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双语新闻播报(November 21)

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双语新闻播报(November 21)

chinadaily.com.cn 2022-11-21 16:50

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> Spanish truck drivers march through capital Madrid西班牙卡车司机再次举行罢工游行


In Spain on Monday, hundreds of truck drivers marched through the capital Madrid protesting road freight rules and the cost of living. 周一(11月14日)西班牙数百名卡车司机在首都马德里游行,抗议公路货运规则和生活成本上涨。

The strike was organized by the platform for the Defense of the Transport Sector, which is made up of self-employed truck drivers and small freight companies, and doesn't have the support of major hauling businesses or Spain's largest unions.这次罢工由一家名为“捍卫运输行业平台”的组织发起。该平台由自营卡车司机和小型货运公司组成,没有得到主要运输企业或西班牙最大工会支持。

Hundreds of protesters marched through central Madrid from Atocha train station to Parliament. 数百名抗议者从阿托查火车站穿过马德里市中心游行至议会。

However, the strikes had a negligible effect on the country's logistics hubs. 然而,罢工对该国的物流中心影响很小。

In March and April, Spain's truckers went on strike, which led to factories running out of supplies and food shortages. The trucking sector obtained a 1 billion euro ($1.03 billion) package that included rebates on the price of diesel fuel and a 1,200 euro cash bonus.3月和4月,西班牙的卡车司机举行罢工导致工厂供应和食品短缺问题, 卡车运输部门获得了10亿欧元的补贴计划,其中包括柴油价格的补贴和1200欧元的现金奖金。

The truckers on Monday's strike said the rebates have been overtaken by rising fuel prices.参加周一罢工的卡车司机说,补贴已经无法抵消不断上涨的燃油价格带来的影响。

> UK, France sign agreement to tackle migrants issue英法签署协议合力解决非法移民问题

French President Emmanuel Macron (left) shakes hands with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, on Monday. Stefan Rousseau/REUTERS

The United Kingdom and France signed an agreement on Monday to tackle the issue of migrants trying to enter the country by crossing the English Channel in small boats. 11月14日,英法两国签署协议,合力解决非法移民乘坐小船穿越英吉利海峡入境英国的问题。

The agreement includes the British government paying France 72.2m euros ($74.5m) toward the cost of patrolling French beaches during 2022 and 2023. 该协议包括英国政府向法国支付7220万欧元(7450万美元),用于支付 2022年到2023年在法国海滩巡逻的费用。

So far this year, more than 40,000 people have crossed the Channel to enter the UK illegally, up from 28,526 in all of 2021. 今年到目前为止,已有超过4万人越过英吉利海峡非法进入英国,高于2021年全年的28526。

According to government figures, between May and September this year, Albanians made up 42 percent of people coming across. 根据政府数据,今年5月到9月期间,阿尔巴尼亚人口占入境难民的42%。

Concern over the issue has put pressure on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. 非法移民问题引发的担忧给英国首相里希•苏纳克带来不少压力。

After arriving in Bali for the G20 summit, he said: "I'm confident that we can get the numbers down, but I also want to be honest with people… that it isn't a single thing that will magically solve this. We can't do it overnight. " 在抵达巴厘岛参加G20峰会后,他说,“我有信心我们可以把人数降下来,但实话实说,光凭这一个协议并不能一夜之间就奇迹般地解决这个问题”

>Coffee beans produced by Ye Ping sent to UN as gift云南咖农叶萍带着她的咖啡豆走进联合国

Farmers dry out coffee beans at Tianyu's cultivation area in Yunnan province. WANG BANGXU/FOR CHINA DAILY


Ye Ping, who is from the Va ethnic group in Yunnan province, led her fellow villagers in growing coffee 12 years ago. 12年前,云南的佤族姑娘叶萍开始带领村里的姐妹种咖啡。

For the first eight years, Ye never drank coffee herself. 起初的八年,她自己从未喝过咖啡。

In order to improve the quality of Yunnan coffee, she started studying how to recognize its characteristics and tried to cultivate it further, even winning first prize in an industry competition. 后来,为提升云南咖啡的品质,她学着品鉴香气,尝试改良,还获得行业大赛第一名。

Last year, Ye's coffee beans were sent to the United Nations as a gift. 去年,叶萍的咖啡豆被当作礼物走进了联合国。

"My goal is to let the world know that China can produce its own good coffee,” she said.叶萍表示,“我的目标是让全国、全世界的人能知道我们中国也能产出自己的好咖啡!”

In 2018, Ye took part in a training program organized by the Yunnan Coffee Exchange and the US-based Coffee Quality Institute. 2018年,她参加了一个云南国际咖啡交易中心和美国机构咖啡品质学会(CQI)组织的培训课程。

After the course, she gradually learned how to appreciate the unique characteristics of different coffee. 经过培训,她也逐渐学会了如何品鉴咖啡的香气。

In 2011, Ye Ping founded her Tianyu brand of coffee. 2011年,叶萍创立了自己的咖啡品牌:天宇。

It now has more than 200 farmers in its agricultural cooperative, and the cultivation area exceeds 134 hectares, she said. 她表示,现在该品牌的农业合作社有200多名农民,种植面积超过134公顷。

With increasingly advanced planting technologies and higher-quality local coffee beans, her company ships its product to renowned coffee chains such as Starbucks and Manner Coffee, a new Shanghai-based chain. 随着越来越先进的种植技术和更高质量的咖啡豆,她的公司开始将产品送往星巴克和上海的Manner Coffee等国内知名咖啡连锁店销售。

The coffee beans produced by Ye were sent to the Security Council of the United Nations as a gift in May 2021.2021年5月,叶萍的咖啡豆被当作礼物赠送给联合国安理会成员国代表。

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