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[美剧] 犯罪心理/Criminal Minds 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版

#[美剧] 犯罪心理/Criminal Minds 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

[美剧] 犯罪心理/Criminal Minds 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版

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《犯罪心理》是一套CBS在2005年9月22日首次播放的犯罪剧情连续剧,跟随着FBI位于维吉尼亚州匡提科总部下属的BAU( 行为分析单位的一支心理侧写队伍的探案经历。与其他模式化的犯罪类戏剧专注于罪案不同的是,《犯罪心理》将故事的焦点集中在罪犯的生活经历和心理状态上。


《犯罪心理》是一套CBS在2005年9月22日首次播放的犯罪剧情连续剧,跟随着FBI位于维吉尼亚州匡提科总部下属的BAU( 行为分析单位的一支心理侧写队伍的探案经历。与其他模式化的犯罪类戏剧专注于罪案不同的是,《犯罪心理》将故事的焦点集中在罪犯的生活经历和心理状态上。






I'm Heather.

=> 我是希瑟。

That's a 2.

=> 这是一个2。

4 liter I can't teach you how to drive cars.


That's right.

=> 那就对了。

Wanna take a look under the hood? Yeah! You know your Z.

=> 想看看引擎盖下?是啊!你知道你的Z.

I'm impressed.

=> 我印象深刻。

You should have your mechanic check it out anyway.

=> 无论如何,你应该让你的机械师检查一下。

How about I leave you my number and we can set it up? Thank you.

=> 我怎么样给你留下我的号码,我们可以设置它?谢谢。

So it's just right up here.

=> 所以它就在这里。

Oh! That was-- ha ha Hello! There was the right.

=> 哦!那是 - 哈哈你好!有权利。

Uh, maybe just pull over here, and we can try and do a U-turn.

=> 呃,也许只是拉过来,我们可以尝试掉头。

What are you doing? Okay.

=> 你在做什么?好的。

Stop the car now.

=> 现在停车。

Pull over now! How about Andrew? It's greek for valiant.

=> 现在拉过来!安德鲁怎么样?这是勇敢的希腊人。

Let's call him Sergio.

=> 我们叫他塞尔吉奥。

Ha ha! Please tell me you're kidding.

=> 哈哈!请告诉我你在开玩笑吧。

- Butch? - How about Donald? - Hans.

=> - 布奇? - 唐纳德怎么样? - 汉斯。

- No! Wait, wait.

=> - 不!等等。

Um - Okay.

=> 恩 - 好的。


=> 吉迪恩。

- Not a chance.

=> - 没有机会

It's hebrew.

=> 这是希伯来语。

Look what it means.

=> 看看这是什么意思。

It's perfect.

=> 这是完美的。

Gideon Hotchner.

=> 吉迪恩·霍奇纳。

- No.

=> - 没有

- Yes.

=> - 是的。

- No.

=> - 没有

- Gideon.

=> - 基甸

stations and movie theaters.

=> 车站和电影院。

- Uh, the mad bomber.

=> - 呃那个疯狂的轰炸机

George Metesky.

=> 乔治·梅特斯基

- Nice.

=> - 很好

The winners sit.

=> 赢家坐下

Losers, drink.

=> 失败者,喝。


=> 干杯。

Hold on.

=> 等一下。

Metesky wasn't a serial killer.

=> Metesky不是连环杀手。

None of his bombs ever killed anyone.

=> 他的炸弹没有一个杀死任何人。

Well, you think all we do is serial killers? Trust me we cover the whole spectrum of psychos.

=> 那么你认为我们所做的只是连环杀手?相信我,我们涵盖了所有的精神病患者。

We profiled the D.

=> 我们分析了D.



sniper, the unabomber.

=> 狙击手,不择手段。

We do terrorists, arsonists-- Supervisory agents trying to get trainees drunk? Excuse me.

=> 我们做恐怖分子,纵火犯 - 监督人员试图让学员喝醉?打扰一下。


=> 哇。

Behavioral Analysis Unit.

=> 行为分析单位。

You work with Gideon? Were you with him in Boston? I was supposed to be.

=> 你和吉迪恩一起工作?你在波士顿和他在一起吗?我应该是。


=> 是啊。

This is Morgan.

=> 这是摩根。

Anyone recognize these faces? Victims of the footpath killer.

=> 有人认出这些面孔?小径杀手的受害者。

That's what Virginia newspapers are calling him.

=> 这就是弗吉尼亚州的报纸所称的。

We refer to him as the unknown subject or unsub.

=> 我们把他称为未知的主题或者取消提交。

I told Virginia P.

=> 我告诉维吉尼亚P.

D We're looking for a white male in his 20's who owns an american-made truck in disrepair.


Works a menial job.

=> 工作一个卑鄙的工作。

I told 'em when you find him don't be surprised to hear him speak with a severe stutter.

=> 我告诉他们,当你发现他听到他严重口吃时不会感到惊讶。

Not to sound skeptical, but come on a stutter? Where'd the murders occur? Hiking paths.

=> 不要听起来怀疑,但会出现口吃?谋杀发生在哪里?远足路径。


=> 孤立。

If I'm a killer who has to use an immediate application of overpowering force, even out in the middle of nowhere, I lack confidence.

=> 如果我是一个杀手,必须立即施加压倒性的力量,即使在不知不觉中,我也缺乏信心。

I can't charm them into my car like Ted Bundy did.

=> 我不能像Ted Bundy那样把他们吸引到我的车里。

I can't because I am ashamed of something.

=> 我不能因为我感到羞愧。

Excuse me.

=> 打扰一下。

They're calling him the Seattle strangler.

=> 他们叫他西雅图扼杀者。

4 victims in 4 months.

=> 4个月内遇难4人。

He keeps 'em alive 7 days.

=> 他保持活着7天。

The handle serves as a crank.

