You made the last option purple, however if your production had a low value option 2 is preferred

您将最后一个选项设置为紫色,但是如果您的产品价值较低,则首选选项 2

With a lvl1 farms you produce oranges of a total sell value of $ 280 an hour. With 10 lvl 2 plants that is 280 x 20 x 48= 269.000.

拥有 1 级农场,您每小时生产的橙子总售价为 280 美元。 10 棵 2 级植物即 280 x 20 x 48= 269.000。

Option 2 cost us: 5% of sell value. $ 13.450

选项 2 花费了我们:售价的 5%。 13.450 美元

Option 3 cost us 30.000, compensated by 5% of sell value ($ 13.450). So in total it costs us 16.550.

选项 3 花费了我们 30,000 美元,并按售价的 5%(13,450 美元)进行补偿。所以总共花费我们 16.550。

In this case I prefer the second option. The break even point is at the total sales value of production of $300.000.

在这种情况下,我更喜欢第二种选择。盈亏平衡点是产品总销售价值为 300,000 美元。

46) You have 5% of blue-eyed people in your company. The blue-eyed people did an internal research and found out that you never promote blue-eyed people, and as a consequence they earn less money than people with other eye color. They are pretty angry and threaten to file a lawsuit unless you do something about it.

46) 你的公司里有 5% 的蓝眼睛员工。蓝眼睛的人做了一项内部研究,发现你从不提拔蓝眼睛的人,因此他们赚的钱比其他眼睛颜色的人少。他们非常生气并威胁要提起诉讼,除非你采取行动。

That's ridiculous, let them sue me, I don't care.


They went to the court. It turned out that blue-eyed people never actually applied for the promotion in the first place and that's why they never got it. The legal proceedings cost us $10,000


Set up an internal working group to investigate the claim further.


The working group has found out that blue-eyed people never actually applied for the promotion in the first place and that's why they never got it. They also claim your company isn't big enough to confidently say anything about the population of 5%. The case is dismissed. The investigation cost you $1,000.

工作组发现,蓝眼睛的人从一开始就从未真正申请过晋升,这就是他们从未获得晋升的原因。他们还声称你的公司不够大,无法自信地对 5% 的人口发表任何言论。案件被驳回。调查花费了您 1,000 美元。

Create a rule to always promote at least 5% blue-eyed people.

制定一条规则,始终提升至少 5% 的蓝眼睛员工。

Blue-eyed people were happy with your decision. Yet you notice that blue-eyed people never actually applied for a promotion in the first place, and that was likely the reason for the lack of promotions for them. On top of that people with different eye color feel that it's unfair to promote people taking into consideration their eye color, current production yield reduced by 5.0%, current retail revenue reduced by 2.5%.

蓝眼睛的人对你的决定很满意。然而您会注意到,蓝眼睛的人从一开始就从未真正申请过晋升,这可能是他们缺乏晋升的原因。此外,不同眼睛颜色的人认为根据眼睛颜色进行促销是不公平的,当前产量减少了 5.0%,当前零售收入减少了 2.5%。

47) Boss, your CTO is here: I have identified 2 production units we can upgrade, upkeep for the first one is $5/hour and I can make it run for $4/hour which is saves us 20% of the cost! The seconds one costs $20/hour to run, and I can make it run for $18/hour, which saves us 10% of the upkeep! We can only upgrade one of them, which one should we chose?

47) 老板,您的 CTO 在这里:我已经确定了 2 个可以升级的生产单元,第一个的维护费用是 5 美元/小时,我可以让它运行 4 美元/小时,这为我们节省了 20% 的成本!第二个的运行成本为 20 美元/小时,而我可以让它运行 18 美元/小时,这为我们节省了 10% 的维护费用!我们只能升级其中一项,我们应该选择哪一项呢?

The first one! 第一个!

Boss, the update was effective for 100 days, saving $ 1 an hour, his quick decision resulted in an astonishing $ 2,400 profit. But, I still wonder, the second option would have saved $ 2 an hour, wouldn't that save twice as much?

老板,更新有效期为100天,每小时节省1美元,他的快速决策带来了惊人的2,400美元利润。但是,我仍然想知道,第二种选择每小时可以节省 2 美元,这不是节省两倍吗?

