2023届高考英语模拟试题精编卷(全国卷【配套新教材 Word版含解析,有听力音频,无文字材料) 您所在的位置:网站首页 新高考模拟试卷精编 2023届高考英语模拟试题精编卷(全国卷【配套新教材 Word版含解析,有听力音频,无文字材料)

2023届高考英语模拟试题精编卷(全国卷【配套新教材 Word版含解析,有听力音频,无文字材料)

2024-04-28 11:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2023届高考英语各省模拟试题精编卷(全国卷【配套新教材】)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。(2023·安徽省江南十校3月联考)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What is the man looking for A. His pen. B.His football. C.His essay.2.When will the taxi probably arrive A. At 11:20. B.At 11:40. C.At 12:25.3.What place will the speakers be visiting next week A. Nanjing. B.Shanghai. C.Guangzhou.4.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers A. Host and guest.B. Boss and secretary.C. Husband and wife.5.What is the man's attitude towards his next performance A. Sad. B.Optimistic. C.Uncertain.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What does the man think of the dress A. Fashionable. B.Plain. C.Impractical.7.What will the woman buy A.A scarf. B.A dress. C.Anecklace.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.What does the man say about the servers in America A. They don't always get tipped.B. They often check on customers.C. They sometimes leave customers alone.9.What is optional for a meal in Britain A. Refusing the payment.B. Returning the food.C. Tipping the waiter.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What is the man doing A. Conducting an interview.B. Teaching the woman skills.C. Sharing his work experience.11.Which is one of the woman's special skills A.Designing web pages.B. Organizing field trips.C. Creating class content.12.How does the woman sound in the end A. Excited. B.Confused. C.Disappointed.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Who is Harry probably talking to A. His wife. B. His mother. C. His teacher.14.Where did Harry go first after school A. A friend's. B. A snack bar. C. A video shop.15.What do we know about Rick A. He is on the school team.B. He is the smartest in the class.C. He plays the guitar well.16.What does the woman want Harry to do A. Ride a bike in a safe place.B. Finish his homework first.C. Make more friends at school.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What is the talk mainly about A. The speaker becoming a famous painter.B. The painter having special painting techniques.C. The school teaching the speaker new painting skills.18.What did the speaker discover in India A. A program focusing on science.B. A brush making a big difference.C. A painting technique for lighter colors.19.What kind of school is Johnsen University A. An art university. B. A science university. C. A technology university.20.Why did the speaker give the talk A. To introduce teachers to the program.B. To attract students to Johnsen University.C. To welcome listeners to the maths classes.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A(2023·吉林省白山市一模)If you're taking the train in Switzerland, your first stop should be the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) website. Except for a few scenic routes, SBB runs all the regional, commuter trains, and high-speed trains in the country.Kinds·R, RE, and IR are regional trains that are slower, cheaper, and stop at all or most stations between two major centers.·IC or ICN (the N is for “night”) are fast trains that connect major cities but do not stop at smaller towns along the way.·S or S-Bahn trains are frequent commuter trains that connect cities and suburbs. If you miss an S train, there's usually another one coming soon after.ServiceThe SBB website sells one-way or round-trip tickets between Swiss cities and other cities in Europe. They also sell City Tickets, including the train to that city, public transportation in the town, and a travel pass that typically allows access to several touristic sites.Ways of Buying TicketsTo purchase a ticket or research schedule options, type in your point-to-point destinations first and preferred travel time. You can select the train that works best for you. Once you've selected your route, enter your passenger information. You'll have the option to purchase a City plete your purchase with a credit card. You will be issued a voucher (票券).TipsChildren below 16 years of age travel free. But you must pick up a Swiss Family Card before traveling. For travelers with disabilities, select “Barrier-free travel” from the pull-down menu labeled “Standard view” to see only trains that have wheelchair accessible carriages.Your ticket will not show a seat reservation. If you buy tickets at the SBB counter or office in the train station, you'll have the option of reserving a seat in advance.21.Which of the following is the