【穿书自救指南】制作贫穷,剧情优秀,瑕不掩瑜的穿越动画 (下) 您所在的位置:网站首页 穿书自救指南讲什么的 【穿书自救指南】制作贫穷,剧情优秀,瑕不掩瑜的穿越动画 (下)

【穿书自救指南】制作贫穷,剧情优秀,瑕不掩瑜的穿越动画 (下)

2024-06-01 14:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





Ultimately, it was the way the ending of the season was handled that led me to greatly lower my overall score for the series.

总之 动画的这个结尾大大拉低了我的评分

Moreover it was thanks to this ending which felt like a slap in the face to people who hadn't read the original novel that I started reading it, unable to trust that season 2 wouldn't pull something similar.

也正是这个烂尾结局 让我坚定了读原著的决心


Despite how much I hated that ending and how easily it could have been fixed, I still can't give anything less than a full recommendation that people should watch Scumbag System.

尽管第一季烂尾 动画本可以轻易避开这点

我还是忍不住强烈推荐 安利大家去看《穿书》

I would just always add the caveat that you should not watch the post-credits scene unless you've already read the novel, and it ends at a very unsatisfying point that I can't even call a cliffhanger.

提前预警: 没看过原著小说的话 最好别看彩蛋

动画结束的节点 我甚至不能称之为"设悬念"

Cliffhangers have drama and tension, stakes that you want to come back to see fulfilled.

恰到好处的悬念 兼具戏剧性与张力 吸引着你迫不及待地想看后续

They could have ended this season on the perfect cliffhanger; for whatever reason, they didn't.

动画组本可以在完美的地方结束第一季 不知为何 他们却没有这么做

Now, I said that this ending hurt the creators as much as it hurt the fans, and I mean that.

我说动画的结局 不仅伤害了粉丝 更伤害了创作者 这并不是一句玩笑话

When you look into the production of Scumbag System, you can't help but feel that something went majorly wrong somewhere along the way.

回顾《穿书》动画的制作历程 就能发现中途肯定出了大问题

Fans weren't particularly happy with the first revealed models for Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe and hence they stayed in the microwave for a long time.

粉丝们一开始对建模表示不满 因此修改建模花费了很长时间

When the first teaser released, fans were again rather skeptical at the animation

当第一支PV放出时 粉丝们对动画质量表示质疑

and while it got better with the first proper trailer, there were still plenty of jokes being made about it looking like a barbie movie or characters having churro legs. 

虽然后来有所提升 但依旧有不少嘲讽: 看起来像芭比大电影 人物的腿像是西班牙油条

Leading up to the release of the series Tencent pushed out merchandise unceasingly: with standees, posters, keyrings, replicas of Shen Qingqiu's fan and even nendroids being available to pre-order before the first episode was online.

临近开播时 腾讯不断地推出动画周边: 立牌 海报 钥匙链

沈清秋的折扇 甚至粘土人 在第一集上线前就开始预售了

It felt like they were doing their best to make money on merchandise before fans saw the show, in fear that it would fail due to the poor reception to early marketing.

让人感觉 他们似乎生怕动画投资失败

想在粉丝看正片前 靠周边大赚一笔 因为前期的市场调查并不理想

Ultimately it was received very well, getting a huge number of views in China and pretty decent ratings all around.

不过 动画最终收到的反响很好 在中国的播放量很高 评分也不错

The joke that the animation team made about season 2 coming in 7 years was proved false as Tencent announced that the series would return for its next season this year in 2021 so it seemed like budget wouldn't be an issue anymore.

动画组的那句"第二季 7年后再见" 只是玩笑

腾讯宣布第二季将会在2021年回归 经费问题似乎已经解决了

There were also posts, apparently written by one of the screenwriters of first season, detailing the conditions of the production.

《穿书》动画的一位编剧曾发微博 详细描述了制作细节

It suggests that the 2 directors knew they were not going to have the budget to complete the project early on and worked their asses off, showing up earliest every day and leaving the latest; doing whatever they could to perfect the show with what they had.

两位导演早就知道: 由于经费不足 项目很可能无法完成

他们竭尽所能 早出晚归 用有限的资源呈现最好的成果

According to the screenwriter, both directors, the screenwriter themselves and even technical staff all left the production at the end.

据编剧所言 两位导演 编剧们 甚至技术人员 都离开了这个项目

Whether they will return for the sequel is currently unknown.

目前 还不知道他们能否回来做第二季

In a way, the production staff ended up suffering a fate eerily similar to Shen Qingqiu himself.

可以说 制作组的人员 面临着和沈清秋相似的命运

This was Djinn Power Animation Studio's first full series since they were founded in 2015.

聚灵 创立于2015年 这是他们的第一部作品

While they were in the process of creating it, the directors and creative staff realized they didn't have the funding to deliver on such a highly anticipated series, yet instead of giving up they worked their hardest.

动画组在创作过程中就知道制作经费不足 无法回应观众的超高期待

但他们没有放弃 而是竭尽心力 完成了这部作品

Even as fans of the original novel insulted the character models and openly wished the production would be given to another studio,

尽管有些原著粉不满动画的建模 曾公开表示希望换工作室

the staff did their utmost to deliver the best quality animation that they could,

但制作组尽力了 做到了他们力所能及的"最好"

even buying pre-made assets for single-use monsters and devoting their own time to more important parts of the story.

