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2023-11-02 23:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

TOPS课题组近年来的研究主要聚焦于交通流理论与交通仿真、自动驾驶与车路协同、交通数据分析与管控、主动交通管理等四个方向。课题组在四个方向均取得了丰硕成果,并将持续推进深化相关科学研究。(1)通过理论引领、模型突破、协同攻关,打破国外垄断,课题组研发了新一代微观交通流仿真模型TESS NG,目前聚焦于驾驶行为与深度仿真理论的新突破;(2)课题组进一步深挖交通系统建模、仿真与优化的核心理论,开拓了自动驾驶与车路协同新研究方向,致力于为自动驾驶时代提供变革性规划决策方法、虚拟测评技术以及协同自动驾驶技术;(3)在大数据与人工智能时代,为满足日益增长的主动交通管控需求,课题组聚焦全息感知、全域辨识、精准控制、协同管控等关键技术,在数据分析与主动管控方面取得新突破,研发了基于轨迹/路径的新一代交通协同管控理论、方法与技术体系;(4)为解决都市通勤拥堵问题,课题组依托数学优化、实验经济学实验与中观仿真等三大工具,解析各类主动需求管控条件下出行行为人因机理,基于自主研发的中观动态仿真系统DynusT,优化主动交通需求管理策略。

 A  在研课题 





国家自然科学基金(52002279):基于奖励的交通需求管理奖励机制设计与方案优化研究, 2021-2023












 B  完成课题 



上海科委创新行动计划子课题(19DZ1208800):城市综合交通宏中微一体化仿真关键技术, 2019-2022








































国家863项目子课题 (项目号:2007AA11Z245):区域交通运行状态的预报技术,2008


863计划 (项目号:2007AA11Z221):基于视频的交叉口交通状态全息检测技术,2007

 A  学术论文



Tian, Y.*, Chiu, Y-C. (2021) Simulation-Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Continuously Distributed Value of Time for Heterogeneous Users, Transportation Research Record (forthcoming)

Fu Q, Tian Y*, Sun J. (2021) Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Lane Reversal Using a Cell Transmission Model, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations (SCI, IF=4.277, doi: 10.1080/15472450.2021.1973898)

Lin X, Wu J, Tian Y*, Sun J, Lei C, Fang Y. (2021) Optimizing Budget Allocation for Incentive-Based Active Travel Demand Management Solutions, Transportation Research Record (SCI, IF=1.560, doi:10.1177/03611981211025512)

Tian Y, Li Y, Sun J, Ye J* (2021) Characterizing the Effect of Monetary Incentives on App Usage and Departure Time Choice, Transport Policy 105, 94-102. (SCI, IF=3.382, doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2021.03.003)

Xiao Q, Ni Y, Xu Y, Tian Y, Wang J, Sun J* (2021), Autonomous Vehicles’ Car-following Drivability Evaluation Based on Driving Behavior Spectrum Reference Model, Transportation Research Record. (SCI, IF=0.746, doi: 10.1177/0361198121994857)

Li T, Chen P, Tian Y* (2021), “Personalized Incentive-Based Peak Avoidance and Driving Time-Savings”, Transport Policy 100, 68-80. (SCI, IF=3.382, doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2020.10.008)

Jie Sun, Zuduo Zheng, Jian Sun. The relationship between car following string instability and traffic oscillations in finite-sized platoons and its use in easing congestion via connected and automated vehicles with IDM based controller. Transportation Research Part B, 2020.

Zhang H, Sun J, Tian Y. (2020), The impact of socio-demographic characteristics and driving behaviors on fuel efficiency. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 88:102565 (doi:10.1016/j.trd.2020.102565)

Chen X, Sun J*, Ma Z, et al. Investigating the long-and short-term driving characteristics and incorporating them into car-following models[J]. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2020, 117: 102698.

Tang, K., Cao, Y., Chen, C., Yao, J., Tan, C., & Sun, J*. (2020). Dynamic origin‐destination flow estimation using automatic vehicle identification data: A 3D convolutional neural network approach. Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.  https://doi.org/10.1111/mice.12559

Xiaoyun Chen, Tienan Li, Zian Ma, and Jian Sun*. Integrated Mainline and Ramp Signal Control for Expressway On-ramp Bottleneck with Unequal Lane-setting. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (2020): 1-16.

Keshuang Tang, Chaopeng Tan, Yumin Cao, Jiarong Yao, Jian Sun*. A Tensor Decomposition Method for Cycle-based Traffic Volume Estimation Using Sampled Vehicle Trajectories, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 118 (2020): 102739.

Jian Sun, Jiyan Wu, Feng Xiao, Xiangdong Xu, Ye Tian. Managing Bottleneck Congestion with Incentives. Transportation Research Part B, 134 (2020) 143–166

Tian, Y, Chiu, Y.-C, Sun, J., Chai, C., Sunsetting Skim Matrices: A Trajectory-Mining Approach to Derive Travel Time Skim Matrix in Dynamic Traffic Assignment for Activity-base Model Integration, Journal of Transport and Land Use.

