爱泼斯坦的客户名单在哪里?|星际之门通讯 您所在的位置:网站首页 爱泼斯坦岛在哪里 爱泼斯坦的客户名单在哪里?|星际之门通讯


2024-07-10 23:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

January 02, 2024 2024年1月2日

I am opening this post with a reminder that the [D]eep [S]tate is still holding on tenaciously even though their defeat is assured. Candace Owen, talking about the stalled [E]pstein client list release. Pass on this important video (58" video).

我在这篇文章的开头提醒大家,虽然民主党已经确定会失败,但他们仍然顽强地坚持着。坎迪斯 · 欧文,在谈论停滞不前的爱泼斯坦客户名单发布。传递这个重要的视频(58"视频)。


An [E]pstein victim tells her tragic story about rape and child sex-trafficking on [E]pstein Island (44" video).



The powerful famous 展开收缩atanists who committed these heinous crimes walked around smugly in public all those years, knowing what they were doing behind the scenes. Millions of children were raped, tortured and murdered for [a]drenochrome. 


The tables have now turned. Justice WILL prevail. Justice has been taking place for several years at GITMO where the tribunals will have been filmed. Some of that footage will be shown to humanity at the right time - hopefully very soon. Much of the 展开收缩atanic evil is so horrifying, it will not be shown in public. 


Q drop 142 (Nov 12, 2017 12:16:24 PM EST)

Q 下降142(Nov 12,201712:16:24 PM EST)

The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

真相会让99% 的人进医院。

President Trump did NOT fly to [E]pstein Island on the 'Lolita Express'. The MSM will try to link President Trump to [E]pstein Island. I have looked through the comprehensive [E]pstein flight logs - President Trump did not go there. Thanks to Kat for this re-post.

特朗普总统没有乘坐“洛丽塔特快”飞往爱泼斯坦岛。MSM 将试图将特朗普总统与爱泼斯坦岛联系起来。我查阅了全面的爱泼斯坦飞行日志——特朗普总统没有去那里。感谢 Kat 的转发。


🇺🇸 QtahQtah

Remember these FACTS about Trump:记住这些关于特朗普的事实:

- He barred Epstein from Mar-a-Lago他禁止爱泼斯坦进入海湖庄园

- He assisted FL police in their investigation of Epstein他协助佛罗里达州警方调查爱泼斯坦

- He protected one of Epstein’s victims when they were on the run他保护了 Epstein 的一个受害者,当他们在逃跑的时候

- There is NO EVIDENCE he flew on Lolita express 💥没有证据表明他乘坐洛丽塔特快

Qtah_17Qtah _ 17

A thought-provoking meme. 


Many of us Light Warriors risked losing relationships with friends and loved ones as we desperately tried to warn them about the deadly jab. Some of those relationships never recovered, and sadly some of those people are now injured or dead because of the very jab we tried to warn them about.

我们中的许多 光明勇士 冒着失去与朋友和亲人关系的风险,拼命提醒他们注意这种致命的注射。遗憾的是,其中一些人因为我们试图警告他们的注射而受伤或死亡。

I begged a close friend not to get the jab, to no avail. I asked him, 'After weeks of me explaining the dangers and pleading with you not to do it, why did you go ahead and do it...? His reply: 'Because all my friends got it...' Correlation: If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it too...?

我恳求一个亲密的朋友不要打针,但是没有用。我问他,“我花了几个星期的时间向你解释危险,恳求你不要这么做,你为什么还要这么做... ... ?”?他的回答是: “因为我所有的朋友都得了... ...”相关性: 如果你所有的朋友都跳下悬崖,你也会这么做吗... ... ?

It is still hard to fathom the shocking stress and heart-break we experienced during that time. Maybe that is why daily life appears surreal to us now. Going 'back to normal' for the awakened was never an option. Our lives have changed irrevocably forever.


Finally, there has been discussion in the comments section about 'psychic attacks' around New Year. The dark forces use whatever means possible to upset Light Warriors. I experienced it myself during that time. I took most of yesterday and this morning to re-group. I wrote an inventory, did some grounding outdoors and generally re-stored my equilibrium. I feel peaceful again, thank goodness, but it was not fun at the time.


So if you are experiencing a few wobbles at present, please know that you are not alone. We Are With You. And we always welcome comments sharing your experience in this blog community.




Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.


Where We Go One We Go All.


Love and Light









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