feature of S-Bahn trains A. They are cheap and slow. B. They run frequently.C. They stop at all cities in Europe. D. They only connect major cities.22.What should you do first when buying a ticket A. Insert your credit card. B. Input your coins.C. Choose your preferred seat. D. Input your destination.23.How can you book a seat A. By calling SBB office to book tickets. B. By buying tickets at the SBB counter.C. By booking tickets at SBB website. D. By paying some extra money.B(2023·安徽宿州2月联考)A nightmare plot turned into a miracle—like rescue in Colorado on Sunday. Three children aged 4 to 11 years old were playing on the icy pond at The Addison at Cherry Creek apartments. Suddenly they fell in and were sinking in the freezing water. Dusti Talavera, who lives at the apartment complex, was looking out her window when she saw the kids fall in. Talavera, 23, said she did not hesitate to put on her shoes and rush to the pond, which is 15 feet deep.“Before I realized it, I was on the pond pulling the two kids out, and that was when I fell in the pond for the third kid,” Talavera said during a press conference on Monday. Two of the kids were saved and Talavera began to pull a 6-year-old up to the surface, but was struggling. That was when a 16-year-old male, identified as the cousin of the 6-year-old, jumped in to help.As deputies(警官) rushed to the scene, they heard that people were out of the pond, but one was not breathing. Deputy David Rodriguez immediately began chest compressions and mouth-to mouth resuscitation, CBS Denver reports. Two other deputies, Blaine Moulton and Justin Dillard, also assisted. She was rushed to Children’s Hospital and was breathing and had a pulse.“Seeing her breathe was a massive relief,” said Dillard. The girl has been transferred to Denver Health, and as of Monday was in serious condition, but expected to survive, according to CBS Denver.24.What can we learn from paragraph 1 A. The accident happened on a summer Sunday.B. Without thinking Talavera offered the kids help.C. The kids were playing with Talavera on the pond.D. Talavera lives far from where the accident happened.25.Who helped Talavera pull the third kid out A. A deputy. B. A teenager. C. A doctor. D. A reporter.26.Which of the following can best describe Talavera A. Brave and helpful. B. Cautious and patient.C. Far-sighted and generous. D. Warm-hearted and modest.27.What’s the text mainly about A. A timely rescue. B. A serious drowning.C. Some lucky children. D. Some honorable rescuers.C(2023·安徽省江南十校3月联考)Pickled sides are Chinese people's solution to tasteless food. Just a spoonful of sauce or pickled vegetables over rice can make a meal taste a million times better.During busy work schedules, many young people in China don't have the luxury of enjoying insightful conversations with friends and family at the dinner table. Instead, they find themselves eating alone.Chinese youth are kept company during these 20-to-30-minute windows by TV shows or short videos, which they stream on their phone, tablet, or television. On the Internet, such content has been called “digital pickled vegetables ” .Some popular picks include classic Chinese dramas and situation comedies (sitcoms) like Empresses in the Palace and My Own Swordsman. American sitcoms such as Friends and How I Met Your Mother are also favored for their amusing jokes and simple storylines. You don't need to know anything about either to get a good laugh from a random episode.Some have questioned the value of such videos, pointing out that some explainers ruin good films and books and that no-brainer mim-series aren't informational. On the other hand, we see nothing wrong with some harmless fun to accompany a lonely meal after a long day of work. Instead of being accompanied by friends and family during a meal, many young people in China are kept company by TV shows or short videos.Can this habit affect your diet According to a research paper published in 2019, you may eat more unconsciously. An international research team asked 62 volunteers to follow different eating pattems on four different days. The pattems included eating while looking at the mobile phone, reading magazines and without distraction(分心) . After analyzing their diets, the team discovered that eating with a distraction increased intake of calories by about 15 percent.To explore the reason, the team also invited two groups of people: one group ate while listening to a recording about another person eating and the other listened to a clip that helped them imagine themselves eating. The results showed that the second group ate less since they were more focused on their meals. When eating with the "digital pickles", our