Song, Z., H. Wang, J. Sun and Y. Tian (2020). Evaluating Environmental and Safety Impact Using Micro-Simulations: Experimental Findings with VISSIM and TransModeler, Transportation Research Record, 2674 (8), 566-580 , doi:10.1177/0361198120925077

Qiyuan Liu; Jian Sun, Ye Tian, lu xiong, Modeling and Simulation of Overtaking Events by Heterogeneous Non-Motorized Vehicles on Shared Roadway Segments. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2020, 95: 16-35.

Sun J, Wu J, Xiao F, Tian Y*, Xu X (2020) Manage Bottleneck Congestion with Incentives. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 134, 143-166. (SCI, IF=4.796, doi:10.1016/j.trb.2020.01.010)

Yuheng Kan, Yibing Wang, Dianhai Wang, Jian Sun, Chunfu Shao. A Novel Approach to Estimating Missing Pairs of On/Off Ramp Flows. IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2019.2954937.

Chaopeng Tan, Jiarong Yao, keshuang Tang, Jian Sun. Cycle-based Queue Length Estimation for Signalized Intersections Using Sparse Vehicle Trajectory Data,IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2019.2954937. 

Ni, Y., Chen, J., 2020. Exploring the Effects of the Built Environment on Two Transfer Modes for Metros: Dockless Bike Sharing and Taxis, Sustainability, 12(5). 

Xie, N., Li, H., Zhao, W., Ni, Y., Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Xu, Z., 2019. Measurement of dynamic vibration in cycling using portable terminal measurement system, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 13(3): 469-474.

Yu R, Wang Y, Quddus M, Li J, Wang X, Tian Y* (2020) Investigating Vehicle Roadway Usage Patterns on the Shanghai Urban Expressway System and Their Impacts on Traffic Safety. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, doi:10.1080/15568318.2020.1722869

Donghao Zhou, Zian Ma, Jian Sun. Autonomous Vehicles’ Turning Motion Planning in Conflict Area of Mixed-Flow Intersections, IEEE Transactions on intelligent vehicles. DOI: 10.1109/TIV.2019.2955854

Jian Sun, He Dong, Guoyang Qin, Ye Tian. Quantifying the Impact of Rainfall on Taxi Hailing and Operation. Journal of Advanced Transportation. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18124.56964.

Yixin Li, Ying Ni,Jian Sun,Zian Ma. Modeling the illegal lane-changing behavior of bicycles on road segments. Physica A. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2019.123302.

Chaopeng Tan, Jiarong Yao, keshuang Tang, Jian Sun. Cycle-based Queue Length Estimation for Signalized Intersections Using Sparse Vehicle Trajectory Data,IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2019.2954937.

Jian Sun, Xiao Qi, Yiming Xu, Ye Tian. The Vehicle Turning Behavior Modeling at Conflicting Areas of Mixed-Flow Intersections Based on Deep Learning, IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2019.2931701. 

Yingjun Ye, Xiaohui Zhang, Jian Sun. Automated Vehicle’s behavior decision making using deep reinforcement learning and high-fidelity simulation environment, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 107 (2019) 155–170.

Jiarong Yao, Fuliang Li, Keshuang Tang, Jian Sun, Sampled Trajectory Data-Driven Method of Cycle-Based Volume Estimation for Signalized Intersections by Hybridizing Shockwave Theory and Probability Distribution, IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems, DOI:10.1109/TITS.2019.2921478.

Yudi Li, Lei Zhu, Jian Sun, and Ye Tian, Generating a Spatiotemporal Dynamic Map for Traffic Analysis Using Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram, Journal of Advanced Transportation, https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/9540386 

Ye Tian, Yi-Chang Chiu, Jian Sun, Understanding behavioral effects of tradable mobility credit scheme: An experimental economics approach, Transport Policy, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2019.05.019. 

Xiaohui Zhang, Jie Sun, Xiao Qi, Jian Sun, Simultaneous modeling of car-following and lane-changing behaviors using deep learning, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 104 2019, Pages 287-304. 

Sun J, Liu H, Ma Z. Modelling and simulation of highly mixed traffic flow on two-lane two-way urban streets. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2019, 95: 16-35. 

Sun, S., Chen, J., & Sun, J. (2019). Traffic congestion prediction based on GPS trajectory data. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. https://doi.org/10.1177/1550147719847440

Xiangwang Hu, Jian Sun*. Trajectory optimization of connected and autonomous vehicles at multilane freeway merging area. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 101(2019) 111-125. 

