iOS 获取设备连接的Wi 您所在的位置:网站首页 查看wifi的连接设备 iOS 获取设备连接的Wi

iOS 获取设备连接的Wi

2023-04-15 21:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1.需要向苹果提交申请,提交后只能等待邮件回复, 点击跳转申请入口


Hotspot Helper Request

Thank you for your interest in the NEHotspotHelper API.  The NEHotspotHelper interface allows Wi-Fi network implementers to facilitate connections to the large-scale wireless networks that they manage. For a complete explanation of all Wi-Fi management APIs available on iOS, see Technical Q&A QA1942: iOS Wi-Fi Management APIs.


需要提供:Company / Product URL , App Information app名称及bundle ID 以及选择

What’s your product’s target market? Enterprise / GovernmentEducation / Consumer What’s your company’s primary function? CarrierWiFi / aggregator /Other Describe your application and how it will use the NEHotspotHelper APIs. 文字描述 What authentication protocol does your solution utilize? WISPr 1.* / WISPr 2.* / Other HTTPS based / DNSPasspoint (Hotpsot 2.0) / Other Which IP protocol does your application support? IPv4 / IPv6 Which Transport protocol does your application support? UDP / TCP Does your solution contain or integrate with an MDM server? YES / NO Does your solution integrate with a cloud service? (Content Filter, VPN, MDM) YES / NO



Thank you for your interest in the NEHotspotHelper API. This API is not designed for the use you’ve identified, so this request cannot be approved.

The NEHotspotHelper API is meant to be used by hotspot network implementers to connect their users to the internet via a large aggregated network of Wi-Fi Hotspots that they manage. 

NEHotspotHelper was designed to facilitate internet hotspot network connections and is not appropriate for apps trying to do IoT accessory integration, Wi-Fi location, or other low-level Wi-Fi tasks like signal strength. Specifically, NEHotspotHelper does not let your app initiate a local Wi-Fi scan, or access iOS’ internal list of nearby SSIDs.  

Many perceived uses of NEHotspotHelper, such as the configuration of an IoT accessory, can be accomplished with NEHotspotConfiguration, which does not require an Apple-approved entitlement.

For information about enabling your app to configure an IoT accessory, please see the following article: Configuring a Wi-Fi Accessory to Join the User’s Network

For a complete explanation of Wi-Fi management APIs on iOS, please see Technote TN3111: iOS Wi-Fi API Overview.

For further technical assistance please visit the Apple Developer Forums.

Thank You,

Apple Developer Relations

4.NetworkExtension 接口调试,未配置文件情况下,获取不到Wi-Fi信息

调用 CNCopySupportedInterfaces() Log输出:nehelper sent invalid result code [1] for Wi-Fi information request, Capability 添加Access WiFi Information后, 签名报 *Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: " doesn't support the Access WiFi Information capability. *Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: " doesn't include the entitlement.






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