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BASIC v2.7


教程&快速上手 UIFlow UIFlow UIFlow 本教程将向你介绍, 如何通过 UIFlow 图形化编程平台控制 Basic 设备 Arduino IDE Arduino IDE Arduino IDE 本教程将向你介绍, 如何通过 Arduino IDE 编程控制 Basic 设备 Micropython Micropython Micropython 本教程将向你介绍, 如何通过 Micropython 编程控制 Basic 设备 描述

BASIC 是一款高性价比的物联网入门级主控。采用乐鑫ESP32芯片, 搭载2个低功耗 Xtensa® 32-bit LX6 微处理器,主频高达240MHz.板载16M FLASH 内存组合, 集成2.0英寸全彩高清IPS显示面板、扬声器、TFCard槽等外设.全覆盖外壳, 即便是在复杂的工业应用场景也能够保障电路运行的稳定性.内部总线提供多种常用接口资源(ADC/DAC/I2C/UART/SPI等),底部总线15x IO引出, 可拓展性强. 适用于各种产品原型研发、工业控制、智能楼宇应用场景.

高度产品化: 精致外观设计, 原型开发直接对应产品落地 产品级全覆盖外壳, 电路运行更稳定 低代码开发: 支持UIFlow图形化编程平台、脚本化、免编译、云推送 全面兼容Arduino、ESP32-IDF等主流开发平台 支持FreeRTOS,借助双核与多任务机制,高效组织任务逻辑,优化程序的执行效率. 高集成度: 2.0英寸IPS显示面板、扬声器、自定义按键x3 内置锂电池供电、集成电源管理芯片, 支持TypeC接口 经过专业调制的射频电路, 提供稳定可靠的无线通信质量 强拓展性: 15x IO引出 轻松接入M5Stack的软硬件体系、可堆叠模块设计、即插即用的传感器拓展

开关机操作:开机:单击左侧红色电源键关机:快速双击左侧红色电源键USB供电:默认情况下, USB供电时,无法进行关机

产品特性 基于ESP32开发 16M FLASH 集成全彩高清IPS显示面板与多种硬件外设 丰富资源接口, 兼容M5Stack堆叠模块体系与传感器体系, 可拓展性极强. 采用 M5CORE BOTTOM底座 内置锂电池, 15x IO引出. 兼容多平台开发: UIFlow MicroPython Arduino .NET nanoFramework 包含 1x BASIC 10x 杜邦线 1x Type-C USB(20cm) 1x 使用手册 1x 贴纸 应用 物联网控制器 创客DIY作品 智能家居控制 规格参数 规格 参数 ESP32-D0WDQ6-V3 240MHz dual core, 600 DMIPS, 520KB SRAM, Wi-Fi Flash 16MB 输入电源 5V @ 500mA 接口 TypeC x1, I2C x1 IO G21,G22,G23,G19, G18, G3, G1, G16, G17, G2, G5, G25, G26, G35, G36 按键 物理按键 x 3 LCD屏幕 2.0"@320*240 ILI9342C IPS面板, 最高亮度853nit 扬声器 1W-0928 USB芯片 CH9102F 天线 2.4G 3D天线 电池 110mAh @ 3.7V 净重 47.2g 毛重 93g 产品尺寸 54mm x 54mm x 18mm 包装尺寸 95 x 65 x 25mm 外壳材质 Plastic ( PC ) 驱动安装

点击下方连接下载匹配操作系统的驱动程序。目前存在两种驱动芯片版本,CP210X(适用于CP2104版本)/CP34X(适用于CH9102版本)驱动程序压缩包.在解压压缩包后,选择对应操作系统位数的安装包进行安装。(若您不确定您的设备所使用的USB芯片, 可同时安装两种驱动。CH9102_VCP_SER_MacOS v1.7在安装过程中,可能出现报错,但实际上已经完成安装,忽略即可。) 在使用时,若出现无法正常下载程序(提示超时或者是Failed to write to target RAM)的情况,可尝试重新安装设备驱动。

驱动名称 适用驱动芯片 下载链接 CP210x_VCP_Windows CP2104 Download CP210x_VCP_MacOS CP2104 Download CP210x_VCP_Linux CP2104 Download CH9102_VCP_SER_Windows CH9102 Download CH9102_VCP_SER_MacOS v1.7 CH9102 Download EasyLoader


Download Windows Version Easyloader Download MacOS Version Easyloader



LCD 屏幕 & TF 卡

LCD 像素:320x240 TF 卡最大支持 16GB


按键 & 喇叭

ESP32 Chip GPIO39 GPIO38 GPIO37 GPIO25 按键引脚 BUTTON A BUTTON B BUTTON C 喇叭 / / / 喇叭引脚

GROVE 接口 A & IP5306

电源管理芯片 (IP5306) 是定制 I2C 版本,它的 I2C 地址是 0x75.点击 这里 查看 IP5306 的寄存器手册.