Qiyuan Liu, Jian Sun, Ye Tian. Modelling and Simulation of Non-motorized Vehicles’ Dispersion at Mixed Flow Intersections. Journal of Advanced Transportation, https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/9127062 

Han, D., Chen, J., & Sun, J. (2019). A parallel spatiotemporal deep learning network for highway traffic flow forecasting. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. https://doi.org/10.1177/1550147719832792

Guoyang Qin, Zhenhua Huang, Yang Xiang, Jian Sun*. ProbDetect: A choice probability-based taxi trip anomaly detection model considering traffic variability. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 98 (2019) 221-238. 

Liu Q, Sun J, Tian Y*, Ni Y, Yu S (2019) Modeling and Simulation of Nonmotorized Vehicles’ Dispersion at Mixed Flow Intersections. Journal of Advanced Transportation 2019: 9127062. (SCI, IF=1.983, doi:10.1155/2019/9127062)

Liu Q, Sun J, Tian Y, Ni Y Modeling and Simulation of Cross-Line Overtaking Behavior of Non-Motorized Vehicles at Mixed Flow Intersection. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 2019,47(11):1585-1592(EI)

Xiuling Huang, Jie Sun, Jian Sun*. A car-following model considering asymmetric driving behavior based on long short-term memory neural networks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 95 (2018) 346–362. 

Liyu Wu, Jian Sun*, Tienan Li. Relationship of Lane Width to Safety for Urban Expressways in Shanghai. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. (In Press).

Guangxu Shan, Zhenhua Huang, Jiujun Chen, Jian Sun. TRec: An Efficient Recommendation System for Hunting Passengers with Deep Neural Networks. Neural Computing and Applications. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3728-2

Yiming Xu, Yajie Zou, Jian Sun*, Accelerated Testing for Automated Vehicles Safety Evaluation Based on Importance Sampling, Genetic Algorithm and Simulation Applications, Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles. 2018, 1(1): 28-38. 

Jian Sun*, Kang Zuo, Shun Jiang, Zuduo Zheng, Modeling and predicting stochastic merging behaviors at freeway on-ramp bottlenecks, Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2018: 1-15.

Yin, J., Sun, J.*, Tang, K. A Kalman Filter Based Queue Length Estimation Method with Low-Penetration Mobile Sensor Data at Signalized Intersections, Transportation Research Record. (In Press).

Zhang, H., Sun, J., et al. Adaptive Consensus-based Distributed Target Tracking with Dynamic Cluster in Sensor[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, PP(99): 1-12.

Sun, J.*, Xu, Y., Ma. Z. Simulation of Turning Vehicles’ Behaviors at Mixed-flow Intersections Based on Potential Field Theory[J]. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics(2018): 1-21.

Sun, J.*, Ma. Z., Chen X. 2017. Some Observed Details of Traffic Flow Phase Transition at Urban Expressway Off-Ramp Bottlenecks in Shanghai. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics , DOI: 10.1080/21680566.2017.1336127

Sun, J., Zheng, Z., Sun, J., 2018. Stability Analysis Methods and Their Applicability to Car-Following Models in Conventional and Connected Environments. Transportation Research Part B, Volume 109, Pages 212-237.

Sun, J.*, Li, T., Yu, M., Zhang, H. M., 2018. Exploring the Congestion Pattern at Long-Queued Tunnel Sag and Increasing the Efficiency by Control. IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2017.2780103.

Chen, P., Cong, Y., Sun, J.*, Wang, Y. Dynamic Eco-Driving Speed Guidance at Signalized Intersections: Multi-Vehicle Driving Simulator based Experimental Study, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018(2018).

Li Z., Qin Q., Li, W., Xu, S., Qian, Y., Sun, J.*, 2018. Stabilization Analysis and Modified KdV Equation of a Car Following Model with Consideration of Self-Stabilizing Control in Historical Traffic Data. Nonlinear Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s11071-017-3934-y.

Qin, G., Li, T., Yu, B., Wang, Y., Huang, Z., Sun, J., 2017. Mining Factors Affecting Taxi Drivers’ Incomes Using GPS Trajectories. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 79, 103-118.

Ma, Z., Xie, J., Qi, X., Xu, Y., Sun, J., 2017. Two-Dimensional Simulation of Turning Behavior in Potential Conflict Area of Mixed-Flow Intersections. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. doi: 10.1111/mice.12266.

Dong, C., Nambisan, S.S., Clarke, D.B., Sun, J., 2017. Exploring the Effects of State Highway Safety Laws and Socio-cultural Characteristics on Fatal Crashes. Traffic Injury Prevention 18(3). doi: 10.1080/15389588.2016.1199864.

Ma, Z., Sun, J., Wang, Y., 2017. A Two-Dimensional Simulation Model for Modelling Turning Vehicles at Mixed-Flow Intersections. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 75, 103-119.