attention can be distracted, which leads to eating more than expected.28.Why do many Chinese young people eat alone A. They hate to share food with workmates.B. They fail to have the luxury of dining space.C. They tend to have busy work timetables.D. They prefer not to talk with strangers.29.What do the underlined words "digital pickled vegetables" mean in paragraph 3 A. Videos you watch while eating. B. Sauce you choose while eating.C. Vegetables you like while eating. D. Games you play while eating.30.What makes people like Friends and How I Met Your Mother A. The famous actors and actresses.B. The funny jokes and simple plots.C. The random episodes and seasons.D. The delicious food and drinks.31.Why do we eat more with "digital pickles" A. They increase our feeling of hunger.B. They make the food more delicious.C. They draw our attention to the diet.D. They shift our attention from the meals.D(2023·安徽合肥肥东县一模)Insurance companies are starting to use smart box technology, so good drivers can benefit from cheap insurance rates.The smart box, similar to a black box for airplanes, records details about how your car is driven, which can result in cheap car insurance for responsible drivers. The device is connected to the electronics in your car and collects a wide criterion of information such as time, speed, braking, cornering, acceleration and location. It's like having an insurance agent sitting beside you while driving.The smart box data is wireless transferred in real time to the insurance company and provides a profile of when, where and how you drive. This profile is then used to compare insurance rates and to reward low-risk driving behavior with cheap insurance rates.Drivers are high-risk when they drive irresponsibly such as speeding, frequent lane changing, driving in high-risk locations or at high-risk times such as in heavy traffic or late at night.These new electronic inventions are intended to replace the standard practice of categorizing drivers into group behavior to determine insurance coverage and premium(保险费)payments. For example, young drivers are more likely to drive fast, drive at night and use a cell phone while driving. Statistically, young drivers are more likely to cause an accident, so insurance companies charge them higher rates to cover the costs of accident claims. So even if you're a young, responsible driver, you will pay high insurance rates because of group behavior.This technology allows you to provide proof that your driving behavior doesn't fit the pattern of your demographic(统计)group.All the information collected about your driving can be viewed online — including what you're doing well and what could be improved. Your insurance premium is then calculated according to your driving profile.32.What will a good driver benefit from the smart box A. Fewer traffic accidents. B. Better traffic order.C. Lower insurance payment. D. Less petrol used in driving.33.How does the insurance company monitor the driving A. By checking the device in the car.B. By sitting beside the driver.C. By watching the traffic on the roads.D. By collecting the driving data online.34.What will the use of smart boxes bring about A. Better service for cars. B. Lower prices of petrol.C. More convenient transport. D. More reasonable insurance charge.35.What can we infer about the smart box from the text A. It requires better driving habits.B. It saves the drivers a lot of time.C. It helps the drivers use less energy.D. It takes the place of the traffic police.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2023·山西一模)The link between golf and improved mental health is strong enough for golf activities to be used as a form of treatment in a 2019 study. The results show mental health benefits from playing the game.Golf is a tricky sport, with expert timing, flexibility, speed, technique and balance required as you swing a club somewhere in the region of 80-110 mph. ___36__ Golf teaches us to accept victories and failures equally. It is an excellent mindset to balance ups and downs of life.