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absorption spectrum: the specific wavelengths of light absorbed by a gas.


acceleration (vector; m/s2): the rate of change of velocity.

加速度(矢量; m / s2):速度变化率。

adiabatic: without the exchange of heat with the external universe.


alternating current (scalar; A): a type of electrical current that changes direction regularly in time.

交流电(标量; A):一种电流,会定期有规律地改变方向。

alternating: voltage an electrostatic potential that changes regularly in time.


ammeter: a device used to measure electrical current.


ampere (A): the SI unit of measurement of current; equivalent to C/s.

安培(A):电流的SI度量单位; 相当于C / s。

amplitude (scalar; m): the maximal displacement of an object in simple harmonic motion; the peak-to-peak height of a wave.

振幅(标量; m):简谐振动中物体的最大位移; 波浪的峰峰高度。

angular acceleration (scalar; radians/s2):the rate of change of angular velocity in time.

角加速度(标量;弧度/ s2):角速度随时间的变化率。

angular displacement (scalar; radians): the angle between the initial and final radii after a given time of an object moving in a circle.


angular momentum (vector; J-s): the cross product of the distance an object is from a point and its momentum with respect to this point.

角动量(矢量; J-s):物体到点的距离与它相对于该点的动量的叉积。

angular velocity (scalar; radians/s):the rate of change of angular displacement in time.


antinodes:points on a standing wave that have maximum displacement, due to the constructive interference of the component waves.


atomic mass: the total number of nucleons in a nucleus.


atomic mass unit (amu): the unit of mass appropriate to the nucleus of an atom, equivalent to 1/12 of the mass of the carbon nucleus.


atomic number: the number of protons in a nucleus.


Avogadro’s number:the number of objects or particles in a mole of substance, namely, 6.02 × 1023.


beats:the effect produced by interference of waves of slightly different frequency, producing a pattern of alternating intensity.


binding energy: the energy difference between the mass energy of a nucleus and its separate constituent particles. Binding energy is released when nuclei come together during fusion.

结合能:核的质能与其分离的组成粒子之间的能差。 当核在聚变过程中聚集在一起时,结合能被释放。

blackbody: an object that absorbs all radiation falling on it and radiates it perfectly.


Bohr radius: the average radius of an electron orbiting a single proton, equal to 5.29 × 10-11 m.

玻尔半径:绕单个质子运动的电子的平均半径,等于5.29×10-11 m。

Boltzmann’s constant: a fundamental constant, usually encountered in thermodynamics, with a value of 1.38 × 10-23 J/K.

玻尔兹曼常数:一个基本常数,通常在热力学中遇到,值为1.38×10-23 J / K。

British thermal unit (BTU): a unit of energy frequently used in engineering, equivalent to 252 calories or 1.054 kJ.

英国热量单位(BTU):工程中常用的能量单位,相当于252卡卡路里或1.054 kJ。

bulk modulus (scalar; N/m2): the ratio of pressure to the resulting compressional strain.

体积模量(标量; N / m2):压力与产生的压缩应变之比。

buoyant force: the upward force on an object placed in fluid.


calorie (cal): a unit of energy, defined as the energy required to raise one gram of water one degree Celsius, and equivalent to 4.184 J.


calorimeter:a device used to measure the specific heat capacity of a substance.


capacitance (scalar; F): a measure of how much charge a capacitor can store.

电容(标量; F):电容器可以存储多少电荷的量度。

capacitor: an electrical device for storing separated charge and therefore storing electrostatic potential energy.


Carnot cycle: an ideal series of states through which a heat engine may move, which maximizes the amount of heat converted into work. The Carnot cycle consists of two isothermal processes and two adiabatic processes.


centripetal acceleration (vector; m/s2): the acceleration of an object in uniform circular motion which is pointed toward the center of the circle.

向心加速度(矢量; m / s2):物体在匀速圆周运动中指向圆心的加速度。

centripetal force (vector; N): the force that holds an object in circular motion, pointed toward the center of the circle.

向心力(矢量; N):使物体保持圆周运动的力,指向圆心。

charge (scalar; C): An intrinsic property of matter that causes it to produce an electric field and, when it is moving, a magnetic field, and to feel a force due to these fields as well.