=> 把手起曲柄作用。

Allowing him to control the rate of suffocation.

=> 允许他控制窒息的速度。

- To prolong it? - To enjoy it.

=> - 延长它? - 享受它。

Seattle's hit a wall? Physical evidence is nonexistent.

=> 西雅图撞墙了?物证不存在。

There are no tangible leads.

=> 没有切实的线索。

And another girl is missing.

=> 另一个女孩失踪。

I looked the case file over.

=> 我看了案件档案。

I'll get some thoughts to you asap.

=> 我会尽快给你一些想法。

You're gonna be with us in Seattle asap.

=> 你会在西雅图尽快和我们在一起。

Before she left for lunch, she downloaded an email with a time-delayed virus attached.

=> 在她离开午餐前,她下载了一封附有延时病毒的电子邮件。

The killer's virus wiped her hard drive and left this on the screen.

=> 杀手的病毒擦去了她的硬盘,并把它留在屏幕上。

"For heaven's sake, catch me before I kill more.

=> “看在老天的份上,在我杀了更多之前赶上我。

I cannot control myself.

=> 我无法控制自己。

" He never keeps them for more than 7 days, which means we have fewer than 36 hours to find her.


They want you back in the saddle.

=> 他们要你回到马鞍上。

You ready? Looks like medical leave's over, boss.

=> 你准备好了吗?看起来像病假结束,老板。

They sure they want me? The order came from the director.

=> 他们确定他们要我吗?命令来自导演。

Well, we'd better get started.

=> 那么,我们最好开始。

Joseph Conrad said, "the belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary.

=> 约瑟夫康拉德说:“相信超自然的邪恶来源是没有必要的。

Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.

=> 只有男人才能胜任每一个邪恶。

" This girl may only have 36 hours to live.


We're not asking for a judgment of Gideon.

=> 我们不是要求基甸的判断。

We want an assessment.

=> 我们想要评估。

We want to know you're there to step in if he can't perform.

=> 如果他不能表演,我们想知道你在那里。

Are we clear? Of course.

=> 清楚吗?当然。

His first victim was - Stab wounds, strangulation.

=> 他的第一个受害者是 - 刺伤,扼杀。

- Wait, wait.

=> - 等等。

Back up.

=> 备份。

Back up.

=> 备份。

He stabbed her - and then strangled her to finish her off? - Other way around.

=> 他刺伤了她 - 然后勒死她完成了她? - 其他的方式。

Why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder? Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe.

=> 你为什么认为他在第二次谋杀时开始使用腰带?用双手扼杀并不像人们想象的那么容易。

He tried, probably found that it took too long So he stabbed her instead.

=> 他试了一下,可能发现它花了太长时间,所以他反而刺伤了她。

And realized it would be hours cleaning up the blood.

=> 并意识到这将是几个小时清理血液。

Next time, our boy's got a method-- the belt.

=> 下一次,我们的男孩有一个方法 - 皮带。

He's learning, perfecting his scenario.

=> 他正在学习,完善他的场景。

Becoming a better killer.

=> 成为一个更好的杀手。

What did I tell you about the tape? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! He never stands with his back to a window.

=> 我告诉你关于磁带的事情?对不起,对不起,对不起!他从不站在窗前。

When I was between him and a doorway, he asked me to move.

=> 当我在他和门口之间时,他让我搬家。

That's hyper vigilance.

=> 这是高度警惕。

It's not uncommon in post traumatic stress disorder.

=> 创伤后应激障碍并不罕见。

Just how much disorder are we talking about? Morgan, it's been 6 months.

=> 我们在谈论多少混乱?摩根,已经6个月了。

Everything's ok.

=> 一切都好。

This is special agent Gideon, special agent Morgan, our expert on obsessional crimes, special agent Reid.

=> 这是吉迪恩特别代理,特约代理摩根,我们的强奸犯罪专家,特约代理人里德。


=> 博士


=> 里德。


=> 博士

Reid, our expert on well, everything.

=> 里德,我们的专家,一切。

And after 2 years busting my butt in this office, i hope you all remember me.

=> 经过2年的时间,我希望你们都记得我。

He's willing to travel with the body.

=> 他愿意随身携带。

Then he drives a vehicle capable of concealing one.

=> 然后他驾驶一辆可以隐藏的车辆。

- Explorer with tinted windows.

=> - 有着色窗户的探索者

- Explorers rate higher with women.

=> - 探险者对女性的评价更高。

But how do we know it's his car? Ted Bundy drove a VW Bug.

=> 但是我们怎么知道这是他的车?特德邦迪驾驶大众错误。

- What about a Jeep Cherokee? - Jeep's are more masculine.

=> - 吉普切诺基呢?吉普车更加男性化

We all know how an unsub feels about asserting his masculinity.

=> 我们都知道,如何表达自己的阳刚之气。

When did the bureau become involved in the case? After the fourth body.

=> 该局何时介入案件?之后的第四个机构。

He dumped that one out of state.

=> 他把那个扔出去了。

On purpose.

=> 故意。

Or that he watches television.


May I? So you wanna see our suspect list? No, we won't look at a suspect list until after we come up with a profile.

=> 我可以?所以你想看看我们的嫌疑人名单?不,我们不会在我们提出个人档案之前查看嫌疑人名单。

It keeps our perspective unbiased.

=> 它保持我们的观点没有偏见。

- When do we sit down with your task force? - 4:00.

=> - 我们什么时候和你的工作组坐下来? - 4:00

- An accurate profile by 4:00 today? - That's not a problem.

=> - 今天凌晨4点准确的轮廓? - 这不是问题。

Agent Gideon, where would you like to start? Let's start at the site of the last murder.

=> 代理Gideon,你想从哪里开始?我们从最后一次谋杀的地点开始。

- So that's Gideon? - The Gideon.

