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扎根教材 提升续写

2023-04-07 06:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



教材中所选的语言材料,具有规范性和典型性,题材丰富,主题覆盖面广,其中不乏有趣的故事。笔者以人教版必修一Unit 3 Travel Journal为例,说明我们如何利用教材内容,打牢续写基础。






(1)Sara liked keeping a journal and confided(吐露)everything to it.__________________________________________.

(2)Horses were the only means of transport in the past.


(3)Lucy prefers travelling by train.___________________.

(4)Not speaking English might put you at a disadvantage.


(5)She tried to stop the flow of the blood from the wound.


(6)She is always easily persuaded.___________________.

(7)I usually cycled home through the park.____________.

(8)She graduated from Harvard this year.______________.

(9)Over the years, I have grown quite fond of her.


(10)The performance finally started half an hour late.



(1)It was so well written that she published it.

(2)But now people have a lot of transports like private cars.

(3)She plans to tour around Europe this Summer.

(4)Especially when you apply for a good job requiring fluent English, you will have no chance.

(5)It was so painful that she couldnt stand it.

(6)So her parents always worry about her.

(7)I can enjoy beautiful scenery of the park.

(8)We all felt proud of her.

(9)We become the best friends and often help each other.

(10)It was a great success.


(1)He has been forced to adjust his schedule.___________


(2)His book has its shortcoming.______________________


(3)Yuan Longping doesnt care about being famous.______


(4)She is a remarkably determined politician and can complete many things in one day._______________________________


(5)I bent over and kissed her cheek.___________________


(6)He had nothing to do but boil the kettle and make the tea._________________________________________(forecast)

(7)She had a large brown paper parcel under her left arm.


(8)Chinese cars are reliable._________________________


(9)They made friend on the journey.___________________


(10)Flames poured out of the windows of the building.



(1)Or his stubborn mother would be angry.

(2)But he corrected it and organized its plot again.

(3)What he cares about is his agricultural research details.

(4)People working for her hardly keep pace with her.

(5)She showed disgusting attitude, making me embarrassed.

(6)He was listening to the weather forecast when drinking the tea.

(7)She unwrapped the parcel and found it was a wool coat.

(8)In my view, it is actually true.

(9)They often chatted at midnight.

(10)The whole building was on fire and was destroyed completely,so they had no place to live in but a cave nearby.




stubborn, shortcoming, organize, care about, detail, determined, pace, bend, attitude, boil, forecast, parcel, wool, reliable, view, journey, midnight, flame, cave


Lily is a reliable girl. Her shortcoming is that sometimes she is very stubborn and doesnt care about others feelings. Last year, she determined to organize a hiking with some girls to Tibet. In their view, they could make it as they kept pace with each other and had a good schedule. Every day, they posted some videos about the details of their journey and their attitude. Many people enjoyed watching them. They were specially fond of one video where they bent their head into a cave at midnight. There they picked out the pot from one parcel to boil water, got wool sweaters from another parcel to keep warm, and used some wood to make fire. The flame made them feel safe. Finally, the managed to reach Tibet as they forecast.

二、活用教材故事, 提升续写能力


因续写在语言表达的风格上也应与原文一致,所以在阅读A NIGHT IN THE MOUNTAINS后,可找出和摘录其中的美句,以了解其语言特色。如:

1. so ... that ... 句型

(1)Our legs were so heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice.

(2)... we found it was so cold that our water bottles froze

(3)... we were so high that we found ourselves cycling through clouds.

2. 非谓语动词作后置定语

Along the way children dressed in long wool coats stopped to look at us.

3. 名词性从句

Thats what we looked like.

4. 定語从句

We will reach Dali in Yunnan Province soon, where our cousins Dao Wei and Yu Hang will join us.

5. 句型can hardly wait to do sth

We can hardly wait to see them!






3. 那时我们能做的事情就是安慰他。

4. 我们告诉他们有关西藏的美妙故事,在那里我们遇到了很多值得信赖的人,并看了很多美妙的风景。

5. 他们迫不及待地想知道我们旅游的事情,特别是有关西藏的。


1.(1)We were so happy that we hugged tightly.

(2)He ached so badly that he lay on the ground with his eyes in tears.

2.(1)We felt good as we met a kind stranger devoted to helping others.

(2)Luckily, a man driving a car stopped, saying that he was a doctor

3. What we could do at that time was to comfort him.

4. We told them the wonderful stories about Tibet, where we met a lot of reliable people and enjoyed beautiful views.

5. They could hardly wait to know the things about our travelling, especially about Tibet.


人教版必修一Unit 3 Travel Journal的两篇阅读讲到主人公王坤和姐姐王薇骑山地车旅行,沿着云南西部的澜沧江,也就是湄公河作为旅游路线。我们在阅读A NIGHT IN THE MOUNTAINS后,可以根据下面的开头语续写故事。

Paragraph 1:

Wai Kun and I reached Dali and met our cousins in the Kun Ming Station.

Paragraph 2:

Dao Wei and Yu Huang joined us, heading for Kuming, Yunan by bike.


Wai Kun and I reached Dali and met our cousins in the Kun Ming Station. We had not met each other for a long time. As a consequence, we were so happy that we hugged tightly. Then, they could hardly wait to know the things about our travelling, especially about Tibet. We told them the wonderful stories about Tibet, where we met a lot of reliable people and enjoyed beautiful views. After staying in their home for a week, we continued to travel by bike.

DaoWei and Yu Huang joined us, heading for Kuming, Yunan by bike. Unfortunately, one day Dao Wei fell down from the bike. He ached so badly that he lay on the ground with eyes in tears. What we could do at that time was to comfort him. Luckily, a man driving a car stopped, saying that he was a doctor. Checking the injured leg carefully, he said Dao Wei shouldnt cycle but rest. Though we couldnt continue our trip, we felt good as we met a kind stranger devoted to helping others.

点评:此篇文章的故事续写引人入胜、曲折动人。它巧妙使用了原文中的优美句型,使故事情节的表达更生动,如戴维从车上摔下来后的细节描写:He ached so badly that he lay on the ground with eyes in tears。故事的结尾亦感人,充满正能量。


责任编辑 蒋小青

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