Kim S, Son Y-J, Tian Y, Chiu Y-C, Yang D (2017) Cognition-Based Hierarchical En-Route Planning for Multi-Agent Traffic Simulation. Expert Systems with Applications 85, 335-347 (SCI, IF=4.577, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2017.05.045)

Ni, Y., Wang, M., Sun, J., Li, K., 2016. Evaluation of Pedestrian Safety at Intersections: A Theoretical Framework Based on Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction Patterns. Accident Analysis and Prevention 96, 118-129.

Sun, J., Li, T., Li, F., Chen, F., 2016. Analysis of Safety Factors for Urban Expressways Considering the Effect of Congestion in Shanghai, China. Accident Analysis and Prevention 95, 503-511.

Zhang, L., Wang, Y., Sun, J., Yu, B., 2016. The Sightseeing Bus Schedule Optimization under Park and Ride System in Tourist Attractions. Annals of Operations Research, 1-19.

Sun, J., Sun, J., 2016. Real-time Crash Prediction on Urban Expressways: Identification of Key Variables and a Hybrid Support Vector Machine Model. IET Intelligent Transport Systems 10(5), 331-337.

Chen, C., Li, T., Sun, J., Chen, F., 2016. Hotspot Identification for Shanghai Expressways Using the Quantitative Risk Assessment Method. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(20). doi: 10.3390/ijerph14010020.

Tang, K., Wang, F., Yao, J., Sun, J., 2016. Empirical Analysis and Modeling of Stop-Line Crossing Time and Speed at Signalized Intersections. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(9). doi: 10.3390/ijerph14010009.

Chen, P., Sun, J., Qi, H., 2016. Estimation of Delay Variability at Signalized Intersections for Urban Arterial Performance Evaluation. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. doi: 10.1080/15472450.2016.1216319. 

Zhang, X., Wang, J., Li, T., Sun, J., 2016. Safety Factors of Exit Slip Roads on China's Urban Motorways. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport. doi: 10.1680/jtran.15.00057.

Song, R., Sun, J., 2016. Calibration of Micro-Traffic Simulation Model with Respect to the Spatial-Temporal Evolution at Expressway On-Ramp Bottlenecks. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 92(6), 535-546.

Sun, J., Yang, Y., Li, K., 2016. Integrated Coupling of Road Traffic and Network Simulation for Realistic Emulation of Connected Vehicle Applications. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 92(5), 447-457.

Feng, Y., Sun, J., Chen, P., 2015. Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction Using Automatic Vehicle Identification and Traffic Count Data. Journal of Advanced Transportation 49(2), 174-194.

Li, Z., Li, W., Xu, S., Qian, Y., Sun, J., 2015. Traffic Behavior of Mixed Traffic Flow With Two Kinds of Different Self-Stabilizing Control Vehicles. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 436, 729-738.

Sun, J., Li, Z., Sun, J., 2015. Study on Traffic Characteristics for a Typical Expressway on-ramp Bottleneck Considering Various Merging Behaviors. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 440, 57-67.

Sun, J., Ma, Z., Li, T., Niu, D., 2015. Development and Application of an Integrated Traffic Simulation and Multi-driving Simulators. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 59, 1-17.

Sun, J., Sun, J., 2015. A Dynamic Bayesian Network Model for Real-Time Crash Prediction Using Traffic Speed Conditions Data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 54, 176-186.

Yang, J., Sun, J., 2015. Vehicle Path Reconstruction Using Automatic Vehicle Identification Data: An Integrated Particle Filter and Path Flow Estimator. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 58, 107-126.

Zheng, Z., Lee, J.B., Saifuzzaman, M., Sun, J., 2015. Exploring Association Between Perceived Importance of Travel/Traffic Information and Travel Behaviour in Natural Disasters : A Case Study of the 2011 Brisbane Floods. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 51, 243-259.

Zheng, J., Sun, J., Yang, J., 2015. Relationship of Lane Width to Capacity for Urban Expressways. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2483, 10-19.

Tian Y, Chiu Y-C (2015) Day-to-Day Market Power and Efficiency in Tradable Mobility Credits. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 4 (3), 209-228 (doi:10.1260/2046-0430.4.3.209)

Sun, J., Zhang, S., Tang, K., 2014. Online Evaluation of an Integrated Control Strategy at On-Ramp Bottleneck for Urban Expressways in Shanghai. IET Intelligent Transport Systems 8(8), 648-654.

Wu, Z., Zhao, L., Sun, J., 2014. A Study of Dynamic Right-Turn Signal Control Strategy at Mixed Traffic Flow Intersections. PROMET-Traffic and Transportation 26(6), 449-458.

Ni, Y., Li, K., 2014. Estimating Rear-End Accident Probabilities at Signalized Intersections: A Comparison Study of Intersections with and without Green Signal Countdown Devices. Traffic Injury Prevention 15, 583-590.