=> - 那是基甸? - 基甸

The one who caught that guy, Adrian Baal, in Boston.

=> 那个在波士顿抓到那个人的阿德里安·巴尔(Adrian Baal)。


=> 是的。

That's him.

=> 那是他。

But catching him cost us 6 agents.

=> 但是抓到他就花了我们6个代理。

was found right here.

=> 被发现在这里。

Nails clipped just like the others.

=> 指甲像其他人一样剪掉。

He wants them to fight back.

=> 他希望他们回击。

But not enough to hurt him.

=> 但不足以伤害他。

And he left the belt around her neck.

=> 他把腰带留在脖子上。

He's probably in his early 20's.

=> 他可能在20岁出头。

What's your reasoning? Youthful arrogance.

=> 你的推理是什么?年轻的傲慢。

He clothed the body before dumping it.

=> 在倾倒之前,他给身体穿上了衣服。

That's a sign of remorse.

=> 这是一个悔恨的迹象。

It's not consistent.

=> 这是不一致的。

Look where we are.

=> 看看我们在哪里。

His opinion of women is pretty clear, don't you think? They're disposable.

=> 他对女人的看法很清楚,你不觉得吗?他们是一次性的。

Why show remorse by taking the time to dress her but then dump her here? - Sandy, no, no, no.

=> 为什么表现出悔恨,花时间打扮她,然后把她甩在这里?桑迪,不,不,不。

I'm so sorry.

=> 我很抱歉。

- No, it's ok.

=> - 不,谢了。

It's what we call the Reid effect.

=> 这就是我们所说的Reid效应。

Happens with children, too.

=> 也与孩子一起。

I'm agent Hotchner.

=> 我是代理Hotchner。

This is special agent Dr.

=> 这是特工博士


=> 里德。

You look too young to have gone to medical school.

=> 你看起来太年轻了,没有去过医学院。

They're PhD's.

=> 他们是博士的。

3 of them.

=> 其中3个。

Are you a genius or something? I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified-- but I do have an I.

=> 你是天才还是什么?我不相信情报可以准确量化 - 但我确实有一个。



of 187 and an eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute.

=> 187和一个eidetic内存,可以阅读每分钟20000字。

Yes, I'm a genius.

=> 是的,我是一个天才。

Sandy, you get a lot of attention, don't you? Yeah, Heather loves this dog.

=> 桑迪,你得到很多关注,不是吗?是的,希瑟喜欢这只狗。

I feed her when Heather's away.

=> 当希瑟离开时,我喂她。

Usually, she's fine, but lately, she won't eat.

=> 通常情况下,她很好,但最近她不会吃东西。

It's almost like she can sense something's wrong.

=> 这几乎就像她可以感觉到一些错误。

Not sense.

=> 没意义。


=> 闻。

Our apocrine sweat gland releases secretions in response to emotional stress.

=> 我们的顶泌汗腺响应情绪压力释放分泌物。

Sandy's worried because she knows you are.

=> 桑迪担心,因为她知道你是。

David, does your sister drive a Datsun Z? No, but she's in the market for one.

=> 大卫,你妹妹驾驶Datsun Z吗?不,但是她已经在市场上了。

How'd you know? Come on, Sandy.

=> 你怎么知道的?来吧,桑迪。

There's an immediate relationship established between a buyer and a seller, a level of trust.

=> 买方和卖方之间建立了直接的关系,信任度高。

If I want to coax a young woman into my car offer her a test drive.

=> 如果我想哄一个年轻女子进入我的车,试试她。

Okay, then how about the fact that on one hand, we have paranoid psychosis but the autopsy protocol says what? Adhesive reside shows he put layer after layer of duct tape over his victims' eyes.

=> 好的,那么一方面,我们有偏执性精神病,但尸检协议说什么呢?胶粘剂显示他在他的眼睛上覆盖了一层又一层的胶带。

He knows he wants to kill them, but he still covers their eyes.

=> 他知道他想杀死他们,但他仍然捂住眼睛。

He doesn't want 'em looking at him, apparently.

=> 显然,他不想看到他。

Okay, but then he takes the body and dumps it right out in the open, murder weapon nearby.

=> 好吧,但是他拿起尸体,在附近的公开的谋杀武器里把它扔出去。

Not the M.

=> 不是M.



of a paranoid convinced he's being watched or surveilled.

=> 一个偏执的人相信他被监视或监视。

Paranoid psychosis, but behavior that's not paranoid.

=> 偏执型精神病,但行为不偏执。

All right, enough.

=> 好,够了。

Let's tell them we're ready.

=> 让我们告诉他们我们已经准备好了。

We're ready? Reid.

=> 我们准备好了?里德。

You're good with this? We've got a woman who's only got a few hours left to live, an incomplete profile, and a unit chief on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

=> 你对这个很好?我们有一个只剩几个小时生活的女人,一个不完整的个人资料,还有一个处于精神崩溃边缘的单位负责人。

They don't call them nervous breakdowns anymore.

=> 他们不再称他们为神经过敏。

- It's called a major depressive episode.

=> - 这被称为一个重大的抑郁症发作。

- I know, Reid.

=> - 我知道,里德

The unidentified subject is white and in his late 20's.

=> 不明身份的主题是白色的,在20年代后期。

He's someone you wouldn't notice at first.

=> 他是一个你一开始就不会注意到的人。

He's someone who'd blend into any crowd.

=> 他是一个融入任何人群的人。

The violent nature of the crime suggests a previous criminal record-- petty crimes.

=> 犯罪的暴力性质表明以前的犯罪记录 - 轻微罪行。

Maybe auto theft.

=> 也许自动盗窃。

We've classified him as an organized killer-- careful.

=> 我们把他列为有组织的杀手 - 小心。

Psychopathic as opposed to psychotic.

