openGauss数据库基本操作(超详细) 您所在的位置:网站首页 查询当前数据库中所有的用户信息 openGauss数据库基本操作(超详细)


2024-06-29 04:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

openGauss数据库常用操作命令(超详细) 1. 以操作系统用户omm登录数据库主节点 su - omm 1.1 启动服务 分布式openGauss: gs_om -t start 启动服务 gs_om -t restart 重启服务 集中式openGauss: gs_om -t stop 关闭服务 gs_om -t start 启动服务 1.2 使用“gs_om -t status –detail”命令查询openGauss各实例状态情况。 gs_om -t status --detail 如下部署了集中式openGauss集群,数据库主节点实例的服务器IP地址为172.20.73.178数据库主节点数据路径为/opt/gaussdb/master1/集中式没有CN,通过主DN访问 [omm@openGauss01 ~]$ gs_om -t status --detail [ CMServer State ] node node_ip instance state --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 openGauss02 1 /opt/gaussdb/cmserver/cm_server Standby 3 openGauss03 2 /opt/gaussdb/cmserver/cm_server Primary [ ETCD State ] node node_ip instance state --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 openGauss01 7001 /opt/huawei/xuanyuan/etcd StateFollower 2 openGauss02 7002 /opt/huawei/xuanyuan/etcd StateLeader 3 openGauss03 7003 /opt/huawei/xuanyuan/etcd StateFollower [ Cluster State ] cluster_state : Normal redistributing : No balanced : Yes current_az : AZ_ALL [ Datanode State ] node node_ip instance state | node node_ip instance state | node node_ip instance state --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 openGauss01 6001 /opt/gaussdb/master1 P Primary Normal | 2 openGauss02 6002 /opt/gaussdb/slave1_1 S Standby Normal | 3 openGauss03 6003 /opt/gaussdb/slave1_2 S Standby Normal [omm@openGauss01 ~]$ 1.3 检查数据库性能 gs_checkperf 1. 以简要格式在屏幕上显示性能统计结果。 gs_checkperf -i pmk -U omm 2. 以详细格式在屏幕上显示性能统计结果。 gs_checkperf -i pmk -U omm --detai 1.4 确认数据库主节点的端口号

在1.2查到的数据库主节点数据路径下的postgresql.conf文件中查看端口号信息。示例如下: cat /opt/gaussdb/master1/postgresql.conf |grep port

[omm@openGauss01 ~]$ cat /opt/gaussdb/master1/postgresql.conf |grep port port = '36000' # (change requires restart) #ssl_renegotiation_limit = 0 # amount of data between renegotiations, no longer supported # supported by the operating system: 36000为数据库主节点的端口号端口号在安装数据库时,会在xml文件中配置,查看安装时的xml配置文件也可以找到端口。 1.5列出所有可用的数据库 gsql -d postgres -p 36000 -l [omm@openGauss01 ~]$ gsql -d postgres -p 36000 -l List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges -----------+-------+-----------+---------+-------+------------------- db1 | song | SQL_ASCII | C | C | db2 | song | SQL_ASCII | C | C | kwdb | kw | SQL_ASCII | C | C | mydb | song | GBK | C | C | postgres | omm | SQL_ASCII | C | C | song_suse | song | SQL_ASCII | C | C | template0 | omm | SQL_ASCII | C | C | =c/omm + | | | | | omm=CTc/omm template1 | omm | SQL_ASCII | C | C | =c/omm + | | | | | omm=CTc/omm (8 rows)


2. 查看数据库对象 1. 登陆默认数据库postgres: gsql -d postgres -p 36000 [omm@openGauss01 ~]$ gsql -d postgres -p 36000 gsql ((GaussDB Kernel V500R002C00 build fab4f5ea) compiled at 2021-10-24 11:58:09 commit 3086 last mr 6592 release) Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) Type "help" for help. openGauss=# 2. 登陆自建数据库song_suse: gsql -d 数据库名 -p 36000 -U 用户名 -W 密码 -r [omm@openGauss01 ~]$ gsql -d song_suse -p 36000 -U song -W ****** -r gsql ((GaussDB Kernel V500R002C00 build fab4f5ea) compiled at 2021-10-24 11:58:09 commit 3086 last mr 6592 release) Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) Type "help" for help. song_suse=>


postgres=# \?


postgres=# \c dbname


使用\l元命令查看数据库系统的数据库列表。 postgres=# \l 使用如下命令通过系统表pg_database查询数据库列表。 postgres=# select dataname from pg_database;


postgres=# \dt postgres=# \d


postgres=# \d+


postgres=# \d+ tablename


postgres=# \d tablename


postgres=# \dn


postgres=# \di


使用gsql程序的元命令查询表空间。postgres=# \db 检查pg_tablespace系统表。如下命令可查到系统和用户定义的全部表空间。 postgres=# select spcname from pg_tablespace;


postgres=# select * from pg_user;


postgres=# select * from pg_authid;


postgres=# select * from PG_ROLES;


postgres=# \c – username


postgres=# \q 3. 常用SQL语言:


create user 用户名 with password "密码"; create user jack password "******"; 在每次创建新用户时,系统会在当前登录的数据库中为新用户创建一个同名Schema。对于其他数据库,若需要同名Schema,则需要用户手动创建。 openGauss=# create user jack password "******"; CREATE ROLE openGauss=# \du List of roles Role name | Attributes | Member of -----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------- jack | | {} kw | | {} omm | Sysadmin, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Administer audit, Monitoradmin, Operatoradmin, Policyadmin, UseFT | {} song | Create role, Sysadmin | {}


drop user 用户名 cascade; drop user jack cascade;


create database 数据库名 owner 用户名; create database jack_test owner jack;


