搜索引擎RAG召回效果评测MTEB介绍与使用入门 您所在的位置:网站首页 搜索召回英文怎么写 搜索引擎RAG召回效果评测MTEB介绍与使用入门


2024-07-18 02:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

RAG 评测数据集建设尚处于初期阶段,缺乏针对特定领域和场景的专业数据集。市面上常见的 MS-Marco 和 BEIR 数据集覆盖范围有限,且在实际使用场景中效果可能与评测表现不符。目前最权威的检索榜单是 HuggingFace MTEB,今天我们来学习使用MTEB,并来评测自研模型recall效果。

MTEB 是一个包含广泛文本嵌入(Text Embedding)的基准测试,它提供了多种语言的数十个数据集,用于各种 NLP 任务,例如文本分类、聚类、检索和文本相似性。MTEB 提供了一个公共排行榜,允许研究人员提交他们的结果并跟踪他们的进展。MTEB 还提供了一个简单的 API,允许研究人员轻松地将他们的模型与基准测试进行比较。

安装使用 pip install mteb 使用入门 最简单的用法就是,直接编写python代码来测试 (see scripts/run_mteb_english.py and mteb/mtebscripts for more): from mteb import MTEB from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer # Define the sentence-transformers model name model_name = "average_word_embeddings_komninos" model = SentenceTransformer(model_name) evaluation = MTEB(tasks=["Banking77Classification"]) results = evaluation.run(model, output_folder=f"results/{model_name}") 也可以使用官方提供的 CLI mteb --available_tasks mteb -m average_word_embeddings_komninos \ -t Banking77Classification \ --output_folder results/average_word_embeddings_komninos \ --verbosity 3 高级用法 测试数据集选择


按task_type任务类型(例如“聚类”或“分类”) evaluation = MTEB(task_types=['Clustering', 'Retrieval']) # Only select clustering and retrieval tasks 按类别划分, 例如“句子到句子 "S2S" (sentence to sentence) "P2P" (paragraph to paragraph) evaluation = MTEB(task_categories=['S2S']) # Only select sentence2sentence datasets 按照文本语言 evaluation = MTEB(task_langs=["en", "de"]) # Only select datasets which are "en", "de" or "en-de"


from mteb.tasks import AmazonReviewsClassification, BUCCBitextMining evaluation = MTEB(tasks=[ AmazonReviewsClassification(langs=["en", "fr"]) # Only load "en" and "fr" subsets of Amazon Reviews BUCCBitextMining(langs=["de-en"]), # Only load "de-en" subset of BUCC ])


from mteb import MTEB_MAIN_EN evaluation = MTEB(tasks=MTEB_MAIN_EN, task_langs=["en"]) 自定义评测 split

有的数据集有多个split,评测会比较耗时,可以指定splits,来减少评测时间,比如下面的就指定了只用test split。

evaluation.run(model, eval_splits=["test"]) 自定义评测模型

如果想自定义评测模型,可以自定义一个类,只要实现一个encode函数,输入是一个句子列表,返回的是一个嵌入向量列表(嵌入可以是np.array、torch.tensor等)。可以参考 mteb/mtebscripts repo 仓库。

class MyModel(): def encode(self, sentences, batch_size=32, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of embeddings for the given sentences. Args: sentences (`List[str]`): List of sentences to encode batch_size (`int`): Batch size for the encoding Returns: `List[np.ndarray]` or `List[tensor]`: List of embeddings for the given sentences """ pass model = MyModel() evaluation = MTEB(tasks=["Banking77Classification"]) evaluation.run(model)

如果针对query和corpus需要使用不同的encode方法,可以独立提供encode_queries and encode_corpus两个方法。

class MyModel(): def encode_queries(self, queries, batch_size=32, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of embeddings for the given sentences. Args: queries (`List[str]`): List of sentences to encode batch_size (`int`): Batch size for the encoding Returns: `List[np.ndarray]` or `List[tensor]`: List of embeddings for the given sentences """ pass def encode_corpus(self, corpus, batch_size=32, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of embeddings for the given sentences. Args: corpus (`List[str]` or `List[Dict[str, str]]`): List of sentences to encode or list of dictionaries with keys "title" and "text" batch_size (`int`): Batch size for the encoding Returns: `List[np.ndarray]` or `List[tensor]`: List of embeddings for the given sentences """ pass 自定义评测Task(数据集)



from mteb import MTEB from mteb.abstasks.AbsTaskReranking import AbsTaskReranking from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer class MindSmallReranking(AbsTaskReranking): @property def description(self): return { "name": "MindSmallReranking", "hf_hub_name": "mteb/mind_small", "description": "Microsoft News Dataset: A Large-Scale English Dataset for News Recommendation Research", "reference": "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2019/03/nl4se18LinkSO.pdf", "type": "Reranking", "category": "s2s", "eval_splits": ["validation"], "eval_langs": ["en"], "main_score": "map", } model = SentenceTransformer("average_word_embeddings_komninos") evaluation = MTEB(tasks=[MindSmallReranking()]) evaluation.run(model) 源码分析 Retrieval召回评测


