法律英语:法律翻译中的"条" "款" "项" "目" 您所在的位置:网站首页 法条的英语 法律英语:法律翻译中的"条" "款" "项" "目"

法律英语:法律翻译中的"条" "款" "项" "目"

2024-07-10 19:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  1. Any Member availing itself of the possibilities provided in Article 6 of the Berne Convention (1971) or paragraph 1 (b) of Article 16 of the Rome Convention shall make a notification as foreseen in those provisions to the Council for TRIPS.


  2. Subparagraph 1 (b) and 1 (c) of Article XXIII of GATT 1994 shall not apply to the settlement of disputes under this Agreement for a period of five years from the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement.

  自《WTO协定》生效之日起5年内,GATT 1994第23条第1款(b)项和(c)项不得适用于本协定项下的争端解决。


  “Item”一词译做“目”非常合适。因为“Item”常常是subparagraph(项)下的一个部分。让我们来参考Black's Law Dictionary (Garner 1999: 837)中对此的解释,Item: In drafting, a subpart of a text that is next smaller than a subparagraph. In federal drafting, for example, “(4)” is the item in following citation: Rule 19 (a) (1) (B) (4). Also termed clause in this sense.

  这个解释最后提到了“clause”这个词。关于clause一词的翻译,笔者认为,除了可以将其译为“目”之外,更多的情形下应将其译为泛指意义上的“条款”。例如,《新英汉词典》(1985:208)中对“clause”这个词的解释就是“条款”、“款项”。此外,不少工具书也均认可“条款”这一译法(费曼,2004:245;薛波,2003:233)。比如,“clause of devolution”译为“义务承担条款”。限于本文讨论的范围,不再展开论述。

  还有rule以及regulation的翻译。依笔者看来,虽然它们与“条款”有一定关系,但不应该有某些工具书中“条”的译法。rule应该译为“规则”,例如,美国刑法中精神病(insanity)抗辩事由中的“The M' Naghten Rule”(麦那顿规则)、“The Durham Rule”(德赫姆规则),都可以译为“规则”。再如,Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 译作《联邦民事诉讼规则》,Rules of Evidence译作“证据规则”等等。

  regulation则应译为“条例”、“规章”。依据Black's Law Dictionary, Regulation一词在美国指“A rule or order, having legal force, issued by an administrative agency or a local government”(Garner, 1999: 1289)。所以,它是指行政机构颁发的法规,在我国行政机关颁布的法规一般称为“条例”或“规章”。

  最后是关于provision以及stipulation的翻译。有人常将provision与stipulation混用。实则万万不可。Stipulation指“契约或协定中的实质性条款”(薛波,2003:1294)。它只指契约的而不指法律的规定,因此陈忠诚先生主张将其译为“(以契)约(规)定”(陈忠诚,2000:357-359;陈忠诚,1998:301-303)。笔者赞同上述意见。因为,这有章可循。依据Black's Law Dictionary, stipulation 1. A material condition or requirement in an agreement. 2. A voluntary agreement between opposing parties concerning some relevant point(Garner, 1999: 1427)。如,stipulated damages (约定损害赔偿金),因此,stipulation应译为“(契约)规定”;而provision则多指“(法律)规定”。关于这部分的论述,有学者做过专门论述(参见:《法苑译谭》,中国法制出版社,2000年第162-165页相关论述),在此不再赘述。


  读者可以看得出,事实上,在英汉法律翻译中,经我们分析到最后,只有六个词即:article, section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, item与法律条文翻译中的条、款、项、目有关。这就十分有利于我们进行汉英法律翻译中“条”、“款”、“项”、“目”的讨论了。



  第二十三条* 公民有下列情形之一的,利害关系人可以向人民法院申请宣告他死亡:







  Article 23.* Under either of the following circumstance, an interested person may apply to the people's court for a declaration of a citizen's death:

  (1)if the citizen's whereabouts have been unknown for four years or,**

  (2)if the citizen's whereabouts have been unknown for two years after the date of an accident in which he was involved.

  If a person's whereabouts become unknown during a war, the calculation of the time period in which his whereabouts are unknown shall begin on the final day of the war.***

  article 23*

  the subparagraph (1) of article 23**

  the second paragraph of article 23***



  例如,第三章,刑罚,第四节,有期徒刑、无期徒刑。则译为“Section 4. Fixed-Term Imprisonment and Life Imprisonment, Chapter III Punishments”。

  再如,《中华人民共和国刑法》第十七条第2款规定,“已满十四周岁不满十六周岁的人,犯故意杀人、故意伤害致人重伤或者死亡、强奸、抢劫、贩卖毒品、放火、爆炸、投毒罪的,应当负刑事责任”。此时,应注意“条”与“款”的正确翻译。The second paragraph of Article 17 of Criminal Code of the people's Republic of China provides that: “A person who has reached the age of fourteen but not the age of sixteen who commits the crimes of intentionally killing another or intentionally injuring another, even causing serious injury or death, and the crimes of rape, robbery, drug trafficking, arson, explosion, and poisoning shall bear criminal responsibility”.

  此外,上述“总则”可译为“General Provisions”; “分则”则译为“Special Provisions”:“附则”译为“Supplementary Provisions”。“附件一、附件二”则译为“Appendix I, Appendix II”。









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