“一群”的多种译法 您所在的位置:网站首页 窝的组词组词语 “一群”的多种译法


2023-08-13 09:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



(一) 与人有关的“一群”


(1) crowd 此词是英语中表示“一群”最基本的词,指一群聚集起来的,无组织的,拥挤的人群。例如: a crowd of schoolboys/applicants/audience/women A big crowd of boys and girls went to watch the basketball match.

(2) group 是个多功能的词,几乎可以表示所有的群众概念。但修饰人时,通常指一群因公共利益,目的或任务而结合在一起的人。从数量上讲,一般小于crowd所表示的“一群”,而且无拥挤之意。例如: a group of actors/girls/the teachers The young engineer is talking to a group of workers.

(3) troop 通常指聚在一起活动的,生气勃勃的一群人。例如: a troop of demonstrators/shoppers/visitors/boyscouts(童子军) A troop of welcomers are standing on both sides of the street to welcome the new mayor.

(4) bevy 特指女性的“一群”,有时指鸟类,尤指鹌鹑或云雀。例如: a bevy of actresses/girls/quails(鹌鹑) On the stage, there is a bevy of actresses singing and dancing.


(1) mob通常指一群企图采用暴力行动的无组织的人群。例如: A mob of rioters(暴徒)/slaves/angry people A mob of blackguards(恶棍)burst into the old man’s shop and robbed all the things away.

(2) horde原意指游牧部落,指人群时常含有轻蔑色彩。例如: a horde of lazy-bones/swindlers(诈骗犯)/hooligans(流氓) A horde of lazy-bones huddled together doing nothing.(一群懒汉聚在一起无所事事。)

(3) band 通常指在某人指挥下为共同目标而一起做事的一群人。例如: a band of robbers/gangsters(匪徒)/thieves/outlaws(武装歹徒) The policemen are trying to catch a band of thieves.

(4) gang 通常指在一起工作的人群,尤指奴隶,犯人或为干坏事而结成团伙的人。例如: a gang of slaves/criminals/prisoners The judge sentenced a gang of criminals to death.

(二) 与动物有关的“一群”

(1) flock 一词通常指动物的自然类群,如飞鸟,家禽,牲畜等。例如: a flock of hens/goats/swallows/wild geese(大雁) A flock of hens are pecking in the field.

(2) herd 通常指一起吃食或行走的大动物的群体,尤指牛群。例如: a herd of cattle/elephants/horses/swans A herd of swans are swimming freely in the lake.

(3) pack 一词通常指一群一起追猎的食肉动物,有时也指飞禽。例如: a pack of wolves/grouse(松鸡)/hounds(猎犬) A pack of greedy wolves tried to find some food to eat.

(4) swarm, cluster通常指昆虫类的一群,而swarm尤指蜂群。cluster除了有“一群”之意外,还有“一串”“一束”等意。例如: a swarm of bees/mosquitoes a cluster of butterflies/grapes/berries A cluster of butterflies are dancing in the air.


(南京师范大学通讯员朱宇清 英语点津姗姗编辑)







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