def __init__( self, queries: Dict[str, str], # qid => query corpus: Dict[str, str], # cid => doc relevant_docs: Dict[str, Set[str]], # qid => Set[cid] corpus_chunk_size: int = 50000, mrr_at_k: List[int] = [10], ndcg_at_k: List[int] = [10], accuracy_at_k: List[int] = [1, 3, 5, 10], precision_recall_at_k: List[int] = [1, 3, 5, 10], map_at_k: List[int] = [100], show_progress_bar: bool = False, batch_size: int = 32, name: str = "", score_functions: List[Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]] = { "cos_sim": cos_sim, "dot": dot_score, }, # Score function, higher=more similar main_score_function: str = None, limit: int = None, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.queries_ids = [] for qid in queries: if qid in relevant_docs and len(relevant_docs[qid]) > 0: self.queries_ids.append(qid) if limit and len(self.queries_ids) >= limit: break self.queries = [queries[qid] for qid in self.queries_ids] self.corpus_ids = list(corpus.keys()) self.corpus = [corpus[cid] for cid in self.corpus_ids] self.relevant_docs = relevant_docs self.corpus_chunk_size = corpus_chunk_size self.mrr_at_k = mrr_at_k self.ndcg_at_k = ndcg_at_k self.accuracy_at_k = accuracy_at_k self.precision_recall_at_k = precision_recall_at_k self.map_at_k = map_at_k self.show_progress_bar = show_progress_bar self.batch_size = batch_size self.name = name self.score_functions = score_functions self.score_function_names = sorted(list(self.score_functions.keys())) self.main_score_function = main_score_function


- queries: Dict[str, str],  # qid => query qid到query的dict   - corpus: Dict[str, str],  # cid => doc docid到doc的dict   - relevant_docs: Dict[str, Set[str]],  # qid => Set[cid] qid到相关docid的dict



def compute_metrics(self, model, corpus_model=None, corpus_embeddings: torch.Tensor = None) -> Dict[str, float]: if corpus_model is None: corpus_model = model max_k = max( max(self.mrr_at_k), max(self.ndcg_at_k), max(self.accuracy_at_k), max(self.precision_recall_at_k), max(self.map_at_k), ) # Compute embedding for the queries logger.info("Encoding the queries...") # We don't know if encode has the kwargs show_progress_bar kwargs = { "show_progress_bar": self.show_progress_bar } if "show_progress_bar" in inspect.signature(model.encode).parameters else {} query_embeddings = np.asarray(model.encode(self.queries, batch_size=self.batch_size, **kwargs)) queries_result_list = {} for name in self.score_functions: queries_result_list[name] = [[] for _ in range(len(query_embeddings))] # Iterate over chunks of the corpus logger.info("Encoding chunks of corpus, and computing similarity scores with queries...") for corpus_start_idx in trange( 0, len(self.corpus), self.corpus_chunk_size, desc="Corpus Chunks", disable=not self.show_progress_bar, ): # Encode chunk of corpus if corpus_embeddings is None: corpus_end_idx = min(corpus_start_idx + self.corpus_chunk_size, len(self.corpus)) sub_corpus_embeddings = np.asarray(corpus_model.encode( self.corpus[corpus_start_idx:corpus_end_idx], batch_size=self.batch_size, )) else: corpus_end_idx = min(corpus_start_idx + self.corpus_chunk_size, len(corpus_embeddings)) sub_corpus_embeddings = corpus_embeddings[corpus_start_idx:corpus_end_idx] # Compute cosine similarites for name, score_function in self.score_functions.items(): pair_scores = score_function(query_embeddings, sub_corpus_embeddings) # Get top-k values pair_scores_top_k_values, pair_scores_top_k_idx = torch.topk( pair_scores, min(max_k, len(pair_scores[0])), dim=1, largest=True, sorted=False, ) pair_scores_top_k_values = pair_scores_top_k_values.cpu().tolist() pair_scores_top_k_idx = pair_scores_top_k_idx.cpu().tolist() for query_itr in range(len(query_embeddings)): for sub_corpus_id, score in zip( pair_scores_top_k_idx[query_itr], pair_scores_top_k_values[query_itr], ): corpus_id = self.corpus_ids[corpus_start_idx + sub_corpus_id] queries_result_list[name][query_itr].append({"corpus_id": corpus_id, "score": score}) # Compute scores logger.info("Computing metrics...") scores = {name: self._compute_metrics(queries_result_list[name]) for name in self.score_functions} return scores model(embedding模型),corpus_model(如果doc用单独的embedding模型,需要传入这个参数,否则默认使用和query一样的model) 首先会计算query_embedding query_embeddings = np.asarray(model.encode(self.queries, batch_size=self.batch_size, **kwargs)) 然后计算corpus_embeddings 通过score_function,计算tok_k, 结果放到queries_result_list 根据召回结果计算指标_compute_metrics, 会计算"mrr@k", "ndcg@k", "accuracy@k", "precision_recall@k", "map@k"等指标 Reranking 精排


