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2024-07-11 00:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





时机终于到了,《Barotrauma》1.0 版已经发布。1.0 版本的更新引入了派别大修,包括新的任务和活动、改进的声望系统,以及派别特有的许多物品和特技。该更新还解锁了战役结局,用一个全新的结局来结束你的冒险。

我们想对加入我们抢先体验版旅程的每个人说声谢谢。虽然 1.0 版并不是《Barotrauma》的最后一次更新,但是一个重要的更新,我们很高兴能与你分享。欢迎来到木卫二,新老水手们!


- 前哨由欧罗巴联盟或木星分离主义者控制,其中一些包括属于画皮教派或小丑圣母之子的模块。

- 摆脱了特定于位置的声誉。现在,所有事件/任务都会给予派系声望(不包括与派系无关或由派系提供的任务,例如废弃的前哨任务)。

- 许多新的前哨事件,以及次要派系的更长的“事件链”。

- 许多新的派系特定任务:现有任务的一些变体,一些新的.(原文的some new意义不明?,猜测是新任务)

- 派系特定雇佣:“通用”高级角色,比普通可雇佣 NPC 拥有更多的经验值和更好的装备。 当联盟或分离主义者的声誉足够高时可供雇用.

- 特殊的命名角色,在达到足够高的声誉后可以通过脚本(?)事件雇用.

- 派系特定的供应商(分离主义者、画皮、小丑),如果你的声誉足够高,他们出售特殊物品(其中许多是全新的)。 足够低,你可能会在任务中被他们的船只攻击.





- 完全重制了战役的结局。现在,您将看到欧罗巴之眼之外的东西,并可能揭示辐射水平增加的原因.




- 新的加载屏幕/人物肖像.

- 四个新的音乐曲目.

- 物品的技能要求显示在他们的工具提示中(与伤害抗性相同).(?)

- 调整毒药.(未说明改了什么)

- 调整木卫二之交(这不是一把刀嘛?)以更好地处理窒死毒剂的中毒.

- 酸性手榴弹和40毫米酸性手榴弹现在受到天赋的适当影响

- 酸性手榴弹和40毫米酸性手榴弹造成更多伤害并减慢敌人的速度, 使它们在对抗快速怪物时更可行。

- 使普通的40毫米手榴弹更有效地穿透装甲.


- 欧罗巴啤酒的酸脆弱性现在有效一倍(200%伤害而不是100%).

- 调整可投掷物品(更短的投掷距离和降低水中的速度).

- 使照明弹漂浮在原地以使它们更有用.

- 使高质量的电击枪更有效(更快地击晕目标).

- 健康扫描仪总是显示怪物的毒药和麻痹更容易确定中毒是进展还是消退。

- 传递声音范围:范围现在应该更加一致和合理.


- 新增画皮卵消耗品.


- 你还没有遇到的怪物现在默认隐藏在角色中编辑 器。可以使用命令“showmonsters”启用,并使用“hidemonsters”重新隐藏。该值保存在生物计量.xml中。不影响自定义生物。

- 修复了角色挤压深度行为不一致的问题(因级别而异,例如有时在 2000 米的深度压碎角色,有时在 3000 米的深度粉碎角色).

- 改进了潜艇挤压深度效果:以前漏洞很容易处理,因为压力对所有墙壁都造成了少量伤害,现在它反而对某些墙壁造成了更重的伤害(并且伤害量和墙壁伤害量随着深度的增加而增加).

- 添加了圆形光学组件的变种(就俩,材料相同)

- 增加了 硬编码的最大任务数从 3 返回至 10。最好不要在原版游戏中更改高于 3 的值,但由于战役设置不可修改,我们不应该对此过于严格(因为对于可以调整此值的 mod 很有用)。 其他优化.(hardcoded,硬编码?,不知道在这里指什么)

- 新的插槽指示器图标(= 显示某些物品内部可以进入的内容的图标, 像插槽/弹药).(?)




- 减少撬棍打开门所需的时间,普通门 7.5 秒,遇难门 6 秒(从 10 秒下降).

- 增强等离子切割器对门和物品的伤害(墙壁未触及).

- 使方铅矿更常见,以使铅更容易获得.

