方振宁 FANG Zhenning – ARTEXB 您所在的位置:网站首页 杨智杨慧策展人 方振宁 FANG Zhenning – ARTEXB

方振宁 FANG Zhenning – ARTEXB

2024-06-29 06:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



方振宁于1988年开始从事抽象艺术创作,1989年成为一名极简主义实践者,并在东京举办多次个展。1995年,他的个展 “永远的空-方振宁展” 在横滨美术馆举行。从1997年开始,他开始在城市空间中创作大型公共艺术作品,他的作品有四件分别在日本的东京、横滨、埼玉和博多四地完成。2013年,他的镜面装置作品 “中轴线” 参加了展览 “Mente/Pulsante”,是第55届威尼斯国际艺术双年展的平行展;2014年,他以 “木结构和智能结构” 的研究作品参加了第14届威尼斯国际建筑双年展。


Currently based in Beijing, Fang is also a member of the Curator Committee of China Artists Association; he was the curator of the China Pavilion at the 13th International Architecture Exhibition (Venice Biennale) in 2012. 

Born in Nanjing, Fang graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in 1982, where he now lectures at the CAFA School of Architecture and School of Design; he is also a professor at the Graduate School of Architecture Design and Art (ADA) of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA). 

Fang began to engage in abstract art creation in 1988; he adopted and has become a practitioner of minimalism since 1989, and has held many solo exhibitions in Tokyo. In 1995, his solo exhibition “FANG Zhenning Exhibition” was held at the Yokohama Museum of Art. From 1997, he began to create large-scale public art works in urban spaces, and four of his works were constructed in Tokyo, Yokohama, Saitama and Hakata. In 2013, his mirror installation work The Central Axis participated in exhibition “Mente/Pulsante” , a collateral exhibition of the 55th International Art Exhibition (Venice Art Biennale); in 2014, he participated in the 14th International Architecture Exhibition (Venice Biennale) with his research work “Wooden Structures and Smart Structures”.






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