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每日新闻播报(March 2)

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每日新闻播报(March 2)

chinadaily.com.cn 2022-03-02 18:12

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>Top 10 scientific advances of 20212021年度中国科学十大进展发布

Illustration of Tianwen 1 probe entering Martian orbit. [Photo provided to China Daily]

China's Ministry of Science and Technology issued a list of the top 10 domestic scientific advances of 2021 on Monday. The selected achievements include the Tianwen-1 Mars probe's successful landing on Mars, the successful launch of China's space station core module Tianhe, and Shenzhou XII and Shenzhou XIII manned spaceships' successful launch and docking with the core module, according to the list issued by the High Tech Research and Development Center of the ministry. 科技部高技术研究发展中心2月28日发布2021年度中国科学十大进展,入选科学进展包括:火星探测任务天问一号探测器成功着陆火星;中国空间站天和核心舱成功发射,“神舟十二号”“神舟十三号”载人飞船成功发射并与天和核心舱成功完成对接;

Other advances include the starch synthesis from carbon dioxide, lunar evolution revealed by samples brought back by the Chang'e-5 mission, mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 evading antiviral drugs, and the world's largest fast radio bursts sample detected by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope.从二氧化碳到淀粉的人工合成;嫦娥五号月球样品揭示月球演化奥秘;揭示SARS-CoV-2逃逸抗病毒药物机制;FAST捕获世界最大快速射电暴样本等。


>Number of tutoring institutions plummets线下学科类校外培训机构已压减超九成

A girl takes an English course online at home in Beijing on March 30, 2021. [Photo provided to China Daily]

All 25 Chinese tutoring companies listed on stock markets at home or overseas no longer offer academic tutoring services to primary and middle school students, following government efforts to alleviate students' academic workloads, according to the Ministry of Education. 教育部校外教育培训监管司相关负责人近日介绍,"双减"后校外培训机构治理工作取得阶段性成效。25家校外培训上市公司均已完成清理整治,不再从事义务教育阶段学科类培训。

An unnamed official with the ministry's department for supervision of after-school tutoring said the number of offline tutoring institutions for primary and middle school students has been slashed by 92 percent, from 124,000 to 9,728, and online ones by 87 percent, from 263 to 34. 截至目前,原12.4万个义务教育阶段线下学科类校外培训机构压减到9728个,压减率为92%,原263个线上校外培训机构压减到34个,压减率为87%;

All remaining tutoring institutions have been turned into nonprofit organizations, and all of their prepaid tutoring fees, totaling 13 billion yuan, are under government supervision, the official said. “营转非”“备改审”完成率达100%;预收费监管基本实现全覆盖,监管总额超过130亿元;

All provincial-level regions have released guidance rates for tutoring courses based on local conditions, and the rates have been decreased by more than 40 percent, compared with those before the "double reduction" policy was introduced, he said.所有省份均已出台政府指导价标准,收费较出台之前平均下降4成以上。


>China remains world's top manufacturing hub中国制造业连续12年位居世界首位

A staff member works on the production line of a semiconductor manufacturer in Binzhou, Shandong province. [Photo by Chu Baorui/For China Daily]

China has maintained its position as the world's largest manufacturing hub for 12 straight years, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said on Monday. The value-added output of the manufacturing sector in 2021 increased 9.8 percent year on year to 31.4 trillion yuan, accounting for 27.4 percent of the country's GDP, Minister Xiao Yaqing said at a press conference. 工业和信息化部部长肖亚庆2月28日在新闻发布会上介绍,2021年我国制造业增加值增长9.8%,制造业增加值占GDP比重达到了27.4%,总量达到了31.4万亿元,连续12年位居世界首位。

Specifically, output of the high-tech manufacturing industry went up 18.2 percent year on year, equipment manufacturing increased 12.9 percent, while digitalization and green development of the sector also picked up pace, Xiao said.高技术制造业、装备制造业增加值分别增长18.2%、12.9%。制造业数字化、绿色化转型步伐加快。


>Report on US human rights violations国新办发表'2021年美国侵犯人权报告'

Demonstrators are arrested during a protest against the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the United States, May 31, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

China's State Council Information Office on Monday issued the Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2021. 国务院新闻办公室2月28日发表《2021年美国侵犯人权报告》。

The report said the human rights situation in the US worsened in 2021. 报告称,2021年,劣迹斑斑的美国人权状况进一步恶化。

Treacherous democracy trampled on people's political rights, and violent law enforcement made life harder for migrants and refugees in the US, it said. The report also highlighted the country's growing discrimination against ethnic minority groups, especially people of Asian descent. 虚假民主践踏民众政治权利,暴力执法让移民难民的处境更加艰难,针对少数族裔特别是亚裔的歧视攻击愈演愈烈。

Unilateral US actions created new humanitarian crises across the globe, it added.与此同时,美国单边主义行径在全球制造了新的人道灾难。


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