- 为所有炮塔添加自动操作选项。可以在潜艇编辑器中启用。目前未用于vanilla潜艇。(或许是指在潜艇选择界面中含有内容组合包需求:vanilla的不可以用吧)自动操作的炮塔不需要人来操作它们,但它们仍然需要动力和弹药(->有人需要重新装填它们)(?).

- 外骨骼现在由燃料棒而不是电池提供动力.

- 调整了洞穴中的植物出现的概率.

- 使铅在商店中更常见。


- 在服务器浏览器中添加了语言过滤器.

- 修复了通过在状态监视器上拖放它们来给出的报告,始终针对角色所在的房间.

- 改进了医疗诊所同步(应该修复角色有时在列表中不可见的一些疾病).

- 修复了如果在禁用mod下载时关闭服务器时崩溃的问题.

- 改进了射弹同步: 点差现在在客户端的行为与服务器端的行为相同(而不是完全随机).(或许是什么专业名词?)

- 改进/修复了向多个客户端显示的对话框:当另一个客户端选择一个选项时禁用选项按钮,并突出显示所选的选项.- 修复了在游戏模式选择设置为随机的情况下进行战役时,服务器在回合结束时随机化游戏模式的问题.

- 修复了无法将服务器与潜艇连接的问题切换/购买投票正在运行.

- 修复了如果发起投票的客户端在其他任何人投票之前断开连接,投票通过的问题。

- 修复了在多人战役中无法获得超过 15 个天赋点的问题。


- 修复了机器人认为某些多船体房间没有被淹没的问题.

- 修复了机器人过早地决定在物品恶化时(例如,当它被淹没时)无法修复物品的问题.

- 修复了机器人在命令为电池充电时从外骨骼中取出电池的问题.

- 修复了机器人有时会卡在自动门和/或双门中的问题,因为它们没有等待门完全打开,然后再按下按钮.

- 改进了机器人“灭火”行为。修复了机器人有时无法扑灭更大的火灾,因为它们停得太远并且没有继续向目标前进.

- 修复了机器人声称他们无法返回潜艇然后无论如何都遵循命令.

- 改进了“查找安全”计算,以便机器人更优先考虑房间的距离.

- 修复了机器人何时需要潜水装备的逻辑中的一些遗留问题和边缘情况,以及当它可以起飞时.

- 修复了船长(和一些NPC)在气闸中闲置,如果他们装备潜水服.

- 机器人现在可以用炮塔瞄准物品(如射弹),并对不同的怪物有不同的瞄准优先级.

- 修复了机器人被允许到达太远而无法与之交互的物品的问题。


- 修复和改进翻译(特别是日语和中文).

- 修复了范围为 0 的灯光组件,隐藏的精灵(似乎是某种专业名词,或是指在地上的物品)在黑暗背景下不可见.

- 对 Typhon 1(台风级) 的各种修复:最值得注意的是,调整船体以防止某些房间无法完全排水.

- 修复了“杀死”命令不会在“奇迹创造者”(医生中间的最终天赋,医生附近内的人物不会因血条归零而死)的影响下杀死角色.




- 修复了当你每次重启游戏时,战役设置会重置的问题(这意味着你总是需要记住,如果你想在没有教程的情况下玩,请关闭教程)。(?)


- 修复了状态监视器无法正确显示修补物品的状况.

- 修复了机器在超过 100% 条件时冒烟的问题。 

- 修复了低纵横比(小宽度、大高度)的库存与聊天框重叠的问题.


- 修复了有时在沉船中作为战利品生成的水敏感物品。(或许是指碰水爆炸的那玩意儿)

- 修复了即使你没有耳机也能收到无线电的问题.

- 修复了步枪手榴弹声音没声的问题.

- 修复了如果MD5哈希缓存文件为空,启动时崩溃的问题.

- 修复了研究站和装载机在状态监视器的电气视图中不可见的问题.

- 修复了外星造物任务有时选择相同的外星造物作为目标,如果你碰巧同时有多个任务处于活动状态, 这将导致回合结束时控制台错误(去遗迹)

- 修复了外骨骼在其任何插槽中有空或几乎为空的插槽时播放警告哔哔声的问题.

- 修复了某些前哨模块中氧气发生器恶化的问题.

- 修复了当玩家以外的角色(例如“爬行者爆发”事件中的藻鬓爬行者)损坏前哨站墙壁时声誉损失的问题.

