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eat the air是什么意思

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eat the air eat the air 双语例句 Of the chameleon's dish: I eat the air, promise-crammed - you cannot feed capons so.III,ii,98 /蜥蝪的糖食:我吃的是空气,被空话塞饱了─你喂阉鸡也不能这样罢。 We only go to primary air pavilion in the way that a group of people line up to eat at the Little Sheep is startling, did not think the Japanese like to eat so little fat...我们只是在前往风风亭的途中,看到一群人在排队要吃小肥羊实在是吓我一跳,没想到日本人这麼喜欢吃小肥。。。 She took a cup of strong green tea, and a few delicate fragments of toast the next morning with the same air of quiet relish common to condemned creatures who eat their last meal, while the gaolers look on to see that they do not bite fragments off the crockery, or swallow the teaspoon, or do any other violent act tending to the evasion of Mr. Jack Ketch.第二天早晨她喝了一杯浓浓的绿茶,吃了几片精致的烤面包,津津有味,神色安详,被判处死刑的人们吃最后一餐时往往是这种神情,狱卒们倒从旁看守着他们可别从陶器上咬下几片,或吞下个茶匙,或做出其他暴力行为,借此逃避绞刑吏这一关。 Let the hard-won crystal Shuang V asked me to eat fast food once because he and I, like the castles in the air.好不容易才让晶爽V请我吃一次快餐,因为他也和我一样的画饼充饥的人。 The experts said medical digest, the use of glutinous rice dumplings into warm stagnant air, eating more will add to the burden of gastrointestinal, the elderly and children especially, eat too much is likely to result in dyspepsia caused by abdominal distension, diarrhea and other symptoms.消化内科的专家说,粽子多用糯米做成,性温滞气,吃多了会加重胃肠的负担,老人和儿童更是如此,吃得过量很容易造成消化不良引起腹胀、腹泻等症状。 As the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau high elevation and thin air, and oxygen content is low, there is no pressure cooker, the boiling point of water is low, eat three meals a day are half-cooked rice, long-term malnutrition, coupled with long hours working on the plateau due to many different levels to suffering from altitude sickness.由于青藏高原海拔高,空气稀薄,含氧量低,没有高压锅,开水的沸点低,一日三餐吃的都是夹生饭,长期营养不良,再加上由于长时间在高原工作,许多人不同程度地患上了高原病。 I unbearable ask curiously, that middle age women gives a sigh, saying, old man's house is also hard luck, pulling and dragging children greatly, arrive old but 1 are also unreliable ……we also was parents, old man as long as come, can't help in charity morely, a box of powder always needs to let him eat of-say, the women on the face shows unintentionally this to owe the air of 疚, imitating the 佛 as can provide only a box of powder.我忍不住好奇地问,那中年妇人叹一口气,说,老人家也命苦,把儿女拉扯大了,到老却一个也靠不住……我们也是做了父母的,老人只要来,更多的周济不了,一盒粉总要让他吃的——说着,妇人脸上流露出此许欠疚的神色,仿佛为只能提供区区一盒粉。 Shall the fowls of the air eat: for the LORD hath spoken it.这是耶和华说的。 Mainly infants eat too fast because of the air, causing serious galactorrhea after feeding.主要是吃奶太快吃进空气的缘故,严重的吃奶后造成溢乳。 Apart from this isolated place near the school, a dark green of masson pine, the tree a thick layer of dry Songmao, very Ruanhuo, air, and - a very volatile masson pine scent of pine resin, Shaizhe from Songzhi Louxia between the sun, or Yangmian see a pine tree above the blue of the sky to drop down, are very comfortable, because this can also buy and eat all kinds.这地方除了离学校近,有一片碧绿的马尾松,树下一层厚厚的干了的松毛,很软和,空气好,——马尾松挥发出很重的松脂气味,晒着从松枝间漏下的阳光,或仰面看松树上面蓝得要滴下来的天空,都极舒适外,是因为这里还可以买到各种零吃。 Before leaving for the office, get somefresh air, have a bath, eat a good breakfast.在去办公室之前,呼吸一下新鲜的空气,洗个沐浴,吃顿喜欢的早餐。 Re-established; he scored lying in grass nest, Stomach gave the five organs have to eat the air, hands still tightly briefcase their plots? small basket....再进去;他果然躺在草窠里,肚里的五脏已经都给吃空了,手上还紧紧的捏着那只小篮呢。…… For long time, we are taught that the water we drink is hygeian, the food we eat is safe, and the government says noting about how to prevent the potential threat caused by environmental pollution, also we have no awareness to know about whether our water, air, quality and the food will be hazard to our life.