Chen, P., Qi, H., Sun, J., 2014. Investigation of Saturation Flow on Shared Right-Turn Lane at Signalized Intersections. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2461, 66-75.

Chen, P., Yin, K., Sun, J., 2014. Application of Finite Mixture of Regression Model with Varying Mixing Probabilities to Estimation of Urban Arterial Travel Times. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2442, 96-105.

Sun, J., Ouyang, J., Yang, J., 2014. Modeling and Analysis of Merging Behavior at Expressway On-Ramp Bottlenecks. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2421, 74-81.

Sun, J., Sun, J., Chen, P., 2014. Use of Support Vector Machine Models for Real-Time Prediction of Crash Risk on Urban Expressways. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2432, 91-98.

Sun, J., Zhao, L., Zhang, H.M., 2014. Mechanism of Early-Onset Breakdown at On-Ramp Bottlenecks on Shanghai, China, Expressways. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2421, 64-73.

Zhao, L., Sun, J., Zhang, H.M., 2014. Observations and Analysis of Multistep Approaching Lane Changing Behavior at Two Expressway Merge Bottlenecks in Shanghai. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2395, 73-82.

Sun, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, H.M., 2014. Investigation of the Early-onset Breakdown Phenomenon at Urban Expressway Bottlenecks in Shanghai. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 2(3), 215-228.

Tian Y, Chiu Y-C (2014) A Variable Time-discretization Strategies-based, Time-dependent Shortest Path Algorithm for Dynamic Traffic Assignment. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18 (4), 339-351. (SCI, IF=2.568, doi:10.1080/15472450.2013.806753)

Sun, J., Chen, S., 2013. Dynamic Speed Guidance for Active Highway Signal Coordination: Roadside versus In-Car Strategies. IET Intelligent Transport Systems 7(4), 432-444.

Zhou, S., Sun, J., Li, K., Yang, X., 2013. Development of a Root Cause Degree Procedure for Measuring Intersection Safety Factors. Safety Science 51(1), 257-266.

Tang, K., Dong, S., Wang, F., Ni, Y., Sun, J., 2013. Driver Behavior of E-Bikes at the Onset of Green and Yellow at Signalized Intersections in China. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2317, 85-96.

Yang, Y., Sun, J., 2013. Study on Pedestrian Red-Time Crossing Behavior: Integrated Field Observation and Questionnaire Data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2393, 117-124.

Yu, B., Wu, S., Yao, B., Yang, Z., Sun, J., 2012. Dynamic Vehicle Dispatching at a Transfer Station in Public Transportation System. Journal of Transportation Engineering 138(2).

Sun, J., Zhou, S., Li, K., Ni, Y., 2012. Evaluation of Safety Factors at Chinese Intersections. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport 165(3), 195-204.

Sun, J., Dong, S., Bing, X., Ni, Y., 2012. Comparative Study of Impacts of Red Light Cameras in China. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2317, 68-75.

Tian Y, Chiu Y-C (2012) On the concept and numerical analysis for adaptive traffic simulation. Transportation Research Record, 2316, 132-139. (SCI, IF=0.748, doi: 10.3141/2316-15)

Mei Z, Tian Y, Li D (2012) Analysis of Parking Reliability Guidance of Urban Parking Variable Message Sign System. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012:128379. (SCI, IF=1.179, doi:10.1155/2012/128379)

Sun, J., Li, K., 2011. Transportation Planning Process Business Processes Reengineering. Advanced Science Letters 4(4), 1404-1409.

Li, Z., Liu, F., Sun, J., 2011. A Lattice Traffic Model with Consideration of Preceding Mixture Traffic Information. Chinese Physics B 20(8), 32-37.

Sun, J., Yang, Y., 2011. RSU Localization Model and Simulation Optimization for VII Network. Transport 26(4), 394-402.

Zhou, S., Sun, J., An, X., Li, K., 2011. The Development of a Conflict Hazardous Assessment Model for Evaluating Urban Intersection Safety. Transport 26(2), 216-223.

Mei Z, Tian Y (2011) Optimized combination model and algorithm of parking guidance information configuration. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2011:104 (SCI, IF=1.592, doi:10.1186/1687-1499-2011-104)

Ni, Y., Li, K., 2010. Pedestrian Signal Violation at Intersections in China and in Germany. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology 19(2).

Xu, H., Sun, J., Zheng, M., 2010. Comparative Analysis of Unconditional and Conditional Priority for Use at Isolated Signalized Intersections. Journal of Transportation Engineering 136(12), 1092-1103.

Yao, B., Yang, C., Yao, J., Sun, J., 2010. Tunnel Surrounding Rock Displacement Prediction Using Support Vector Machine. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 3(6), 843-852.