- 修复了前哨模块有时以使它们与潜艇重叠的方式放置的问题.

- 修复了修复角色试图在太低而无法站立的有水空间中行走(例如外星遗迹中的一些狭窄通道).

- 遗传物质向后兼容性,以修复从 v0.21.6.0 之前的保存中消失的旧的未识别遗传物质。



































-固定的基本深度收费比预期的要便宜(仅30 mk)。(?)









Faction overhaul:

- Outposts are controlled by the Europa Coalition or Jovian Separatists, and some of them include a module belonging to the Church of Husk or Children of the Honkmother.- Got rid of location-specific reputation. Now all the events/missions give faction reputation instead (excluding missions that aren't related to or given by a faction, e.g. abandoned outpost missions).- Lots of new outpost events, and a longer "event chain" for the secondary factions.- Lots of new faction-specific missions: some variants of existing missions, some new.- Faction-specific hires: "generic" high-level characters with more experience points and better gear than normal hireable NPCs. Available for hiring when Coalition or Separatist reputation is high enough.- Special, named characters who can be hired via scripted events after reaching a high enough reputation.- Faction-specific vendors (separatists, husks, clowns) who sell special items (many of which are completely new) if your reputation is high enough.- If your Coalition/Separatist reputation is low enough, you may get attacked by their vessel during missions.- There's now always two paths from biome to another, one controlled by the Coalition and one by the Separatists.- Improvements to the campaign map.- Added a 3rd talent tree, "Politician", for the Captain. Focused around faction relations and reputation.


- Completely remade the ending of the campaign. Now you'll get to see what's beyond the Eye of Europa and perhaps uncover the cause for the increasing levels of radiation.- New types of enemies/bosses.- Some new events to foreshadow the ending during the course of the campaign.

Misc changes:

- New loading screen / location portraits.- Four new music tracks.- Items' skill requirements are shown in their tooltips (the same way as damage resistances).- Tweaks to poisons.- Adjusted Europan Handshake to work better with the overhauled morbusine poisoning.- Acid Grenades and 40mm Acid Grenades are now properly affected by talents- Acid Grenades and 40mm Acid Grenades deal more damage and slow enemies down, making them more viable against fast monsters.- Made regular 40mm grenades penetrate armor more efficiently.- Made Diving Suits resist Acid Burns a bit more.- Europa Brew's Acid Vulnerability is now double as effective (200% damage taken instead of 100%).- Adjustment to throwable items (shorter throw distance and reduced speed in water).- Made flares float in place to make them more useful.- Made high-quality stun guns more effective (stunning the target faster).- The health scanner always shows poisons and paralysis on monsters to make it easier to determine whether the poisoning is progressing or wearing off.- A pass on sound ranges: the ranges should now be more consistent and sensible.- Made moloch shell fragment and riot shield medium items instead of small to fix them going inside e.g. toolbelts.- Made husk eggs consumable.- Made it more difficult to repeatedly enter an abandoned outpost and re-loot the bandits: now the bandits immediately attack you if you re-enter the outpost.- Monsters you haven't encountered yet are now hidden by default in the character editor. Can be enabled using the command "showmonsters" and re-hidden using "hidemonsters". The value is saved in creaturemetrics.xml. Doesn't affect custom creatures.- Fixed character crush depths behaving inconsistently (varying between levels, e.g. sometimes crushing the character at the depth of 2000 meters, sometimes 3000).- Improvements to submarine crush depth effects: previously the breaches were easy to deal with because pressure did small amounts of damage to all walls, now it instead does heavier damage to some walls (and the amount of damage and walls to damage increases with depth).- Added a round light component variant.- Increased the hard-coded max mission count back from 3 to 10. It'd be preferable to not change the value above 3 in the vanilla game, but since campaign settings are not moddable, we shouldn't be too strict about it (because it can be useful for a mod that this value can be adjusted).- Miscellaneous optimizations.- New slot indicator icons (= the icons that show what can go inside some items, like tanks/ammo).- Made outpost hull repair service cheaper.- Doors can now be damaged by melee weapons and ranged (handheld) weapons. (They were already destructible by submarine mounted weapons and explosives)- Adjusted and rebalanced item damage for most items, to take into account doors being destructible.- Reduced time needed for a crowbar to open doors, 7.5s for regular doors, 6s for wrecked doors (down from 10 s).- Boosted Plasma Cutter damage against doors and items (walls not touched).- Made galena more common in order to make lead easier to get.- Added Auto Operate option for all turrets. Can be enabled in the submarine editor. Not currently used on vanilla submarines. Auto operated turrets don't require a person to operate them, but they still require power and ammunition (-> someone needs to reload them).- Exosuits are powered by fuel rods instead of batteries.- Adjusted plant spawn rates in caves.- Made lead more common in stores.


