每日一句英语翻译练习(2020.4) 您所在的位置:网站首页 每日翻译一句英语 每日一句英语翻译练习(2020.4)


2024-07-16 04:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录 2020/4/25(英译汉)2020/4/24 (汉译英)2020/4/23 (英译汉)2020/4/22 (汉译英)2020/4/21 (英译汉)2020/4/20 (汉译英)2020/4/19 (英译汉)2020/4/18 (汉译英)2020/4/17 (英译汉)2020/4/16 (汉译英)2020/4/15 (英译汉)2020/4/14 (汉译英)2020/4/13 (英译汉)2020/4/12 (汉译英)2020/4/11 (英译汉)2020/4/10 (汉译英)2020/4/9 (英译汉)2020/4/8 (汉译英)2020/4/7 (英译汉)2020/4/6 (汉译英)2020/4/5(英译汉)2020/4/4 (汉译英)2020/4/3(英译汉)2020/4/2(汉译英)2020/4/1(昨晚看双城记,摘抄的排比句)2020/3


题目 The numerical data concerned are provided in the last part of thepaper.



2020/4/24 (汉译英)

题目 2020 年,中国将全面建成小康社会。



2020/4/23 (英译汉)

题目 A new kind of substance has been found by the scientificworkers.



2020/4/22 (汉译英)

题目 教育之于心灵,亦犹园艺之于土地。



2020/4/21 (英译汉)

题目 Account should be taken of the low melting point of thissubstance.



2020/4/20 (汉译英)

题目 在中国,如其他地方一样,教育将会使社会更公平,且最终更富裕。



2020/4/19 (英译汉) 题目 Attention should be paid to your handwriting.我的回答 注意你的书写。参考译文 应该注意你的书写。 2020/4/18 (汉译英) 题目 基础教育如此重要,不能放权给不作为的地方政府。我的回答 Basic education is too important to give it to local governments that do nothing.参考译文 Basic education is too important to be left to ill-motivated local authorities. 2020/4/17 (英译汉) 题目 Care should be taken not to destroy the building.我的回答 小心不要破坏这幢楼。参考译文 注意不要破坏建筑物。 2020/4/16 (汉译英) 题目 居住在中国的每一个人都应有同等权利享受公共教育,医疗保健以及其他服务。我的回答 Everyone lives in China should has equal right to enjoy public education, medical care and other services.参考译文 Everyone in China deserves the same access to public education, health care and other services. 2020/4/15 (英译汉) 题目 It has to be pointed out that one and the same word may haved ifferent meanings in different branches of science and technology.我的回答 有人指出一个同样的词在科学与技术的不同分支可能有不同的意思。参考译文 必须指出:同一个词在不同的科学和技术中可以有不同的含义。 2020/4/14 (汉译英) 题目 毕竟,电话和互联网的存在使得与亲属保持联系比以前便利了许多。我的回答 It is telephone and internet that make it more convenient to keep in touch with relatives, after all.参考译文 Phones and the internet make it easier than ever to keep in touch with relations, after all. 2020/4/13 (英译汉) 题目 Thrilling scream will be heard when the car runs at an overwhelmingly high speed and toward the edge of aprecipice.我的回答 当汽车以不可抵抗的高速度驶向悬崖边缘时,听到令人紧张的刺耳的声音。参考译文 当汽车以势不可挡的高速度向着悬崖的边缘急驰时,你可以听到令人毛骨悚然的尖叫声。 2020/4/12 (汉译英) 题目 人们还必须能够在自己的职业生涯中自始至终地去获取新技能。我的回答 People must be able to pick up new skills during theiir careers.参考译文 People must also be able to acquire new skills throughout their careers. 2020/4/11 (英译汉) 题目 Because the air and water in Biosphere II are recycled,the residents have to take special pains to keep everything pure.我的回答 因为空气和水在II号生物圈是循环的,居民只得得特别小心来保存一切纯净。参考译文 由于生物圈2号中的空气和水是循环的,因此,居民们必须特别小心,使一切东西都保持纯净。 2020/4/10 (汉译英) 题目 团队是建立组织的基石。我的回答 Team is the base to create a organization.参考译文 Teams have become the basic building-blocks of organisations. 2020/4/9 (英译汉) 题目 The element of helium was first found in the sun.我的回答 第一次在太阳上发现氦元素。参考译文 氦元素最初是在太阳里发现的 2020/4/8 (汉译英) 题目 在中国人的价值观里,他们非常注重家人应该住在一起的思想。我的回答 In Chinese value theory, they take it important that family live togetther.参考译文 Chinese culture attaches a particularly high value to the idea that families should live together. 2020/4/7 (英译汉) 题目 Insectivorous plants and some touch-sensitive plants are the examples found earlier.我的回答 食虫植物和一些对触摸敏感的植物是最早发现的例子。参考译文 食虫植物和某些触敏植物是较早发现的例子。 2020/4/6 (汉译英) 题目 课程需要教会学生如何学习和思考。我的回答 The courses need teach the students how to learn and think?参考译文 The curriculum needs to teach students how to study and think. 2020/4/5(英译汉) 题目 Perhaps because salt and then water contained in the cell are lost through the cell wall.我的回答 可能因为细胞里的盐和水通过细胞壁流失了。参考译文 也许因为细胞中含的盐分和水透过细胞壁而损失。 2020/4/4 (汉译英) 题目 我会尽全力关注此事。我的回答 Iwiil try best to care about this event.参考译文 I’ll give the matter my undivided attention. 2020/4/3(英译汉) 题目 Solution to the problem was ultimately found.我的回答 这个问题的答案最终被找到。参考译文 这个问题的解决办法终于找到了。 2020/4/2(汉译英) 题目 文明多样性是人类进步的不竭动力。我的回答 The diversity of civilizaition is the unexhaustiable power of developement of mankind. -参考译文 It is the diversity of civilizations that sustains human progress. 2020/4/1(昨晚看双城记,摘抄的排比句)