class RerankingEvaluator(Evaluator): """ This class evaluates a SentenceTransformer model for the task of re-ranking. Given a query and a list of documents, it computes the score [query, doc_i] for all possible documents and sorts them in decreasing order. Then, MRR@10 and MAP is compute to measure the quality of the ranking. :param samples: Must be a list and each element is of the form: - {'query': '', 'positive': [], 'negative': []}. Query is the search query, positive is a list of positive (relevant) documents, negative is a list of negative (irrelevant) documents. - {'query': [], 'positive': [], 'negative': []}. Where query is a list of strings, which embeddings we average to get the query embedding. """ def __init__( self, samples, mrr_at_k: int = 10, name: str = "", similarity_fct=cos_sim, batch_size: int = 512, use_batched_encoding: bool = True, limit: int = None, **kwargs, ):



samples:必须是一个列表,每个元素的形式为: {'query': '', 'positive': [], 'negative': []}。查询是搜索查询,正文档是相关(正面)文档的列表,负文档是无关(负面)文档的列表。 {'query': [], 'positive': [], 'negative': []}。其中查询是一个字符串列表,我们将这些字符串的平均嵌入作为查询嵌入。 mrr_at_k:默认值为10,表示计算MRR时考虑的前k个结果。 name:默认值为空字符串,表示评估器的名称。 similarity_fct:默认值为cos_sim,表示用于计算相似度的函数。

在compute_metrics_batched 计算得分,还是计算的cos得分,这里相当于直接计算的embedding的排序能力,如果要计算cross模型的排序能力,默认的代码不适用,需要重新定制。



评测自研模型的召回能力 —— 自定义模型 自定义评测集,对比开源模型和自研模型的效果 —— 自定义评测任务 自研模型召回效果评测


from mteb import MTEB import onnxruntime as ort from paddlenlp.transformers import AutoTokenizer import math from tqdm import tqdm # 模型路径 model_path = "onnx/fp16_model.onnx" tokenizer_path = "model_520000" class MyModel(): def __init__(self, use_gpu=True): providers = ['CUDAExecutionProvider'] if use_gpu else ['CPUExecutionProvider'] sess_options = ort.SessionOptions() self.predictor = ort.InferenceSession( model_path, sess_options=sess_options, providers=providers) self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer_path) def encode(self, sentences, batch_size=64, **kwargs): all_embeddings = [] # 向上取整 batch_count = math.ceil(len(sentences) / batch_size) for i in tqdm(range(batch_count)): # 按batch sub_sentences = sentences[i * batch_size : min(len(sentences), (i + 1) * batch_size)] features = self.tokenizer(sub_sentences, max_seq_len=128, pad_to_max_seq_len=True, truncation_strategy="longest_first") vecs = self.predictor.run(None, features.data) all_embeddings.extend(vecs[0]) return all_embeddings





{     "query": "《1984》是什么",     "data": [         {             "title": "《1984》介绍-知乎",             "summary": "《1984》是伪装成小说的政治思想...",             "url": "",             "id": 5031622209044687985,             "answer": "完全相关",             "accuracy": "无错",             "result": "good"         }     ] }


class SSRetrieval(AbsTaskRetrieval): @property def description(self): return { 'name': 'SSRetrieval', 'description': 'SSRetrieval是S研发部测试团队准备的召回测试集', 'type': 'Retrieval', 'category': 's2p', 'json_path': '/data/xapian-core-1.4.24/demo/result.json', 'eval_splits': ['dev'], 'eval_langs': ['zh'], 'main_score': 'recall_at_10', } def load_data(self, **kwargs): if self.data_loaded: return self.corpus = {} # doc_id => doc self.queries = {} # qid => query self.relevant_docs = {} # qid => Set[doc_id] query_index = 1 with open(self.description['json_path'], 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: if "完全相关" not in line: continue line = json.loads(line) query = line['query'] query_id = str(query_index) self.queries[query_id] = query query_index = query_index + 1 query_relevant_docs = [] for doc in line['data']: doc_id = str(doc['id']) self.corpus[doc_id] = {"title": doc["title"], "text": doc["summary"]} if doc['answer'] == "完全相关": if query_id not in self.relevant_docs: self.relevant_docs[query_id] = {} self.relevant_docs[query_id][doc_id] = 1 # debug使用 # if query_index == 100: # break self.queries = DatasetDict({"dev": self.queries}) self.corpus = DatasetDict({"dev": self.corpus}) self.relevant_docs = DatasetDict({"dev": self.relevant_docs}) self.data_loaded = True 用自定义模型,评测自定义任务 if __name__ == '__main__': model = MyModel() # task_names = [t.description["name"] for t in MTEB(task_types='Retrieval', # task_langs=['zh', 'zh-CN']).tasks] task_names = ["SSRetrieval"] for task in task_names: model.query_instruction_for_retrieval = None evaluation = MTEB(tasks=[task], task_langs=['zh', 'zh-CN']) evaluation.run(model, output_folder=f"zh_results/256_model", batch_size=64) 总结

mteb 最为embedding召回效果测试,是一个权威的榜单,本身提供的工具框架也具备较好的扩展性,方便开发者自定义模型和自定义评测任务。






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