长期以来,我们接受的信息就是我们喝的自来水是卫生的,我们的食物是安全的,政府没有告诉我们应该怎么做才能预防各种因环境污染所造成的潜在威胁,我们也没有意识去了解我们的水质,了解我们的空气质量和我们的食物会不会对我们的生命造成威胁。 The fuel is burnt at firebox and the high temperature is produced. The quantity of heat will conduct to air to be heated through heat exchaange device. Through h eat exchange, the temperature of air is dropped to less than 250℃ and the air wil l be discharge through fan.燃料通过燃料器燃烧,产生高温燃气,并借助具有强化换热措施的热风炉将高温燃气的热量传导给被加热的空气,高温燃气经热量散发后温度降低至250度以下由引风机排放大气。 The black dragon dances in the sky its shadow overcasts the earth grass fire goes out shortly only frogs in the well gloats in the darkness you can feel air suffocate you blood boils in the vein your breath are stifled even worse, the knives over everyone's head new toy - microwave gun is on full operation poor animals are doomed they feel like being trapped in a pen without sunshine without fresh air baked in microoven slowly to die you want to jump off the skycraper you want to cut your vein you want to eat rat medicines it's infernal ordeal let the storm blow harder ruin all the world destroy all the lives let me die let me die黑龙舞蹈在天空中飞翔它有阴天地球阴影草,火就熄灭在gloats只青蛙在黑暗中你可以感觉到空气窒息血液沸腾的静脉你的呼吸被窒息更糟的是,刀子在每个人的脑袋新玩具-微波枪在正式运作可怜的动物是注定要失败的他们觉得被被困在一笔没有阳光没有新鲜的空气 microoven烘烤慢慢死去你要跳摩天大楼也是台北市最醒目的你想剪掉了你的静脉你想要吃的老鼠药它是恶魔的考验让暴风雨刮更加困难毁灭整个世界摧毁所有的生命让我死让我死 This remark vividly reflect the characteristics of the largest Lantern Festival, right, is the Lantern Festival relatives and friends came from all over the Juzaiyikuai joy to children, eat a bowl of hot air with activity because of the glutinous rice balls, the street together to watch people held a grand the dragon procession, viewing from the civilian population creative dance program, enjoy the dazzling aerial Naye joy.这句话生动地体现出了元宵节最大的特点,对,元宵节就是亲戚朋友从五湖四海赶来欢乐地聚在一块儿,吃上一碗热气腾腾的汤圆,结伴到街上观看人们举行的盛大的舞龙***,观赏由平民老百姓创作的歌舞节目,欣赏那夜空中的光彩夺目的火树银花。 This remark vividly reflect the characteristics of the largest Lantern Festival, right, is the Lantern Festival relatives and friends came from all over the Juzaiyikuai joy to children, eat a bowl of hot air with activity becauseof the glutinous rice balls, the street together to watch people held a grand the dragon procession, viewing from the civilian population creative dance program, enjoy the dazzling aerial Naye joy.这句话生动地体现出了元宵节最大的特点,对,元宵节就是亲戚朋友从五湖四海赶来欢乐地聚在一块儿,吃上一碗热气腾腾的汤圆,结伴到街上观看人们举行的盛大的舞龙游行,观赏由平民老百姓创作的歌舞节目,欣赏那夜空中的光彩夺目的火树银花。 This remark vividly reflect the characteristics of the largest lantern festival, right, is the lantern festival relatives and friends came from all over the juzaiyikuai joy to children, eat a bowl of hot air with activity because of the glutinous rice balls, the street together to watch people held a grand the dragon procession, viewing from the civilian population creative dance program, enjoy the dazzling aerial naye joy.这句话生动地体现出了元宵节教师节班会结束语的特点,对,元宵节就是亲戚朋友从五湖四海赶来教师节地聚在一块儿,吃上教师节班会结束语热气腾腾的汤圆,结伴到街上观看人们举行的盛大的舞龙教师节班会结束语,观赏由平民老百姓创作的歌舞中秋节祝福语,欣赏那夜空中的光彩夺目的教师节班会。 The waves eat into them only when they are charged with sand or pebbles. The two-phase flow theory about dust storm's vertical transport, part ⅱ: The air column entrainment model只有挟带沙砾和碎石的波浪,才起侵蚀作用。沙尘暴垂直输运的两相流理论Ⅱ:气柱挟卷模式 Dog days rising temperature, air humidity increased, many people did not loss of appetite, then try to eat some light food, not only to promote the appetite, but also disease prevention.三伏天气温不断升高,空气湿度加大,许多人没有食欲,这时尝试多吃一些清淡食物,不仅可以促进食欲,还能防病。 eat the air 单语例句 The electricity shortage could be more severe in the summer when more air conditioners eat into consumption. Don't wait too long to eat this dish as the horseradish becomes bitter when exposed to air and heat. These pollutants enter our bodies through the water we drink, the air we inhale and the food we eat. eat the air 中文翻译 1 画饼充饥,痴心妄想 相关单词 eat the air 相关单词辨析 dine, gorge, have, swallow, eat, devour, consume 的区别和用法

