英语怎么形容“离某地很近”?(第二部分) 您所在的位置:网站首页 离南京近一点的城市 英语怎么形容“离某地很近”?(第二部分)


2024-07-11 14:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

(上接 第一部分 )


1. around the corner : not far away, especially in the streets of a town

备注:英式英语中常作 ''round the corner'' 。


"Is there a bank near here?" "Sure, it's just around the corner." ( - 这附近有没有银行? - 有,拐个弯就到了。)

There is a bus stop around the corner. (街角那有个公车站。)

She won't be long. She's only gone round the corner. (她不会去很久,她就去了街角那。)

around the corner from

We met in a bar just around the corner from my apartment. (我们在我家门口的街角酒吧碰了面。)


2. be close at hand : if a building or person is close at hand, they are very near and therefore available in case you need them


The Exhibition Center is a great day out, with plenty of parking and all the attractions of Manchester close at hand. (去展览会会玩得很开心,停车位多,并且曼彻斯特的风光都近在咫尺。)

I'm very glad that, when my children were small, my mother was always close at hand. (我孩子小的时候,我妈妈一直在跟前帮忙照顾,想到这点我很高兴。)


3. it's no distance : if you say it's no distance, you mean that a place is not far away and is therefore easy to get to


We come up here regularly from London; it's no distance. (我们定期来这里,从伦敦到这里很近。)

it's no distance from

It's no distance from here to Fifth Avenue. We can easily walk it. (从这里到第五大道很近,我们可以走路过去。)


4. be a stone's throw from : if one place is a stone's throw from another place, it is only a very short distance from it, so that it is easy to get to


I was born in Wembley, a stone's throw from the football stadium! (我出生在温布利,出生地离温布利球场就一步之遥。)

only a stone's throw from something

Stanford Hospital is only a stone's throw from where I live. (斯坦福医院离我家就一步之遥。)

within a stone's throw of something

The river's within a stone's throw of our apartment - we can see it from the window. (这条河离我们家很近,从我们家窗户看下去就能看见。)


5. local : a local store, hospital etc is in the area where you live and that you are most likely to use


Volunteers like Joyce go round local schools helping children with their reading problems. (很多像乔伊斯一样的志愿者在附近的学校服务,帮助有阅读障碍的儿童。)

somebody's local school/cinema etc.

You can find all these books in your local library. (这些书你们当地的图书馆都有。)

Polzeath is our local beach, but there are better surfing beaches further away. (珀尔泽斯离我们比较近,再走远一点有比珀尔泽斯更好的冲浪海岸。)


6. on your doorstep : very near the place where you live

备注: ''on your doorstep'' 常用于非正式的场合。


We're very lucky to have the park right on our doorstep. (我们非常幸运,家门口就有个公园。)

Homelessness is a problem that too many people ignore. Yet it's happening on our own doorstep. (没什么人会关注流浪汉,但是,谁家门口都有流浪汉,这是个普遍存在的问题。)

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