输电线路玻璃绝缘子自爆问题分析及建议,Journal of Physics: Conference Series 您所在的位置:网站首页 玻璃绝缘子零值自爆 输电线路玻璃绝缘子自爆问题分析及建议,Journal of Physics: Conference Series

输电线路玻璃绝缘子自爆问题分析及建议,Journal of Physics: Conference Series

2024-06-27 09:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Analysis and Suggestions for the Self-blast Problem of Glass Insulators on Transmission Lines

By virtue of many advantages such as good self-cleaning ability, outstanding mechanical performance, and excellent anti-vibration-fatigue ability, the glass insulators have been widely used in various alternating-current and direct-current transmission lines. However, the self-blast incidents of glass insulators have frequently occurred in transmission lines with various voltage levels, seriously affecting the safe operation of transmission lines. Herein, the main causes of self-blast problem of glass insulators are summarized and analysed from different perspectives, and some corresponding suggestions have been proposed to reduce the self-blast of glass insulators. In addition, the relevant prospects are provided for the future research work about the glass insulators. The viewpoints in this article have important theoretical and practical significance for improving the safety and reliability of transmission lines and ensuring the stable operation of electrical power systems.






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