电荷(标量; C):物质的一种固有特性,产生电场,并且在移动时会产生磁场,并由于这些电场而感到力。

circuit: a closed loop arrangement of elements such as capacitors, resistors, inductors, and batteries, through which electrical current flows.


compressional strain (scalar): the fractional volume change of an object due to uniform pressure.


Compton scattering: the deflection of electrons by photons.


concave mirror: a mirror with an inwardly curved surface, such as the inner surface of a sphere.


conduction: the transfer of heat through a stationary substance; also the movement of ions or electrons through a material.


conductor: a material through which electrical charges can easily flow.


conservation of energy: a fundamental law of physics which states that the energy of a system does not change unless an external force acts upon the system.


constructive interference: the phenomenon in which waves present simultaneously at the same position add together to form a bigger wave.


convection: the transport of heat due to the motion of heated substance, such as a gas.


converging lens: a lens that causes parallel light rays to converge.


convex mirror: a mirror with an outwardly curved surface, such as the outer surface of a sphere.


coulomb (C): the SI unit of measurement of charge.


critical angle: the angle of incidence for a light ray, below which total internal reflection occurs.


current (scalar; A): the amount of electric charge passing a point per unit time.

电流(标量; A):每单位时间通过一个点的电荷量。

daughter nucleus: the nucleus remaining after a radioactive decay.


degrees (°): the gradations of a temperature scale; also a unit of measurement of an angle.


density (scalar; kg/m3): mass per unit volume.

密度(标量; kg / m3):每单位体积的质量。

destructive interference: the phenomenon in which waves present simultaneously at the same position add together to form a smaller wave, or momentarily cancel entirely.


dichroic: having the property of naturally emitting light with only a single polarization.


dielectric constant (scalar): an intrinsic property of a substance that indicates the amount of charge induced in the substance when it is placed in an electric field.


diffraction: the process of a wave spreading as it passes around an object or passes through a narrow opening.


direct current (scalar; A): a type of electrical current that flows in only one direction. Direct current flows between the terminals of a simple battery when they are connected to a circuit.

直流电(标量; A):一种仅在一个方向上流动的电流。当简单电池的端子连接到电路时,直流电会在它们之间流动。

dispersion: the effect of separating waves, especially light, into constituent wavelengths by passing through a medium with an index of refraction that varies with wavelengths.


displacement (vector; m): change in position of an object.

位移(矢量; m):物体位置的变化。

diverging lens: a lens that causes parallel light rays to diverge.


Doppler effect: the change in frequency of a wave produced by a moving source. Approaching sources have a higher frequency, and retreating sources have a lower frequency.


elastic collision: a collision between two objects in which the kinetic energy of both is conserved.


elastic modulus (scalar; N/m2): the ratio of stress to strain.

弹性模量(标量; N / m2):应力与应变之比。

elasticity: the property of an object to restore its shape after deformation.


electric field (vector; V/m): the force felt by a positive unit test charge in a region of space, due to the influence of other charges. Electric fields are produced by stationary and moving charges.

电场(矢量; V / m):由于其他电荷的影响,正的单位测试电荷在空间区域中感受到的力。电场是由静电荷和动电荷产生的。

electric flux (scalar; V-m): the total sum of electric field vectors passing perpendicularly through a surface. According to Gauss’s law, the electric flux through a closed gaussian surface is proportional to the total net charge contained within the surface.

电通量(标量; V-m):垂直穿过表面的电场矢量的总和。根据高斯定律,通过封闭高斯表面的电通量与表面内包含的总净电荷成比例。

electromotive force (emf; scalar; V): the electrostatic potential difference between the terminals of a circuit or battery when no current is flowing.

电动势(电动势;标量; V):无电流流动时,电路或电池端子之间的静电势差。

electron: the negatively charged fundamental particles present in ordinary matter, surrounding the nucleus.


electroscope: a simple device for indicating the presence of net electrical charge.


electrostatic potential (scalar; V): the amount of energy per unit positive charge required to move a charge between two points within an electric field.