___37__ You can switch off your tech and focus on a task. It can provide a sense of calm and clarity. Spending time in green spaces or bringing nature into your life can benefit your well-being. Getting outdoors has been shown to improve mood and reduce stress and anger. ___38__ Golfers can receive this sufficient nutrient in the body through increased exposure to sunlight.Playing golf helps to fight anxiety by keeping your brain in an active problem-solving mode. __39___ By keeping your brain active and in "thinking" mode, you can focus more on the game and less on the things that you may feel anxious or sad about. Playing golf can release the "feel good" endorphins(内啡肽) that can fight anxiety and depression.Golf is widely recognized as a low-risk sport compared to many other sports. ___40__ The games can be played at your own pace and for longer periods of time, which is a unique characteristic of golf. The chances of a sports injury are definitely lower in comparison with other sports like Basketball or Badminton.A. Golf is an open-air sport that is surrounded by nature.B. It is unavoidable that you will hit either poor shots or good.C. Golf is shining a light on social impacts and physical health.D. You've to keep focused, plan moves, and perform strategies.E. There's less stress on the joints as the swings can be adjusted.F.Playing sports with other people helps boost your social skills.G.Vitamin D is equally vital for both mental and physical wellness.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2023·安徽安庆二模)One day I was approaching several massive creatures when I came to a sudden stop. It was well beyond me that these huge animals should be limited by only some ropes. It was that the 41 animals could easily escape from these small ropes tied to their front legs. However, 42 , they did not. I spotted a 43 close by and wondered why the elephants just 44 where they were and had no intention to break away."Well," he replied, "as they're very 45 we tie them with the same 46 rope and it's enough to 47 them for their age. As they grow up, they're 48 to hold the belief that they can never run away. They think the ropes are bound to 49 hold them, so they do not struggle to break free." I was 50 . The large animals could easily move away from their 51 but they felt they couldn't, so they were 52 right there.In our life, a number of people are 53 with the same wrong self-limiting belief-I'm not excellent enough or why try it if I'm not going to 54 it. However, we oughtn't to 55 our capability, talent and potential. Instead, we should believe in ourselves. After all, we need to change with the times and think outside the box.41.A. important B. obvious C. necessary D. hopeful42.A. at that time B. from then on C. in that case D. for some reason43.A. trainer B. teacher C. doctor D. businessman44.A. slept B. ate C. stood D. relaxed45.A. thin B. young C. weak D. ill46.A. size B. color C. style D. length47.A. attract B. train C. cheat D. hold48.A. encouraged B. conditioned C. taught D. forced49.A. still B. even C. just D. hardly50.A. thrilled B. interested C. shocked D. disappointed51.A. owners B. thoughts C. habitats D. bonds52.A. stuck B. killed C. sold D. fed53.A. laughed at B. told off C. brought up D. relied on54.A. mean B. catch C. get D. make55.A. control B. underestimate C. ignore D. develop第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(2023·云南省大理、丽江第二次复习统一检测)Kentucky Fried Chicken has launched a new themed branch in honor of Lei Feng, a legendary soldier ___56___ (celebrate) in China for his ___57___ (selfless) and modesty, in his home town Changsha, Hunan Province.The restaurant opened on March 3, two days before the ___58___ (office) remembrance day marked across the country every year on March 5 ___59___ people celebrate his spirits by showing goodwill and giving ___60___ helping hand to others.The restaurant will organize series of activities and also cooperate with the local Lei Feng Memorial Hall to ___61___ (well) promote Lei Feng’s spirits. ___62___ the entrance to the restaurant stand two big Lei-like statues and its inner part ___63___ (decorate) with Lei’s truck on portraits and quotes from his diary, with words from his poems playing in the background.He Min, general manager of KFC in Hunan Province, told voc. that in addition to the themed restaurant, they will also launch a project devoted to Lei’s virtues in 250 outlets (门店)across the province, including ___64___ (provide) free drinking water and resting ___65___ (place) for gate guards.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (满分15分)(2023·吉林省白山市一模)假定你是李华, 你的同学汪伟上周六获得无锡市高中学生英语口语大赛第一名, 并获得下个月省级决赛的资格。请你写一篇英语报道, 在学校英语广播播报, 内容包括:1. 新闻内容;2. 该同学简介;3. 表达祝愿。注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Wang Wei: First Place in the English Oral Test______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________第二节 (满分25分)(2023·山西省省际名校2月联考)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。