=> 心理变态而不是精神病。

He follows the news, has good hygiene.

=> 他跟随这个消息,卫生很好。

He's smart.

=> 他很聪明。

'Cause he's smart, the only physical evidence you'll find is what he wants you to find.

=> 因为他很聪明,你找到的唯一物理证据就是他希望你找到的东西。

He's mobile, car in good condition.

=> 他移动,汽车状况良好。

Our guess-- Jeep Cherokee, tinted windows.

=> 我们的猜测 - 吉普切诺基,彩色窗户。

The murders have all involved rapes.

=> 谋杀都涉及强奸。

But rape without penetration is a form of piquerism, and that tells us he's sexually inadequate.

=> 但强奸没有渗透是一种恶作剧的形式,这告诉我们,他性的不足。

Psychiatric evaluations will show a history of paranoia stemming from a childhood trauma-- death of a parent or family member.

=> 精神病学评估将显示源于童年创伤的偏执狂史 - 父母或家庭成员的死亡。

And now he feels persecuted and watched.

=> 现在他感到受到迫害和监视。

Murder gives him a sense of power.

=> 谋杀给了他一种权力感。

Organized killers have a fascination with law enforcement.

=> 有组织的杀手有执法的魅力。

They will inject themselves into the investigation.

=> 他们将自己投入调查。

They will even come forward as witnesses to see just how much the police really know.

=> 他们甚至会出面作证,看看警方真正知道多少。

That makes them feel powerful, in control.

=> 这使他们感觉强大,控制。

Which is why I also think in fact, I know you have already interviewed him.

=> 这也是我为什么也想到的原因,我知道你已经采访了他。


=> 你好。

I'm sorry to bother you.

=> 我很抱歉打扰你

I'm house-sitting down the street, and when I got back, the door was wide open, and the lights weren't working.

=> 我坐在街上,当我回来的时候,门开着,灯不亮。

I feel stupid asking this, but is there someone who might be able to take a look inside with me? Richard.

=> 我觉得这很愚蠢,但是有没有人可以和我一起看看?理查德。

Richard, get down here! - Are you sure you locked it? - Yeah.

=> 理查德,下来吧! - 你确定你锁定了吗? - 是的。

Hello? - Hello! - FBI! Freeze! Freeze! Get him down! Richard Slessman, FBI.

=> 你好? - 你好! - FBI!冻结!冻结!让他失望!联邦调查局的理查德·斯莱斯曼。

You are under arrest for the murder Emerson said, "all is riddle, and the key to a riddle is another riddle.

=> 你被逮捕是因为谋杀爱默生说:“一切都是谜语,谜语的关键是另一个谜语。

" There's no sign of the girl here.


We can arrest him with probable cause, but we won't be able to hold him.

=> 我们可以用可能的原因逮捕他,但我们不能抓住他。

Slessman's been at the top of the suspect list.

=> Slessman一直处于犯罪嫌疑人名单的首位。

Is that the mother? Grandmother.

=> 那是母亲吗?祖母。

The mother died in a fire when he was 13.

=> 母亲13岁时死于火灾。

Before his Son of Sam murders, David Berkowitz set a multitude of fires.

=>在山姆的儿子被谋杀之前,大卫·伯科维茨(David Berkowitz)发生了大量的火灾。

Exactly how much is a multitude? - According to his diary, 1,400 and - 88.

=> 多少是多少? - 根据他的日记,1,400和 - 88。

Luring him out was your idea, right? Greenway? Elle.

=> 引诱他是你的想法,对吧?绿色通道?艾丽。

I don't send a SWAT team into a house with children.

=> 我不派一个特警队去有孩子的房子。

Hotch says your background is in sex offender cases.

=> Hotch说你的背景是性侵犯案件。

What can you tell us? The last 4 murders show he's an anger-excitation rapist.

=> 你能告诉我们什么?最后4个谋杀案表明他是一个愤怒的强奸犯。

He'll keep a victim for a couple of days.

=> 他会让受害者连续几天。

He probably records or videotapes them so that he can keep reliving the fantasy.

=> 他可能会录制或录像,以便他可以继续幻想。

You ok with Hotch being in on the interview? - I'd like him to lead, actually.

=> Hotch正在面试中吗?实际上我希望他领导。

- Fine.

=> - 很好

But hold off.

=> 但是,保持。

Slessman's done time, and he knows the process.

=> Slessman做完了,他知道这个过程。

And all you will get now is a demand for a lawyer.

=> 而你现在得到的只是一个律师的需求。

Hotch, let's check the garage, then show me what you got.

=> Hotch,让我们检查车库,然后告诉我你得到了什么。

Next time, show a little leg.

=> 下一次,显示一个小腿。

Morgan, the only time you're gonna see a little leg from me is when I'm about to kick your ass.

=> 摩根,唯一一次你会看到我的一个小腿是当我要踢你的屁股。

I still teach hand-to-hand over at Quantico if you need a little brush-up training.

=> 如果你需要一点小小的提升训练,我还是在匡奇科教练。

Seriously I want that opening at BAU.

=> 真的,我想在BAU开幕。

- You got any advice? - Just trust your instincts.

=> - 你有什么建议吗? - 只要相信你的直觉。

Well, we got the jeep right.

=> 那么,我们得到了吉普正确的。

And everything else wrong.

=> 其他一切都是错误的

The bodies had defensive wounds.

=> 尸体有防御性的伤口。

Richard doesn't have a mark on him.

=> 理查德对他没有任何印记。

We're missin' something.

=> 我们想念的东西。

Something's not right about this.

=> 有些事情不对。

This is a boy's room not a man's.

=> 这是一个男孩的房间,不是男人的。

Log in password.

=> 登录密码。

No, no-- wait, wait! - It's not turning back on.

=> 不,不 - 等 - 等等 - 这不是回头。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

And it won't.