给用户授权对某数据库的所有权限 grant all privileges on database jack_test to jack; 为用户追加有创建角色的CREATEROLE权限 alter user jack createrole; 将sysadmin权限授权给用户joe grant all privileges to jack; openGauss=# create database jack_test owner jack; CREATE DATABASE openGauss=# \l List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges -----------+-------+-----------+---------+-------+------------------- db1 | song | SQL_ASCII | C | C | db2 | song | SQL_ASCII | C | C | jack_test | jack | SQL_ASCII | C | C | kwdb | kw | SQL_ASCII | C | C | mydb | song | GBK | C | C | postgres | omm | SQL_ASCII | C | C | song_suse | song | SQL_ASCII | C | C | =Tc/song + | | | | | song=CTc/song + | | | | | song=APm/song template0 | omm | SQL_ASCII | C | C | =c/omm + | | | | | omm=CTc/omm template1 | omm | SQL_ASCII | C | C | =c/omm + | | | | | omm=CTc/omm (9 rows) openGauss=# grant all privileges on database jack_test to jack; GRANT openGauss=# alter user jack createrole; ALTER ROLE openGauss=# grant all privileges to jack; ALTER ROLE openGauss=# \du List of roles Role name | Attributes | Member of -----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------- jack | Create role, Sysadmin | {} kw | | {} omm | Sysadmin, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Administer audit, Monitoradmin, Operatoradmin, Policyadmin, UseFT | {} song | Create role, Sysadmin | {} openGauss=#


drop database 数据库名; drop database jack_test;


1. 切换到jack_test数据库: openGauss=# \c jack_test Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) You are now connected to database "jack_test" as user "omm". 2. 切换到jack用户 jack_test=# \c - jack Password for user jack: Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) You are now connected to database "jack_test" as user "jack". 3. 查看schema jack_test=> \dn List of schemas Name | Owner ----------------------+------- blockchain | omm cstore | omm db4ai | omm dbe_application_info | omm dbe_file | omm dbe_lob | omm dbe_match | omm dbe_output | omm dbe_perf | omm dbe_pldebugger | omm dbe_pldeveloper | omm dbe_random | omm dbe_raw | omm dbe_scheduler | omm dbe_session | omm dbe_sql | omm dbe_task | omm dbe_utility | omm pkg_service | omm pkg_util | omm public | omm snapshot | omm sqladvisor | omm sys | omm (24 rows) jack_test=> 4. 查看当前用户: select * from current_user; select user; jack_test=> select * from current_user; current_user -------------- jack (1 row) jack_test=> select user; current_user -------------- jack (1 row) jack_test=> 5. 为用户jack创建一个模式jack1 create schema 模式名 authorization 用户名; create schema jack1 authorization jack; jack_test=> create schema jack1 authorization jack; CREATE SCHEMA jack_test=> \dn List of schemas Name | Owner ----------------------+------- blockchain | omm cstore | omm db4ai | omm dbe_application_info | omm dbe_file | omm dbe_lob | omm dbe_match | omm dbe_output | omm dbe_perf | omm dbe_pldebugger | omm dbe_pldeveloper | omm dbe_random | omm dbe_raw | omm dbe_scheduler | omm dbe_session | omm dbe_sql | omm dbe_task | omm dbe_utility | omm jack1 | jack pkg_service | omm pkg_util | omm public | omm snapshot | omm sqladvisor | omm sys | omm (25 rows) jack_test=> 6. 修改schema名称 alter schema jack1 rename to jack2; 7. 要更改当前会话的默认Schema,请使用SET命令。 执行如下命令将搜索路径设置为myschema、public,首先搜索myschema。 set search_path to jack2; 查看当前schema show search_path; jack_test=> set search_path to jack2; SET jack_test=> show search_path; search_path ------------- jack2 (1 row) jack_test=>


grant usage on schema jack2 to jack; 回收(revoke) 将Schema中的表或者视图对象授权给其他用户或角色时,需要将表或视图所属Schema的USAGE权限同时授予该用户或角色。否则用户或角色将只能看到这些对象的名称,并不能实际进行对象访问。


alter database jack_test rename to jack_db;


show server_encoding;


select getdistributekey ('schemaName.tableName'); select getdistributekey ('tableName');

11)修改omm管理员密码 openGauss数据库登陆如果提示omm密码过期,需要修改omm管理员密码,例如:

alter role omm identified by '新密码' replace '旧密码';






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