It was a fantastic and cheery early summer day. The sun was shining brilliantly, with clouds dancing in the blue sky. The birds were singing merrily and the colourful flowers were in full bloom. There was a warm gentle breeze. Bright green leaves swung in the wind, occasionally falling to the ground, cast off from the trees they trusted.It was a lovely morning to be outdoors, to enjoy oneself in the splendid beauty of nature. There's nothing quite as curative as being out in nature. Little Bear hated being locked at home. He wanted to go out to relieve his boredom. While his mother was busy with the daily domestic tasks, Little Bear slipped out through the backdoor. He was so eager for independence that he ignored his parents' words and raced off into the woods near his home on his own.As he jogged along the winding path from his home, Little Bear felt like an adventurer. Soon, the stone path ended and he found himself in the forest. He had never been so far from home all by himself. As Little Bear explored the plants of different colors in the abundant green forest, the fear of being alone in the great outdoors began to wear off. He immediately began to regret his careless decision to escape from his parents.By afternoon, the sun was burning hot. Little Bear was weak from hunger and thirst. He felt tired and hungry. He longed for his mother's cooking. He longed for his nice cosy bed. He longed to go home. Little Bear scanned the surroundings. Everything looked unfamiliar to him. He was lost! There was not a soul in sight from whom he could ask for directions. Little Bear sat on a rock, alone and depressed. Looking down, all he could see were his little paw prints imprinted in the mud.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。An idea suddenly came into Little Bear's mind. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Before long,he saw his familiar wooden cottage. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________答案以及解析第一部分 听力1-5 ABCAB 6-10 CABCA 11-15 ACBAC 16-20 BCCAB第二部分 阅读理解第一节A21.答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据Kinds下第三个黑点S or S-Bahn trains are frequent commuter trains that connect cities and suburbs. If you miss an S train, there's usually another one coming soon after.(S或S-Bahn列车是连接城市和郊区的频繁通勤列车。如果你错过了S火车,通常不久就会有另一列火车。)可知,S-Bahn列车是频繁通勤列车,错过一辆,下一辆也会很快到达。所以S-Bahn列车的特点就是运行频繁。故选B。22.答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据Ways of buying tickets下To purchase a ticket or research schedule options, type in your point-to-point destinations first and preferred travel time.(要购买火车票或研究行程选项,请先输入您的点对点目的地和首选旅行时间。)可知,当买火车票的时候,首先要输入目的地。故选D。23.答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段Your ticket will not show a seat reservation. If you buy tickets at the SBB counter or office in the train station, you'll have the option of reserving a seat in advance.(您的火车票不会显示座位预订。如果您在火车站的SBB柜台或办公室买票,您可以选择提前预订座位。)可知,在火车站的SBB柜台或办公室买票才可以提前预定座位。题干中的book和原文中的reserve是同义替换,都表示"预订"。故选B。B24.答案:B解析:细节理解题。由第一段中“Dusti Talavera, who lives at the apartment complex, was looking out her window when she saw the kids fall in. Talavera, 23, said she did not hesitate to put on her shoes and rush to the pond, which is 15 feet deep.(住在公寓楼的Dusti Talavera正看着窗外,突然看到孩子们掉进水里。23岁的Talavera说,她毫不犹豫地穿上鞋子,冲向15英尺深的池塘)”可知,Talavera不假思索地向孩子们提供了帮助。故选B项。25.答案:B解析:细节理解题。由第二段中“Two of the kids were saved and Talavera began to pull a 6-year-old up to the surface, but was struggling. That was when a 16-year-old male, identified as the cousin of the 6-year-old,jumped in to help.(其中两个孩子获救,Talavera开始把一个6岁的孩子拖到水面上,但仍在挣扎。当时,一名16岁的男性(被确认为6岁男孩的堂兄)跳了进来帮忙)”可知,一个少年帮Talavera把第三个孩子救出来了。故选B项。26.答案:A解析:推理判断题。由第一段中“Dusti Talavera, who lives at the apartment complex, was looking out her window when she saw the kids fall in. Talavera, 23, said she did not hesitate to put on her shoes and rush to the pond, which is 15 feet deep.(住在公寓楼的Dusti Talavera正看着窗外,突然看到孩子们掉进水里。23岁的Talavera说,她毫不犹豫地穿上鞋子,冲向15英尺深的池塘)”和第二段中“Before I realized it, I was on the pond pulling the two kids out, and that was when I fell in the pond for the third kid(在我意识到这一点之前,我正在池塘里把两个孩子拉出来,那是我为第三个孩子跳进池塘的时候)”可知,Talavera不假思索、不顾自己生命安全跳进水里去救孩子们,说明她勇敢而乐于助人。故选A项。27.答案:A解析:主旨大意题。由第一段中“A nightmare plot turned into a miracle—like rescue in Colorado on Sunday.(周日,一场噩梦般的情节在科罗拉多州变成了奇迹般的救援)”和“Dusti Talavera, who lives at the apartment complex, was looking out her window when she saw the kids fall in. Talavera, 23, said she did not hesitate to put on her shoes and rush to the pond, which is 15 feet deep.(住在公寓楼的Dusti Talavera正看着窗外,突然看到孩子们掉进水里。23岁的Talavera说,她毫不犹豫地穿上鞋子,冲向15英尺深的池塘)”及下文可知,文章讲述了三个孩子玩耍时不小心掉进冰冷的水里,被热心的人们及时救援的暖心故事,A项“及时的救援”符合文意。故选A项。C28.答案:C解析:理解具体信息。根据第二段“During busy work schedules, many young people in China don’t have the luxury of enjoying insightful conversations …”可知。29.答案:A解析:猜测词义。 根据第三段首句“Chinese youth are kept company during these 20-to-30-minute windows by TV shows or short videos, which they stream on their phone, tablet, or television.”可推知。30.答案:B解析:理解具体信息。根据第四段 “… are also favored for their amusing jokes and simple storylines.” 