=> 而且它不会。

It was a false password.

=> 这是一个错误的密码。

- What kind of game is it? - In China, it's called wei-chi.

=> - 是什么样的游戏? - 在中国,这叫做卫气。

Here we call it "go".

=> 这里我们称之为“去”。

It's considered to be the most difficult board game ever conceived.

=> 这被认为是有史以来最困难的棋盘游戏。

Chairman Mao required his generals to learn it.

=> 毛主席要求他的将领们学习。

It also looks like he's playing himself.

=> 这看起来像是在玩自己。

How can you tell? This might provide an advantage, actually.

=> 你怎么知道?实际上,这可能会提供一个优势。

Go is considered to be a particularly psychologically revealing game.

=> 去被认为是一个特别的心理启示游戏。

There are profiles for every player-- the conservative point counter, the aggressor, the finesser.

=> 有每个球员的概况 - 保守点计数器,侵略者,小精灵。

What kind of player is Slessman? Extreme aggressor.

=> Slessman是一个什么样的球员?极端的侵略者。

Okay, here we go.

=> 好的,我们走吧。

What's the number 6 at the bottom of the screen? Number of password attempts before the program wipes the hard drive.

=> 屏幕底部的数字6是什么?程序擦除硬盘驱动器之前的密码尝试次数。

There could be an email, or a journal in the computer, something that tells us where Heather is.

=> 在电脑里可能会有电子邮件或日记,告诉我们希瑟在哪里。

Do you think you can break in? In 6 tries? Try again.

=> 你认为你可以打破吗?在6次尝试?再试一次。

Fail again.

=> 再次失败。

Fail better.

=> 失败更好。

- Samuel Beckett.

=> - 塞缪尔·贝克特

- Try not.

=> - 不要尝试。

Do or do not.

=> 做或不做。


=> 尤达。

I wanna talk to him.

=> 我想和他谈谈。

You read my paper.

=> 你读我的文件。

Learn anything? Heirens said a man living inside of his head was the one who committed the murders.

=> 学什么?海伦斯说,一个生活在他头脑里的人是谋杀的人。

You said he was lying, that there'd never been an actual case of multiple personalities.

=> 你说他在撒谎,从来没有一个多重人格的实际案例。

You have an academic interest in disassociative identity disorder, or you just planning your defense? You a fan of Adrian Baal's work? No.

=> 你对解散性身份障碍有学术兴趣,或者你只是在计划你的防御?你是阿德里安·巴尔的作品吗?没有。

I'm a fan of yours.

=> 我是你的粉丝。

You know they never give you the real facts about CPR that outside of a hospital, it's only effective 7% of the time.

=> 你知道他们从来不给你关于医院外的CPR的真实情况,只有7%的时间有效。

Your friend had a 93% certainty of dying, but you kept trying even after you'd broken his ribs, even after his blood was all over your hands.

=> 你的朋友有百分之九十三的死亡率,但是即使在他的血液都落在你手上之后,你还是不断尝试。

Why don't you tell us where Heather Woodland is? Woodland isn't she the girl that went missing a couple days ago? Get him out of here.

=> 你为什么不告诉我们石南花林地?林地是不是她几天前失踪的女孩?让他离开这里

- Hey.

=> - 嘿。

- He is "isn't she the girl" - if he'd already killed her, he would have said-- - "wasn't she the girl" She's alive.

=> - 他是“她不是女孩” - 如果他已经杀了她,他会说 - “不是她的女孩”她还活着。

We don't know for how long.

=> 我们不知道多久。

Is it true what he said about CPR? I mean, I didn't know.

=> 他对CPR说的是真的吗?我的意思是,我不知道。

You want statistics on CPR, ask Reid.

=> 你需要关于心肺复苏的统计数字,请问里德。

- I wanna know if you're ok.

=> - 我想知道你没事

- I'm fine.

=> - 我很好。

- Are you? - Think I can't do the job? I think you can't be 2 different people at once.

=> - 你是? - 想我不能做这份工作?我想你不能一下子成为两个不同的人。

What is it? Conflicts in the profile.

=> 它是什么?配置文件中的冲突。

- 2 different behaviors.

=> - 2种不同的行为。

- 2 different people.

=> - 2个不同的人。

There's a second killer.

=> 还有第二个杀手

Not unusual.

=> 常见的。

Remember Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris? and murder girls in California.

=> 还记得Lawrence Bittaker和Roy Norris吗?并在加州谋杀女孩。

We're looking for someone who fits a similar relationship? They're not equals.

=> 我们正在寻找一个适合类似关系的人?他们不是平等的。

Slessman's smart, but he is a submissive personality.

=> Slessman聪明,但他是一个顺从的个性。

- So number 2 is the dominant.

=> - 所以2号是主导。

- Authoritative, arrogant.

=> - 权威,傲慢。

Probably not as smart as Slessman.

=> 可能不如Slessman聪明。

He's like the schoolyard bully recruiting a good underling-- he'll be protective of Richard.

=> 他就像校园里的恶霸招募一个好的下属 - 他会保护理查德。

He'll make him feel like he owes him.

=> 他会让他觉得他欠他。

If Richard's been up in the attic fantasizing about being an extreme aggressor, this guy showed him how to do it.

=> 如果理查德坐在阁楼上幻想成为一个极端的侵略者,这个家伙向他展示了如何去做。

He helped him take the first step.

=> 他帮助他迈出了第一步。

I think we should interview him, - use this as pressure.

=> 我想我们应该采访他 - 用这个压力。

- No, no.

=> - 不,不。

We need leverage.

=> 我们需要杠杆。

- A name.

=> - 一个名字。

- From the suspect list? That'll take too long.

=> - 从嫌疑人名单?这将需要很长时间。

There's gotta be a faster way.

=> 有一个更快的方法。

There is.

