阴翳之美:笑鱼・鮨隠寿司空间设计 / 空间里建筑设计事务所 – 有方 您所在的位置:网站首页 法国建筑设计事务所 阴翳之美:笑鱼・鮨隠寿司空间设计 / 空间里建筑设计事务所 – 有方

阴翳之美:笑鱼・鮨隠寿司空间设计 / 空间里建筑设计事务所 – 有方

2023-05-15 18:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

阴翳之美:笑鱼・鮨隠寿司空间设计 / 空间里建筑设计事务所 阴翳之美:笑鱼・鮨隠寿司空间设计 / 空间里建筑设计事务所 编辑:李华(实习) | 校对:袁蓓祺 | 2023.05.12 18:30 前厅  摄影:朱润资包房外部  摄影:朱润资

设计单位  空间里建筑设计事务所

项目地点  上海黄浦

建成时间  2023年1月

建筑面积  244平方米(含后厨)





The new space of " SUSHI KAKURE " was recently opened. Inspired by traditional Japanese aesthetics, the design is a visual expression of the beauty of shade, using light and shadow as the medium. A subtle fusion of space and food through design, creating a spatial experience where the five senses come together.


▲ 项目视频  制作:WM STUDIO


平面图  ©空间里




The entrance is simple and clean, with a gravel floor suggesting isolation from the outside world. The partition is made of PS board with rice paper instead of traditional washi paper, with thin wooden strips separating the interwoven geometric patterns, and only a large lacquer signboard with the word 'hidden' embedded in it.


门头  摄影:朱润资

以“隐”字相饰的大漆招牌  摄影:朱润资


Entering the genkan, the light shines through the soft texture of the thin rice paper and the delicate shimmer of the floor lantern illuminates the dark corners. genkan is a transitional space to the interior, and the warm curtain is pushed aside to create the perfect setting from which to enter.


入室前的玄关  摄影:朱润资

玄关的石灯笼  摄影:朱润资


As you enter the Reception, you are greeted by an artificial sky light that falls from the patio. The light is quiet and soft, echoing the small moon like globes on one side, adding depth and layers to the space and introducing the concept of light and shadow.


前厅  摄影:朱润资


A large water feature stone is placed under the light of the sky, the polished surface of the stone is filled with puddles of water, reflecting the light of the sky and then flowing down the unpolished natural surface of the stone wall, the water gushing out of the stone surface, creating faint ripples and breaking the total silence. Through the 'auditory' senses, the designer allows visitors to perceive and hear the flow of water first, and then relax and feel the peace and healing.


涓涓流水,润泽身心  摄影:朱润资




The shade is not the absence of light and sound, it is the rationing of light and sound in the space that creates the shade. louis kahn once said that even a space that needs darkness badly should get enough light from some mysterious opening to tell us how dark it really is.


光影之美  摄影:朱润资前厅的小憩空间  摄影:朱润资夜间的前厅  摄影:朱润资


In a corner of Reception, a high window with an alcove is designed to echo the artificial patio and to borrow light from the sky towards the outside. At different times of day, the light falls lower and lower, sculpting the difference between light and dark, where silence and light meet. An end table is set at the corner below the high window, and the warm light from the side of the window opening bathes the arrangement in shade and soft artificial light, contrasting with the natural light on the wall, creating a contrast between cool and warm.


高窗光影  摄影:朱润资端景台  摄影:朱润资


The sunlight passes through the small wooden grille windows, and the dynamic light falls on the metal-painted walls and barred doors. The bamboo shadows sway slightly in the wind. The natural and richly textured materials at this moment The interplay of natural and richly textured materials creates a wonderful sense of place and adds a natural mood to the shade.


木格栅窗  摄影:朱润资光线从不同角度进入室内  摄影:朱润资摇曳的竹影落在宣纸障子门上  摄影:朱润资墙面的自然光  摄影:朱润资


When light enters the room from outside and passes through the barrier gate Gate made of rice paper, it is already in a soft and extreme state of reflection and diffuse reflection. The texture of the paper is as fine and soft as the first snowfall, absorbing the light and forming an important part of the light and shadow space. The silhouettes of people moving in and out of the room provide privacy as well as vivid light and shadow.


包房  摄影:朱润资包房内  摄影:朱润资障子门上的光影  摄影:朱润资


On one side of the hallway are floor-to-ceiling windows in a combination of four patterns of glass, the textures of which are intertwined with the classical and the contemporary. During the day, the natural light is softly filtered through the patterned glass, and the cluttered visual information from outside is shielded, leaving only the bamboo shadows to hover in the light. At night, the light from the windows parallels the bamboo shadows and creates a haze of water on the patterned glass. Here, the elements of nature once again receive a new presentation.