余荣杰,田野,孙剑. 高等级自动驾驶汽车虚拟测试:研究进展与前沿,中国公路学报,第33卷.

孙剑,张一豪,王俊骅. 基于自然驾驶数据的分心驾驶行为识别方法. 中国公路学报,第33卷.

孙剑,殷炬元,黎淘宁, 快速路入口匝道瓶颈宏观交通流模型, 交通运输工程学报,19(3):122-133

刘启远,孙剑,田野,倪颖. 机非交互路段非机动车越线超车行为建模与仿真, 同济大学学报(自然科学版)2019, 47(11):1585-1593.

倪颖,李逸昕,李旭红,孙剑. 机非物理隔离路段非机动车行为建模仿真, 同济大学学报(自然科学版)2019, 47(6):778-787.

孙剑, 郑进炫. 城市快速路通行能力再认识与分析体系构建[J]. 中国公路学报, 2018(5).

王尔根, 孙剑. 城市快速路匝道车辆汇入影响因素识别与行为预测[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2018(3).

孙剑, 姜静茹, 郑进炫. 城市快速路交织区速度预测模型模型改进[J]. 中国公路学报, 2017, 30(1): 83-91.

孙剑, 胡家琦, 孙杰. 城市快速路交织区通行能力估计模型[J]. 中国公路学报, 2016, 29(4): 114-122.

孙剑, 蒋舜, 欧阳吉祥. 城市快速路驶入匝道瓶颈车辆汇入行为[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 43(4): 549-554.

贾丰源, 孙杰, 孙剑. 快速路交通流运行安全关键参数识别与评估[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 43(2): 221-225.

孙剑, 孙杰. 城市快速路实时交通流运行安全主动风险评估[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 42(6): 873-879.

董玉璞, 李克平, 倪颖. 基于相位优先度规则的单点公交优先控制策略[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 42(8): 1181-1189.

孙剑, 冯羽. 基于车辆自动识别技术的动态OD矩阵估计新方法[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 41(9): 1366-1371.

孙剑, 张娟. 城市快速路常发性瓶颈交通流失效生存分析模型[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 41(4): 530-535.

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Song zhijin, Wang huizi, Tian Ye, Sun Jian. Evaluating Environmental and Safety Impact Using Micro-Simulations: Experimental Findings with VISSIM and TransModeler. 20-03086, Presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.,2020.

Yin juyuan, Chen xuejian, Sun jian. Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction for Urban Arterial Under Low–Penetration Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Environment. 20-05025, Presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.,2020.

Keshuang Tang, Jiarong Yao, Chaopeng Tan, Jian Sun. Cycle-based Traffic Volume Estimation Using Sampled Vehicle Trajectory Data: Singular Value Thresholding Method. 20-01223, Presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.,2020.

Keshuang Tang, Siqu Chen, Yumin Cao, Xiaosong Li, Di Zang, Jian Sun. Short-Term Travel Speed Prediction for Urban Expressways: Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network Models. 20-01968, Presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.,2020.

Keshuang Tang. Xiaosong Li, Siqu Chen, Di Zang, Jian Sun.Short-Term Travel Speed Prediction for Urban Expressways: Graph Attention Network Model. 20-02137, Presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.,2020.

Keshuang Tang. Chaopeng Tan, Yumin Cao, Jiarong Yao, Jian Sun. Cycle-Based Traffic Volume Estimation using Sampled Vehicle Trajectory Data: Tucker Decomposition Method, 20-01704, Presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.,2020.

Keshuang Tang. Yumin Cao, Can Chen, Chaopeng Tan, Jiarong Yao, Jian Sun. Origin-Destination Flows Estimation Using Automatic Vehicle Identification Data: A 3D Convolutional Neural Network Approach, 20-01122, Presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.,2020.

Yihao Zhang, Junhua Wang Zuduo Zheng Yixin Li Mingtao Wu, Jian Sun. Detecting Driver Distractions Using a Deep Learning Approach and Multi-Source Naturalistic Driving Data, 20-01635, Presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.,2020.

Xiaoyun Chen, Zian Ma, Jie Sun, Zuduo Zheng, Jian Sun. Investigating the Long and Short-Term Driving Characteristics and Incorporating Them into Car-Following Models,20-00505, Presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.,2020.

Jian Sun, Huajun Zhou, He Zhang, Ye Tian*, Qinghui Ji (2020). Adaptive Design of Experiments for Accelerated Safety Evaluation of Automated Vehicles. The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC).

Tian, Y., Y.-C, Chiu (2020). Simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment with continuously distributed value of time for heterogeneous users. The 8th International Symposium On Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Seattle, WA.

Zhang, H., Y. Tian* (2020). Influences on Fuel Consumption: The Impact of Driver’s Socio-Demographic Characters. CICTP 2020. Xi’an, China.

