对死刑的看法英文作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 枪支管控英语作文 对死刑的看法英文作文


#对死刑的看法英文作文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”对死刑的看法“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Views on death penalty。以下是关于对死刑的看法的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Views on death penalty

Different countries have different guidelines for the use of the death penalty. There are many people in favor of and against the death penalty. Some people may oppose the death penalty for moral reasons.

They firmly believe in forgiveness. Yes, we can easily forgive criminals for some things. However, some blatant crimes require the death penalty.

It's Fair for a thief to go to jail, but it's obviously not enough for a child molester, who is likely to commit a similar crime again. Another argument against the death penalty is that the death penalty violates human rights and the right to live well. If someone kills someone else, he will deprive them of their right to live.

Therefore, death penalty is the best choice for murderers. In short, it is a very fair deal. I support the death penalty because I believe that the death penalty is an effective deterrent to heinous crimes, because it will permanently remove the most bloodthirsty criminals from their families Social exclusion:).




In recent years, the issue of death penalty has aroused people's attention, and people have had a heated discussion on the development direction of the death penalty. On the one hand, some people think that the death penalty should not be abolished. They think that the death penalty is a threat or restriction to criminals.

If the death penalty is abolished, the criminals will be sentenced to death penalty, which is more cruel and crazy, and poses a greater threat to people. In addition, the abolition of the death penalty will weaken the effectiveness of China's law. On the other hand, some people think that the death penalty should be abolished.

They pointed out that no matter what the criminals have done, they are still human beings, and every life is precious. We should respect every life, and we should give criminals a chance to reform. In view of the above situation, I suggest that the death penalty should be continued.

Although the latter is correct to some extent, I think we should retain the death penalty and not agree that people who deliberately kill people should be forgiven and pardoned.




The application of death penalty has been a controversial issue for many years. Whether the death penalty should be used has been debated. Some people who support the use of death penalty can not recover, but they are useless.

However, the burden and er of society, together with some crimes they have committed, are so ferocious. I think the only suitable punishment is the death penalty, which will always make the murderer stronger Delisting rapists and child molesters from society, especially if they are likely to continue to pose a threat, we can even say that the death penalty is valuable because it is an effective deterrent to crime. If you know that you are guaranteed to be executed for murder, rape or child molestation, you will think twice.



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