静电势(标量; V):在电场中的两个点之间移动电荷所需的每单位正电荷的能量。

emf (scalar; V): the electrostatic potential difference between the terminals of a circuit or battery when no current is flowing. Also called electromotive force.

emf(标量; V):无电流时电路或电池端子之间的静电势差。也称为电动势。

emissivity (scalar): an intrinsic property of a material indicating how well it radiates heat.


energy (scalar; J): the ability to do work.

能量(标量; J):做事的能力。

energy level diagram: a diagram illustrating the discrete energies that an electron orbiting a nucleus may possess.


entropy (scalar; J/K): a fundamental thermodynamic quantity which measures how much heat energy is unavailable for conversion to work.

熵(标量; J / K):一个基本的热力学量,用于测量没有多少热能转化为功。

equipotential surface: an array of positions within an electric field that all have the same electrostatic potential value. A charge may move along an equipotential surface without requiring or releasing energy.


equivalence principle: the principle of general relativity which states that experiments conducted in an inertial frame in a gravitational field and experiments conducted in an accelerating reference frame will give the same results.


ether: The medium on which light waves were once presumed to propagate. The luminous ether does not exist.


farad (F): the SI unit of measurement of capacitance; equivalent to A-s/V.

法拉(F):电容的SI度量单位;相当于A-s / V。

field lines: a pictorial representation of an electric field or magnetic field or any other vector field.


focal length (scalar; m): the distance from the focal point of a lens or mirror to the surface of the lens or mirror.

焦距(标量; m):从透镜或反射镜的焦点到透镜或反射镜的表面的距离。

focal point: the point at which light rays from a mirror or lens intersect.


force (vector; N): a push or pull that causes an object to accelerate.

力(矢量; N):导致物体加速的推动或拉动。

force diagram: a diagram displaying all of the forces acting on an object.


forced vibrations: the vibrations produced in an object connected to another vibrating object, with the effect of amplifying the vibrations of the first object.


free-body diagram: another name for force diagram.


frequency (scalar; Hz): the number of complete cycles of simple harmonic motion per unit time; the reciprocal of period; the number of wave cycles passing a fixed point per unit time.

频率(标量; Hz):每单位时间简单谐波运动的完整周期数;周期的倒数;每单位时间经过固定点的波浪周期数。

friction: a retarding force between two objects that inhibits motion.


galvanometer: a device used to measure electrical current.


gaussian surface: an imaginary surface-enclosing charge used to calculate the electric field at points on the surface using Gauss’s law.


general relativity: the theory of mechanics that treats gravitational fields as equivalent to relative acceleration and introduces the notion that mass curves space and time.


generator: a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.


half-life: the time required for half of a radioactive sample to decay.


heat capacity (scalar; J/K): the amount of heat energy required to change the temperature of an object by one degree.

热容(标量; J / K):将物体温度改变1度所需的热能数量。

heat of fusion (scalar; J): the heat that must be added per unit mass for a phase change of a substance between solid and liquid states. For a change from liquid to solid, the heat of fusion is released.

熔化热(标量; J):为使物质在固态和液态之间发生相变而必须为每单位质量增加的热量。为了从液态变为固态,会释放出熔化热。

heat of vaporization (scalar; J): the heat that must be added per unit mass for a phase change of a substance between liquid and gas states. For a change from liquid to solid, the heat of vaporization is released.

汽化热(标量; J):为了使物质在液相和气相之间发生相变,必须为每单位质量增加的热量。为了从液态变为固态,会释放出汽化热。

henry (H): the SI unit of measurement of inductance, equivalent to V-s/A.

亨利(H):电感的SI度量单位,等效于V-s / A。

hertz (Hz): the SI unit of measurement of frequency; equivalent to s-1.



ideal gas: a collection of identical, infinitesimally small particles that interact only by elastic collisions.


impulse (vector; N-s): the product of the average force acting on an object and the time over which it acts.

脉冲(矢量; N-s):作用在物体上的平均力与作用时间的乘积。

index of refraction (scalar): an intrinsic property of a transparent substance, which measures the speed of light in the material compared to the speed of light in a vacuum.


inductance (scalar; H): a property of a circuit that is the proportionality constant between the rate of change of the current in that circuit and the emf that this changing current produces.

