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find out造句

2023-07-02 15:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、The only way to find out is through a complete audit of the Federal Reserve.找到这些答案的唯一方法就是通过一场对美联储的彻底审计。

2、They are trying to find out the reason(or cause) of the terrible fire.他们正在努力查寻那次可怕的火灾的原因。

3、If I find out who did this I'll skin him alive!如果我发现是谁干的,我定揍他!

4、They have to find out how to bring about improvement.他们得弄清楚应怎样改进。

5、Ballistics. And find out if there's been any ransom kidnappings reported.做下弹道测试。再查查看有没有为赎金的绑架案记录。

6、Ten to one they'll never find out who did it anyway.十有八九,他们发现不了这是谁干的。

7、You'll soon find out who's who in the office.你很快就会了解办公室里每个人的情况。

8、When you know this basic structure cold, play with it a little to find out what works for you.当你清楚地了解了这个故事的基本结构时,考虑一下找出最适合你的讲述方法。

9、You want one, you eat two, you check the bag and find out that you've just shot 132 calories.你想吃一个,但吃了两个,你检查包装,发现你已经摄入了132卡路里。

10、We find out presumably what justice is.我们约略了解到正义为何。

11、Find out to which physical disk FS belongs: db2cluster.确定FS属于哪一个物理磁盘:db2cluster。

12、One can compute a key only. The other could find out all candidate keys.算法一可计算出一个候选码,算法二可计算出全部候选码。

13、Find out where Jimmy is.找到吉米在哪里。

14、Fire! On the next page you'll find out how high the severance pay is.火!在下一页你会发现有多高的遣散费。

15、It is a matter of the utmost urgency to find out what has happened to these people.当务之急是弄清楚这些人出了什么事。

16、I'm not sure—I can find out for definite if you like.我没把握—如果你愿意我可以去核实。

17、Objective To find out the infection of brucella among local people.目的了解尉犁县人间布病感染情况。

18、If you read between the lines, you will find out the letter is really a request for money.如果你看懂字里行间的意思,你就会知道,这封信实际上是要钱。

19、Q When did you find out that there was a warrant on you你是什么时候发现他你被拘传?

20、Call Ted in HR to find out when you get a vacation给人力资源部的泰德打电话查查看你什么时候有假期。

21、Find out if the market currently favors big-cap or small-cap stocks.找出市场是青睐大盘股还是小盘股。

22、How do I find out the chip type, system name, node name, model number, and so forth?如何确定芯片类型、系统名称、节点名称、型号,等等?

23、This way, you'll find out if marketing is something you really want to pursue.这样你就会发现,市场营销是否是你真正想追求的东西。

24、Find out what you are worth on the open market.找出你在自由市场上的价值。

25、How can we find out the theme of a text?我们怎样才能找到文章的主题呢?

26、Find out more about effective detoxification by downloading my complimentary wellness guide.了解更多有效解毒的知识请下载本人的附赠健康指导。

27、I shall make it my business to find out who is responsible.我要查出是谁的责任。

28、"Don't touch that dial!" I shouted, "I wanted to find out how the mystery turns out!"“别碰那个表盘!”我喊道,“我想知道这个秘密是怎样的!”

29、The doctor felt my arm to find out if it was broken.医生摸摸我的手臂,看看是否断了。

30、Take this quiz to find out if your heartthrob is really your perfect match.做做测试,看您的爱人是否是您的最佳搭档。

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