这组词都有“吃”的意思,其区别是: dine: 正式用词,既可指一日三餐中的任何一餐,也可以指特殊的用餐。 gorge: 侧重指拼命地吃或塞,强调吃饱或吃得过量。 have: 可与eat换用,但强调一次性的动作。 swallow: 主要指吃的整个过程的第二部分“咽”,并常指咀嚼得匆匆忙忙地吃。 eat: 普通用词,使用广泛。既可用于人,也可用于动物。 devour: 指狼吞虎咽地吃,强调吃得既快又彻底。 consume: 侧重痛痛快快地吃得一干二净,可用于人和动物。

attitude, manner, air 的区别和用法

这组词都有“态度、风度”的意思,其区别是: attitude: 普通用词,指对人或事情的看法和采取的行为,多有某种不很明确或不便明说的感情色彩。 manner: 多指某人在某一场合的言谈举止等。 air: 含义广泛。单数形式指某人脸上表现出的心理活动,或言谈举止;复数形式指某人故意做作而摆出的架子。

atmosphere, air, gas 的区别和用法

这些名词均与空气有关。 atmosphere: 指围绕有的星球,特别是围绕地球的空气,即大气层。也可指环境气氛。 air: 指空气,也泛指一般气体。 gas: 指气态物,尤指供燃烧取暖或照明的气体,其中一部分称作瓦斯。

after, behind, at the back of 的区别和用法

这些词均有“在……后面”之意。 after: 和behind用来表地点时,前者强调的是顺序的先后,而后者侧重方向和位置的前后关系。请比较:The student sat after me.那个学生坐在我后面。(我坐在他前面)。The student sat behind me.那学生坐在我背后。after与behind用于指时间时,前者强调时间的先后顺序,而后者则着重于表示“落后……”或“迟于……”的概念。试比较:Who ruled after James I?詹姆斯一世之后是谁统治的?You are forty minutes behind schedule.你比规定的时间迟了40分钟。after多用于表示因时间上的先后而造成顺序的前后场合,behind则常用于仅指位置上的前后关系。请比较:Please shut the door after you.请随手关门。Please shut the door behind you.请关上你身后的门。 at the back of: 这个前置词短语既可指具体的位置的先后,又可用于指抽象的概念。

in the end, at last, finally, at length, lastly, eventually 的区别和用法

这组词都有“最后,终于”的意思,其区别是: in the end: 与at last同义,但in the end不仅可指“过去”还可表示对“未来”的预计。 at last: 多指经主观努力,克服各种困难后才终于达到目的。 finally: 常与at last换用,都可用于对往事的描述,但finally不带感情色彩,指一系列事情的最后结局。 at length: 强调经历一段长时间后终于完成,侧重在时间部分。 lastly: 指连续顺序的最后,通常用在列举事情的场合。 eventually: 侧重于动作或行为的结果。

in front of, in the front of, before 的区别和用法

这组词都有“在……前”的意思,其区别是: in front of: 指在某地方之外的前面,即不在其中,多与静态动词连用,通常可与before通用。 in the front of: 指在某地方之内的前面,即在其中的前部分。 before: 指空间位置或时间的“在……前”。表时间时,反义词为after;指空间位置时,其反义词是behind。






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