电感(标量; H):电路的一种特性,是该电路中电流的变化率与该变化电流产生的电动势之间的比例常数。

induction: the process by which electromotive forces are generated in a circuit due to changes in a magnetic field.


inelastic collision: a collision between objects in which the kinetic energy changes, for example, due to deformation or frictional loss.


inertial frame: a set of coordinates that is not accelerating.


insulator: a material through which electrical charges cannot flow.


intensity (scalar; W/m2): the amount of energy carried by a wave across a unit area in a unit time.

强度(标量; W / m2):波在单位时间内跨单位面积传播的能量。

isobaric:  at constant pressure.


isochoric: at constant volume.


isothermal: at constant temperature.


isotopes: atoms with nuclei possessing the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.


joule (J): the SI unit of measurement of energy; equivalent to kg-m2/s2.

焦耳(J):电能的SI度量单位; 相当于kg-m2 / s2。

Kelvin (K): the SI unit of measurement of temperature.


kilogram (kg): the SI unit of measurement of mass.


kinetic energy (scalar; J): the energy of an object in motion.

动能(标量; J):运动中的物体的能量。

kinetic friction: friction that acts to resist motion of an object that is already moving.


kinetic theory of gases: a model of an ideal gas that treats it as a collection of molecules undergoing motion according to Newton’s laws of classical mechanics and predicts macroscopic quantities such as pressure and temperature in terms of molecular properties, such as the velocity of the molecules.

气体动力学理论:一种理想气体的模型,根据古典力学的牛顿定律将其视为运动分子的集合,并根据分子特性(例如分子的速度)预测宏观量,例如压力和温度 。

latent heat (scalar; J/kg): the heat required for a phase change of a substance per unit mass.

潜热(标量; J / kg):单位质量物质相变所需的热量。

law of conservation of momentum: a fundamental law of physics which states that the linear momentum of a system does not change unless an external force acts upon the system.


line spectrum: the specific wavelengths of light absorbed and emitted by a gas. The line spectrum is different for each type of gas.


linear momentum (vector; kg-m/s2): the product of mass and velocity.

线性动量(矢量; kg-m / s2):质量与速度的乘积。

lines of force: a pictorial representation of an electric field or magnetic field or any other vector field. Also called field lines.


longitudinal wave: a wave in which points on the wave move parallel to the direction of wave propagation.


Lorentz contraction: the effect that an observer moving with respect to a given object will find the object to be shortened compared with the measurement by an observer at rest relative to the object.


loudness (scalar; decibels): the intensity of a sound wave compared to a set standard, namely, the lowest threshold of human hearing.


luminous ether: Ether is the medium on which light waves were once presumed to propagate. The luminous ether does not exist.


magnetic field (vector; T): the force felt by a unit positive test charge moving through space, due to the influence of magnets or moving charges. Magnetic fields are produced by moving charges.

磁场(矢量; T):由于磁体或移动电荷的影响,单位正测试电荷在空间中移动时感受到的力。磁场是通过移动电荷产生的。

magnetic flux (scalar; T-m2): the total sum of magnetic field vectors passing perpendicularly through a surface. According to Faraday’s law, the rate of change of the magnetic flux through a surface is proportional to electromotive force generated on the closed loop containing the surface.

磁通量(标量; T-m2):垂直穿过表面的磁场矢量的总和。根据法拉第定律,通过表面的磁通量变化率与在包含该表面的闭环上产生的电动势成比例。

mass (scalar; kg): the intrinsic property of matter that causes it to resist acceleration.

质量(标量; kg):导致其抵抗加速度的物质的固有属性。

mass spectrometer: an instrument that separates ionized atoms or molecules based upon their ratio of charge to mass.


mole: the measure of the number of objects or particles. One mole is 6.02 × 1023 objects (Avogadro’s number).


moment of inertia (scalar; kg-m2): the intrinsic property of an object that causes it to resist changes in rotational motion.

转动惯量(标量; kg-m2):物体的固有特性,可使其抵抗旋转运动的变化。

momentum (vector; kg-m/s): see linear momentum or angular momentum.

动量(矢量; kg-m / s):看到线性动量或角动量。

mutual inductance: when a change in one circuit causes a change in a different circuit.


neutron: the fundamental particle, possessing no charge, that is present in the nuclei of ordinary matter.