- Added a language filter to the server browser.- Fixed reports given by dragging and dropping them on the status monitor always targeting the room the character is inside.- Improvements to medical clinic syncing (should fix some of the afflictions a character has sometimes not being visible on the list).- Fixed crashing if you close a server when mod downloads are disabled.- Improved projectile syncing: spread now behaves the same client-side as it does server-side (as opposed to being completely random).- Improvements/fixes to dialogs that are shown to multiple clients: disable the option buttons when another client chooses an option, and highlight the option that was chosen.- Fixed server randomizing the game mode at the end of the round when playing a campaign with the game mode selection set to Random.- Fixed inability to join servers with a submarine switch/purchase vote running.- Fixed votes passing if the client who initiated them disconnects before anyone else votes.- Fixed inability to gain more than 15 talent points in the multiplayer campaign.


- Fixed bots considering certain multi-hull rooms flooded when they are not.- Fixed bots deciding prematurely that they can't fix an item when it's deteriorating (e.g. when it's submerged).- Fixed bots removing battery cells from exosuits when ordered to charge batteries.- Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck in automatic doors and/or double doors, because they didn't wait for the door to open entirely before pressing the button again.- Improved bot ‘extinguish fires’ behavior. Fixes bots sometimes not being able to extinguish larger fires, because they stopped too far and didn't keep advancing towards the target.- Fixed bots claiming that they can't return back to the sub and then following the order anyway.- Improved the ‘find safety’ calculations so that the bots give more preference to the distance of the room.- Fixed some remaining issues and edge cases in the logic over when the bot needs diving gear and when it can be taken off.- Fixed captains (and some NPCs) idling in the airlock if they equip a diving suit.- Bot can now target items (like projectiles) with turrets and have different targeting priorities on different monsters.- Fixed bots being allowed to reach items that are too far to be interacted with.


