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2023-05-30 13:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

And so we welcome you, our Canadia friends, to cooperate more fully in our work in consolidating the relationship between our two countries.


May I, then, propose a toast? Here's to the success of our negotiations, and to the strengthening of our friendship and cooperation.


To friendship and cooperation


ALL: To friendship and cooperation.


GOODWIN: Thank you for your kind words. Madam Vice-President, to which I should now like to offer a few of my own on behalf of Mrs. Goodwin and Mr. David Parker. and the management and staff of Pacific Swinears Industries.

(副总经理女士谢谢你的美言,请允许我代表我自己和我妻子还有大卫PARKER和 太平洋泳装工业的全体员工说几句)

I want to assure you that we do value our long association with Sinoswinwears and also enthusiastically applaud your governments' policy of opening up to the world.


Canadians have long been your friends and will continue to support you in your drive toward modernization.


We value, too. the small part that we have played, throught you, in bringing our two nations even closer together.


Moreover, Pacific Swimears Industries is willing to explore with your corporation the possibility of even closer ties through joint ventures.


We are well aware of the need to balance imports and exports and are looking for new ways to restore that balance.

(我们清楚知道进出口平衡 并且在寻找新的途径回复进出口平衡)

To that end, therefore.let me propose a toast: to the success of our negotiations and to the continuance of our friendship and cooperation, and finally, to the health of all of you gathered about his table.


To the success of our negotiations.


ALL:To the success of our negotiations.







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