Newton: the unit of measurement for force; equivalent to kg-m/s2.

牛顿:力的度量单位; 相当于kg-m / s2。

nodal points: points on a standing wave that do not move at all due to the destructive interference of the component waves.


normal force (vector; N): the force exerted by a surface on an object sitting upon it pointing perpendicular to the surface.

法向力(矢量; N):表面施加在垂直于该表面的物体上的力。

normal: perpendicular.


north pole: one end of a magnet; the end that attracts the south pole.

北极:磁铁的一端; 吸引南极的一端。

nuclear fission: the process of a nucleus splitting into two nearly equal-sized nuclei.


nuclear fusion: the process of two light nuclei coming together to form a heavier nucleus.


nucleon: any particle present in the nucleus of an atom, that is, a proton or neutron.


nucleus: the positively charged central collection of protons and neutrons in an atom.


ohm (W): the SI unit of measurement of resistance; equivalent to V/A.

欧姆(W):电阻的SI度量单位; 相当于V / A。

opaque: having the property of not allowing light to pass through.


parallel: two lines or surfaces that never intersect. Also, for circuit elements, elements that are connected so that they have the same electrostatic potential difference across them.


parent nucleus: the original nucleus during a radioactive decay.


pascal (Pa): the SI unit of measurement of pressure; equivalent to N/m2.

帕斯卡(Pa):SI压力测量单位;相当于N / m2。

period (scalar; s): the time of one complete cycle of simple harmonic motion; the time for one wave cycle to pass a fixed point.

周期(标量; s):一个简单的谐波运动一个完整周期的时间;一个波周期经过一个固定点的时间。

permeability constant (mo): a fundamental constant of the universe, which is the proportionality constant in Ampere’s law and has the value 1.26 × 10-6 T-m/A.

磁导率常数(mo):宇宙的基本常数,是安培定律中的比例常数,其值为1.26×10-6 T-m / A。

permittivity of free space (eo): a fundamental constant of the universe that is the proportionality constant in Coulomb’s law.


phase: the physical state of an object, for example, solid, liquid, or gas. Also, a property of waves indicating the displacement at the initial time.


photoelectric effect: the emission of electrons by certain metals when the appropriate wavelength of light is shined on them.


photoelectrons: the electrons emitted in the photoelectric effect.


photons: discrete units of energy; the particles associated with electromagnetic radiation (light).


pitch (scalar; Hz): the frequency of a sound wave.

音高(标量; Hz):声波的频率。

Planck’s constant (h): a fundamental constant of the universe, appearing in quantum mechanics, with the value 6.626 × 10-34 J-s.

普朗克常数(h):宇宙的基本常数,出现在量子力学中,值为6.626×10-34 J-s。

polarization: a property of transverse waves, especially light waves, that indicates the orientation of the wave displacement with respect to a coordinate system.


polarizer: a device that permits light of only one polarization to pass through.


potential energy (scalar; J): the energy of an object due to its position or internal structure.

势能(标量; J):由于物体的位置或内部结构而产生的能量。

power (scalar; W): the rate of change in energy, or the rate of doing work.

功率(标量; W):能量变化率或做功率。

pressure (scalar; Pa): the ratio of force to the area to which the force is applied.

压力(标量; Pa):力与施加力的面积之比。

proton: the fundamental particle, possessing positive charge, that is present in the nuclei of ordinary matter.


quanta: discrete units of energy.


quantum mechanics: the laws of physics that apply to objects on the atomic scale.


quantum number: a number describing the quantum state of an object, such as the state of an electron orbiting a nucleus.


radians: the SI unit of measurement of the size of an angle. A complete circle is 2p radians.


radiation: the transport of heat in the form of electromagnetic waves.


radioactivity: the process by which some nuclei spontaneously split and emit particles.


range: the horizontal distance a projectile travels.


ray: a straight line representation of the path of a light wave.


ray diagram: a drawing of light rays used to analyze a set of optical devices, such as a lens or mirror.


RC circuit: a circuit that contains a resistor and a capacitor in series with one another.


reactance (scalar; W): the apparent resistance of capacitors and inductors to alternating current.