=> 有。


=> 这里。

This might be a little hot.

=> 这可能有点热。


=> 太太。

Slessman, I don't think we've got the right guy.

=> Slessman,我认为我们没有合适的人选。

I think the person we're looking for might be a friend of Richard's.

=> 我认为我们正在寻找的人可能是理查德的朋友。

- Richard never had many friends.

=> - 理查德从来没有很多朋友。

- You sure? There's gotta be someone.

=> - 你确定?一定有人。

You've reached Penelope Garcia in the FBI's office of supreme genius.

=> 你已经到达联邦调查局最高的天才办公室的佩内洛普·加西亚了。

Hey, it's Morgan.

=> 嘿,这是摩根。

Need you to work me some magic here.

=> 需要你在这里工作一些魔法。

I got a program called Deadbolt Defense and a girl with only a couple of hours to live, - so what do you know? - Then you've got a problem.

=> 我有一个名叫Deadbolt Defense的节目,还有一个只有几个小时的女孩,所以你知道些什么? - 那你有问题了

Deadbolt's the number one password crack-resistant software out there.

=> Deadbolt是那里的头号密码防破解软件。

I thought I was calling the office of supreme genius.


Well, gorgeous, you've been rerouted to the office of too friggin' bad.

=> 好吧,华丽,你已经被转移到办公室太糟糕了。

Thanks anyway.

=> 不管怎么说,还是要谢谢你。

Well, there was there was this one young man.

=> 那么这个年轻人呢?

I think his name was Charlie.

=> 我想他的名字是查理。

Cross-reference Charlie for the second unsub.

=> 交叉引用查理为第二个未知的。

Charlie is probably Charles Linder.

=> 查理大概是查尔斯·林德。

He was Slessman's cellmate and received a dishonorable discharge from the military.

=> 他是Slessman的室友,并得到了军方的不光彩的解雇。

He's bigger, tougher.

=> 他更大,更坚强。

He could have protected Richard in prison.

=> 他可以在监狱里保护理查德。

- Where were they incarcerated? - Cascadia.

=> - 他们在哪里被监禁? - 卡斯卡迪亚。

- Less than a mile from here.

=> - 从这里不到一英里。

- Let's go.

=> - 我们走吧。

My name is Richard Slessman, and I have trouble sleeping.

=> 我叫Richard Slessman,我有睡觉的麻烦。

Okay, what do i do when I'm trying to get to sleep? Guys, a little help.

=> 好吧,当我想睡觉的时候我该怎么办?伙计们,帮助一下。

We're going through every one of these CD's-- scratches, wear and tear.

=> 我们正在经历这些CD中的每一个 - 划痕,磨损。

I wanna know which CD he plays the most.

=> 我想知道他打哪个CD最多。

Let's go.

=> 我们走吧。

- We get an address on Linder? - It's coming right now.

=> - 我们在Linder上得到一个地址? - 现在就来

Does senior management want a field assessment on Gideon? Don't worry about it.

=> 高级管理人员是否想要对基甸进行实地评估?别担心。

Are they nervous about him being in charge? Aren't you on your way back to Slessman's house to help Morgan? Do you know why he always introduces me as Dr.

=> 他是否担心他负责?你不是回到Slessman的房子去帮助Morgan吗?你知道他为什么总是把我介绍成博士

Reid? Because he knows that people see you as a kid, and he wants to make sure that they respect you.

=> 里德?因为他知道人们把你看成是一个孩子,他想确保他们尊重你。

What's the address? Don't think it matters anymore.

=> 地址是什么?不要以为重要了。

Winston Churchill said, "the farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see.

=> 温斯顿·丘吉尔说:“你可以看的更远一点,你会看到更远的前方。

" Anyone who can tell us more about Slessman? Tim Vogel was the security guard covering Slessman's block.

=>“谁能告诉我们关于Slessman的更多信息?Tim Vogel是覆盖Slessman街区的保安人员。

- That's him over there.

=> 那边是他

- I'll get him for you.

=> - 我会帮你的

That was Hotch.

=> 那是Hotch。

Linder's name came up on a police report.

=> Linder的名字出现在警方的报告中。

- And? - He's dead.

=> - 而且? - 他死了。

Car accident, 2 months ago.

=> 车祸,2个月前。

Linder is dead.

=> Linder死了。

Too bad you guys came here for nothing.

=> 太糟糕了,你们没有来这里。

I mean, talk about scum.

=> 我的意思是,说说败类。

I can't remember how many times I put Linder in solitary for causing trouble with us.

=> 我不记得有多少次我把林德单独惹麻烦了。

You'd think the inmates would try to stay on our good side, right? Especially since half our job is protecting them from each other.

=> 你会认为囚犯会试图保持好的一面,对吧?特别是因为我们的一半工作是保护他们彼此。

You protect them? If you're a little white guy? Especially in a prison like this.

=> 你保护他们?如果你是个小白人?特别是在这样的监狱里。

Linder's 6'4".

=> Linder的6'4“。

You talking about Slessman? Oh, yeah.

=> 你在谈论Slessman?哦耶。

Thanks for your help.

=> 谢谢你的帮助。

He's a friend of Richard.

=> 他是理查德的朋友。

He protected him.

=> 他保护了他。

He will feel like he owes him.

=> 他会觉得他欠他的。

- He fits the profile.

=> 他适合个人资料

And did you see them? - The keys.

=> 你有没有看到他们? - 按键。

Hotch, i've just found your leverage.

=> 霍奇,我刚刚找到你的杠杆。

His name is Timothy Vogel.

=> 他的名字是Timothy Vogel。

What's he doing? Lowering the room temp.

=> 他在做什么?降低房间温度

The cold puts them on edge.

=> 寒冷使他们处于边缘。

Okay, so I want an SPD, and I want a Seattle agent in the room.

