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2024-06-09 04:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

星座的英文: constellation


A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere within the Milky Way near Lupus and Ara. 矩尺座南半球的星座,位于豺狼座和天坛星座附近的银河中 A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Vela and Lupus. 半人马星座南半球船帆座和天狼座附近的一个星座。 A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Orion and Aries. 金牛座在北半球中靠近猎户座和白羊座的星座。 Circinus:a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Musca and Triangulum australe. 圆规星:座位于南半球在苍蝇座和南三角座附近的一个星座. The gemini was about as roomy as the front seat of a small foreign car 双子星座的太空囊像一辆小型外国汽车前座那么宽阔。 Ara: a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near the constellations Norma and Telescopium. 天坛(星)座:南半球靠近矩尺座及望远镜座的一个星座。 A constellation of stars 一个星座 A cluster of stars smaller than a constellation 星群,星座比星座小的一簇星星 My sign of the zodiac is Cancer. 我的星座是巨蟹座。 My constellation is Great Bear. 我的星座是大熊星座。

constellation是什么意思: n. 星座;一群,一系列

My constellation is Great Bear. 我的星座是大熊星座。 Ara: a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near the constellations Norma and Telescopium. 天坛(星)座:南半球靠近矩尺座及望远镜座的一个星座。 The poets constellate in this twon every summer. 诗人们每逢夏天繁星点点地聚集在这个小镇。 Leo is a northern constellation east of Cancer. 狮子座是巨蟹座东北方向的一个星座。 The symposium was attended by a constellation of artists and writers. 一群才华横溢的艺术家和作家参加了讨论会。



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