毕业三年荣登福布斯中国30岁以下精英榜,宁诺学子探索人类的生命边界 您所在的位置:网站首页 福布斯30位30岁以下精英榜单网易新闻 毕业三年荣登福布斯中国30岁以下精英榜,宁诺学子探索人类的生命边界


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Please scroll down for the English version - UNNC graduate shares experiences in entrepreneurship industry.

Regenerative Bio创始人兼首席执行官、福布斯中国30位30岁以下精英、胡润U30中国创业领袖、创业邦30位30岁以下创业先锋、全美华人30岁以下青年精英、美国巴布森学院硕士,这些头衔无一例外都属于宁波诺丁汉大学2019届毕业生赵雪琛。




2022年年初,以人工智能驱动的抗衰生物技术研发公司 Regenerative Bio 宣布完成千万美元级天使及天使 + 轮融资,投资方包括IMO Ventures、五源资本(5Y Capital)、险峰长青(K2VC)等多家知名风险投资基金。该公司致力于探索具有抗衰老功效的成分、配方及疗法,延长人类健康寿命。


作为Regenerative Bio的创始人兼CEO,赵雪琛虽然年仅25岁,但这已经不是他的第一次创业经历了。初入宁波诺丁汉大学,赵雪琛便成立了一家教育方向的公司,并于一年后被某教育科技公司收购。假期他又远赴哈佛大学孵化的科技创业公司实习,负责该公司中国市场的进入战略。本科毕业后,赵雪琛去往美国巴布森学院攻读硕士(该学院创业学专业连续28年蝉联U.S.News全美第一),并作为创始合伙人创办了波士顿深科技早期基金 Taihill Venture,深耕以哈佛及MIT为代表的藤校校友圈,投资了曦智科技、Kula Bio、Manus Bio等明星项目。






在这样一支豪华团队的努力下,公司已在抗衰研发及商业化上取得突破,凭借此,赵雪琛作为最年轻上榜者,荣登2021福布斯中国科学与医疗健康U30榜单,他也是宁波诺丁汉大学第六位“福布斯30 Under 30上榜者”。







他提到,在研究过程中周教授对他们进行了全面的辅导,给予了他们非常重要的支持,也会经常和他们分享许多实用的理论模型和时下商业案例。这不仅加深了他们对于商业理论的认知,更是深刻理解了真实商业社会的运行规则。目前赵雪琛和朱宣睿仍并肩作战,朱宣睿在Regenerative Bio负责串联科学家与商业化团队。

赵雪琛认为,宁诺鼓励创新和多元包容的的氛围对他的创业有很深的影响。“宁诺是一个自由度很高的地方,并且它鼓励学生去争取,去得到自己想要的东西。”他也在各个学生组织中认识了一群多元背景的朋友,“我非常怀念当时和学生会秘书处以及英文辩论社的小伙伴共事的时光,那时的我们相互鼓励相互支持,毕业后都在不同行业发展的有声有色。”值得一提的是,当年在学生组织中结识的好友方伸博也加入Regenerative Bio,负责品牌及市场推广相关工作。


UNNC graduate shares experiences in entrepreneurship industry

In 2022, the AI-driven anti-aging and biotechnology research and development company, Regenerative Bio, announced the completion of $10 million raised through financing, including investors from IMO Ventures, 5Y Capital, K2VC and many other well-known investors in venture capital funds. The founder and CEO of the company is Xuechen Zhao, a 2019 graduate of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC).

In the past three years, he has not only risen through the ranks of entrepreneurship to start a successful company, but has also completed a Master’s degree at Babson College and made it onto the “Forbes 30 Under 30 List”, “AACYF Top 30 under 30”, and “Hurun China Under 30s To Watch 2021” lists.

Despite being only 25 years old, Xuechen Zhao began his entrepreneurial journey long before he became the founder and CEO of Regenerative Bio. When he first joined UNNC, Xuechen set up an education company which was acquired by an educational technology company a year later. He then went on to intern at a technology startup company incubated at Harvard University, where he was responsible for the company's Chinese market entry strategy. After graduation, Xuechen went to Babson College in theUnited Statesto pursue a master's degree.

When talking about his achievements in entrepreneurship, Xuechen said that his greatest accomplishment so far was forming a world-class interdisciplinary team at Regenerative Bio. Thanks to the company's breakthrough in anti-aging research and development, Xuechen became the youngest person to make it onto the 2021 Forbes China Science and Health U30 list, and he was also the sixth UNNC graduate to enter the "Forbes 30 Under 30" list.

Speaking about the support provided by UNNC, he believes his current success could not have been achieved without the entrepreneurship education he received at UNNC. The programme he studied combined theoretical knowledge learned in the classroom and allowed him to put it into practical use in the university’s innovation and entrepreneurship labs on campus. Xuechen said he was most impressed by Dr Xuan Feng, Associate Professor in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior, and Dr Zhou Haibo, Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Xuechen had previously assisted Dr Zhou in research into investment strategies. Xuechen shared, “Despite not being our professor, Dr Zhou gave us the opportunity to assist her with strategy research on Alibaba and Tencent. I was responsible for contacting several entrepreneurs and investors. Dr Zhou was very supportive during the research process and often shared with us many practical theoretical models and current business cases, which not only deepened our knowledge of business theory, but also our understanding of the rules of the real business world.”

Xuechen also believes that the university’s atmosphere of encouraging innovation and diversity and inclusion had a profound impact on his entrepreneurial endeavours. He was able to meet a group of friends from diverse backgrounds in various student organisations. It's worth noting that his friend Fang Shenbo, who he met in the student organisation back then, has also joined Regenerative Bio as a partner and is responsible for branding and marketing-related work.

Entrepreneurship can be a challenging career with many setbacks. Summing up his experiences, Xuechen said, "There are infinite possibilities in life, you just have to get out into the world and explore it with all your heart. We have to believe in the power of believing, because when you desperately want to make something happen, the whole university will conspire to help you achieve it.”

图文来源 | 谢彤妍,Lily Su,

Liam Morgan,赵雪琛




[email protected]



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