甚至买做好的3D怪物模型来救急 将时间和精力集中在最重要的部分

They were seen as the scum villain from the start and seemingly abandoned even by the business side of things that wanted to cash in early in case they failed.

一开始 他们就被视为"人渣反派" 甚至投资方都放弃了 只想在他们失败前先赚一笔

This all, despite them being the ones who cared the most about delivering on their first full project.


It stands as a testament to all the staff's hard work, that despite being a low budget 10-episode series with a terrible ending... that fans can't help but look passed all that and rate it at an average of 7-8 out of 10.

事实证明 制作人员的努力得到了回报 


大部分粉丝们还是打出了7-8分 (满分10分)

Even I, who was furious at the ending can't help but recommend everyone gives it a watch.

尽管我对结尾十分愤怒 还是忍不住安利大家去试看

I hope the exact same team returns for the second season and that this time they are given all the time and funding they need to tell the story properly.


这次时间和经费都能充足 让他们好好讲述这个故事

But for now, all that I can say is that the story of Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu,

目前为止 我只能说: 洛冰河与沈清秋

an orphaned little boy desperate for affection and his tough shizun who really just wants to give him a hug and protect his innocence


一个是表面高冷的师尊 内心却只想抱抱冰河 守护他的纯真

is a beautiful tale that had me laughing, screaming and very nearly crying.

这是一个美好的故事 令我时而大笑 时而尖叫 时而快哭出声来

Despite all of its faults, I can't help but love it... from top to bottom.

尽管它有种种瑕疵 我还是情不自禁地爱它... 从上到下 从攻到受

Thank you all so much for watching to the end of my Scumbag System review!


I thought long and hard about how to make this one and

我花了很长时间仔细思考 该如何制作这期视频

whether to make it a simple review that highlighted the good and bad or more of a deep dive into how hard the staff worked and how poorly they were treated in the process.

是做一个简单的分析 回顾动画的优缺点

还是深入探讨下动画组的努力 以及他们所遭受的一切

In the end, I decided to make it a little of both so that hopefully it will capture some new fans and convince them to look passed its shortcomings to see the greatness within.

最后 我决定两者兼顾 希望能为动画吸引一些新粉

令他们正视这一季缺陷的同时 也能看到它的优秀之处

As I said, since I finished the series I have been reading the original novel adaptation and

正如我所言: 我自看完动画后 就一直在读原著

I've actually been doing so live on my twitch channel with VODs going up on my secondary YouTube channel.

在我的twitch账号上直播 还将屏录上传至我另一个YouTube账号

If you'd like to join us for those, we do them every Tuesday on twitch.tv/cuchallain which I have a link to in the description of this video.

每周二都会读 如果你想加入我们 我会在本期视频的简介中留下链接: twitch.tv/cuchallain

This video likely won't do very well as we're far past the ending of season 1 and no where near the release of season 2,

本期视频的发布时机不太好 第1季早就结束了 第2季却还遥遥无期

so if you could, it would be very helpful if you could share it with other fans of Scum Villain, Mo Xiang Tong Xiu, donghua or animation itself.

所以 如果可以的话 希望你能将这个视频分享给渣反粉 墨香粉或动画粉丝们

In the future I'll continue releasing more news, reviews and deep dives into the world of Chinese animation here, as well as reactions, read-throughs and live content on twitch.

以后 我将继续产出更多关于中国动画的资讯、分析和深入解读视频

twitch上有观看动画的反应视频 读小说以及其他直播的屏录

None of this would be possible without the amazing support of my patrons.


My sworn brothers and sisters: Ashe Macleod, Azaela Spirit, Cat-Sidhe, Mishiko Shinsei, Byokko, Jack Durak, AU Lover, Alyc, Joana, Lauren, Drunkard Hu, Cat Sith, K, Cat Rin, Saj, Disreputable Dog, Blazeverse, citlalli rosas, Brancazinha, KerstKuiken, Saezeliae, Anasei Razberry Yum, Lillybones, Danny Godo and Anime Aria. Also thank you to all of my sect members

我异父异母的兄弟姐妹: Ashe Macleod, Azaela Spirit, Cat-Sidhe, Mishiko Shinsei, Byokko, Jack Durak, AU Lover, Alyc, Joana, Lauren, Drunkard Hu, Cat Sith, K, Cat Rin, Saj, Disreputable Dog, Blazeverse, citlalli rosas, Brancazinha, KerstKuiken, Saezeliae, Anasei Razberry Yum, Lillybones 以及所有其他成员

and of course my Heavenly Officials for the month: Kerstkuiken, Mia Dorthea, Fiona, Su_She, Torikuso and Raliath Moondast!

当然 还有这个月给我赐福的天官们:

Kerstkuiken, Mia Dorthea, Fiona, Su_She, Torikuso 和 Raliath Moondast!

Thank you all so much for watching till the end... And I will see you guys next time.

感谢你们看到了最后 我们下期视频见~






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