用三个词形容中国,听听比尔•盖茨、骆家辉怎么说? 您所在的位置:网站首页 描述外国文化的句子英文 用三个词形容中国,听听比尔•盖茨、骆家辉怎么说?


2024-07-16 13:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





Bill Gates speaks at Peking University in Beijing, on March 24, 2017. [Photo by Zhu Xingxin/chinadaily.com.cn]

China is "committed", "ambitious" and "vital", according to Microsoft founder Bill Gates.在微软创始人比尔•盖茨看来,可以用“勇于承担义务”、“雄心勃勃”、“至关重要”这三个词来形容中国。

"Committed, because as much as any other country over the past few years, China has shown a commitment to health and development both at home and abroad. Ambitious, because of the targets it has set for itself, including wiping out extreme poverty by 2020. And vital, because we need an engaged and responsible China if we are to rid the world of what we call 'solvable human misery'," he responded.盖茨表示,“勇于承担义务,是因为过去几年,中国与其他任何一个国家一样,展示出了提升健康水平、推动国家发展的决心,不论在国内还是国外都是如此。雄心勃勃,是因为中国为自己设定了宏大的发展目标,包括到2020年消除极端贫困。至关重要,是因为我相信如果全世界要摆脱‘可以解决的人类苦难’,我们需要一个积极参与其中的、负责任的中国。”


Former US ambassador to China Gary Locke talks with China Daily during an exclusive interview. [File photo/China Daily]

Gary Locke, the former US ambassador to China, said it was important to reflect that China was building a new modernity while also not forgetting the foundation of its ancient culture.前美国驻华大使骆家辉表示,我们要看到,中国正在建设一个新的现代化国家,同时也不要忘记其古老文化的根基。这一点很重要。

"I would say 'modern', 'ancient' and 'energetic'. China is on the move," he responded.他说会用“现代”、“古老”和“干劲十足”来形容中国。中国正在前进中。


Kerry Brown [File photo from web]

Leading China expert Kerry Brown, director of the Lau Institute at King's College London and author of the new book China's World about China's increasing global role, described China as "dynamic", "complex" and "aspirational".权威中国问题专家、英国国王学院刘氏中国研究院院长克里•布朗将中国描述为“有活力”、“错综复杂”和“志存高远”。布朗新近出版了一本关于中国日益提高的全球地位的书《中国的世界》。

He said he wanted the words to reflect just how important China is to the rest of the world.他说,他希望这些字眼能够反映出中国对世界其他国家的重要性。


Scott Kennedy [Photo from CRI Online]

Scott Kennedy, deputy director of the Freeman Chair in China Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, was one of those who said it was difficult to avoid the word "big" when it came to China, although he also went for "competitive" and "offering variety", the last choice taking into account the diversity of the country.华盛顿战略和国际研究中心中国研究项目副主任甘思德表示,谈到中国很难逃过“大”这个字,不过他还用了“有竞争力”和“提供多样化选择”这样的字眼,选择“提供多样化选择”是因为中国本身的多样性。

"China is big. It's not just big geographically and in terms of its number of people but also on its effect on the global economy, markets and security issues. Anything you study about China has to start with its size," he responded. 他表示:“中国很大。中国不仅幅员辽阔,人口众多,而且对世界经济、市场和安全问题也在产生巨大的影响。任何和中国有关的研究都要从‘大’字着眼。”


Sir Gerry Grimstone[File photo from web]

Sir Gerry Grimstone, chairman of Standard Life, the UK insurance company, and former chairman of The-CityUK, a trade body for the UK's financial services sector, stressed "opportunity" as well as "exciting" and "powerful", because of the potential for UK-China business following Xi's state visit to the UK in October 2015.英国标准人寿保险公司董事长、英国金融服务行业贸易机构The-CityUK前董事长杰瑞•格林斯通爵士突出了“机遇”、“激动人心”和“强有力”这三个词,因为在2015年10月习近平主席对英国进行国事访问后,中英之间的商务往来就展现出无穷的潜力。

"The visit marked an improvement in the relations between the two countries and the beginning of a new 'golden era' of cooperation," he responded.他表示:“习主席的这次访问标志着两国关系的提升,也象征着中英合作新‘黄金时代’的开端。”


Steve Mollenkopf [File photo/IC]

Steve Mollenkopf, chief executive officer of Qualcomm, the US semiconductor and telecommunications giant, chose "green" alongside "innovative" and "collaborative".美国半导体和电信巨头高通公司首席执行官史蒂夫•莫伦科夫用“绿色、创新、协同”三个词形容今天的中国。

"The Chinese government has attached great importance to ecological protection. During my recent visits to China, I have been impressed by the considerable efforts toward improving the environment."“中国政府十分重视生态保护。我几次到访中国,他们大力改善环境的做法让我印象深刻。”


Curt Ferguson [File photo from web]

"Globalization" was one of the selections of Curt Ferguson, president of the Chinese arm of Coca-Cola, which remains one of the world's most global companies.可口可乐公司大中华区总裁冯广晟选择的一个词是“全球化”。该公司是世界上最国际化的企业之一。

"China has become a champion of globalization. We are very fortunate to have had the opportunity to forge strong local partnerships to serve Chinese consumers and share our experience of managing a truly international business in more countries and regions than there are members of the United Nations."“中国已经成为全球化的捍卫者。我们很庆幸有机会与中国建立强大的本土合作关系,为中国消费者提供服务,并分享作为一个业务分布的国家及地区比联合国成员还要多的跨国企业的管理经验。”


Angel Gurria [File photo/Agencies]

Angel Gurria, the former Mexican foreign affairs and finance minister and now secretary-general of the Paris-based OECD, emphasized "innovative" as well as "dynamic" and "flexible".总部位于巴黎的经济合作与发展组织秘书长安吉尔•古里亚强调说,他心中有关中国的三个关键词是“创新”、“活力”和“变通”。他曾担任墨西哥外交部长和财政部长。

"One of the most visible changes in China is the abundance of internet-based services, including mobile payments and shared economy services," he responded.他表示:“中国最明显的变化之一就是互联网服务随处可见,比如移动支付、共享经济等。”

"These innovations have changed Chinese people's lives, well ahead of many other more economically advanced countries."“这些创新改变了中国人的生活,领先于很多经济更发达的国家。”


Colin Mackerras [File photo from web]

Colin Mackerras, a Sinologist and emeritus professor at Griffith University in Australia, selected "prosperous", "confident" and "stronger", since all three, he says, are reflected in Xi's style of leadership.澳大利亚格里菲斯大学名誉教授、汉学家马克林选择的三个关键词是“繁荣”、“自信”和“更强大”。他说,这三个关键词在习近平总书记的领导风格中都有所体现。

"He stands out among contemporary world leaders for his rationality and common sense. He is very impressive."“他的理性和判断力在当代世界领导人中出类拔萃,让人赞赏。”








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