江阴市滨江公园:再叙历史,反哺城市 / BAU建筑城市设计 – 有方 您所在的位置:网站首页 游泳馆logo设计说明怎么写好看 江阴市滨江公园:再叙历史,反哺城市 / BAU建筑城市设计 – 有方

江阴市滨江公园:再叙历史,反哺城市 / BAU建筑城市设计 – 有方

2024-06-17 23:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

江阴市滨江公园:再叙历史,反哺城市 / BAU建筑城市设计 江阴市滨江公园:再叙历史,反哺城市 / BAU建筑城市设计 编辑:李博超 | 校对:李博超 | 2021.04.28 23:42 保留历史痕迹,重建生态走廊  摄影:夏至

设计单位  BAU建筑与城市设计事务所

项目地点  江苏无锡

建成时间  2020年

用地面积  36.7万平方米




Jiangyin is on the Yangtze, the world’s busiest working river. The city is regenerating part of its industrial docklands as a high density live-work district. Stage one of this major project is the creation of a 4km public realm along the river edge. The design was selected through invited competition.


沿河建立起4公里长的公共空间  摄影:夏至




re-establish indigenous eco-system corridors;preserve the industrial character;maintain presence of the historic past;introduce leisure infrastructure for the new eralink beyond the site for the emergence of a city park network.


公园与长江  摄影:夏至


01 柔和边界与生态长廊


The Yangtze at this location is tidal. This project rehabilitates, preserves, enhances and extends a raft of microhabitats. Complexity of the existing river edge is formally maintained, enhanced and secured with loose rock scaled for habitat. A new corridor of indigenous trees and plants weaves through the project’s length to connect the Ebizui mountain ecological node to the east with the canal eco corridor towards the west.


江河边缘的复杂性通过岩石固定得以稳固与加强  摄影:夏至柔和边界与生态走廊  摄影:夏至修复、扩展后的微生境  摄影:夏至


02 后工业时代的诗意


The vast worn concrete wharves are colored by the brown earth washed down the Yangtze. Overlooking the two-kilometer river from the prosaic empty docks presents an overwhelming scale and sense of the sublime. This design preserves even the most brutal of structures. Necessary new interventions on and around the wharves share the scale, robustness and clarity of this industrial context. Whilst the future district promises to be filled with vibrancy, and much of the landscape is rich in complexity, the wharf edges provide a rare escape.


被冲刷成棕色的码头  摄影:夏至原有工业环境的巨型规模、健壮性和清晰度得以保留  摄影:夏至保留具有工业特征的结构  摄影:夏至一片逃离世俗繁杂的休憩地  摄影:夏至


03 历史的延续


Palimpsest – Ship Building Park



Whilst the majority of the site was open and flat for stockpiling raw materials, the eastern portion of the site was recently a functioning ship building facility. The design strategy maintained traces of the site’s history and overlaid a number of ecological, circulation and programmatic layers. The result is a complex palimpsest supporting inclusive and diverse open spaces and activities.


景观鸟瞰  摄影:夏至


The history layer includes ship slipways; gantry cranes and rails; ship building factory structures; jetties; a Chinese garden; a tree lined road; and numerous other artefacts. Other layers across the site include: connections (pedestrian paths, bike paths, water boardwalk, extensions of views to and from the site, and paths from the new districts – all maximizing links between the city and the water); active leisure (sports courts and skate park); play (children’s adventure playground in the form of a ship, and elderly exercise area); social gathering (large plaza, visitor center, and large pavilions); relaxation (small pavilions, intimate seating, picnic tables, and  ship interpretation installation); and ecological (rain gardens, water edge habitats, eco-corridor).


龙门起重机及其轨道  摄影:夏至码头  摄影:夏至


Three Historic Ports



Jiangyin’s origins as a port city date back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). Research revealed the location of three historic ports. The site of Huang Tian Port, reputedly dating back nearly 2000 years, has been developed as the dockland’s major open space for public events. Interpretive mapping of the Yangtze River is integrated in its paving. Historic Jiu Cai Port has been named and restored in its most recent iteration, as industrial port. A new restaurant designed as an urban hill provides a lookout point. Shiyu Port dates from the 1500s and was a renowned fish market. The new landscape here establishes a plaza, park, and fish restaurant. An integrated paving artwork provides further interpretation.


黄田港  摄影:夏至地面铺装上加入了对长江的解说地图  摄影:夏至韭菜港  摄影:夏至鲥鱼港  摄影:夏至


04 休闲新时代


After a hiatus of nearly fifty years China is prospering and its citizens are rediscovering all variety of leisure pursuits. This landscape introduces opportunities for the very young to the very old. It is the city’s largest playground.


带有凉亭与座位的休闲区  摄影:夏至带有凉亭与座位的休闲区  摄影:曾江河保留下的工业遗迹  摄影:曾江河


Linked by a 4km jogging track are dozens of outdoor sports courts and frequent gym equipment stations for public use. A more leisurely path weaves the length of the site and connects several large children’s playgrounds, a skate park, and numerous groupings of exercise equipment for the elderly. Frequent throughout the landscape are dancing plazas, a popular local pursuit. A host of pavilions, tables for games, and lawns for picnics, tents and programs yet to come. The park ushers in a novel, exotic era of health and play.


连接运动场与公共设施的跑道  摄影:夏至多种休闲活动设施  摄影:夏至


05 新兴的公园网络


The bicycle path in this docklands park has initiated a 20km bicycle loop tracing existing and proposed lineal parks in the city. Linking the disparate parks with this loop, or greenway, brings about an accompanying ecological link. An extensive eco-system network is emerging.


4公里长的跑道  摄影:夏至


Pedestrian paths extend along the Yangtze either way. To the east a narrow boardwalk has been installed to enable people to pass around the steep mountain edge. The docklands park is also designed to smoothly connect to the urban district under construction. The circulation of the foreshore is coupled with the urban circulation. Plazas and city-river view corridors are located on street axis from where landscape paths radiate.


建立城市公园网络  摄影:夏至


设计图纸 ▽


平面图  ©BAU建筑城市设计






项目名称: 江阴市滨江公园










方案主创:James Brearley



项目组成员:Robin Armstrong、王粲、熊娟、李淑芸、卢颖宏、方旭杰、陈燕玲、王晨磊、黄俊彪、刘小博、Lisa Ann Gray、Alexander Abke、王天葵、罗莉、程业典



项目组成员:Steve Whitford 、Joseph Tran、张旭、高卫国、倪玮、侯慧麟、Tatjana Djordjevic、李福明、王克明、李冬冬、杨泰、莆棱烽、郭林






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