Fu, Q., Y. Tian* (2020). An Agent-Based Model for Joint Route and Departure Time Choice under Incentive-Based Traffic Demand Management. CICTP 2020. Xi’an, China.

Li, W., H. Zhang, W. Tang, Y. Yang and Y. Tian* (2020). Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Lane Reversal Using Cell Transmission Model. 99th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.

L Zhu, Y Li, Y Tian, J Sun, A Scale-Dynamic Network Abstraction Approach for Traffic Analysis,CICTP 2019, 4696-4708

J Wu, Y Tian, J Sun, A Bilevel Programming Framework for Determining the Optimal Incentive-Based Traffic Demand Management Strategy, CICTP 2019, 5900-5912

Y Zhang, J Sun, Taxi Income Monitoring and Service Strategy Analyzing Using GPS Trajectory Data,CICTP 2019, 6057-6069

X Qi, Y Ye, J Sun. Autonomous Vehicles’ Decision-Making Behavior in Complex Driving Environments Using Deep Reinforcement Learning,CICTP 2019, 5853-5864

Y Tian, YC Chiu, J Sun. A Trajectory-Mining Approach to Derive Travel Time Skim Matrix in Dynamic Traffic Assignment, CICTP 2019, 4412-4423

Wu, Z., Y. Yang, G. Tan and Y. Tian* (2019). A Lane-Level Vehicle Positioning Method Based on Fusion of MM and RSSI-DR for VANET Environment. CICTP 2019: 2187-2198. Nanjing, China.

Sun J, Sun J. Investigating the oscillation characteristics and mitigating its impact with low-penetration connected and automated vehicles[C]//2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). IEEE, 2018: 2339-2345.

Tian, Y., Y.-C. Chiu (2018). “An Online Interactive Experiment to Evaluate Tradable Mobility Credit Strategies”, The 7th International Symposium On Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Hong Kong, China.

Holden, J., Wood, E., Zhu, L., Gonder, J., Tian, Y., “Development of a Trip Energy Estimation Model Using Real-World Global Positioning System Driving Data”, ITS World Congress 2017, Montreal, Canada.

Ye, Y., Sun, J., Jiang, S., 2016. Modeling Car-Following Behaviors on a Merging Section in an Expressway On-Ramp Bottleneck, CICTP 2016.

Yang, X., Yang, J., Sun, J., 2015. Data-Driven Integrated Control Strategy for Postponing Early-Onset Breakdowns on Urban Expressway On-Ramp Bottlenecks in Shanghai, CICTP 2015.

Song, R., Sun, J., 2015. Calibration of Micro-Traffic Simulation Model with Respect to the Spatial-temporal Evolution at Expressway On-ramp Bottlenecks, Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Sun, J., Ma, Z., 2015. Some Observed Details of Traffic Flow Phase Transition at Urban Expressway Off-ramp Bottlenecks in Shanghai, Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Sun, J., Wang, Z., Yang, J., Ouyang, J., 2015. Comparison of Dilemma Zone and Driver Behavior of Trucks and Passenger Cars at High-Speed Signalized Intersections, Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Wu, L., Sun, J., 2015. Relationship of Lane Width to Safety for Urban Expressways, Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Zheng, J., Sun, J., 2015. Relationship of Lane Width to Capacity for Urban Expressways, Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Tian, Y., Zmud, M., Chiu, Y.-C., Carey, D., Dale, J., Smarda, D., Lehr, R., James, R., “Quality Assessment of Social Media Traffic Reports-A Field Study in Austin, Texas”, Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, 2015.

Tian, Y., Chiu, Y.-C.  “On the Day-to-Day Market Power and Efficiency in Tradable Mobility Credits”, Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, 2015.

Hu, J., Sun, J., 2014. Some Flow Features at Urban Expressway On-Ramp Bottlenecks in Shanghai, Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Jiang, S., Sun, J., 2014. Observations and Analysis of the Lane Changing Chain Reaction Behavior at Two Expressway Merge Bottlenecks in Shanghai, Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Ni, Y., Deng, T., Li, K., 2014. Pedestrian Accommodation in Intersection Signal System: A Rule-Based Dynamic Pedestrian Control Strategy, Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Sun, J., Niu, D., Ma, Z., 2014. Integration of Traffic Simulation and Multiple Driving Simulators: Case Study of Lane-Changing Experiments on Traffic Flow, Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Sun, J., Wang, J., Sun, J., 2014. Safety Influencing Factor Assessment of Expressway Exit Ramps in Shanghai, Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Kim, S., Xi, H., Tian, Y., Son, Y.-J., Chiu, Y.-C., Yang, C., “Drivers' En-Route Divergence Behavior Modeling Using Extended Belief-Desire-Intention (E-BDI) Framework”, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 344-355, 2014

Kim, S., Son, Y.-J., Tian, Y., Chiu, Y.-C., Yang, C., “Hierarchical En-Route Planning under the Extended Belief-Desire-Intention (E-BDI) Framework”, IIE Annual Conference Proceedings, 547, 2014.