可知。31.答案:D解析:推理判断。根据第五段“After analyzing their diets, the team discovered that eating with a distraction(分心)increased intake of calories by about 15 percent.”及最后一段 “When eating with the “digital pickles”, our attention can be distracted, which leads to eating more than expected.”可推知。D32.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Insurance companies are starting to use smartbox technology, so good drivers can benefit from cheap insurance rates. (保险公司开始使用智能盒子技术,所以优秀的司机可以从便宜的保险费率中受益。)”和第二段“The smartbox, similar to a black box for airplanes, records details about how your car is driven, which can result in cheap car insurance for responsible drivers.(智能盒子,类似于飞机上的黑匣子,记录你的汽车如何驾驶的细节,这可以为负责任的司机带来便宜的汽车保险。)”可知,好司机能从智能盒子中降低保险支付。故选C.33.答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“The smartbox data is wireless transferred in real time to the insurance company and provides a profile of when, where and how you drive. (智能盒子的数据通过无线实时传输到保险公司,并提供你何时、何地以及如何开车的资料。)” 可知,保险公司通过在线收集驾驶数据监控驾驶行为,故选D。34.答案:D解析:推理判断题。根据第五段“These new electronic inventions are intended to replace the standard practice of categorizing drivers into group behavior to determine insurance coverage and premium (保费) payments. (这些新的电子发明旨在取代将司机归类为群体行为以确定保险范围和保费支付的标准做法。)”可推断,智能盒子的使用会使保险费用更合理。故选D.35.答案:A解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段 “All the information collected about your driving can be viewed online一including what you're doing well and what could be improved. (所有收集到的关于你驾驶的信息都可以在网上查看一包括你做得好的地方和可以改进的地方。)” 可推断,智能盒子要求更好的驾驶习惯。故选A.第二节答案:BAGDE解析:36. 句间关联题。根据空后Golf teaches us to accept victories and failures equally,可知,在打高尔夫球的过程中有与生活中同样的胜利和失败,正好与B项中的hit either poor shots or good相呼应,故选B。37.段首主旨题。根据green spaces or bringing nature into your life和Getting outdoors可知,打高尔夫球是一项户外接近大自然的运动,故选A。38.句间关联题。根据空后句中this sufficient nutrient in the body可知,this sufficient nutrient指的就是Vitamin D,与选项G中的Vitamin D相吻合,故选G。39.句间关联题。根据本段首句可知,打高尔夫球可以让大脑处于积极解决问题的模式,因此紧接着就应该叙述具体的方法,与选项D表达的意思相符,故选D。40.句间关联题。根据本段内容以及a low-risk sport 和The chances of a sports injury are definitely lower...可知,高尔夫球是一项低风险运动,空处应解释不易受伤的原因,与选项E表达的意思相符,故选E。第三部分 语言知识运用第一节41.答案:B解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:很明显,这些动物可以很容易地从绑在它们前腿上的这些细绳子中逃脱。A.important重要的;B.obvious显而易见的;C.necessary必需的;D.hopeful有希望的。根据前文“these huge animals should be limited by only some ropes”可知,对于大型动物而言,轻松地从束缚它们的细绳逃脱是显而易见的。故选B。42.答案:D解析:考查短语词义辨析。句意:然而,因为某种原因,他们没有。A.at that time当时;B.from then on从那之后;C.in that case假如那样的话;D.for some reason因为某种原因。结合前文“the animals could easily escape from these small ropes tied to their front legs”及“they did not”可知,这些大型动物摆脱束缚它们脚地绳子很容易,然而它们没有,所以这里指不知什么原因,故选D。43.答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我发现一位驯象师就在附近,不明白为什么大象只是站在原地,没有打算逃跑。A.trainer训练员;驯兽师;B.teacher老师;C.doctor医生;D.businessman商人。结合下文作者向该人询问动物不逃走的原因,可推知该人是熟悉动物知识的人,应当是动物园中的驯兽师。故选A。44.答案:C解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我发现一位驯象师就在附近,不明白为什么大象只是站在原地,没有打算逃跑。A.slept睡觉;B.ate吃;C.stood站立;D.relaxed放松。结合下文“had no intention to break away”可知,此处指大象仅仅站在自己被拴住的地方。故选C。45.答案:B解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“好吧,”他回答说,“因为它们很小,我们用同样大小的绳子把它们绑起来,这样在它们长大后就足够绑住它们了。”A.thin瘦的;B.young小的;年轻的;C.weak虚弱的;D.ill生病的。结合下文“As they grow up”可知,此处指当它们还小的时候,它们就被用同样的绳子绑起来。故选B。46.答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A.size大小;尺寸;B.color颜色;C.style风格;样式;D.length长度。结合前文“small ropes”可知,这里指绳子的型号,尺寸。故选A。47.答案:D解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A.attract 吸引;B.train培训;C.cheat欺骗;D.hold扣留。根据下文“hold them”可知,此处指这些绳子可以绑住它们。故选D。48.答案:B解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着他们的成长,它们习惯于坚信自己永远不会逃跑。A.encouraged鼓励;B.conditioned使习惯于;C.taught教导;D.forced迫使。根据前文可知,在大象小的时候,它们就被用绳索绑住,所以到它们长大后,它们就习惯了自己永远无法逃走的想法。短语:be conditioned to do“习惯于做某事”,故选B。49.答案:A解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们认为绳子一定仍然会绑住他们,所以它们不会挣扎着挣脱。A.still仍旧;B.even甚至;C.just恰好;D.hardly几乎不。根据前文“hold the belief that they can never run away”可知,大象小时候被绳子束缚着,所以它们长大后认为,绳子依然会束缚住它们。故选A。50.答案:C解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我感到很震惊。A.thrilled激动的;B.interested感兴趣的;C.shocked震惊的;D.disappointed失望的。结合前文驯兽员给作者讲大象不逃脱的原因,作者应该是感到吃惊的。故选C。51.答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:大型动物可以很容易地摆脱它们的束缚,但是它们觉得它们不能,所以它们被困在了那里。A.owners主人;拥有者;B.thoughts想法;C.habitats栖息地;D.bonds绳索;镣铐。根据前文“the animals could easily escape from these small ropes tied to their front legs”可知,此处指这些大型动物可以很轻松地摆脱绳子地束缚,故选D。52.答案:A解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:大型动物可以很容易地摆脱它们的束缚,但是它们觉得它们不能,所以它们被困在了那里。A.stuck困住;B.killed杀死;C.sold出售;D.fed饲养。根据前文“had no intention to break away”可知,它们没有打算逃走,说明它们应该是被困在原地。故选A。53.答案:C解析:考查短语词义辨析。