中文是我的练习,名家翻译见其后 Hunger was pushed out of the tall houses, in the wretched clothing that hung upon poles and lines; 饥饿被推出高大的房子,藏身于挂在洞和小路的破衣服里; Hunger was patched into them with straw and rag and wood and paper; 饥饿用稻草、破布、木头和纸做遮掩; Hunger was repeated in every fragment of the small modicum of firewood that the man sawed off; 饥饿在那个男人锯开的小的可怜的柴火的每个碎片上重复; Hunger stared down from the smokeless chimneys, and started up from the filthy street that had no offal, among its refuse, of anything to eat. 饥饿从无烟的烟囱往下盯着,滋生于垃圾堆里没有动物内脏和任何吃的的肮脏街道。 Hunger was the inscription on the baker’s shelves, written in every small loaf of his scanty stock of bad bread; 饥饿被铭刻在面包师的架子上,被写在每一小片劣质面包; at the sausage-shop, in every dead-dog preparation that was offered for sale. 饥饿在香肠店每一份准备出售的死狗肉。 Hunger rattled its dry bones among the roasting chestnuts in the turned cylinder; Hunger was shred into atomics in every farthing porringer of husky chips of potato, fried with some reluctant drops of oil(翻译无能了)

宋兆霖译文 Hunger was pushed out of the tall houses, in the wretched clothing that hung upon poles and lines; 饥饿被推出高楼大厦,钻进挂在竹竿和绳子上的破衣烂衫; Hunger was patched into them with straw and rag and wood and paper; 饥饿和麦秆、破布、木片、废纸一起成了衣服鞋帽; Hunger was repeated in every fragment of the small modicum of firewood that the man sawed off; 饥饿也附在那男人锯下的小柴片上, Hunger stared down from the smokeless chimneys, and started up from the filthy street that had no offal, among its refuse, of anything to eat. 饥饿从不冒烟的烟囱上朝下俯视着,从满是找不出半点可供充饥的残渣余屑的垃圾堆的肮脏街道上冒出来。 Hunger was the inscription on the baker’s shelves, written in every small loaf of his scanty stock of bad bread; 饥饿刻在面包店老板的货架上,存货不多的每块劣质面包上,都写着“饥饿”二字; at the sausage-shop, in every dead-dog preparation that was offered for sale. 在腊味铺里,每一根待售的死狗肉腊肠上,也有饥饿的印迹。 Hunger rattled its dry bones among the roasting chestnuts in the turned cylinder; Hunger was shred into atomics in every farthing porringer of husky chips of potato, fried with some reluctant drops of oil 在炒栗子的转筒里,饥饿的枯骨和栗子一起咯咯作响;饥饿碾成了粉末,撒在那一小碟用几滴舍不得放的油煎出来的带皮土豆片上 2020/3







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