Kim, S., Xi, H., Tian, Y., Son, Y.-J., Chiu, Y.-C., Yang, C., “Hierarchical En-Route Planning under the Extended Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) Framework”, Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 2014. 

Tian, Y., Chiu, Y.-C. “Computational Efficient Approach to Retaining Zone Pair Travel Time Information in Dynamic Traffic Assignment for Activity-Based Model Integration”, Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 2014.

Deng, T., Ni, Y., Li, K., 2013. Pedestrian Crossings at Mid-Block Locations: A Comparative Study of Existing Signal Operations, Presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Sun, J., Niu, D., Chen, S., Li, K., 2013. Development and Investigation of a Dynamic Eco-Driving Speed Guidance Strategy for Signalized Highway Traffic, Presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Sun, J., Zhao, L., Zhang, Y., Wu, Z., 2013. Research on Dynamic Signal Control for Exclusive Right-Turn Lane at Mixed Traffic Flow Intersections, Presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Yang, J., Sun, J., 2013. Investigation of Truck Capacity-Influencing Factors at the Approach of Highway Signalized Intersections in China, Presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Ling, Z., Ni, Y., Li, K., 2013. Analysis of Conflicts between Right-turn Vehicles and Pedestrians under Different Right-Turn Control Schemes: A Comparative Study, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety.

Ni, Y., Ling, Z., Li, K., 2013. A New Evaluation Method Combining Efficiency and Safety: Multimodal Comprehensive Level of Service of Signalized Intersections, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety.

Niu, D., Sun, J., 2013. Eco-Driving versus Green Wave Speed Guidance for Signalized Highway Traffic: A Multi-Vehicle Driving Simulator Study. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences 96, 1079-1090.

Zhao, L., Sun, J., 2013. Simulation Framework for Vehicle Platooning and Car-Following Behaviors Under Connected-Vehicle Environment. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences 96, 914-924.

Tian, Y., Lin, W.-H., “An Enhanced Forward Dynamic Programming Approach for the Lot Size Problem with Time-Dependent Demand”, 18th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Dec 2013. 

Ling, Z., Ni, Y., 2012. Modeling Interactions between Pedestrians and Right-Turn Vehicles at Signalized Intersections, CICTP 2012.

Ni, Y., Li, K., 2012. Signal Violation Effects on Pedestrian Delay at Signalized Intersections, Presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Tian, Y., Chiu, Y.-C. “A Variable Time Discretization Based Time-dependent Shortest Path Algorithm–Experience with Simulation-based Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model”, Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, 2012.

Noh, H., Khani, A., Hickman, M., Tian, Y., Chiu, Y.-C., Villalobos, J., “Integrated Vehicle and Passenger Simulation Model Considering a Multimodal Transportation Network”, 2012 Innovations in Traffic Modeling (ITM).

Tian, Y., Chiu, Y.-C. “On the Concept and Numerical Analysis for Adaptive Traffic Simulation”, Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, 2012. 

Chen, S., Sun, J., Yao, J., 2011. Development and Simulation Application of a Dynamic Speed Dynamic Signal Strategy for Arterial Traffic Management, 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 1349-1354.

Zhao, L., Sun, J., Zhou, S., 2011. Development of a Severity-Level Determination Procedure for Non-Motorized Traffic Conflicts, ICCTP 2011, pp. 251-257.

Ni, Y., Li, K., 2011. Modelling Pedestrian Behavior at Signalized Intersections: A Case Study in Shanghai, ICTIS 2011.

Dong, S., Sun, J., Li, K., 2011. The Non-Motorized Vehicle's Driver Behavior with Flashing Green and Green Countdown at Intersections: A Comparative Study, Presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Sun, J., Yang, Y., Wang, H., 2011. Development and Application of a Simulation-Enhanced Platform for Pedestrian Crossing Behaviors Experiment, Presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Zhou, S., Sun, J., Li, K., 2011. Development of Macroscopic Quality Management Procedure for Intersection Safety Improvement in China, Presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Tian, Y., Chiu, Y.-C. “Anisotropic Mesoscopic Traffic Simulation Approach to Support Large-Scale Traffic and Logistic Modeling and Analysis”, Winter Simulation Conference, Dec. 2011, Phoenix, AZ.

Zhou, S., Li, K., Sun, J., 2010. Calibration and Validation Procedure for Intersection Safety Simulation using SSAM and VISSIM, ICCTP 2010, pp. 603-615.

Sun, J., Liu, G., Li, K., Yang, Y., 2010. Survival Analysis on Pedestrian's Maximum Waiting Time at Signalized Intersections, Presented at the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

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