充电 放电 0.00 ~ 3.40V -> 0% 4.20 ~ 4.07V -> 100% 3.40 ~ 3.61V -> 25% 4.07 ~ 3.81V -> 75% 3.61 ~ 3.88V -> 50% 3.81 ~ 3.55V -> 50% 3.88 ~ 4.12V -> 75% 3.55 ~ 3.33V -> 25% 4.12 ~ / -> 100% 3.33 ~ 0.00V -> 0% PORT PORT PIN 备注: PORT-A(红色) G21/22 I2C PORT-B(黑色) G26/36 DAC/ADC PORT-C(蓝色) G16/17 UART ESP32 ADC/DAC ADC1 ADC2 DAC1 DAC2 8 通道 10 通道 2 通道 2 通道 G32-39 G0/2/4/12-15/25-27 G25 G26 M-BUS M_BUS

有关引脚分配和引脚重新映射的更多信息,请参考 ESP32 datasheet

原理图 原理图 相关链接


ESP32 ILI9342C IP5306


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Analog-Style Digital Voltage Meter on M5Stack Analog-Style Digital Voltage Meter on M5Stack Analog-Style Digital Voltage Meter on M5Stack A simple, analog-style digital tester (voltage meter, DVM) created using the compact development module M5Stack. M5Stack and MIT App Inventor M5Stack and MIT App Inventor M5Stack and MIT App Inventor Make cool App controllable projects with ease by combining M5Stack, Tuniot and MIT App inventor. Execute Logo on M5Stack ESP32 Basic with MicroPython Execute Logo on M5Stack ESP32 Basic with MicroPython Execute Logo on M5Stack ESP32 Basic with MicroPython Use your M5Stack ESP32 Basic to receive little Logo programs via MQTT and show the results. RTC Modules with M5Stack RTC Modules with M5Stack RTC Modules with M5Stack Out of the M5Stack family only the M5StickC has an inbuilt RTC. 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M5Stack Christmas Homebrew game M5Stack Christmas Homebrew game M5Stack Christmas Homebrew game We have programmed a game to give to children. CovidStop CovidStop CovidStop A technology which increases efficiency in signing in or out during peak hour areas when entering the campus while the SafeEntry implies. M5Stack Christmas M5 Tree M5Stack Christmas M5 Tree M5Stack Christmas M5 Tree This year's Christmas, I decorated the tree with M5Stack devices. M5Stack synchronizing the colors with Unity M5Stack synchronizing the colors with Unity M5Stack synchronizing the colors with Unity I tried to communicate with Unity-M5Stack via WebSocket. M5Stack is a gadget with a built-in ESP32 module that enables Wi-Fi commun M5Stack Christmas with M5Scratch M5Stack Christmas with M5Scratch M5Stack Christmas with M5Scratch Scratch Cat want to catch Xmas gift. So you control giftbox for Scratch Cat!! This project use M5Stack and Scratch 1.4 with M5Scratch. MAK127SP Stepper focuser with M5Stack MAK127SP Stepper focuser with M5Stack MAK127SP Stepper focuser with M5Stack I was able to control the focus adjustment of the telescope mak127 sp by the stepping motor which connected to M5Stack. 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Emergency DIY Ventilator Emergency DIY Ventilator Emergency DIY Ventilator ReaMima, is the open and free hardware design so that anyone can help by building respirators with easily available materials. Social Distancing LED Social Distancing LED Social Distancing LED The "Social Distancing LED" that alerts you when someone gets too close within 2m. Remote control from OBS and M5GO using mqtt and OBS websock Remote control from OBS and M5GO using mqtt and OBS websock Remote control from OBS and M5GO using mqtt and OBS websock I used mqtt to control the switching of the scene of OBS moving on PC from other devices. Multi function AI punch the clock base on M5Stack Multi function AI punch the clock base on M5Stack Multi function AI punch the clock base on M5Stack Realize the "offline cloud platform" interaction function of operation information based on mqtt information transmission technology Protective Pudding Protective Pudding Protective Pudding Technology to protect puddle pudding! 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M5Stack X Micro:bit M5Stack X Micro:bit M5Stack X Micro:bit M5Stack and Micro:bit can control each other, thanks to the M5:Bit M5Stack IMU M5Stack IMU M5Stack IMU Tilt left and right to move the ball Simple Watch Device Simple Watch Device Simple Watch Device Make a simple watch device using UIFlow. Desk-Robot Assistant Based on M5Stick-V and M5Stack Desk-Robot Assistant Based on M5Stick-V and M5Stack Desk-Robot Assistant Based on M5Stick-V and M5Stack This project is based on the use of the development system M5StickV, for the classification of emotions. M5ezWatch M5ezWatch M5ezWatch M5Stack ESP32 Basic Core based maker watch. M5Stack with Blynk M5Stack with Blynk M5Stack with Blynk Using UIFlow and Blynk to complete the interaction experiment Pulse oximeter with alert function Pulse oximeter with alert function Pulse oximeter with alert function Making a pulse oximeter with alert function based on M5Stack Basic and LPWA Network. M5 Mini Hackathon M5 Mini Hackathon M5 Mini Hackathon A inner maker competition of M5Stack. 案例程序 Arduino 点击 这里 获得Arduino示例 相关视频

M5Stack 的简介

版本变更 上市日期 产品变动 备注 2017.7 首次发售(Core1.4) / 2019.7 TN屏幕变更为IPS屏幕(Core2.2) 请将您的M5Stack库升级到最新版本(v0.2.8以上),以解决屏幕反色问题 2020.3 电池容量150mAh变更为110mAh(Core2.4) / 2020.6 flash大小由4MB变更为16MB(Core2.5) / 2021.10 升级v2.7版本, 屏幕改为玻璃屏,显示更清晰;Grove口增加了升压功能,稳定5.1v输出,带负载更稳定

注意:2018.2APCB版本的设备不支持C2C(TypeC to TypeC)连接及PD供电。






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