- Fixes and improvements to translations (Japanese and Chinese in particular).- Fixed light components with a range of 0 and a hidden sprite being invisible against dark backgrounds.- Various fixes to Typhon 1: most notably, adjusting the hulls to prevent some rooms from being impossible to drain fully.- Fixed "kill" command not killing characters under the influence of "Miracle Worker".- Fixed some lights becoming invisible when their range is set to 0 and they're against a dark background.- Fixed lights turning on without power when they receive a toggle or set_color input.- Fixed changing the amount of items to fabricate inadvertently starting(or activating) fabrication in MP if you've previously started fabricating something- Fixed campaign settings resetting in the campaign setup menu every time you relaunch the game (meaning you'd always need to e.g. remember to toggle the tutorial off if you want to play without it).- Fixed inverted mouse buttons not working properly since the last update: the left mouse button was considered the primary mouse button regardless of your OS settings.- Fixed status monitor not properly displaying condition on tinkered items.- Fixed machines smoking when above 100% condition with tinkering.- Fixed inventory overlapping with the chatbox on low aspect ratios (small width, large height).- Fixed some layering issues in abandoned outposts.- Fixed water-sensitive items sometimes spawning as loot in wrecks.- Fixed radio static still playing even if you don't have a headset.- Fixed rifle grenade sounds not working.- Fixed crashing on startup if the MD5 hash cache file is empty.- Fixed research stations and loaders not being visible on the status monitor's electrical view.- Fixed artifact missions sometimes choosing the same artifact as a target if you happen to have multiple missions active at a time, which would lead to console errors when the round ends.- Fixed exosuit playing the warning beep if there's empty or almost empty tanks in any of its slots.- Fixed oxygen generators deteriorating in some of the outpost modules.- Fixed reputation loss when a character other than the player (e.g. crawlers in the 'crawleroutbreak' event) damages the outpost walls.- Fixed outpost modules sometimes being placed in a way that makes them overlap with the sub.- Fixed characters trying to walk in flooded spaces that are too low to stand in (like some of the tight passages in alien ruins).- Genetic material backwards compatibility to fix old unidentified genetic materials disappearing from saves prior to v0.21.6.0.- Fixed genetic materials being too rare in outposts now.- Fixed hunting grounds affecting outposts 2 steps away, not just ones in adjacent locations.- Fixed "residual waste" talent duplicating genetic materials.- Fixed monsters sometimes spawning inside destructible ice chunks in caves.- Fixed respawn shuttle sometimes spawning inside floating ice chunks.- Fixed equipping a ranged weapon setting its reload timer to 1, making it possible to reduce some weapons' loading times by unequipping and equipping them.- Fixed partially consumed items not staying on top of the stack they're in.- Fixed submarine tier and class affecting the prices of the submarine upgrades: e.g. a tier 2 upgrade would cost more on a submarine where tier 2 is the maximum than on a submarine with a higher maximum.- Fixed reputation loss when you steal items from bandits in a beacon station.- Fixed equipped flares igniting when you click on the inventory.- Fixed "Quickdraw" talent not affecting Alien Pistols.- Fixed toolbelts and other items worn on the torso getting hidden when wearing a safety harness.- Fixed advanced syringe gun and slipsuit fabrication recipes.- Fixed floating pumps and ladder layering issues in Herja.- Limited the number of makeshift shelves per sub to 3 (similar to portable pumps). Otherwise you can use them to expand the sub's cargo capacity indefinitely.- Fixed dementonite and hardened crowbars spawning in respawn containers (= respawn shuttle cabinets).- Fixed alien blood no longer causing psychosis, + made it slightly less effective to make fabricating blood packs more worthwhile- Fixed fire extinguisher spray getting blocked by characters.- Venture: Fixed the battery room not flooding properly (again), fixed the two hulls in the airlock not being linked, adjusted the waypoints a bit.- Selkie: Disconnect the outer nodes from the ladder/door nodes, because the docking ports can't be opened manually.- Fixed Thalamus AI not running properly when there's no player characters or submarines around (e.g. when all the players are in the freecam mode).- Fixed the ammo indicator not showing correctly on the advanced syringe gun.- Fixed bots sometimes getting confused by outside waypoints while being inside an outpost.- Fixed item relocation logic running also on NPCs that are not in the player team, which could cause diving suits dropped by NPCs to get spawned in the player sub.- Fixed ranged weapons (most noticeably, scrap cannon) emitting particles in the wrong direction.- Fixed acid burns not having a cause of death text.- Fixed "skedaddle" not giving a 10% movement boost like the description says.- Fixed odd fabrication list sorting: the items that require a recipe to fabricate were split into ones you have the skills to fabricate and ones you don't, even though that isn't visible in the UI, making the list just seem out of order.- Fixed red glow around the light switch's green button.- Fixed inability to hold a captain's pipe or cigar in your left hand.- Fixed ready checks not working.- Fixed affliction probabilities being evaluated twice, meaning that e.g. 50% probability of getting some affliction from an attack was actually a 25% probability.- Fixed item highlights from the previous round remaining visible the next round.- Fix the vitality modifiers on husk not working properly, because health indices on the limbs were not defined. Effectively husks always took 2x damage.- Fixed basic depth charges being cheaper than intended (only 30 mk).- Fixed inability to make lights blink at a high frequency by rapidly turning them on and off with e.g. oscillators.- Fixed follow orders not being persistent between singleplayer rounds.- Fixed bots being unable to move through Herja's airlock due to an unlinked waypoint.


- Fixed crashing if a StatusEffect is configured to SpawnItemRandomly but doesn't configure anything to spawn.- Improved the error handling of item/character variants. Previously if the parent prefab wasn't found, there was no error message, but the variant was still created, causing crashes in various situations.- Added AITurretPriority and AISlowTurretPriority on items and characters. Setting the priority to 0 can be used for telling the bots to ignore the target entirely. Items also need to have IsAITurretTarget="True" enabled to make them a valid target.- Added ItemDamageMultiplier on items. Can be used for increasing the damage caused by other items, like weapons. Works like the existing ExplosionDamageMultiplier.






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