=> 好的,所以我想要一个SPD,我想要一个西雅图的代理人在房间里。

I want him to see that we've got every department working on this.

=> 我希望他看到,我们已经有了各个部门的工作。

And I need some file boxes.

=> 我需要一些文件框。

Fill them.

=> 填满他们。

I don't care if the paper's blank.

=> 我不在乎纸张的空白。

And I want you to write the name on the sides.

=> 我想让你把名字写在两边。

Whose name? It's not your file.

=> 谁的名字?这不是你的文件。

See, we don't care about you.

=> 看,我们不在乎你。

It's Vogel we want.

=> 这是我们想要的Vogel。

Oh, come on! I need a password.

=> 哦,来吧!我需要一个密码。

I need a password.

=> 我需要一个密码。

What am I looking for? What could I possibly be looking for? - I've been thinking about the CD's.

=> 我在找什么?我可能在寻找什么? - 我一直在想CD。

- Oh, Reid, come on.

=> 哦,里德,来吧。

We tried the CD's.

=> 我们试了CD。

We searched, sifted, and sorted through every one of this guy's head-banging heavy metal collection.

=> 我们搜索,筛选,并通过这个家伙的头撞重金属收集每一个。

We gotta find something, or this girl is dead.

=> 我们得找点东西,或者这个女孩死了。

Think we may have missed the obvious.

=> 想想我们可能已经错过了明显的。

What are you doing? Reid, what made you think of this? It was the only empty case.

=> 你在做什么?里德,是什么让你想到这个?这是唯一的空壳。

All right.

=> 好吧。

I'm an insomniac who listens to Metallica to go to sleep at night.

=> 我是一个失眠的人,晚上听Metallica睡觉。

What song could possibly speak to me? "Enter Sandman.

=> 什么歌可以对我说话? “进入桑德曼。

" We found out Heather was buying a used car.


You know how car salesmen get us to buy a car? They call it reciprocity.

=> 你知道汽车推销员怎么让我们买车?他们称之为互惠。

They drop the price, feels like they've done us a favor.

=> 他们降低了价格,感觉就像他们帮了我们一个忙。

We feel obligated.

=> 我们觉得有义务。

There's a sudden pressure to reciprocate this one little favor.

=> 有一个突然的压力来回报这个小小的忙。

And it's so powerful that we'll put a deposit down on a car we're not even sure we really want.

=> 而且这个功能非常强大,所以我们把一笔存款放在汽车上,我们甚至不确定我们真的想要什么。

- So what? - So Vogel did you a favor.

=> - 所以呢?所以沃格尔帮了你一个忙。

He protected you in prison, and now you feel like you owe him, and you need to protect him.

=> 他保护你在监狱里,现在你觉得你欠他,你需要保护他。

Guys like Vogel learn in the schoolyard which kids to bully and which kids to protect, and he's got you convinced that you owe him so much that you'll go to jail for him.

=> 像沃格尔这样的人在校园学习哪些孩子欺负,哪些孩子要保护,他让你相信你欠他太多,你会为他进监狱。

Richard, I'm here to remind you something.

=> 理查德,我在这里提醒你一些事情。

You owe him nothing.

=> 你什么都没欠他

There's something wrong.

=> 这里有些不对劲。

We gotta him pull over.

=> 我们得把他拉过来。

I can feel it.

=> 我能感觉到。

You wanna know the word repeated more than any other in your file? Impatient.

=> 你想知道在你的文件中重复的单词多吗?不耐烦。

You wanna stop him, you give me a reason.

=> 你想阻止他,你给我一个理由。

His behavior.

=> 他的行为。

When we left him, he was nervous, unsettled.

=> 当我们离开他时,他很紧张,不安。

But now he's stopping at every stop sign.

=> 但现在他停在每一个停车标志。

He's using his blinker at every turn.

=> 他动不动就用他的眨眼。

He's slowing at yellow lights.

=> 他在黄灯下放缓。

This is not someone who is rushing to kill and dump a body.

=> 这不是一个急于杀死和倾倒身体的人。


=> 好的。

Do it.

=> 这样做。


=> 联邦调查局。

Put your hands up where we can see them! Put your hands through the window now! Now! All right, with your left hand I want you to open the car door from the outside.

=> 把你的手放在我们可以看到的地方!现在把你的双手穿过窗户!现在!好的,用你的左手,我要你从外面打开车门。

Get out! - It's not him! - Where is he? Where is he? - Where's Vogel? - I don't know! What are you doin' driving his car?! He came up to me in the garage after our shift ended.

=> 出去! - 不是他! - 他在哪里?他在哪里? - Vogel在哪里? - 我不知道!你在开什么车?换班结束后,他在车库里向我走来。

He asked if he could borrow my truck.

=> 他问他是否可以借我的卡车。

- What kind of truck? - He's dumping the body.

=> - 什么样的卡车?他正在倾倒身体

- How do you know? 'Cause we're watching her right now.

=>- 你怎么知道的?因为我们现在正在看着她。

Hotch, he's gonna kill her.

=> Hotch,他会杀了她。

He's heading there now.

=> 他现在正在那里。

We need a location.

=> 我们需要一个位置。

I don't have enough time to get it out of him.

=> 我没有足够的时间从他身上解脱出来。

Find something, Hotch, or that girl is dead.

=> 找点东西,热门,或那个女孩死了。

Morgan, can you show me the last 12 images lined up next to each other? Yeah.

=> 摩根,你能告诉我最近的12张图片排列在一起吗?是啊。

Right there.

=> 在那里。

Right there.

=> 在那里。

You see that? The light bulb hanging from the wire? Yeah, what about it? It's shifting positions like it's swaying like the earth is tilting.

=> 你看到了吗?灯泡挂在电线上?是的,那呢?它正在像摇动的地球一样,像地球倾斜一样。

Not the earth, doc.