The second one 第二个

Boss, the upgrade was effective for 100 days, with $2 savings per hour, it is $4,800 of profit. I think this was the right choice, the other option would have saved us only half as much.


48) Boss, there is a conference coming up where we can potentially reach 10,000 new customers, each worth $21 if they convert buying our product. What marketing materials should we prepare for our stall? It's either: a set of souvenirs worth $10 each with estimated 50% chance to convert the customer; or we can prepare a set of leaflets worth $5 each and a set of brochures worth $5 each and each has estimated 25% chance to convert the potential customer.

48) 老板,即将召开一个会议,我们可能会接触到 10,000 名新客户,如果他们转化为购买我们的产品,每名客户价值 21 美元。我们应该为我们的摊位准备哪些营销材料?要么是:一套每件价值 10 美元的纪念品,估计有 50% 的机会转化客户;或者我们可以准备一套每份价值 5 美元的传单和一套每份价值 5 美元的小册子,估计每份都有 25% 的机会转化潜在客户。

Prepare the souvenirs, 50% conversion


The souvenirs cost $100,000 to make, but we made 10,000 times 50% times $21 = $105,000 from sales, pocketing the difference.

这些纪念品的制作成本为 100,000 美元,但我们通过销售赚取了 10,000 乘以 50% 乘以 21 美元 = 105,000 美元,将差额收入囊中。

Get the leaflets and brochures ready, 25% and 25% conversion

准备好传单和小册子,25% 和 25% 转化率

The leaflets and brochures cost us $100,000 and we got 4,375 customers who paid $21 each = $91,875. Some of them reported that they only needed one item to be convinced. Our analysts later explained the effect the following way: the chance of both the brochure and the leaflet not working is 0.75*0.75=0.5625, so the chance of at least one of them converting the customer is 1 - 0.5625 = 43.75%. We have lost $8,125.

传单和小册子花费了 100,000 美元,我们有 4,375 名顾客,每人支付了 21 美元 = 91,875 美元。他们中的一些人报告说,他们只需要一项就能被说服。我们的分析师后来这样解释这一效果:小册子和传单都不起作用的几率是 0.75*0.75=0.5625,因此至少其中之一转化客户的几率是 1 - 0.5625 = 43.75%。我们损失了 8,125 美元。

I don't want to go to any conference. Leave me alone!


(no response) (没有反应)

Robot Quest (Added 6/17/2021 or 17/6/2021)

机器人任务(于 2021 年 6 月 17 日或 2021 年 6 月 17 日添加)

49) Boss, your CTO has suggested taking out a loan at 1% interest a day and automating one of our buildings. We need 36 robots at $900 each. It will save us 3% on our salaray cost of $10,000 per day. We just can't figure out how many days until we start to see a profit.

49) 老板,你们的首席技术官建议以每天 1% 的利息申请一笔贷款,并对我们的一栋大楼进行自动化改造。我们需要 36 台机器人,每台售价 900 美元。这将为我们每天 10,000 美元的工资成本节省 3%。我们只是不知道需要多少天才能开始看到利润。

Less than 60 days 少于 60 天

About that, I decided to have an accounting firm re-calculate it. And it's not as clever idea as it sounded first. The capital cost is higher than saving - we would have never get the investment back. The accounting firm charged us $2000. (You lose $2000)

对此,我决定请会计师事务所重新计算一下。这并不像听起来那么聪明。资本成本高于储蓄——我们永远无法收回投资。会计师事务所收费2000美元。 (你损失了 2000 美元)

More than 60 days 超过60天

About that, I decided to have an accounting firm re-calculate it. And it's not as clever idea as it sounded first. The capital cost is higher than saving - we would have never get the investment back. The accounting firm charged us $2000. (You lose $2000)

对此,我决定请会计师事务所重新计算一下。这并不像听起来那么聪明。资本成本高于储蓄——我们永远无法收回投资。会计师事务所收费2000美元。 (你损失了 2000 美元)

That's a terrible idea! 这是一个糟糕的主意!

(Nothing Happens) (什么都没发生)






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