句意:在我们的生活中,有许多人都是带着同样错误的自我限制信念长大的—我不够优秀,或者如果我不能成功,为什么要尝试呢 A.laughed at嘲笑;B.told off斥责;C.brought up抚养;D.relied on依赖。结合前文讲述大象被绳子束缚的事实,可知此处指我们中的许多人也像大象那样被抚养长大。故选C。54.答案:D解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我们的生活中,有许多人都是带着同样错误的自我限制信念长大的—我不够优秀,或者如果我不能成功,为什么要尝试呢 A.mean表示……含义;B.catch抓住;C.get得到;D.make使得。结合前文大象认为它们无法逃脱束缚它们的绳子,所以也不尝试,自然无法摆脱,只能被困在原地。此处指不能成功,为什么要尝试呢 短语:make it“成功”,故选D。55.答案:B解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,我们不应该低估我们的能力、才能和潜力。A.control控制;B.underestimate低估;C.ignore忽视;D.develop发展。根据前文“I'm not excellent enough”可知,我们认为我们不够优秀,这是对我们自己能力的低估。故选B。第二节答案:56.celebrated 57.selflessness 58.official 59.when 60.a 61.better 62.At 63.is decorated 64.providing 65.places解析:为了纪念雷锋,肯德基推出了一个新的主题餐厅,餐厅组织了多种活动来弘扬雷锋精神。56.celebrated考查非谓语动词。句意为:雷锋是一位传奇的中国军人,他的无私和谦逊在中国得到了广泛的赞誉。为了纪念雷锋,肯德基在他的家乡湖南省长沙市新开了一家主题分店。本句已有谓语has launched,设空处与谓语之间无连词连接,应用非谓语动词形式。soldier与celebrate之间是逻辑上的被动关系,应用过去分词形式作后置定语,故填celebrated。57.selflessness考查词性转换。句意见上一题解析。分析句子结构可知,设空处与modesty并列作介词for的宾语,应用名词形式,表示"无私" ,故填selflessness。58.official考查词性转换。句意为:这家餐厅于3月3日开业,比每年3月5日全国法定的雷锋纪念日早两天。在纪念日这天,人们通过表达善意和帮助他人来纪念他。设空处修饰名词短语remembrance day,应用形容词,故填official。59.when考查定语从句。句意见上一题解析。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导定语从句,修饰指时间的先行词March 5,关系词在从句中作时间状语,应用when引导该从句,故填when。60.a考查冠词。 句意见第3题解析。give a helping hand 表示“伸出援手”,故填a。61.better考查副词的比较等级。句意为:这家餐厅将组织一系列的活动,并与当地雷锋纪念馆合作以更好地弘扬雷锋精神。根据句意可知,此处暗含比较意义,表示“更好地”,应用副词比较级,故填better。62.At考查介词。 句意为:在餐厅的入口处立着两个雷锋样貌的雕塑,餐厅的内部装饰着雷锋的卡通肖像和他日记中的名言警句.....at the entrance to/of为固定搭配,意为“在......的入口处”,故填At。63.is decorated考查动词的时态和语态。句意见上一题解析。根据and前分句的时态和上下文语境可知,此处叙述的是一般事实,应用一般现在时。 its inner part 与decorate 之间为被动关系,应该用一般现在时的被动语态,故填is decorated。64.providing考查非谓语动词。句意为:他们还将在全省250家,门店推出一个弘扬雷锋精神的项目,包括为门卫提供免费饮用水和休息场所。including 是介词,其后面接动名词作宾语。65.places考查名词单复数。句意见上一题解析。place 意为“地点;空间;场所”,是可数名词,其前无冠词,应用复数形式。第四部分 写作第一节答案:Wang Wei: First Place in the English Oral TestWang Wei won first place last Saturday in Wuxi Senior High Students' English Oral Test and has been qualified to compete in the final test in our province next month.Wang Wei developed his interest in English as a little boy. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and singing English songs. He even won first prize in telling China's stories in English.We are proud of him and wish him a perfect performance in the final test next month.第二节答案:An idea suddenly came into Little Bear's mind. He jumped up and followed his trail of paw prints, knowing that they would lead him out of the forest. Although the walk was long and he was feeling weary, Little Bear forced himself to go on. Finally, he found himself back on the winding footpath. Little Bear knew that this meant he was close to home. He made a final rush, eager to get home quickly.Before long, he saw his familiar wooden cottage. His mother was waiting outside with an anxious look on her face. Little Bear ran into the arms of his mother and hugged her tightly. He apologized for leaving the house without permission. Overwhelmed with relief that her son had returned safe and sound, his mother did not punish him. After the dangerous experience of getting lost in the forest, Little Bear knew that he would not dare to venture out alone again.附:听力录音材料Text 1M: I can’t find my new pen anywhere. I was about to start writing my essay when I noticed it was missing.W: Have you tidied your desk It isn’t very organized.M: I don’t have time. I am due to be playing football later.be about to 即将;刚要;正打算 organized 有条理的 be due to do 预定;预期;预计Text 2M: Are you catching the 12:25 train to New York W: Yes. I booked a taxi for 11:40. It will be here in 20 minutes.catch 赶上(公共汽车、火车、飞机等) book 预约,预订Text 3M: Let’s travel next week and see some more of China. I’d like to go to Shanghai.W: I’ve been there too many times. What about Nanjing Or Guangzhou I’ve never been to these places.M: OK. I’ve never been to Guangzhou, either, so that’s where we’ll go.Text 4W: Would you like to tell us something about your new film and your impression of the director M: I believe it will be very popular. The director is sociable, cooperative, and...sociable 好交际的;合群的;友好的 cooperative 协助的;配合的Text 5W: Don’t feel sad. Your show was fine. You have nothing to worry about.M: I’m not unhappy. I’m just thinking seriously about how I can do better next time. I know good things will come out of this. The next show will be even betterText 6W: All right, tell me what you think.M: Don’t you think it’s a bit bright W: Yeah, maybe you’re right. How about this outfit M: The dress looks lovely on you, but it’s not very practical, is it W: No, I guess I don’t have any plans to go to a formal dance any time soon, but I love the way it looks. What do you think about this It’s casual, yet fashionable.M: I like