=> 不是地球,doc。

The ocean.

=> 海洋。

She's on a boat? Where? It's a pier or a dock.

=> 她在船上?哪里?这是一个码头或码头。

He wouldn't be able to transmit the webcam image from the middle of the ocean.

=> 他将无法从海洋中传输摄像头图像。

- You're sure about this.

=> - 你确定。

- It's the best we got, Hotch.

=> - 这是我们得到的最好的,Hotch。

Even if we're right, getting the exact location's on you, my friend.

=> 即使我们是对的,我的朋友,确切的位置在你身上。

What is it you always ask Garcia? To work me a little magic.

=> 你总是问加西亚的是什么?为我工作一点魔力。

Just to let you know Gideon's talking to Vogel and Vogel's nailing you to the wall.

=> 只是为了让你知道吉迪恩和沃格尔和沃格尔在墙上的对话。

Yeah, whatever.

=> 好吧,无所谓了。

He said it was your idea to keep the girls on a boat.

=> 他说这是你的想法,保持女孩在船上。

He's talking, Richard.

=> 他在说话,理查德。


=> 互惠。

Tell me where she is, and we make a deal.

=> 告诉我她在哪里,我们达成协议。

Is it a dock? A pier? It's a shipyard.

=> 这是码头吗?码头?这是一个造船厂。

Allied shipyard.

=> 盟军造船厂。

Reid, he's inside.

=> 里德,他在里面。

Get Elle on the phone.

=> 拿Elle打电话。

- Listen to me.

=> - 听我说。

You need to wait for backup.

=> 你需要等待备份。

- If we wait, the girl is dead.

=> - 如果我们等,那女孩就死了。

- And if we had waited in Boston-- - I can't.

=> - 如果我们在波士顿等待 - 我不能。

You told me to trust my instincts.

=> 你让我相信我的直觉。

Stop! - Stop! - Get back! - I'll shoot her.

=> 停止! - 停止! - 回来! - 我会开枪的

- I wouldn't.

=> - 我不会的

If I were you, I'd aim the gun at me.

=> 如果我是你,我会把枪瞄准我。

You shoot the girl, you got nothing.

=> 你拍这个女孩,你什么都没有。

Get back! Shoot me instead.

=> 回来!拍摄我反而。

Come on.

=> 来吧。

What, are you a lousy shot? perfect shot.

=> 什么,你是一个糟糕的镜头?完美的镜头。

Shoot me.

=> 拍我

- You think I'm stupid? - I think you're an absolute moron.

=> - 你以为我很笨? - 我认为你是一个绝对的白痴。

I know all about ya, Tim.

=> 我知道所有关于你,Tim。

You're at the gym 5 times a week.

=> 你一周五次在健身房里。

You drive a flashy car, you stink of cologne, and you can't get it up.

=> 你开着一辆华丽的汽车,你闻到古龙水,而你却弄不清楚。

Not even viagra's workin' for ya.

=> 甚至没有伟哥的工作为雅。

You know what that tells me? That tells me you are hopelessly compensating, and it's not just in your head.

=> 你知道什么告诉我?这告诉我你是无望的补偿,这不只是在你的头上。

It is physical.

=> 这是物理的。

What did the girls call you in high school? What'd they come up with when you fumbled your way into some girl's pants, and she started laughing when she got a good look at just how little you had to offer? - Shut up! - Short stack? Very little Vogel? I got it.

=> 那些女孩在高中给你打了什么?当你摸索到一个女孩的裤子时,他们想到了什么,当她仔细看看你提供的很少的东西时,她开始大笑起来。 - 闭嘴! - 短筹码?很少有Vogel?我知道了。

Tiny Tim.

=> 小蒂姆。

Gideon! - You ok? - I'm fine.

=> 吉迪恩! - 你还好吗? - 我很好。

Go look after the girl.

=> 去照顾那个女孩。

So what kind of report do they want on him? I suppose whether he's fit to be a field agent.

=> 那么他们想要什么样的报告呢?我想他是否适合做一名现场代理。

You know, Haley and i were looking at a baby names book.

=> 你知道,哈利和我正在看一本婴儿名册。

Guess what Gideon means in hebrew.

=> 猜猜基甸在希伯来文中的含义。

Mighty warrior.

=> 强大的战士。


=> 适当。

So what are you gonna tell them? What would you say? Gideon saved her life.

=> 那么你要告诉他们什么?你打算说什么?基甸救了她的命。

That's good enough for me.

=> 这对我来说足够了。


=> 嘿。

You and Haley pick the baby's name yet? It's funny Haley liked the name Charles, - but, you know all I could think of - Manson.

=> 你和Haley选择宝宝的名字了吗?很有趣哈利喜欢查尔斯这个名字,但是,你知道我能想到的全部 - 曼森。

- Then there was Henry.

=> 那是亨利。

- Lee Lucas.

=> - 李·卢卡斯

- Uh Jeffrey.

=> - 呃Jeffrey。

- Dahmer.

=> - 达默尔

There's just too many of them.

=> 有太多了。

Kind of hard to feel good about catching one when you know there are 50 more still out there.

=> 当你知道还有50多人在那里时,很难感觉到抓住一个人。

How's your report going? Didn't think you could hide that from an old profiler, now, did ya? You know, you saved that girl today.

=> 你的报告怎么样?没想到你可以从旧的分析器中隐藏这个,现在呢,是吗?你知道,你今天救了那个女孩。

- You can feel good about that.

=> - 你可以感觉良好。

- It is good.

=> - 这很好。

It's a good thing.

=> 这是一件好事。

Nietzsche once said, "when you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you.

=> 尼采曾经说过,“当你深深地看着深渊,深渊就看着你。

" I'll take this.

=>“ 我要这个。

Have a n-i-- n-nice day.

=> 有一个非常好的一天。






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