电抗(标量; W):电容器和电感器对交流电的视在电阻。

real image: an image produced in an optical device, such as a lens or mirror, that is formed by converging rays.


refraction: the bending of light when it passes across the boundary between two media with different indices of refraction.


resistance (scalar; W): the proportionality constant between the applied electrostatic potential difference and the resulting current in a circuit.

电阻(标量; W):施加的静电势差与电路中产生的电流之间的比例常数。

resistivity (scalar; W-m): a measure of how well current flows through a material, per unit length and cross-sectional area.

电阻率(标量; W-m):单位长度和横截面积上电流流过材料的程度的度量。

resistor: a circuit element that impedes the flow of current.


resonance: a vibration produced in an object at its natural vibration frequency, or a multiple of it, due to a nearby object vibrating at this frequency.


rest mass (scalar; kg): the mass of an object, measured by an observer at rest with respect to the object.

静止质量(标量; kg):对象的质量,由观察者相对于该对象静止测量。

restoring force: the force exerted by a spring when it is stretched or compressed, which tends to restore the spring to its resting length.


resultant: the sum of two or more vectors.


rigid body: an object in which the relative distance between internal points does not change.


RL circuit: a circuit that contains a resistor and an inductor in series with one another.


RLC circuit: a circuit that contains a resistor, a capacitor, and an inductor in series with one another.


root mean square (rms): a way of averaging, equal to the square root of the average of the squares of a quantity.


rotational inertia (scalar; kg-m2): the intrinsic property of an object that causes it to resist changes in rotational motion. Also called moment of inertia.

转动惯量(标量; kg-m2):物体的固有特性,可使其抵抗旋转运动的变化。也称为惯性矩。

Rydberg constant (R): a constant found in the description of the line spectra of gases.


scalar: a quantity with magnitude but without direction; expressed as a simple number.


self-inductance: the generation of an electromotive force in a closed circuit due to a changing current in that circuit.


simple pendulum: a mass swinging on the end of a massless string under the influence of gravity.


solenoid: a long straight coil of wire.


south pole: one end of a magnet; the end that attracts the north pole.


special relativity: the theory of mechanics for objects moving with velocities close to the speed of light.


specific heat capacity (scalar; J/kg-K): the heat capacity of a substance per unit mass.

比热容(标量; J / kg-K):单位质量物质的热容。

spring constant (scalar; N/m): the constant of proportionality between the applied force and the resulting change in length of a given spring.

弹簧常数(标量; N / m):施加的力与给定弹簧的长度变化之间的比例常数。

standard pressure: a convenient measure of pressure equivalent to 1 atmosphere or 1.01 × 105 pascal.


standard temperature: zero degrees Celsius.


standard volume: the volume of an ideal gas at standard temperature and standard pressure, namely, 22.4 liters.


standing wave: a wave produced by the superposition of waves traveling in opposite directions, such that the sum is a wave pulse that does not move along the medium (see nodal points, antinodes).


static equilibrium: the state of an object when all forces acting on it sum to zero.


sympathetic vibration: a vibration produced in an object at its natural vibration frequency, or a multiple of it, due to a nearby object vibrating at this frequency. Also called resonance.


temperature (scalar; K, °C): a measure of how hot or cold an object is with respect to a reference object.

温度(标量; K,°C):衡量一个物体相对于参考物体的温度。

thermal expansion: the phenomenon that most substances increase in volume as their temperature increases.


thermodynamics: the branch of physics concerned with very general properties of matter and energy. It also describes the macroscopic properties of matter in terms of the microscopic properties of its components.


thermometer: a tool for measuring temperature.


weight (vector; N): the product of mass and gravitational force.

重量(矢量; N):质量和重力的乘积。

work (scalar; J): the product of the force exerted on an object and the distance through which the object moves as a result. Work results in a change in energy.

功(标量; J):施加在物体上的力与物体移动距离的乘积。 功导致能量的变化。

work function: the energy required to release an electron from a metal due to the photoelectric effect.


Young’s modulus (scalar; N/m2): the ratio of tensile stress to tensile strain.

杨氏模量(标量; N / m2):拉应力与拉应变的比值。

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