the jeans, but you need something to go with the top. It’s too plain on its own.W: How about this scarf, these earrings, and this necklace M: That might be going overboard a bit. How about just that scarf with a hand chain W: That’s a good idea. You have a good fashion sense.outfit 全套服装,装束(尤指为某场合或目的) a formal dance 一个正式舞会 fashionable 时髦的 earrings 耳环;耳饰 go overboard 过分Text 7W: Thank you for taking me out to eat, Harry. I’ve never eaten in an American restaurant before.M: You’ll like it. The servers are really nice, and often come back to see if you need anything.W: Well, the situation is quite different from that in my country. In Britain, you order your food, and you never see your server again. Also, you can’t send your food back or refuse to pay for a meal if it’s bad.M: It’s different everywhere. I think it’s just one of those culture things.W: If the service is bad, do I still have to tip in America M: Yes, you have to. It would be considered rude if you didn’t.W: Oh, that is another difference.tip 给……小费Text 8M: Thanks for coming down to the office. Please have a seat. Tell me a bit more about yourself and why you are a good fit for this job.W: I’ve worked for several years with foreign students as an advisor and teacher. I’ve helped both undergraduates and graduate students. And I have experience in creating class content and organizing events and field trips for foreign students.M: Here in the Office for International Student Affairs, we all have many responsibilities. I often say that we all wear many different “hats”. Do you have any computer skills or other special skills W:I’m good at designing web pages and writing research papers.M: Impressive! We also have some irregular hours during busy times of the year. Is that a problem W: No. I am willing to work when needed. What is the starting salary for the position of the foreign student organizer M: The position pays $35,000 a year.W: Oh. I was hoping the salary would be a bit higher...advisor 顾问;指导教师 undergraduate 本科生 field trip(学生)外出活动 hat(双重的)职位,角色(尤指官职或职业角色) irregular 不规律的Text 9W: You’re home late today, Harry. Where were you M: Didn’t you get the message I sent to you I told you that we were going to Peter’s house after school.W: Oh. I haven’t checked. So, what were you doing all this time M: First, we went to Peter’s to have a snack and play some video games. Then we rode our bikes through the park for an hour and came straight home.W: Well, I’m glad you are getting your exercise. It sounds like you have made a lot of friends at school. Who are they M: Peter is my best friend. He plays on the school team and knows a lot about sports. Rick is really cool, too. He is really good at the guitar and has been learning it since he was five years old. Then there is Bobby. He’s the smartest kid in our class.W: That’s good. Listen. Like I said, I’m glad you have made friends and are having fun, but you can’t come home this late. And I have to admit that it makes me nervous when you are riding your bike without a helmet.M: You’re right, but…W: And part of being a good student is to make sure your homework is done before anything else.M: You sound just like Mrs. Hall in class.W: She sounds like a very wise woman.helmet 头盔Text 10W: I used to paint a lot when I was a kid. I started as a baby, drawing things on the walls with my food. Instead of getting mad about it, my parents bought me plenty of art supplies and encouraged me to continue. Soon I had moved up from finger painting to brushes and that’s when the hard work really began. Now, I’m studying painting techniques from all around the world. I didn’t realize until I started this program here at Johnsen University that something as simple as changing the way you hold the brush could make such a huge difference! Even more surprising was learning that artists all across the world have their own methods for everything. In my second term I was given the opportunity to travel to India, where I met a painter who would put half of his painting in the sun. When the paint dried, the places where the light had been, now had lighter colors. Without this program, I’d have never realized that technique was possible. Because of Johnsen University’s main focus, I’m not wasting time with math classes and sciences that I have already taken. Not only are the teachers fantastic, but classes are affordable! I’ve done all this within my first year! I’m learning so much in my time here and if you’re anything like me, then you should consider attending Johnsen University too!instead of 代替;作为……的替换 plenty of 大量;很多 painting techniques 绘画技巧 make such a huge difference 产生巨大影响








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