适合孩子学英语的新闻网站推荐:Breaking News English!学地道英语表达,做词汇/听力/阅读/语法练习题都在这! 您所在的位置:网站首页 短小的英文新闻 适合孩子学英语的新闻网站推荐:Breaking News English!学地道英语表达,做词汇/听力/阅读/语法练习题都在这!

适合孩子学英语的新闻网站推荐:Breaking News English!学地道英语表达,做词汇/听力/阅读/语法练习题都在这!

2023-04-13 20:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

首页 › 剑桥考试 › 正文 ketket-adpet 适合孩子学英语的新闻网站推荐:Breaking News English!学地道英语表达,做词汇/听力/阅读/语法练习题都在这! 剑桥考试 2020-06-29 7,739 0

看新闻是学习英语地道表达和积累词汇的重要途径之一,但是目前可供小朋友们阅读和学习的英文新闻难度还是较大,今天厚朴少年学堂就来和大家安利一个适合小朋友们学习英语的新闻网站Breaking News English!

Breaking News English是一个将新闻转化为学习素材的新闻网站,同样的新闻内容会配有:






并且,新闻稿的难度级别是按照CEFR(欧洲共同语言参考标准)进行划分的哦,其中Level3正好对应的是A2 Key和B1 Preliminary级别!

今天小厚就和大家分享一篇难度级别为Level 3的新闻稿,一起来看看我们能从一篇英语新闻中学到多少知识吧! https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Breaking-News.mp3


Man fined $560 for farting at police 20th June,2020

A man in Austria has been fined for a very unusual act. His “crime“was “farting loudly in front of police officers”. The unnamed man was sitting on a bench in Austria’s capital Vienna. The Vienna Police Department tweeted earlier this week about the man’s actions. It described what happened after police officers approached the man. It wrote: “He rose slightly from the park bench, looked at the officers, and apparently intentionally released a massive fart in the immediate vicinity of the officers.” The police immediately gave the man a fine. The offence was for “violating public decency by loudly blowing a bowel in front of police officers”. It was also for making, “an unduly disturbing noise”.

The fine issued to the man is for 500 euro – about $560. If the man does not pay the fine within five days, he could go to prison for five days. The Austrian police have defended their actions and say the officers were right to issue the fine. A spokesperson said the man had been doing other annoying things before he farted. The police officers who issued the fine said the man was misbehaving. They said that he had been behaving in a way that would upset other people. The spokesperson said the man only had one thing on his mind when he stood up in front of police officers, and that was to fart at them. The officers said he, “let go a massive intestinal wind apparently with full intent“.


一、 文中标红的单词都是什么意思呢?试试将单词和正确的英文解释进行匹配吧~

Answers ▼

1-5 :c e f a b

6-10:g d i j m

11-14 :l k n h

二、 词汇积累

Austria [ˈɒstriə] n.奥地利 (注意和Australia区分哦) crime [kraɪm] n.罪行 unnamed [ˌʌnˈneɪmd] adj.无名的 bench [bentʃ] n.长椅 capital [ˈkæpɪtl] n.首都 describe [dɪˈskraɪb]v.描述 approach [əˈprəʊtʃ] v.走近 apparently [əˈpærəntli] adv.显然地 intentionally [ɪnˈtenʃənəli] adv.故意地 massive [ˈmæsɪv] adj.巨大的 vicinity [vəˈsɪnəti] n.附近 fine [faɪn] n./v.罚款 decency [ˈdiːsnsi] n.体面,合乎礼仪 prison [ˈprɪzn] n.监禁;v.关押 annoying [əˈnɔɪɪŋ] adj.讨厌的,恼人的 upset [ʌpˈset] adj.心烦的;v.使心烦 intent [ɪnˈtent] n.意图,目的


一、 在横线处填写正确的冠词(the,a,an)

1. His “crime” was “farting loudly in front of police officers”.           unnamed man was sitting on          bench in Austria’s capital Vienna.

2. It wrote: “He rose slightly from           park bench, looked at the officers, and apparently intentionally released           massive fart in the immediate vicinity of          officers.”

二、 在横线处填写正确的介词

The Austrian police have defended their actions and say the officers were right to issue the fine. A spokesperson said the man had been doing other annoying things           he farted. The police officers who issued the fine said the man was misbehaving. They said that he had been behaving          a way that would upset other people. The spokesperson said the man only had one thing          his mind when he stood          in front          police officers, and that was to fart           them. The officers said he, “let go a massive intestinal wind apparently          full intent”.

Answers ▼

一、 1. The, a 2. the, a, the

二、 before, in, on, up, of, at, with



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