过道  摄影:朱润资落地窗  摄影:朱润资入夜时分


In the evening and at night, the light and shadows take on another hazy tone, the bright light of the day fading away as the soft light shines brighter and the silhouettes less pronounced. At this time, the lights in the private room are lit up, gradually fading through the barrier gate Gate and reflecting off the liquid metallic lacquer-clad walls.



The light-transmitting barrier gate s hazy, the silhouette of a person is hidden and subtle, making the separation of spaces more capable of creating a soft and ambiguous atmosphere, while providing an intimate spatial environment.


包房门口  摄影:朱润资如纸灯笼般的障子门  摄影:朱润资




Pulling away from the brrier Gate and stepping onto the stone slab with its natural crust to enter the private room, the view opens up.



SUSHI KAKURE has three private rooms, one large, one small, one small and one large, and the centrepiece of SUSHI KAKURE is the hinoki bar, made in Japan from 200-year-old hinoki, which has a fine, warm grain and light colour. The natural colour palette of the space is a perfect match. The beige diatomaceous earth walls, with their warm grey colour, help to diffuse light and sculpt the space with even clarity.


长桧木吧台  摄影:朱润资


Itamae is a stage for the sushi chef to showcase his culinary artistry, with a finely grained hinoki leather finish on the ceiling and back wall, divided by thin wooden strips. Beams of light fall on the sushi chef's cutting board, behind which the niche is faintly illuminated by the light above the back wall, decorated with a small flower arrangement in the centre and a natural-edge stone slab at the back counter. The clean, crisp design focuses the diners' eyes and attention on the chef's itamae.


吧台背景墙  摄影:朱润资


The middle room is located at the end of the aisle and in front of the board is a large Hioki Compared to a bar with a second-storey counter, the flat bar brings the guests closer to the chef and tests the chef's culinary movements, with every move a reflection of the craftsmanship.



The backdrop is designed with an asymmetrical concave and convex structure, with a combination of dark and light coloured materials in the shape of a collage.


从走道看中包房  摄影:朱润资

中包房  摄影:朱润资


Japanese cuisine respects tradition and is about accepting the gifts of nature with grace. Fresh ingredients are carefully processed through a process and finally presented to diners in a simple and elegant way in front of the board. The space is designed in the same way as the sushi cuisine, from the materials to the atmosphere of light and shade, all of which are exquisitely detailed, bringing Zen and tranquillity to the five senses of the diners.


餐台  摄影:朱润资




The use of natural elements such as earth, stone, paper and wood in Japanese architectural spaces always illustrates the Zen-like atmosphere of the silence, clarity and seclusion of the Eastern aesthetic. The integration of natural elements in the interior is clearly visible even when the viewer is indoors. In this way, SUSHI KAKURE uses a variety of natural materials, whose unique texture and touch give the space a rustic quality.


融入了自然元素的材质  ©空间里


The barrier gate Gate, a private room decorated with rice paper, has a unique texture. The hard PS board is laminated with rice paper called "Qing Shui Yun Long", leaving the pulp of the tree's bark deliberately unfiltered, preserving the natural fibre pattern and presenting different textures, and when you open the door you can feel the unique touch of rice paper, just like touching the leaves of a tree, quiet and gentle.


定制的拉手  摄影:朱润资障子门拼接细部  摄影:朱润资卫生间的桧木洗手台  摄影:朱润资


The floor outside the private room is made of black washed stone. The small round stones in the material are of Vietnamese origin, imitating the texture of a pathway, and together with the stepping stones, lead diners into the rooms. The backdrop of the small private room is distinctive, with the rough and random texture of the clay, full of a primitive tension, giving people a "back to basics" feeling.


黑色地面  摄影:朱润资朴实的踏步石  摄影:朱润资


The owner, Master Huang, is originally from the Northeast China and his nostalgia for his homeland made him decide to make a wall in his shop himself. Traditionally, the material used for plastering walls in the rural areas of Northeast China is called "yellow aezi", which is made from local mountain soil and dried horse manure. Master Huang asked the elders of his family to send it from the northeast, to be mixed in proportion and fermented for a few days, then mixed with water and put on the wall. The texture of the wall is as rough and strong as that of the distant land, bearing the rustic nostalgia of a wanderer.


原料加工混合过程  ©空间里

小包房的背景土墙  摄影:朱润资















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